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So Longbow is bad DPS right?


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.


You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.


> You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.


I don't see how (and you failed to explain it). Basically, Anet decides and if that's not based on what they think is appropriate ... then what else would it be? That decision they make can correspond to what players want, but it doesn't need to and we see both kinds of behaviour. There is no contradiction in what I have said here.



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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > The HoT trapper DH was absolutely gutted (alongside LB) due to silver tier players getting farmed by meme players running 6 traps on their skill bar.



> how can you run 6 traps at the same time?


Just the same as how Guardians were OP before the trait rework because they were able to run 30/30/30/30/30.

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> @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > The HoT trapper DH was absolutely gutted (alongside LB) due to silver tier players getting farmed by meme players running 6 traps on their skill bar.

> >

> >

> > how can you run 6 traps at the same time?


> Just the same as how Guardians were OP before the trait rework because they were able to run 30/30/30/30/30.


you didn't answer me

you have 3 slots +1 elite +1 healing

how can you run SIX TRAPS at the same time ??

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> Thanks for the replies!!


> I will try generate some numbers and see how much worse it is. The issue is that while it can be used in open world, why would I bother if sceptre is better dps and I am mostly jumping in with my Greatsword anyway and swapping to ranged when needed or for better damage on my rotation.


I like the utility of LB better. I also love the concept of my character carrying around a big ass sword and a LB. That, with a few fire spells was my setup in Skyrim before I ever really started playing GW2. I was ecstatic when I found out about DH.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > The HoT trapper DH was absolutely gutted (alongside LB) due to silver tier players getting farmed by meme players running 6 traps on their skill bar.

> > >

> > >

> > > how can you run 6 traps at the same time?

> >

> > Just the same as how Guardians were OP before the trait rework because they were able to run 30/30/30/30/30.


> you didn't answer me

> you have 3 slots +1 elite +1 healing

> how can you run SIX TRAPS at the same time ??


I really should have put /s. The whole point is that people constantly complained about trap DH in PvP and they would almost always cite all 6 traps being used at the same time so clearly it was OP because it was somehow getting off 6 traps on them. Just like how Guardians pre-HoT were considered OP by some terrible players because they could heal and deal great damage, but in order to do so they would have needed a full 30/30/30/30/30 build (if you started after they changed that, it would be like having 6 trait lines instead of 3).

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > The HoT trapper DH was absolutely gutted (alongside LB) due to silver tier players getting farmed by meme players running 6 traps on their skill bar.

> > >

> > >

> > > how can you run 6 traps at the same time?

> >

> > Just the same as how Guardians were OP before the trait rework because they were able to run mnk30/30/30/30/30.


> you didn't answer me

> you have 3 slots +1 elite +1 healing

> how can you run SIX TRAPS at the same time ??


I don't think it's about using all of the traps at once, but a general complaint crom people about all of the traps that exist for DH.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Lbow is not a good PVE weapon and since we have choice, you don't have to use it. It's simply a consequence of the game having optimal solutions. The part where the game is good is that you don't need optimal solutions to win ... unless of course you like being told how to play by others. Both options exists for both kinds of players.


Yeah I agree. LB has lots of potential to hit multiple targets at once plus a more superior range. If the lb is powercreeped to scepter level it would absolutely be OP and make the scepter obsolete on any game mode.


Encountering a single enemy like a pve boss or pvp? Go scepter. Need to take down mobs in events/trash mobs in fracs or enemy zerg(assuming you do it right and not just pew pew your way even if reflect is up)? Go longbow.


Just my opinion.

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So I'm going to answer the OP, and not look at a single comment made.


Longbow is only bad DPS if you are standing within melee range. At the enemies melee range you'd be better off with all the buffs a melee class will give you.


But at range, omg will a Longbow do some damage. Doesn't a longbow have something like a 1200 range on the #1 skill? That's impeccable as far as this games' skill range goes. That's quite a distance for a smaller mob to close before being able to do any real damage.


The Longbow may not killa mob as fast as a Sword or Greatsword. But believe you me, that Longbow will save you quite a few hits in the process. Although it may take an extra 30 seconds sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> Thanks for the replies!!


> I will try generate some numbers and see how much worse it is. The issue is that while it can be used in open world, why would I bother if sceptre is better dps and I am mostly jumping in with my Greatsword anyway and swapping to ranged when needed or for better damage on my rotation.


Why would you bother? Because tagging more mobs in a lot of open world content is more profitable than doing more damage to a single mob. Years ago, before they changed the range, Guardians used staff in open world content very frequently even though it was low damage, because it tagged everything. The more you tag, the more loot and XP you get.


Why would you want to do more damage to fewer mobs and be less rewarded is a better question.

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In a game world of GW2's technological level -- rifles, pistols, bows, magic, and outright ARTILLERY -- combat really should be a lot more like the real world. But to enforce their idea of a fantasy world and make melee more relevant than it realistically should be, ranged combat for most classes is nerfed to some degree and every patch day seems more designed to push everyone into a dog pile, which is really boring and really starting to get old. Especially since it makes the action MMO aspect and dodging pretty much irrelevant, when everyone is piled up and you can't even see your own character in the crowd, much less avoid incoming attacks.

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I'm ok with the scepter being better than the longbow in term of damage, but we should take into account that the bow has more range & its shots have more speed. I started HoT since a couple of weeks, and i'm happy to beat world bosses from a fair distance :)


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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> open world shouldn't be a consideration for balance.


Exactly. You can use _anything_ in open world.

True Shot should NOT be outshone by a rangers autoattack... If balance requires it to be so, the balance is wrong. Nerf dragonhunter traps instead if needs be.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.


> You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.



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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.

> >

> > You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.


> Ageed


Great ... then maybe YOU can explain how ... since the same guy you are agreeing with failed completely to do so. Let's start with my response to him.

> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.

> >

> > You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.


> I don't see how (and you failed to explain it). Basically, Anet decides and if that's not based on what they think is appropriate ... then what else would it be? That decision they make can correspond to what players want, but it doesn't need to and we see both kinds of behaviour. There is no contradiction in what I have said here.


Your turn.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.

> > >

> > > You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.

> >

> > Ageed


> Great ... then maybe YOU can explain how ... since the same guy you are agreeing with failed completely to do so. Let's start with my response to him.

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Anet will buff things **they feel appropriate**, not because of what players cry about. We have LOTS of evidence that Anet **does** ...** and does not** ... listen to players, so that conclusion of _cry moar, get buffed_, is nonsense.

> > >

> > > You just shot down your own argument here. Pick one.

> >

> > I don't see how (and you failed to explain it). Basically, Anet decides and if that's not based on what they think is appropriate ... then what else would it be? That decision they make can correspond to what players want, but it doesn't need to and we see both kinds of behaviour. There is no contradiction in what I have said here.


> Your turn.


No im not feeding you I see how you act in these forums all the time it was my fault for responding about you at all my apologies to everyone else.

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