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GW2 or ESO?


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I play both, I like both and I wouldn't want to quit either to focus on the other game. I don't even know which expansion I'd choose to buy first if I had to pick between them - I love PoF maps and the mounts and I've had a lot of fun playing them, but I love my Warden in ESO as well, it's exactly what was missing from my usual collection of characters. I'd probably pick PoF first, but just because I think I spend more time playing GW2.

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To be honest.. loyalty to GW2 is being seriously tested for some of right now.

Some of the decisions coming out of the development and balancing side is just killing the fun of playing some classes now. Add to that the mountain of bugs and issues that have crept in of late, or reappeared in some cases is just getting a bit much.

This is becoming more of a wing and a prayer game every patch and is feeling more and more like SWTOR pre F2P with band aids every 2mins.


PVE is being rekt by their continual desire to use PvP as it's balancing formula and its clear PvE is just a gemstore cashcow for spending on pushing their PvPcentric twitch tourney ideology.


Time for me to take a long hard look at what else is out there I think.. so ima go reinstall ESO.

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I haven't tried ESO. To me, GW2 is the best I've seen as far as open world play goes. It also has a really enjoyable combat system. But the group content (raids, fractals, dungeons, PvP, and WvW) I don't think they do particularly well. Still, I really love GW2 and enjoy spending time here. Having said that, they have completely alienated me with the way they've handled the confusion change so far and I am considering other options. So, how is ESO?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I haven't tried ESO. To me, GW2 is the best I've seen as far as open world play goes. It also has a really enjoyable combat system. But the group content (raids, fractals, dungeons, PvP, and WvW) I don't think they do particularly well. Still, I really love GW2 and enjoy spending time here. Having said that, they have completely alienated me with the way they've handled the confusion change so far and I am considering other options. So, how is ESO?


Reinstalled.. surprisingly well populated and defo feels a lot better than it did when I last played in during alpha/beta.. Several friends already playing it and others are installing now so my game time in GW2 will likely nosedive.

I main a Mesmer and I understand changes happen, bugs and re-balance are always to be expected but there is no excuse for trying to balance pve around pvp and ruining builds that players spend a lot of time, money and patience creating and learning to play.


Bugs, as bad as some are and as prevalent they have become in GW2, I can live with to an extent but this kind dumb nerf and the poor communication of it speaks volumes to me, so break time is here.

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I started playing ESO a few weeks ago. Compared to GW2, it has better and more interesting stories.


The scaling isn’t as great as GW2 since you can fight the same veteran boss without any issues at level 10 but then come back at level 50 and struggle.


GW2 has a better inventory system when it comes to crafting materials. ESO doesn’t have a material storage unless you have the premium subscription.


There are a ton of time gates with crafting in ESO compared to GW2.


Travel is about the same in both games.


I can’t really comment about the end game yet.


Also forgot to mention that a lot of bosses have high damaging attacks if you don’t avoid or interrupt them. This isn’t much of an issue in GW2.


It’s worth playing both.

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You can see my tagline. Nothing wrong with playing various games, it also allows you to appreciate different aspects of different games. Also nothing wrong in taking concepts that work in one and applying it to another. I will say overall game time, have spent more time in GW2, prefer the WvW and PvP in GW2 over that of ESO and see those game modes as end game content so replay-ability is important.

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They are both good.


Very different games though. ESO is more traditional with the quests, trinity, gear grinds and storage management issues. Which personally, I'm pretty tired of since most MMO's have very similar designs. Still ESO does a pretty good job and the world is interesting. Very clunky movement though. Animations are meh.


GW2 is it's own thing and is much easier to get back into after a long break. Excellent tech, etc make it a very fluid fighting experience. Great dynamic content, easy grouping etc. And of course the art is top notch. I have played more of GW2 over the years. But I do like to play ESO also.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> They are both good.


> Very different games though. ESO is more traditional with the quests, trinity, gear grinds and storage management issues. Which personally, I'm pretty tired of since most MMO's have very similar designs. Still ESO does a pretty good job and the world is interesting. Very clunky movement though. Animations are meh.


> GW2 is it's own thing and is much easier to get back into after a long break. Excellent tech, etc make it a very fluid fighting experience. Great dynamic content, easy grouping etc. And of course the art is top notch. I have played more of GW2 over the years. But I do like to play ESO also.


I don't like the sound of that. I love the way GW2 combat feels. It's so fast and mobile. I can't deal with clunky movement. And GW2's open world is simply awesome. From the sound of it, ESO's isn't so good. But I bet their instanced content is better! When I play GW2 instanced PvE I find myself missing the trinity.

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Played ESO since beta and honestly? If GW2 added player housing, holy fuck would ESO get uninstalled on my comp fast. It was fun, but the grind for mats, the guild controlled auction house (yes, the guilds with the most gold, get the auction houses) and overall the community itself drove me away. About the only thing I think ESO did that was amazing was giving people the ability to quest anywhere regardless of level (someone level 10 could go to a level 80 zone and not get massacred) so it was easier for people to join up, however their 'optional' subscription that's solely becoming something that is needed has greatly marred and created a rift in the community.

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