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So what are necros supposed to be good at?


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Am I the only one happy about necro's nerf?


Seriously, scourge needed that nerf. And it's still strong and cancer...I did a lot of ranked these 2 days and if necro plays well he can still deal a lot of damage. Now it's just less retarded and a little more skilled. It's not just about rollfacing anymore :p. Sure it's more difficult than before, because of his nerf, and because of buff of some supports classes (scrapper for example)...but necro and especially scourge are not dead.

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No because they were nerfed into the ground and we are punching bags again in pvp and a mockery in pve.Maybe necros needed a bit of a nerf for scourge for pvp but not to the point of being ruined.Also:How much of it was because of bias from players who hate necros and condi corrupt? we won't know.


Would you be happy if engis got nerfed and became punching bags for everyone? thats what we have become.

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> @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> Am I the only one happy about necro's nerf?


> Seriously, scourge needed that nerf. And it's still strong and cancer...I did a lot of ranked these 2 days and if necro plays well he can still deal a lot of damage. Now it's just less kitten and a little more skilled. It's not just about rollfacing anymore :p. Sure it's more difficult than before, because of his nerf, and because of buff of some supports classes (scrapper for example)...but necro and especially scourge are not dead.


I feel like they could have upped the punishment while adding the cast time warning meaning that it would also require the skill of foes to move accordingly or be punished harder than before if they didnt.


I dont even like scourge as a reaper/core necro fan and i thought the cast time inclusion with no compensation from the previous patches or this one was too much.

The fact that they even did this on a pur defensive skill is just mind blowing to me now that ive seen some one point that out.


For example if every single profession skill gained a half second delay such as mesmer shatters or engi tool belt skills just to warn other players they were going to do something. No one would be happy with it without being compensated in some way. Its not so much that the nerf was needed the problem is that there was no compensation for it along with the fact that this has happened several times in a row in the past with core and reaper changes.


Maybe its cancer because you cant simply face roll it or soak it like you do every other profession or that players simply refuse to try new things to learn how to play against scourge.

I dont think scourge is cancer strong I dont think it has been for some weeks now. In reality in most situations you dont die instantly and if you do even start to bring up WvW well yeah because in WvW stuff happens that wont happen in any other game mode. So yes if 3+ scourges happen to aim at your section of the zerg and you die well what did you expect for staying so bunched up or standing in their shades/elites. Ive full on watched people/teams fight a scourge standing under a shade +elite + desert shroud and then have the nerve to try and say it has no counter.


When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail.

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> @"Dragoth.7153" said:

> Warrior: Multiweapon class with decent dps, strong and unique support (boons and banners, hp and heavy armor.

> Berserker: Condi variant of warrior, with great condi dps and bursty feel.

> Spellbreaker: PvP focused "disabler" that really feels good.


> Elementalist: Best DPS class with tons of skills and strong and unique support (boons and auras)

> Tempest: Support/dps/healer with even better acces to auras.

> Weaver: Fun to play mage class with ability to combine element. Greatest dps in game.


> Revenant: Recently fixed multi-role warrior. Support/Healer and both condi and power DPS

> Herald: Unique boon support mechanic, great as power dps too. Accest to tons of boons.

> Renegade: Support/Condi DPS. Can be anything with really good efficency.


> Guardian: Supportive paladin. Good DPS, Aegis mechanic, can carry newbs.

> Dragonhunter: Amazing DPS/Trapper with great power. Very good in endgame pve and pvp.

> Firebrand: Similar to renegade, it can be both support and dps. OP in PvP.


> Ranger: Fun pet user class with great versatility. Unique boons(spirits), good power and condi dps.

> Druid: Best healer+support class in game, now probably similar to healing renegade/venatari. Acces to spirits makes him auto-included in endgame pve.

> Soulbeast: Very strong condi dps with some supportive abilities as well.


> Mesmer: Illusionist mage with mobility skills. Mass invisibility and portals anyone? Class mechanic great in pvp.

> Chronomancer: So far best tank in game with very needed aclarity+quickness+aegis combo, makes him auto-included in endgame pve.

> Mirage: Strong DPS and great "feel" of class.


> Engineer: Versatile gadget user. Can be realy anything

> Scraper: Now reworked, a tank with access to great party supportive/healing skills. Great in PvP.

> Holosmith: Amazing dps, fun to play, feels a bit easier than core engi.


> Thief: Hit and Run dps with a lot of invisibility skills and amazing mobility

> Daredevil: Meele dps with enhanced evasion. Great as condi

> Deadeye: Ranged focused power dps with some supportive abilities. Now boosted to be really good.


> Necromancer: Outperformed in every way by other classes: Low dps, almost zero support. Necromancer-themed minions are just bad.

> Reaper: This class was never explained how should actually work. Promised as power dps, was a condi solo dps for years. Now its just a bad and slow power dps.

> Scourge: Target for all nerfs. Supposed to be support but its so bad that i lack words to describe it. Doesn't deal dmg too.



> B**andaid fixes:**

> Core necro: Enhance all corruption skills to be twice as effective. Other classes have access to stronger condi utilites and our corruptions deals dmg to ourself and are worse in most cases. They should be enchanced by 200% minimum.

> Rework Minions. Make F2-F5 skills that will enhance their skills/heal them using our life force.

> Add a minion, pernament or summonable with Life Force.


> Reaper: If its meant to be power dps it should get higher numbers than Deadeye now. Ranged weapons always meant to deal less dmg than meele, because its harder to get to the enemy sometimes. Plus necro is really immobile, thus all reaper skills should be greatly enchanced. If Deadeye with suboptimal rotation can deal 31dps then reaper should do 34 minimum. Whats more, reaper should deal even more than meele thief because thief has superior mobility, allowing to close gaps,teleport to and from enemies and such. Reaper is a sitting duck so if he somehow gets to enemy, he should smash.


> Scourge: Here. We have support/condi dps elites in form of Renegade and Firebrand. We have pure condi in form of Soulbeast and Mirage. We have full support in form of Cronomancer and Druid. Few exaplmes how to fix scourge:


> - If it should be support/condi then dps should be equal to firebrand and mirage at their best. Supportive skills should generate full stacks of at least 4 different boons. On top of it, there should be 1-2 unique boons, synergised with Scourge. Boosting Vampiric Presence and scaling it with power does not help at all.

> - If it meant to be pure support, then barrier generation should get some necro-unique enchancements. Make barrier convert to HP after decay (or 50% of it, 75% when traited?). Make insta-kill raidboss skills deal 100% HP dmg, thus making barrier the way to survive them. Killing gorseval is easy with dps, surviving world eater with necro barrier could be funnier than button-mashing. Remove dps-increase traits. Give unique boons instead. Make Shade skills a god-tier in condi management. Rework F5, give us ability to channel our Life Force for permanent barrier party-wide. On top of that, scourge should generate might, fury, quickness, protection, renegeration and vigor. Replace elite skill with non-dmg support skill. Bring back condi removal in PvE.

> - If devs could remember what they once said... (necro cant get dps because shroud give too much survivability...) scrap all that support kittens out of this class and make it pure condi dps. Scourge doesn't have shroud anymore so it should be able to deal dps equal to that of other condi dps (or even more, because it feels like necro should be condi-god).




> I main necro for more than 5 years now. I dropped the game soon after i realised that my class is unwanted and instakicked from dungeons back in core game. I came back because reaper was promising. Dropped game again because it was nerfed hard in PvE (because of pvp/wvw players complains) useless in team pve content. A class witn no identity, power dps being better as condi and only when alone. Came back again to see that promised support-condi dps scourge only to be hit by nerfs soon after release (because of PvP/wvw players complains). And again and again. And once more. Scourge barely alive? Let's nerf MORE! It still moves? NERF!!! Old forgotten Scraper was reworked, necro dropped from trash tier to kitten tier. Time to leave the game, waiting for another elite class promise. To see how fun it will be in exp3 beta and how hard it will be nerfed soon after in PvE (because of PvP and WvW players complains).



I agree with everything said here. Every other class has more utility more survivability and more options when it comes to the game, especially end game pve. Been playing a necro since launch and OMG the ONLY TIME we ever were on par with the damage of every other class was PoF launch, and only then (for pvp maybe the chillomancer but that got nerfed fast and hard)


these last nerfs hurt sustainability, ability to counter burst from theives and mesmers, and the condi dps in raids. This patch hurt necro's back into a blah tier. The "master of conditions and corruptions" gets spent more time dragged through the dirt than anyone else.


on a separate note, i hear mesmer mains all the time complain about how much their class changed, and oh no its back to power in pvp and staff in pve. And omg it's so boring. Fine then, ever mesmer whos tired of an easy win and rotation go play a necro and get trashed on all the time

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> @"Squall Link.5412" said:

> Am I the only one happy about necro's nerf?


> Seriously, scourge needed that nerf. And it's still strong and cancer...I did a lot of ranked these 2 days and if necro plays well he can still deal a lot of damage. Now it's just less kitten and a little more skilled. It's not just about rollfacing anymore :p. Sure it's more difficult than before, because of his nerf, and because of buff of some supports classes (scrapper for example)...but necro and especially scourge are not dead.


No one is saying the nerfs werent needed.. But the fact we know they can skill split and haven't for a starters basically makes pouring acid into ones eyes less painful then being necro atm anywhere.

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> @"Dragoth.7153" said:

> Warrior: Multiweapon class with decent dps, strong and unique support (boons and banners, hp and heavy armor.

> Berserker: Condi variant of warrior, with great condi dps and bursty feel.

> Spellbreaker: PvP focused "disabler" that really feels good.


> Elementalist: Best DPS class with tons of skills and strong and unique support (boons and auras)

> Tempest: Support/dps/healer with even better acces to auras.

> Weaver: Fun to play mage class with ability to combine element. Greatest dps in game.


> Revenant: Recently fixed multi-role warrior. Support/Healer and both condi and power DPS

> Herald: Unique boon support mechanic, great as power dps too. Accest to tons of boons.

> Renegade: Support/Condi DPS. Can be anything with really good efficency.


> Guardian: Supportive paladin. Good DPS, Aegis mechanic, can carry newbs.

> Dragonhunter: Amazing DPS/Trapper with great power. Very good in endgame pve and pvp.

> Firebrand: Similar to renegade, it can be both support and dps. OP in PvP.


> Ranger: Fun pet user class with great versatility. Unique boons(spirits), good power and condi dps.

> Druid: Best healer+support class in game, now probably similar to healing renegade/venatari. Acces to spirits makes him auto-included in endgame pve.

> Soulbeast: Very strong condi dps with some supportive abilities as well.


> Mesmer: Illusionist mage with mobility skills. Mass invisibility and portals anyone? Class mechanic great in pvp.

> Chronomancer: So far best tank in game with very needed aclarity+quickness+aegis combo, makes him auto-included in endgame pve.

> Mirage: Strong DPS and great "feel" of class.


> Engineer: Versatile gadget user. Can be realy anything

> Scraper: Now reworked, a tank with access to great party supportive/healing skills. Great in PvP.

> Holosmith: Amazing dps, fun to play, feels a bit easier than core engi.


> Thief: Hit and Run dps with a lot of invisibility skills and amazing mobility

> Daredevil: Meele dps with enhanced evasion. Great as condi

> Deadeye: Ranged focused power dps with some supportive abilities. Now boosted to be really good.


> Necromancer: Outperformed in every way by other classes: Low dps, almost zero support. Necromancer-themed minions are just bad.

> Reaper: This class was never explained how should actually work. Promised as power dps, was a condi solo dps for years. Now its just a bad and slow power dps.

> Scourge: Target for all nerfs. Supposed to be support but its so bad that i lack words to describe it. Doesn't deal dmg too.



> B**andaid fixes:**

> Core necro: Enhance all corruption skills to be twice as effective. Other classes have access to stronger condi utilites and our corruptions deals dmg to ourself and are worse in most cases. They should be enchanced by 200% minimum.

> Rework Minions. Make F2-F5 skills that will enhance their skills/heal them using our life force.

> Add a minion, pernament or summonable with Life Force.


> Reaper: If its meant to be power dps it should get higher numbers than Deadeye now. Ranged weapons always meant to deal less dmg than meele, because its harder to get to the enemy sometimes. Plus necro is really immobile, thus all reaper skills should be greatly enchanced. If Deadeye with suboptimal rotation can deal 31dps then reaper should do 34 minimum. Whats more, reaper should deal even more than meele thief because thief has superior mobility, allowing to close gaps,teleport to and from enemies and such. Reaper is a sitting duck so if he somehow gets to enemy, he should smash.


> Scourge: Here. We have support/condi dps elites in form of Renegade and Firebrand. We have pure condi in form of Soulbeast and Mirage. We have full support in form of Cronomancer and Druid. Few exaplmes how to fix scourge:


> - If it should be support/condi then dps should be equal to firebrand and mirage at their best. Supportive skills should generate full stacks of at least 4 different boons. On top of it, there should be 1-2 unique boons, synergised with Scourge. Boosting Vampiric Presence and scaling it with power does not help at all.

> - If it meant to be pure support, then barrier generation should get some necro-unique enchancements. Make barrier convert to HP after decay (or 50% of it, 75% when traited?). Make insta-kill raidboss skills deal 100% HP dmg, thus making barrier the way to survive them. Killing gorseval is easy with dps, surviving world eater with necro barrier could be funnier than button-mashing. Remove dps-increase traits. Give unique boons instead. Make Shade skills a god-tier in condi management. Rework F5, give us ability to channel our Life Force for permanent barrier party-wide. On top of that, scourge should generate might, fury, quickness, protection, renegeration and vigor. Replace elite skill with non-dmg support skill. Bring back condi removal in PvE.

> - If devs could remember what they once said... (necro cant get dps because shroud give too much survivability...) scrap all that support kittens out of this class and make it pure condi dps. Scourge doesn't have shroud anymore so it should be able to deal dps equal to that of other condi dps (or even more, because it feels like necro should be condi-god).




> I main necro for more than 5 years now. I dropped the game soon after i realised that my class is unwanted and instakicked from dungeons back in core game. I came back because reaper was promising. Dropped game again because it was nerfed hard in PvE (because of pvp/wvw players complains) useless in team pve content. A class witn no identity, power dps being better as condi and only when alone. Came back again to see that promised support-condi dps scourge only to be hit by nerfs soon after release (because of PvP/wvw players complains). And again and again. And once more. Scourge barely alive? Let's nerf MORE! It still moves? NERF!!! Old forgotten Scraper was reworked, necro dropped from trash tier to kitten tier. Time to leave the game, waiting for another elite class promise. To see how fun it will be in exp3 beta and how hard it will be nerfed soon after in PvE (because of PvP and WvW players complains).



Exactly this. Thats why i stop flaying this bullshit class. Necro feels like a piece of sh.it, that noone want to have in hands, cause its slimy and it smells awful.


Anet just fails at their own explanation of what the class should do.

Let me show you in an extra post.


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Here is why anet failed their concept of necromancer:


Core necro: "Necromancers are masters of the dark arts. They summon the dead to fight for them, channel blood energy and rend their enemies' souls. Necromancers draw on life force and use it to strengthen or heal themselves and others. As a scholar profession, necromancers wear light armor." Thats from gw2 wiki.


Can core necro do anything like this? No it cant. The lifeforcegain is way too low, he doesnt strenghten or heal allies for a good amount. He cant channel blood energy. And he does everything but rending isnt in his kit.


Reaper: "An inexorable force on the battlefield, the reaper empowers itself enough to wield a cleaving greatsword to harvest its foes. Slow and hard-hitting, these deadly combatants call out the impending doom of their enemies with piercing shouts. Upon accumulating sufficient life force, they can enter the reaper’s shroud, a deadly form that grants them a dark scythe of malevolent energy and the abilities to match it. Capable of heavily afflicting their victims with chill and other conditions, the reaper wades into melee receiving and dealing blows knowing nothing can save its foes!"


Hey at least one point they did right: its slow.

But it hits like a wet noodle, compared to what other classes can do.

Inexorable?- well everything can stop reaper, cause no movement and easy to cc.

Heavily afflicting with chill? - not anymore.

Dealing blows? Yeah we can hit them - sometimes

Knowing nothing can save them? - oh everything can save them. Cause every other class has enough mobility, dmg mitigation, or heal to neutralize reapers attacks


Scourge: "Scourges channel their life force into the desert sands to summon biddable shades that damage enemies and create shields for their allies. They use punishment skills to torment their enemies, and wield torches to light the path to their destruction."


Well yeah we can create shields. But now we have casttime on every shield. So we need to know, what the enemy does next, and we cant react to something that will come. Awful for pvp modes

Light the path to their destruction? Necro cant destroy anything, except his own healthbar

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> Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.


No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.


Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.


Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.



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> @"obcan.1470" said:

> > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.


> No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.


> Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.


> Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.



You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.


We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.


Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> >

> > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> >

> > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> >

> > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.



> You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.


> We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.


> Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?




I wish it was thrashed. What Holo does in pvp is absolute bullshit. In PvE Engi is dead to me since condi engi has same dps as necro. Also what is far off about easy to play and easy to learn? Do I have to repeat my story of learning DPS rotation on necro? Or do I have to remind you that necro has 2x more hp than ele guard thief 1.5x more hp than ranger mesmer engi. Basically only class that matches your hp is warrior. And on top of that you have death shroud, which for some reason in pvp recharges fast enough for necro to use it twice in 1 fight and on scourge it actually never runs out. Also one more for that easy aspect. There is literally trait that auto pops your shroud when your hp falls below i think 15 % hp. Devs gave you trait so you dont have to think. Also what tools have you lost? I fought scourge today and he still corrupted all my might to 110 seconds of weakness, because you know, I took my time and effort to stack it up. Bunch of crybabies? Whole forums were flooded by NERF SCOURGE ALREADY posts. Thats more like army of crybabys. Also, 2x necro 1x firebrand every single fucking game was totaly fine by you. Changing your spells accordingly because of enemies is not exclusive to necros, reason why noone else did it till now was, there was almost 100% chance of enemy team running scourge+fb, so why bother changing my condi cleanses anyway. You swapped your spells because enemy ran something else than necro. We never swapped because you never ran something else than necro.


"There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel." whole pvp wasnt fun to play thanks to necro. Now there are more than 2 classes.

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> @"obcan.1470" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > >

> > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > >

> > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > >

> > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> >

> >

> > You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.

> >

> > We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.

> >

> > Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?

> >

> >


> I wish it was thrashed. What Holo does in pvp is absolute kitten. In PvE Engi is dead to me since condi engi has same dps as necro. Also what is far off about easy to play and easy to learn? Do I have to repeat my story of learning DPS rotation on necro? Or do I have to remind you that necro has 2x more hp than ele guard thief 1.5x more hp than ranger mesmer engi. Basically only class that matches your hp is warrior. And on top of that you have death shroud, which for some reason in pvp recharges fast enough for necro to use it twice in 1 fight and on scourge it actually never runs out. Also one more for that easy aspect. There is literally trait that auto pops your shroud when your hp falls below i think 15 % hp. Devs gave you trait so you dont have to think. Also what tools have you lost? I fought scourge today and he still corrupted all my might to 110 seconds of weakness, because you know, I took my time and effort to stack it up. Bunch of crybabies? Whole forums were flooded by NERF SCOURGE ALREADY posts. Thats more like army of crybabys. Also, 2x necro 1x firebrand every single kitten game was totaly fine by you. Changing your spells accordingly because of enemies is not exclusive to necros, reason why noone else did it till now was, there was almost 100% chance of enemy team running scourge+fb, so why bother changing my condi cleanses anyway. You swapped your spells because enemy ran something else than necro. We never swapped because you never ran something else than necro.


> "There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel." whole pvp wasnt fun to play thanks to necro. Now there are more than 2 classes.


Just because you pvp don't mean pve should be ruined because of bads.Also:There are a lot of bads in pvp unranked who cry all the time.I mean all you had to do is "AVOID THE SHADES!!!" if you can range which a lot do like:Rangers,eles, mesmers. And or use your superior mobility like thieves warriors and eles to win.Also keep in mind necro was being carried by firebrands a lot, because we lack invulns mobility moves and other stuff to carry ourselves for long.Also:Killing a class in pvp shouldn't kill a class in pve.IF we are going by that route, why not just delete necro? I still don't agree with you.Its too much like world of warcraft carebear crybabies mode again.IN wow someone cries nerf because they are bads and don't know how to counter it and it gets nerfed L2PLAY!!! i didn't go around asking for thief S/D to be nerfed, and yes i play thief too(In fact i played thief in pvp)




Also:Reaper shroud has short duration now because it sacrificed duration for dps but because of that, it sacrifices itself to do more dps and makes itself more of a glass cannon)


I'm not going around asking for holo to get nerfed.

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> @"obcan.1470" said:

> > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.


> No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.


> Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.


> Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.




Honestly what you do wrong is wasting your time playing against an immobile golem to learn a class. Help yourself fight with all profession, your like a schoolboy that never worked but think he know everything about every jobs. If you ever tried each professions you'd know all of their frustrating limitations and all their strength. It's obvious that you didn't.


I've played steadily all professions since launch (well revenant appeared at hot he is an exception) and I can garantie you than absolutely none of the professions are harder to play. In the 1st year of core game the elementalist was almost doing everything in a group, be it damage, support or even tanking hit, you'd learn at this moment you'd never say it's hard. It's just a matter of whether or not you find your rythm. The only thing that the elementalist couldn't do was providing stealth by himself. It took me less than 3 dungeon run to learn the profession and find the rythm. 45 minutes. And I am not a great player by any mean.


At that time the necromancer had no damage, no condi damage, no combo, it's field were more of an hindrance than anything and he had virtually no mobility. Even at that time you'd be lucky to find a group as a necromancer. In PvP it wasn't even good at anything.


Then came _phallanx strength_ which simplified a lot the elementalist job. No seriously you think that the elementalist is hard to play and your not even using it to build might, fury, swiftness, heal and deal damage at the same time... Still, at that time the elementalist due to it's greater firepower even while doing the support thing was still prefered over a PS warrior in optimized group.


The end of the elementalist era came with HoT. Oh it didn't became harder to play, no it's just the oposite, it became way easier to play again. Most of the elementalists took bad haits from the tempest, that's why you feel like it's harder to play than other profession. The player's skills have grown lazy.


While all of this happen, you knw what the necromancer was doing? WvW. The only area where it's tools have a tiny bit of use. The necromancer is stuck in a niche were he corrupt boons. Yes it's not a novel thing, it's just that anet, over the years, piled up boon corruption over boon corruption on this poor thing that is the necromancer to strengthen a rotting niche whose only advantage is that it piss of players that are overly dependant of boons.


Is the necromancer easy or hard to play? Against an immobile target it's very easy yes, against a moving target that deal damage it's as hard as an elementalist to play. Against a sentient entity it's need a lot more wits because the necromancer is not a swift professions like other professions and that's where lie it's weakness.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > > >

> > > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > > >

> > > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > > >

> > > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> > >

> > >

> > > You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.

> > >

> > > We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.

> > >

> > > Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I wish it was thrashed. What Holo does in pvp is absolute kitten. In PvE Engi is dead to me since condi engi has same dps as necro. Also what is far off about easy to play and easy to learn? Do I have to repeat my story of learning DPS rotation on necro? Or do I have to remind you that necro has 2x more hp than ele guard thief 1.5x more hp than ranger mesmer engi. Basically only class that matches your hp is warrior. And on top of that you have death shroud, which for some reason in pvp recharges fast enough for necro to use it twice in 1 fight and on scourge it actually never runs out. Also one more for that easy aspect. There is literally trait that auto pops your shroud when your hp falls below i think 15 % hp. Devs gave you trait so you dont have to think. Also what tools have you lost? I fought scourge today and he still corrupted all my might to 110 seconds of weakness, because you know, I took my time and effort to stack it up. Bunch of crybabies? Whole forums were flooded by NERF SCOURGE ALREADY posts. Thats more like army of crybabys. Also, 2x necro 1x firebrand every single kitten game was totaly fine by you. Changing your spells accordingly because of enemies is not exclusive to necros, reason why noone else did it till now was, there was almost 100% chance of enemy team running scourge+fb, so why bother changing my condi cleanses anyway. You swapped your spells because enemy ran something else than necro. We never swapped because you never ran something else than necro.

> >

> > "There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel." whole pvp wasnt fun to play thanks to necro. Now there are more than 2 classes.


> Just because you pvp don't mean pve should be ruined because of bads.


PvE was not ruined. You still have reaper that still does 30k dps and nothing changed about that.


Also:There are a lot of bads in pvp unranked who cry all the time.I mean all you had to do is "AVOID THE SHADES!!!"


You know what is funny about this one? Shades are as big as the point you are trying to capture. And capture the point is one and only game mode in pvp. So what you are saying, all you had to do, was give up.


if you can range which a lot do like:Rangers,eles, mesmers.


Ranger either goes bunker build, in which case it wont do shit, yeah ele could go sc/wh full burst, but if you fail to kill that necro, you will die. Nothing to it, you will die. And ye mesmers. Class that was designed to duel beating you up shouldnt be a surprise. However, class that is made for teamfighting(scourge), dueling almost every other class in 1v1s is just fucking retarded. You play warrior? You will die to scourge 1v1, you play sword ele? you will die to scourge 1v1, You play auramancer? you will fuck your whole team up by buffing them, you play thief with dagger/x? you will die to scourge 1v1, and I could go on and on. You know very well that scourge could beat most classes 1v1.


And or use your superior mobility like thieves warriors and eles to win.


To run on point, and there is other scourge. Great. Now they have 2 scourges on 2 different points, and only counterplay I have, is to avoid shades, ergo, give up.


Also keep in mind necro was being carried by firebrands a lot,


Yes. But dont pretend that untill scourge+fb duo meta was everywhere, necro was 1v1 killing everyone anyway. 2 Scourges were common before scourge + fb became a thing.


because we lack invulns mobility moves and other stuff to carry ourselves for long.


You have barriers, you have most base hp, you play condi for gods sake. You need 2 stats to deal damage, condi duration and condi damage, you can put rest to defense unlike power classes that need 3 stats with no defense againist condi. Also funny that you bring up mobility after saying that necros design is to bring enemies to your level. Because its funny how mobile ele is untill necro criples him for 3 days with and adds 17 stacks of torment.


Also:Killing a class in pvp shouldn't kill a class in pve.


You still have reaper. But if you want to cry, go ask mesmers how they feel about confusion rework.


IF we are going by that route, why not just delete necro?


Dream come true to 8 out of 9 people playing pvp. Dream come true to any elite PvE player without stable group.


I still don't agree with you.


Cool, but you cant deny necro was overtuned and what they did was completely justified for the amount of cancer and aids everyone else had to suffer for months.


Its too much like world of warcraft carebear crybabies mode again.IN wow someone cries nerf because they are bads and don't know how to counter it and it gets nerfed L2PLAY!!!


I dont care about wow, bot im gona tell you a secret. There is nothing to learn to play about necro. He stands on point, you cant capture it. You are either ranged or not. Thats how you counterplay necro. You either give up because you will loose no matter what you do, or you kill him because he cant get to you. There is nothing else to it. There is no skill.


i didn't go around asking for thief S/D to be nerfed, and yes i play thief too(In fact i played thief in pvp)


Dont worry others do it for you.




Elementalist got sword, has to play melee, looses ability to fully attune when he needs it, eles sword dps is absolute garbage, it isnt tanky, has terrible CC. What did ele gain?


> Also:Reaper shroud has short duration now because it sacrificed duration for dps but because of that, it sacrifices itself to do more dps and makes itself more of a glass cannon)


> I'm not going around asking for holo to get nerfed.


But it honestly should.



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> @"obcan.1470" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > > > >

> > > > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > > > >

> > > > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.

> > > >

> > > > We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.

> > > >

> > > > Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I wish it was thrashed. What Holo does in pvp is absolute kitten. In PvE Engi is dead to me since condi engi has same dps as necro. Also what is far off about easy to play and easy to learn? Do I have to repeat my story of learning DPS rotation on necro? Or do I have to remind you that necro has 2x more hp than ele guard thief 1.5x more hp than ranger mesmer engi. Basically only class that matches your hp is warrior. And on top of that you have death shroud, which for some reason in pvp recharges fast enough for necro to use it twice in 1 fight and on scourge it actually never runs out. Also one more for that easy aspect. There is literally trait that auto pops your shroud when your hp falls below i think 15 % hp. Devs gave you trait so you dont have to think. Also what tools have you lost? I fought scourge today and he still corrupted all my might to 110 seconds of weakness, because you know, I took my time and effort to stack it up. Bunch of crybabies? Whole forums were flooded by NERF SCOURGE ALREADY posts. Thats more like army of crybabys. Also, 2x necro 1x firebrand every single kitten game was totaly fine by you. Changing your spells accordingly because of enemies is not exclusive to necros, reason why noone else did it till now was, there was almost 100% chance of enemy team running scourge+fb, so why bother changing my condi cleanses anyway. You swapped your spells because enemy ran something else than necro. We never swapped because you never ran something else than necro.

> > >

> > > "There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel." whole pvp wasnt fun to play thanks to necro. Now there are more than 2 classes.

> >

> > Just because you pvp don't mean pve should be ruined because of bads.


> PvE was not ruined. You still have reaper that still does 30k dps and nothing changed about that.


> Also:There are a lot of bads in pvp unranked who cry all the time.I mean all you had to do is "AVOID THE SHADES!!!"


> You know what is funny about this one? Shades are as big as the point you are trying to capture. And capture the point is one and only game mode in pvp. So what you are saying, all you had to do, was give up.


> if you can range which a lot do like:Rangers,eles, mesmers.


> Ranger either goes bunker build, in which case it wont do kitten, yeah ele could go sc/wh full burst, but if you fail to kill that necro, you will die. Nothing to it, you will die. And ye mesmers. Class that was designed to duel beating you up shouldnt be a surprise. However, class that is made for teamfighting(scourge), dueling almost every other class in 1v1s is just kitten kitten. You play warrior? You will die to scourge 1v1, you play sword ele? you will die to scourge 1v1, You play auramancer? you will kitten your whole team up by buffing them, you play thief with dagger/x? you will die to scourge 1v1, and I could go on and on. You know very well that scourge could beat most classes 1v1.


> And or use your superior mobility like thieves warriors and eles to win.


> To run on point, and there is other scourge. Great. Now they have 2 scourges on 2 different points, and only counterplay I have, is to avoid shades, ergo, give up.


> Also keep in mind necro was being carried by firebrands a lot,


> Yes. But dont pretend that untill scourge+fb duo meta was everywhere, necro was 1v1 killing everyone anyway. 2 Scourges were common before scourge + fb became a thing.


> because we lack invulns mobility moves and other stuff to carry ourselves for long.


> You have barriers, you have most base hp, you play condi for gods sake. You need 2 stats to deal damage, condi duration and condi damage, you can put rest to defense unlike power classes that need 3 stats with no defense againist condi. Also funny that you bring up mobility after saying that necros design is to bring enemies to your level. Because its funny how mobile ele is untill necro criples him for 3 days with and adds 17 stacks of torment.


> Also:Killing a class in pvp shouldn't kill a class in pve.


> You still have reaper. But if you want to cry, go ask mesmers how they feel about confusion rework.


> IF we are going by that route, why not just delete necro?


> Dream come true to 8 out of 9 people playing pvp. Dream come true to any elite PvE player without stable group.


> I still don't agree with you.


> Cool, but you cant deny necro was overtuned and what they did was completely justified for the amount of cancer and aids everyone else had to suffer for months.


> Its too much like world of warcraft carebear crybabies mode again.IN wow someone cries nerf because they are bads and don't know how to counter it and it gets nerfed L2PLAY!!!


> I dont care about wow, bot im gona tell you a secret. There is nothing to learn to play about necro. He stands on point, you cant capture it. You are either ranged or not. Thats how you counterplay necro. You either give up because you will loose no matter what you do, or you kill him because he cant get to you. There is nothing else to it. There is no skill.


> i didn't go around asking for thief S/D to be nerfed, and yes i play thief too(In fact i played thief in pvp)


> Dont worry others do it for you.

> >



> Elementalist got sword, has to play melee, looses ability to fully attune when he needs it, eles sword dps is absolute garbage, it isnt tanky, has terrible CC. What did ele gain?


> > Also:Reaper shroud has short duration now because it sacrificed duration for dps but because of that, it sacrifices itself to do more dps and makes itself more of a glass cannon)

> >

> > I'm not going around asking for holo to get nerfed.


> But it honestly should.




Ele can easily kill scourge right now. You wont be able to hit a good played sword weaver more than 5 times in a fight. And these hits he will just heal off.


Gim.e that sword for my necro. I would gladly trade it in for my shroud

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As it so happens i play ele as well, and i can tell you thats a lie.


As a ELE you can play tempest and go aoe.In fact Tempest is good as a aoe dps.I heard weaver is better for small targets and tempest is better for large targets and huge groups of enemies.


Also:Despite how squishy they are, they got lots of tools that are quite good, like stability on scepter on earth, speed from tornado attack and from overload lightning.You can gain stability as well from overload earth, so yeah you got plenty of tools there.Even though they are super squishy you can't deny they do serious damage.When i did fractals i was doing so much damage on my ele it was crazy good.


Also even if i heard that staff sucks, the lightning jump around move with ELE is AMAZING!!! It wasn't staff could have been either focus or horn first.


Tempest has a really high value in metabattle as well, for fractals.


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> >

> > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> >

> > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> >

> > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> >

> >


> Honestly what you do wrong is wasting your time playing against an immobile golem to learn a class. Help yourself fight with all profession, your like a schoolboy that never worked but think he know everything about every jobs. If you ever tried each professions you'd know all of their frustrating limitations and all their strength. It's obvious that you didn't.


> I've played steadily all professions since launch (well revenant appeared at hot he is an exception) and I can garantie you than absolutely none of the professions are harder to play. In the 1st year of core game the elementalist was almost doing everything in a group, be it damage, support or even tanking hit, you'd learn at this moment you'd never say it's hard. It's just a matter of whether or not you find your rythm. The only thing that the elementalist couldn't do was providing stealth by himself. It took me less than 3 dungeon run to learn the profession and find the rythm. 45 minutes. And I am not a great player by any mean.


> At that time the necromancer had no damage, no condi damage, no combo, it's field were more of an hindrance than anything and he had virtually no mobility. Even at that time you'd be lucky to find a group as a necromancer. In PvP it wasn't even good at anything.


> Then came _phallanx strength_ which simplified a lot the elementalist job. No seriously you think that the elementalist is hard to play and your not even using it to build might, fury, swiftness, heal and deal damage at the same time... Still, at that time the elementalist due to it's greater firepower even while doing the support thing was still prefered over a PS warrior in optimized group.


> The end of the elementalist era came with HoT. Oh it didn't became harder to play, no it's just the oposite, it became way easier to play again. Most of the elementalists took bad haits from the tempest, that's why you feel like it's harder to play than other profession. The player's skills have grown lazy.


> While all of this happen, you knw what the necromancer was doing? WvW. The only area where it's tools have a tiny bit of use. The necromancer is stuck in a niche were he corrupt boons. Yes it's not a novel thing, it's just that anet, over the years, piled up boon corruption over boon corruption on this poor thing that is the necromancer to strengthen a rotting niche whose only advantage is that it kitten of players that are overly dependant of boons.


> Is the necromancer easy or hard to play? Against an immobile target it's very easy yes, against a moving target that deal damage it's as hard as an elementalist to play. Against a sentient entity it's need a lot more wits because the necromancer is not a swift professions like other professions and that's where lie it's weakness.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> >

> > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> >

> > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> >

> > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> >

> >


> Honestly what you do wrong is wasting your time playing against an immobile golem to learn a class. Help yourself fight with all profession, your like a schoolboy that never worked but think he know everything about every jobs. If you ever tried each professions you'd know all of their frustrating limitations and all their strength. It's obvious that you didn't.


No, I played mostly 2 classes, engi and ele. I played Power PS long ago, I played condi PS when it was still okay, I also played and have fully geared druid and mesmer. All for PvE. I played power Daredevil, not cancerous 2 spamming condi, I played ranger before I started running meta. I have played power revenant when it was the most garbage class in roster and I enjoyed it. I played Reaper for whole month when HoT came out, and I am telling you. My friends who I did fractals with couldnt be more glad that I swapped to ele. Not because I was bad at necro (as if it was possible), there is simply so much you can do with class that was made tankier than all other classes, easier than all other classes. I know frustration of light classes, getting oneshot when others surive with half hp, I know limitations condi engi, doing mediocore dps with harderst rotation in the game. But I for sure dont know what kind of frustration you guys can have playing necro.


> I've played steadily all professions since launch (well revenant appeared at hot he is an exception) and I can garantie you than absolutely none of the professions are harder to play. In the 1st year of core game the elementalist was almost doing everything in a group, be it damage, support or even tanking hit, you'd learn at this moment you'd never say it's hard. It's just a matter of whether or not you find your rythm. The only thing that the elementalist couldn't do was providing stealth by himself. It took me less than 3 dungeon run to learn the profession and find the rythm. 45 minutes. And I am not a great player by any mean.


So according to you, my main should be necro because the rhytm you are talking about came to me on necro in 1/20th of the time in comparison to ele. Cool.


> At that time the necromancer had no damage, no condi damage, no combo, it's field were more of an hindrance than anything and he had virtually no mobility. Even at that time you'd be lucky to find a group as a necromancer. In PvP it wasn't even good at anything.


Necro, was made for soloing content. I dont understand why it is so hard to grasp for you. Every other class was obviously made for group content, guard protecting dps, mesmers and druid buffing dps. Have you ever tried to solo content with ele? With actual meta build? It sucks dick. Have you tried it with heal druid? It sucks even more dick. I could do solo content with necro with no armor. I was actually collecting petrified logs for my jewels, on necro, with only shoulderguards.


> Then came _phallanx strength_ which simplified a lot the elementalist job. No seriously you think that the elementalist is hard to play and your not even using it to build might, fury, swiftness, heal and deal damage at the same time... Still, at that time the elementalist due to it's greater firepower even while doing the support thing was still prefered over a PS warrior in optimized group.


I have played ele for 3 years now I think, and every time I saw other ele running celestial build to be this magical dps heal buffer carry you are talking about, he got kicked. Just like necro.


> The end of the elementalist era came with HoT. Oh it didn't became harder to play, no it's just the oposite, it became way easier to play again. Most of the elementalists took bad haits from the tempest, that's why you feel like it's harder to play than other profession. The player's skills have grown lazy.


Sc/Wh tempest was easy to play for you. Cool. You joined Snowcrows yet?


> While all of this happen, you knw what the necromancer was doing? WvW. The only area where it's tools have a tiny bit of use. The necromancer is stuck in a niche were he corrupt boons. Yes it's not a novel thing, it's just that anet, over the years, piled up boon corruption over boon corruption on this poor thing that is the necromancer to strengthen a rotting niche whose only advantage is that it kitten of players that are overly dependant of boons.


No, necros were running 4x necro + 1 druid fractals with 0 effort. I joined one such run as druid. Not only I wanted to kill myself out of boredom. They didnt even need me.


> Is the necromancer easy or hard to play? Against an immobile target it's very easy yes, against a moving target that deal damage it's as hard as an elementalist to play.


Againist moving target necro is as hard to play as ele. Maybe scourge, not reaper. I cant move my fire field or meteor shower over to the boss because he moves around during that phase. I have to remember when and where he will go. Every.Single.Fucking.Raid.Or.Fractal.Boss . On reaper you have to walk to him. and for sake of argument im gona forget that necro has 2x less spells to cast during dps rotation than ele. Or that he has 2x more. Or that he has access to barrier or shroud. Or that he has access to reliable CC. Or that he is not overly dependant on alacrity and quickness.


Against a sentient entity it's need a lot more wits because the necromancer is not a swift professions like other professions and that's where lie it's weakness.


You mean in PvE? Where all bosses are locked up in arena? Or in PvE? Where you cant capture point, because shades are bigger than the points?



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > You got the easy to hate part right but the rest is far off.

> > > > >

> > > > > We lost our tools to counter a lot of people, and now we are back to being punching bags, and all because a bunch of crybabies.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also:Necros have a lot of difficulty because in order to fight you have to constantly change your bar to be able to fight against other classes with different build, and its all for naught, because everything hardcounters necro now.There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel.How would you feel if engineer was trashed?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I wish it was thrashed. What Holo does in pvp is absolute kitten. In PvE Engi is dead to me since condi engi has same dps as necro. Also what is far off about easy to play and easy to learn? Do I have to repeat my story of learning DPS rotation on necro? Or do I have to remind you that necro has 2x more hp than ele guard thief 1.5x more hp than ranger mesmer engi. Basically only class that matches your hp is warrior. And on top of that you have death shroud, which for some reason in pvp recharges fast enough for necro to use it twice in 1 fight and on scourge it actually never runs out. Also one more for that easy aspect. There is literally trait that auto pops your shroud when your hp falls below i think 15 % hp. Devs gave you trait so you dont have to think. Also what tools have you lost? I fought scourge today and he still corrupted all my might to 110 seconds of weakness, because you know, I took my time and effort to stack it up. Bunch of crybabies? Whole forums were flooded by NERF SCOURGE ALREADY posts. Thats more like army of crybabys. Also, 2x necro 1x firebrand every single kitten game was totaly fine by you. Changing your spells accordingly because of enemies is not exclusive to necros, reason why noone else did it till now was, there was almost 100% chance of enemy team running scourge+fb, so why bother changing my condi cleanses anyway. You swapped your spells because enemy ran something else than necro. We never swapped because you never ran something else than necro.

> > > >

> > > > "There comes a time when something simply isn't fun to play, and i think you should stop thinking about just you and start thinking about how other people who play the class feel." whole pvp wasnt fun to play thanks to necro. Now there are more than 2 classes.

> > >

> > > Just because you pvp don't mean pve should be ruined because of bads.

> >

> > PvE was not ruined. You still have reaper that still does 30k dps and nothing changed about that.

> >

> > Also:There are a lot of bads in pvp unranked who cry all the time.I mean all you had to do is "AVOID THE SHADES!!!"

> >

> > You know what is funny about this one? Shades are as big as the point you are trying to capture. And capture the point is one and only game mode in pvp. So what you are saying, all you had to do, was give up.

> >

> > if you can range which a lot do like:Rangers,eles, mesmers.

> >

> > Ranger either goes bunker build, in which case it wont do kitten, yeah ele could go sc/wh full burst, but if you fail to kill that necro, you will die. Nothing to it, you will die. And ye mesmers. Class that was designed to duel beating you up shouldnt be a surprise. However, class that is made for teamfighting(scourge), dueling almost every other class in 1v1s is just kitten kitten. You play warrior? You will die to scourge 1v1, you play sword ele? you will die to scourge 1v1, You play auramancer? you will kitten your whole team up by buffing them, you play thief with dagger/x? you will die to scourge 1v1, and I could go on and on. You know very well that scourge could beat most classes 1v1.

> >

> > And or use your superior mobility like thieves warriors and eles to win.

> >

> > To run on point, and there is other scourge. Great. Now they have 2 scourges on 2 different points, and only counterplay I have, is to avoid shades, ergo, give up.

> >

> > Also keep in mind necro was being carried by firebrands a lot,

> >

> > Yes. But dont pretend that untill scourge+fb duo meta was everywhere, necro was 1v1 killing everyone anyway. 2 Scourges were common before scourge + fb became a thing.

> >

> > because we lack invulns mobility moves and other stuff to carry ourselves for long.

> >

> > You have barriers, you have most base hp, you play condi for gods sake. You need 2 stats to deal damage, condi duration and condi damage, you can put rest to defense unlike power classes that need 3 stats with no defense againist condi. Also funny that you bring up mobility after saying that necros design is to bring enemies to your level. Because its funny how mobile ele is untill necro criples him for 3 days with and adds 17 stacks of torment.

> >

> > Also:Killing a class in pvp shouldn't kill a class in pve.

> >

> > You still have reaper. But if you want to cry, go ask mesmers how they feel about confusion rework.

> >

> > IF we are going by that route, why not just delete necro?

> >

> > Dream come true to 8 out of 9 people playing pvp. Dream come true to any elite PvE player without stable group.

> >

> > I still don't agree with you.

> >

> > Cool, but you cant deny necro was overtuned and what they did was completely justified for the amount of cancer and aids everyone else had to suffer for months.

> >

> > Its too much like world of warcraft carebear crybabies mode again.IN wow someone cries nerf because they are bads and don't know how to counter it and it gets nerfed L2PLAY!!!

> >

> > I dont care about wow, bot im gona tell you a secret. There is nothing to learn to play about necro. He stands on point, you cant capture it. You are either ranged or not. Thats how you counterplay necro. You either give up because you will loose no matter what you do, or you kill him because he cant get to you. There is nothing else to it. There is no skill.

> >

> > i didn't go around asking for thief S/D to be nerfed, and yes i play thief too(In fact i played thief in pvp)

> >

> > Dont worry others do it for you.

> > >


> >

> > Elementalist got sword, has to play melee, looses ability to fully attune when he needs it, eles sword dps is absolute garbage, it isnt tanky, has terrible CC. What did ele gain?

> >

> > > Also:Reaper shroud has short duration now because it sacrificed duration for dps but because of that, it sacrifices itself to do more dps and makes itself more of a glass cannon)

> > >

> > > I'm not going around asking for holo to get nerfed.

> >

> > But it honestly should.

> >

> >


> Ele can easily kill scourge right now. You wont be able to hit a good played sword weaver more than 5 times in a fight. And these hits he will just heal off.


> Gim.e that sword for my necro. I would gladly trade it in for my shroud


I will gladly give you sword for 9k hp.

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> @"obcan.1470" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > >

> > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > >

> > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > >

> > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Honestly what you do wrong is wasting your time playing against an immobile golem to learn a class. Help yourself fight with all profession, your like a schoolboy that never worked but think he know everything about every jobs. If you ever tried each professions you'd know all of their frustrating limitations and all their strength. It's obvious that you didn't.

> >

> > I've played steadily all professions since launch (well revenant appeared at hot he is an exception) and I can garantie you than absolutely none of the professions are harder to play. In the 1st year of core game the elementalist was almost doing everything in a group, be it damage, support or even tanking hit, you'd learn at this moment you'd never say it's hard. It's just a matter of whether or not you find your rythm. The only thing that the elementalist couldn't do was providing stealth by himself. It took me less than 3 dungeon run to learn the profession and find the rythm. 45 minutes. And I am not a great player by any mean.

> >

> > At that time the necromancer had no damage, no condi damage, no combo, it's field were more of an hindrance than anything and he had virtually no mobility. Even at that time you'd be lucky to find a group as a necromancer. In PvP it wasn't even good at anything.

> >

> > Then came _phallanx strength_ which simplified a lot the elementalist job. No seriously you think that the elementalist is hard to play and your not even using it to build might, fury, swiftness, heal and deal damage at the same time... Still, at that time the elementalist due to it's greater firepower even while doing the support thing was still prefered over a PS warrior in optimized group.

> >

> > The end of the elementalist era came with HoT. Oh it didn't became harder to play, no it's just the oposite, it became way easier to play again. Most of the elementalists took bad haits from the tempest, that's why you feel like it's harder to play than other profession. The player's skills have grown lazy.

> >

> > While all of this happen, you knw what the necromancer was doing? WvW. The only area where it's tools have a tiny bit of use. The necromancer is stuck in a niche were he corrupt boons. Yes it's not a novel thing, it's just that anet, over the years, piled up boon corruption over boon corruption on this poor thing that is the necromancer to strengthen a rotting niche whose only advantage is that it kitten of players that are overly dependant of boons.

> >

> > Is the necromancer easy or hard to play? Against an immobile target it's very easy yes, against a moving target that deal damage it's as hard as an elementalist to play. Against a sentient entity it's need a lot more wits because the necromancer is not a swift professions like other professions and that's where lie it's weakness.


> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"obcan.1470" said:

> > > > Obcan think highly of engineers and elementalists and poorly about any other profession. He got the misconception that these two professions are harder to play and thus more valuable than profession that he deem "easy". The reality is that as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play nor do they earn the right to be above other professions. The necromancer is just the easiest for him to hate because it's designed to be hated by other professions since it forcibly bring those professions down a notch with all it's boon hate and all it's outgoing conditions. Nobody like to see it's abilities crippled in PvP and sadly it's the only thing that the necromancer can do.

> > >

> > > No I certainly dont think poorly about other classes. I think poorly about Necro. Even warrior to me is at least 2x harder to play than necro.

> > >

> > > Also what is "as long as you play long enough with each and every professions, none of them are harder to play" supposed to mean? Am I supposed to pretend that me, wasting literally dozens of hours in training area learning elementalist dps combo, is something I should forget about once I can achieve at least 90% of what qtfy does? I tried necro. I spent 1 and half hour and I got 95% of what qtfy does. Or perhaps I should totaly forget about wrist pains I get trying to stay alive vs scourge in pvp. Cleansing every second because necro pressed one button.

> > >

> > > Necro is good class for bad players. Its easy to play, easy to learn, easy to hate.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Honestly what you do wrong is wasting your time playing against an immobile golem to learn a class. Help yourself fight with all profession, your like a schoolboy that never worked but think he know everything about every jobs. If you ever tried each professions you'd know all of their frustrating limitations and all their strength. It's obvious that you didn't.


> No, I played mostly 2 classes, engi and ele. I played Power PS long ago, I played condi PS when it was still okay, I also played and have fully geared druid and mesmer. All for PvE. I played power Daredevil, not cancerous 2 spamming condi, I played ranger before I started running meta. I have played power revenant when it was the most garbage class in roster and I enjoyed it. I played Reaper for whole month when HoT came out, and I am telling you. My friends who I did fractals with couldnt be more glad that I swapped to ele. Not because I was bad at necro (as if it was possible), there is simply so much you can do with class that was made tankier than all other classes, easier than all other classes. I know frustration of light classes, getting oneshot when others surive with half hp, I know limitations condi engi, doing mediocore dps with harderst rotation in the game. But I for sure dont know what kind of frustration you guys can have playing necro.


> > I've played steadily all professions since launch (well revenant appeared at hot he is an exception) and I can garantie you than absolutely none of the professions are harder to play. In the 1st year of core game the elementalist was almost doing everything in a group, be it damage, support or even tanking hit, you'd learn at this moment you'd never say it's hard. It's just a matter of whether or not you find your rythm. The only thing that the elementalist couldn't do was providing stealth by himself. It took me less than 3 dungeon run to learn the profession and find the rythm. 45 minutes. And I am not a great player by any mean.


> So according to you, my main should be necro because the rhytm you are talking about came to me on necro in 1/20th of the time in comparison to ele. Cool.


> > At that time the necromancer had no damage, no condi damage, no combo, it's field were more of an hindrance than anything and he had virtually no mobility. Even at that time you'd be lucky to find a group as a necromancer. In PvP it wasn't even good at anything.


> Necro, was made for soloing content. I dont understand why it is so hard to grasp for you. Every other class was obviously made for group content, guard protecting dps, mesmers and druid buffing dps. Have you ever tried to solo content with ele? With actual meta build? It sucks kitten. Have you tried it with heal druid? It sucks even more kitten. I could do solo content with necro with no armor. I was actually collecting petrified logs for my jewels, on necro, with only shoulderguards.


> > Then came _phallanx strength_ which simplified a lot the elementalist job. No seriously you think that the elementalist is hard to play and your not even using it to build might, fury, swiftness, heal and deal damage at the same time... Still, at that time the elementalist due to it's greater firepower even while doing the support thing was still prefered over a PS warrior in optimized group.


> I have played ele for 3 years now I think, and every time I saw other ele running celestial build to be this magical dps heal buffer carry you are talking about, he got kicked. Just like necro.


> > The end of the elementalist era came with HoT. Oh it didn't became harder to play, no it's just the oposite, it became way easier to play again. Most of the elementalists took bad haits from the tempest, that's why you feel like it's harder to play than other profession. The player's skills have grown lazy.


> Sc/Wh tempest was easy to play for you. Cool. You joined Snowcrows yet?


> > While all of this happen, you knw what the necromancer was doing? WvW. The only area where it's tools have a tiny bit of use. The necromancer is stuck in a niche were he corrupt boons. Yes it's not a novel thing, it's just that anet, over the years, piled up boon corruption over boon corruption on this poor thing that is the necromancer to strengthen a rotting niche whose only advantage is that it kitten of players that are overly dependant of boons.


> No, necros were running 4x necro + 1 druid fractals with 0 effort. I joined one such run as druid. Not only I wanted to kill myself out of boredom. They didnt even need me.


> > Is the necromancer easy or hard to play? Against an immobile target it's very easy yes, against a moving target that deal damage it's as hard as an elementalist to play.


> Againist moving target necro is as hard to play as ele. Maybe scourge, not reaper. I cant move my fire field or meteor shower over to the boss because he moves around during that phase. I have to remember when and where he will go. Every.Single.kitten.Raid.Or.Fractal.Boss . On reaper you have to walk to him. and for sake of argument im gona forget that necro has 2x less spells to cast during dps rotation than ele. Or that he has 2x more. Or that he has access to barrier or shroud. Or that he has access to reliable CC. Or that he is not overly dependant on alacrity and quickness.


> Against a sentient entity it's need a lot more wits because the necromancer is not a swift professions like other professions and that's where lie it's weakness.


> You mean in PvE? Where all bosses are locked up in arena? Or in PvE? Where you cant capture point, because shades are bigger than the points?




Obcan, you are arguing for arguing here and you do not open yourself to other experiences. It's obvious that you are deadset on your idea which is false. You see having more skills like having a harder time. The necromancer have more skills (numerically) than warriors, thiefs, guardians, mesmers (at least core and mirage) and rangers.


I never said that your main should be necro. I said that you had issue findind your rythm on elementalist and that it was due to the fact that you were accustomed to tempest while you never learned to use core elementalist properly.


Necro was not made for soloing content. Before HoT you weren't even able to solo anything as a necromancer, it would have been a pipe dream. Best profession to solo content used to be warrior, and it's probably still the best. Elementalist meta solo build was just the fastest on some path, thiefs being superior on others.


Tempest is easy to play. In it's history it even got the easiest elementalist build to play and this build was top dps. You just had to mash your skills and stay in fire attunment. As for any scepter power build, no they are not hard to play. You are honestly lacking and this profession isn't meant for you if you think that.


Necro 4 minion builld and druid were a meme comp. It only happened because anet thought it was a good idea to design some PvE content around what they want the necromancer to do: counter boons. If they hadn't given a boon corruption at the last hit of the scepter chain auto and high level fractal mob hadn't so much toughness that only condi build could pass throught easily, you'd never have seen this meme live in GW2. No, nobody would ever have tried to play necro in fractal.


Be it in PvE or PvP, the necromancer is slow nonetheless. Slow in it's movement, slow in it's defense and slow in it's offense.


What make me laugh is that you actually seem believe yourself when you say that elementalist is a hard profession to play. I'll give you a tip, stop pushing yourself to try and be and optimal elementalist dps player. Take a break and use your elementalist to have a bit of fun. Doing huge damage throught a rigorous rotation may be satisfying but it's not fun. You never learned to play correctly elementalist, you've just learnt to stick to shat other do, at this rate you'll never grow and really understand this profession. Like you will never understand the necromancer's issues.

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