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They broke mesmer


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> @"Link.1049" said:

> Yup...after logging in tonight and playing 5 matchs (losing 4)...bleck... I think I'm done. It's become more a game of who hit who first above all else. Will see what happens in a few months maybe.


It’s been a game of who hits first for a while because guess what? The same people that come here to complain about spike damage or condi damage also complain about bunkers! There’s no way Anet, even if they knew how to balance, could make anyone happy.

I mean it should be bunker beats power, power beats condi, and condi beats bunker( IMO which is probably different than everyone else’s) but at least then you’d have clear counter play. Yet, whenever there’s more than one viable bunker build in the game everyone freaks out because matches take too long or something.

Part of the problem is class stacking, but that’s been a problem forever and with the declining PvP population will get worse so yeah.

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This is why I switched to mesmer this season. After months of dealing with faceroll necros, now mesmers are the godmode profession and it'll be another several months before it shifts to a different profession. It's an easy profession to farm PvP on, but PvP is just a grind now with how little balance there is and how many cheaters, exploiters, afkers, etc there are.


At least now I'm not getting people going afk just from seeing me play ele anymore, but there's no challenge now lol.

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> @"Mogar.9216" said:

> Mesmer is only a problem at low tiers where ppl don't know how to avoid burst. Also most ppl still think necros should be the first target and leave the mesmers to free cast. If everyone treated mesmer like a deadeye we would not have this much qq .


Lol, people throw around this comment every season about the bandwagon professions.


(Spoiler Alert) You may think you're only seeing them in silver/bronze tier and that when you make it to gold they will miraculously disappear, but they're still doing perfectly well up in the platinum+ tiers as well.

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Mogar.9216" said:

> > Mesmer is only a problem at low tiers where ppl don't know how to avoid burst. Also most ppl still think necros should be the first target and leave the mesmers to free cast. If everyone treated mesmer like a deadeye we would not have this much qq .


> Lol, people throw around this comment every season about the bandwagon professions.


> (Spoiler Alert) You may think you're only seeing them in silver/bronze tier and that when you make it to gold they will miraculously disappear, but they're still doing perfectly well up in the platinum+ tiers as well.


I'm a mesmer and I'm in plat and there certainly isn't a flood of memsers in matches after the patch. Trust me if I could play the condi mesmer before this patch I would do it in a heartbeat. Condi mirage does almost as much damage and is 2x more durable and would win a 1 v 1 vs the power mesmer 10 out of 10 times. This patch is a nerf, slight nerf but still a nerf.

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> @"Mogar.9216" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > > @"Mogar.9216" said:

> > > Mesmer is only a problem at low tiers where ppl don't know how to avoid burst. Also most ppl still think necros should be the first target and leave the mesmers to free cast. If everyone treated mesmer like a deadeye we would not have this much qq .

> >

> > Lol, people throw around this comment every season about the bandwagon professions.

> >

> > (Spoiler Alert) You may think you're only seeing them in silver/bronze tier and that when you make it to gold they will miraculously disappear, but they're still doing perfectly well up in the platinum+ tiers as well.


> I'm a mesmer and I'm in plat and there certainly isn't a flood of memsers in matches after the patch. Trust me if I could play the condi mesmer before this patch I would do it in a heartbeat. Condi mirage does almost as much damage and is 2x more durable and would win a 1 v 1 vs the power mesmer 10 out of 10 times. This patch is a nerf, slight nerf but still a nerf.


Well yeah, if you look at it from a Condi spammer's perspective then it is a Nerf. I'm sure scourges are thinking the same thing. "If I could play pre patch Condi scourge I would do it in a heartbeat and it would totally beat the current scourges 10/10 times." XD

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Diesel Stelar.3709" said:

> > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > @"Diesel Stelar.3709" said:

> > > > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > > > @"Diesel Stelar.3709" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Your statement that mes is more immobile is laughable, but otherwise...

> > > Ye buddy, I'm main mes in plat 2 and don't know what I'm talking about. You right.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What's your definition of mobile? I've never seen a mesmer beat me to a point so fast.

> >

> > Soulbeast is not stronger. As a druid, I'd happily go back to the condi mes.

> >

> > Necros aren't nerfed--they are tankier than they've ever been.


> Definition of mobile, go invis and be very far away when they become visible again. Maybe I should have stressed "evasive" over mobility.


I dont play mesmer anymore, but that double blink (thats what it looked like to me) is up there with thief.

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I think they made a big mistake with the endless clone generation they have now. I always found mesmers to be the most annoying profession to fight. (although manageable) Now I find that frustration that much higher. They need to rebalance mesmer dmg/clone generation. Too much burst, too many clones, overall damage is balanced though.


They've dug themselves quite the hole to get out of with mes now. It'll be really hard to get the balance right after this "balance patch". (although they did right with scourge imo, although it's still not the most fun to fight, it's at least not as ridiculous as it was on release)

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> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> Y'all should start taking toughness. I know it's been a completely useless stat for a long time since 80% of your opponents completely ignored it, but now power is run again there is a stat which reduces it's effectiveness...


there are almost no amulets with toughness. It's not like WvW where you can just run whatever stats you want. and some classes can't really function without some vitality. which leaves paladin as the only amulet for them (celestial is not a real amulet; it's terrible)

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Idk I don't find Mesmer all that different. What did it really gain? 2 clones max added from Escape Artist and a second Mind Wrack. In exchange for what Dueling offers vs Illusions, fair trade imo. Dueling has more burst and Illusions has more sustain damage.


But the important part: GS2 Jaunt F1


This combo has had literally nothing changed about it.


The Phantasmal Berserker received a nerf if anything (only one attack before cloning). Sword autos were buffed but how often does a Mesmer use sword auto? Other greatsword skills are the same, and sword/torch actually has a useful power Phantasm now. Idk I feel ok about it and I've been queuing with Herald mostly.

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