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Worst class in the game right now?


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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> Necromancer is far from the worst class, people are just mad they got nerfed in pvp. Rev however needs a major redesign. Interesting concept for a class, but poorly executed.


Exactly, honestly i feell that Rev is doomed to this path if they don't adress urgently the extreme lack of choice and variety on Rev.


Ohterwise they are gonna be Buffing Power Rev, nerfing Power, Rev, buffing, nerfing,. buffing, nerfing the same, damn, skills, again, and again, because they dont have any other damn thing to modify or change at all, they cant pull the balance strat of "Let's buff something that has been unused and ingored for a while so the class breaths fresh air", they can't, beacuse revs already have used everything they can use.


Like, buff power shiro back to the levels that bringed him down in the first place? thats just wrong... a very wrong, and painful cycle.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.


I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.

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I'll vote for revenant because their PoF elite spec is booty.


Pvp wise, herald is still very potent and can do maybe a little too much damage, while gap closing just as well, if not better, than a thief. Par for the course with the dmg power creep though, so no problem from my end.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> >


> >

> > on rev sucks is condicleanse

> > if you are halfbrained you can do great with rev but the most good ppl who playing rev are gone so still the rest crap and some veterans left

> > if you continueing watching forum and believe all bullllllschit ppl saying about rev you deserve to sck with this class

> > maybe try out things for yourself but dont expect to be good after 1 or 2 years, you have to know all other classes as well to outplay them



> I mean no offense but you clearly have no idea about the situation of other classes, you even vote for Elementalists ?? kitten vote Necro or Engi then lol. Elems not only have huge variety of viable builds, they were never seen in the low-tier, during the whole time GW2 went live. It was and always is on top. You talk about condi-cleanse I guess you are focused only in sPvP or WvW.


> Don’t you find it funny that not only Revs have extremely poor skill choices but the new legend that came with PoF is useless both in PvP and PvE? Meanwhile Elementalists get tons of new skills and very good power and condi damage.


> Besides being pigeonholed in condi-mace, Power Rev doesn’t even break 30k dps. We’re sitting at 27k, same as before the “buffs”. There’s a reason why you barely see any Rev these days. The class is just trash compared to the others.


And you must be talking about pve because none of the things you said applies to elementalist pvp lol.

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Sorry but i dont understand, why so many ppl are voting rev. I said consider all gamemodes an build variants in my original post.



The pof elite spec of rev is amazing. It has 2 very good builds for pve:

Condi and healer/support for pve.

Then herald for pvp and for wvw you could either play power renegade or herald.


Sure u cant choose between supportskills freely, but still there is a high variance of viable builds.


Look at necro:

Core - useless

Reaper - useless

Scourge - hardnerfed since pof release. And only playable in viper/ trailblaizer gear in all gamemodes.

Sure it was supposed to be a support class. But the support it can do got nerfed by nerfing f2 and by adding this shitty 0.5 sec delay in EVERY gamemode even though they yelled something bout splitting.


The only support it can give is barriers, but thats not nearly enough, so dont waste points in healpower.


So you guys vote rev with like 5 viable builds, ever touched necro? Guess not elso you would vote necro maybe engi, cause i would love to have a healer build for him

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.


> I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.


Lol. You vote ranger and say that reaper can be sticky? Sorry, but that tells me that you either have no clue bout pvp matchups, or you are a pretty bad player, or you only play pve, where ranger has 2 viable builds (if you count consi druid its even 3), while necro only has one.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.


> I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.


The necromancer bench mark puts necromancer at slightly below average while also providing little utility for the party. Since they about match a phalanx warrior this puts them in a bad spot.


As for WvW they are generally pretty good due to their natural bulk and loads of deaths around them which makes them powerful in the heat of chaos but far less so in roaming situations.


But the fact is that necromancer with the exact same skills is almost completely useless in one game mode while being busted in another. This displays just how bad the necromancer is over all since changes that would make them good in pve can't happen under their current design and nerfing them for other game modes makes them even worse for pve. Not only that just a couple of poorly placed nerfs has taken necromancer completely out of the pvp meta before. The necromancer has such fragile balance and is so gimmicky that it can only be unhealthy for the formats or useless. Worst profession is an understatement. The necromancer needs a complete overhaul. 90 to 100% of all of their skills, traits and mechanics need to be changed. It is that poorly designed.


As for revenant that profession hasn't even been finished. It is a half done profession that lacks diversity in how it plays. It is the most linear profession to play but is balance safe unlike necromancer. These two professions are the absolute bottom in terms of design. No question.


Your pick? Ranger is actually very solid. It can't do anything but in most game modes it's pretty mid tier as opposed to in pve where it is arguably the absolute best profession. The struggles with ranger design were it's pet but that was a AI problem not a broken mechanic or unfinished profession problem. Range is in a really healthy spot right now. As is mesmer which has always been good. And ranger has always been good too. But people assume it was bad because of bear bow rangers in the past when in truth they were great for the speed running meta back in the day because of their blast finishers and spirits. When the meta changed to be less reliant on stacking the ranger got druid and become the gods of raids. Because they already had amazing party supporting tools and got even more dominating that meta. It's taken a while but people have caught on to how great they are in fractals too. Ranger owns pve right now and all it took was to erase some of that bearbow stigma that plagued them.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.

> >

> > I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.


> Lol. You vote ranger and say that reaper can be sticky? Sorry, but that tells me that you either have no clue bout pvp matchups, or you are a pretty bad player, or you only play pve, where ranger has 2 viable builds (if you count consi druid its even 3), while necro only has one.


Don't do PvP, but do WvW. Regardless PvE will still have scourge and druids. Bit skeptical to find any group accepting rangers in WvW. Packed with scourges tho.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> Necromancer is far from the worst class, people are just mad they got nerfed in pvp. Rev however needs a major redesign. Interesting concept for a class, but poorly executed.


Revenant doesn't need a redesign. They need more skills. They are locked into sets and have the fewest weapons. Their design isn't bad just limiting.


Necromancer does need a complete redesign however. Probably even need to completely scrap the shroud mechanic and rework life force.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.

> > >

> > > I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.

> >

> > Lol. You vote ranger and say that reaper can be sticky? Sorry, but that tells me that you either have no clue bout pvp matchups, or you are a pretty bad player, or you only play pve, where ranger has 2 viable builds (if you count consi druid its even 3), while necro only has one.


> Don't do PvP, but do WvW. Regardless PvE will still have scourge and druids. Bit skeptical to find any group accepting rangers in WvW. Packed with scourges tho.


Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.

> > >

> > > I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.

> >

> > Lol. You vote ranger and say that reaper can be sticky? Sorry, but that tells me that you either have no clue bout pvp matchups, or you are a pretty bad player, or you only play pve, where ranger has 2 viable builds (if you count consi druid its even 3), while necro only has one.


> Don't do PvP, but do WvW. Regardless PvE will still have scourge and druids. Bit skeptical to find any group accepting rangers in WvW. Packed with scourges tho.


Cause its the only gamemode scourge is good in. With exactly 1 viable build

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > Necromancer is far from the worst class, people are just mad they got nerfed in pvp. Rev however needs a major redesign. Interesting concept for a class, but poorly executed.


> Revenant doesn't need a redesign. They need more skills. They are locked into sets and have the fewest weapons. Their design isn't bad just limiting.


> Necromancer does need a complete redesign however. Probably even need to completely scrap the shroud mechanic and rework life force.


Well if you look at necro, they have like 4 good weapons, rest is trash. But i agree. Rev needs some more weapons. Maybe 2 more. But thats not going to happen

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.


No rangers are not in a great spot, for the thing most WvW players do - zergs they are still basically unwanted (go see guard, necro, warrior, rev, etc for classes that are meta for zergs), for guild raids they are am optional niche pick and roaming/small group is the only place they are in a good spot.



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> @"pah.4931" said:

> I think that's the problem. Because there aren't NEARLY enough PvE/PvP/WvW splits with abilities and damage, it's hard to balance profs across all game modes. So things that could otherwise be strong or good in, say, sPvP, will get over-nerfed because they might be too good in WvW. It's a flawed design philosophy, but not a surprising one. Anet is good at a lot of things, but sound design philosophy is not one of them.


They don't balance across all three game modes, or rather they don't balance equally, WvW for example gets very few changes and is last in priority, if you look at the history of this game, then for the first 3 years they basically balanced around PvP, then when they added PvE raids they started to balance around that a lot also, WvW basically gets the odd crumb thrown in terms of balance.


The problem with balance in this game is the whole trait/weapon/skill/rune system is too open for their ever to be good balance across game modes because they can't balance different builds within a class, precisely because the builds share to many traits/skllls/weapons/stat choices, etc.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.


> No rangers are not in a great spot, for the thing most WvW players do - zergs they are still basically unwanted (go see guard, necro, warrior, rev, etc for classes that are meta for zergs), for guild raids they are am optional niche pick and roaming/small group is the only place they are in a good spot.




So they are a good choice for roaming and as healers. So like I said. Good spot.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.

> >

> > No rangers are not in a great spot, for the thing most WvW players do - zergs they are still basically unwanted (go see guard, necro, warrior, rev, etc for classes that are meta for zergs), for guild raids they are am optional niche pick and roaming/small group is the only place they are in a good spot.

> >

> >


> So they are a good choice for roaming and as healers. So like I said. Good spot.


No, only being good for roaming/small group does not equate to rangers being in a "good spot in WvW", the vast majority of players in WvW zerg or guild raid, for which rangers are pretty crappy, roaming is very niche (and these days ranger isn't even top tier at that, go see mirage), and frankly every class can be good in a small group it just requires different group compositions, overall they are one of the worst classes for WvW, and have been the entire game.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> > Revenant. Glint if the only good thing about the entire class and it's not even that good anymore

> > - they cant recover from condi bursts at all unless you go malyx but only briefly - their new elite spec can't even be used in pvp efficiently. Core rev is unplayable and useless in pvp, pve and raids. Glint is the only viable elite spec for them /glint/shiro. and that's been nerfed and they are high risk low reward class, in that if you miss a step in your rotation you have very little leeway to comeback from it. Anet does not know what to do with rev..

> > I think revenant looked cooler on paper but when they implemented it, they said oh kitten - buffing this class would make people cry. let's pretty much ignore it while buffing other classes and nerfing some leaving rev forgotten. I know they buffed their SB but it's still not enough to bring it back from near death. The only thing theyre good for is WvW and raids. I feel like they should be good in all aspects of the game.


> Thats exactly the same with necro


so you can't play core necro and be good? do they have only 1 good build and it's not even recommended in pvp? their new spec is unplayable in pvp and wvw entirely? Don't think so. I still see necros rocking it in high gold and low plat in pvp - reapers and MM's some scourges but not as many these days - which is awesome in the sense on if you had 2 scourges on your team even if they were shit players - it was auto win for them. which is ridiculous. rev has hardly and condi cleanse vs all this crap condi wall - which makes them all but obsolete in pvp. Necro has condi cleanse + condi transfer.

but i don't think the pve nerf to necro was necessary at ALL. it's pve cmon.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Sorry but i dont understand, why so many ppl are voting rev. I said consider all gamemodes an build variants in my original post.



> The pof elite spec of rev is amazing. It has 2 very good builds for pve:

> Condi and healer/support for pve.

> Then herald for pvp and for wvw you could either play power renegade or herald.


> Sure u cant choose between supportskills freely, but still there is a high variance of viable builds.


> Look at necro:

> Core - useless

> Reaper - useless

> Scourge - hardnerfed since pof release. And only playable in viper/ trailblaizer gear in all gamemodes.

> Sure it was supposed to be a support class. But the support it can do got nerfed by nerfing f2 and by adding this kitten 0.5 sec delay in EVERY gamemode even though they yelled something bout splitting.


> The only support it can give is barriers, but thats not nearly enough, so dont waste points in healpower.


> So you guys vote rev with like 5 viable builds, ever touched necro? Guess not elso you would vote necro maybe engi, cause i would love to have a healer build for him


I've played necro a lot, and I'd sooner play that and every other class over a revenant. Also, useless in what game mode? Raids? What's good there changes a lot, and I've seen plenty of raids take necros just for epidemic. They are great in fractals as well. I can't speak for pvp/wvw, but necro, even with the nerfs is touted everywhere I've seen as one of the best there too, especially scourge.


Revenant might be good in a few things, but that assumes you like a very static build that has the least flexibility of any profession in the game. your 6-10 skills are in sets, and people take Shiro for literally 1 utility skill, and the traitline for 1 trait. The elite specs are the only thing that make revenant viable anywhere (no one would even consider play just core rev ever), and viable isn't the same as good.

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> @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> In any case, you put out a poll to see what people think. You can't be mad that you didn't get the results you wanted.


I believe most players vote rev are telling the truth as they are less bais on the whole pic. Necro after nerf is still a relatively strong class among all game mode.



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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> >


> >

> > on rev sucks is condicleanse

> > if you are halfbrained you can do great with rev but the most good ppl who playing rev are gone so still the rest crap and some veterans left

> > if you continueing watching forum and believe all bullllllschit ppl saying about rev you deserve to sck with this class

> > maybe try out things for yourself but dont expect to be good after 1 or 2 years, you have to know all other classes as well to outplay them



> I mean no offense but you clearly have no idea about the situation of other classes, you even vote for Elementalists ?? kitten vote Necro or Engi then lol. Elems not only have huge variety of viable builds, they were never seen in the low-tier, during the whole time GW2 went live. It was and always is on top. You talk about condi-cleanse I guess you are focused only in sPvP or WvW.


> Don’t you find it funny that not only Revs have extremely poor skill choices but the new legend that came with PoF is useless both in PvP and PvE? Meanwhile Elementalists get tons of new skills and very good power and condi damage.


> Besides being pigeonholed in condi-mace, Power Rev doesn’t even break 30k dps. We’re sitting at 27k, same as before the “buffs”. There’s a reason why you barely see any Rev these days. The class is just trash compared to the others.


True, but you only need a few competent revs to completely nullify an entire damage type (condition) in WvW. I'd say that's pretty ridiculously OP.


What other class has the ability to either nullify condition or physical damage for the duration of an entire fight? Rev's have their place, it obviously isn't for Dps, but what they make up for in screwing over condition classes completely, totally makes up for their lack of dps, and then some and far beyond that. No other class in the game has the ability to do what they do.


I'd be completely in favor of upping the Rev's dps at the cost of removing that resistance buff which never should have existed to begin with.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.

> >

> > No rangers are not in a great spot, for the thing most WvW players do - zergs they are still basically unwanted (go see guard, necro, warrior, rev, etc for classes that are meta for zergs), for guild raids they are am optional niche pick and roaming/small group is the only place they are in a good spot.

> >

> >


> So they are a good choice for roaming and as healers. So like I said. Good spot.


Don't think so, or at least not anymore? The latest patch made it worse in WvW. Still acceptable in small group but will be the weakess, often targeted for being easy to be removed. All the condi variant is not as efficient(bonfire nerf, daggers & sb etc). Power build is not any better. Druids, it might be just me its a lackluster as a WvW sp? If the combat last long enough till celestial avantar is on downtime....spamming staff dmg is...be useful.

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* Revenant for certain.

* Core engi definitely needs some work, and scrapper could use more buffs, but I don't think engineer is in as bad shape as revenant.

* Core necro seems... ok, reaper needs some buffs, scourge is fine.

* Core ele and tempest need some buffs for PvP/WvW. Weaver is almost right, just needs some tweaking.

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