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Can we have the Mesmer treatment?

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So Mesmers got a HUGE change in the last balance update and has never been invigorated this much. So my question is: Can other classes get the mesmer treatment?

Like revenant and ranger have since they come out problems with their class mechanic and could use an update.

And other classes could benefit from some big changes too.

Not every profession at once but 1 by 1 could be possible.



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You don't change all at once or in fast succession within such a difficult environment like GW2's.

You wait a bit and monitor the results. Look at RIOT games constantly reworking their characters and then watch the crying on the forums.


If you want good sound, you do not turn all the knobs and sliders on your stereo at once. You change the low frquencies and then listen to several genres before making more adjustments. Maybe fixing one thing passively changes other professions and thus make further changes unneccessary.



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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> You don't change all at once or in fast succession within such a difficult environment like GW2's.

> You wait a bit and monitor the results. Look at RIOT games constantly reworking their characters and then watch the crying on the forums.


> If you want good sound, you do not turn all the knobs and sliders on your stereo at once. You change the low frquencies and then listen to several genres before making more adjustments. Maybe fixing one thing passively changes other professions and thus make further changes unneccessary.


> Excelsior.


I am not asking to get it out now. If i get up to date mechanics for the more flawed professions in half a year or atleast one i am happy.

I am just asking if they can do that again and not in 6 years but rather 6 months.


> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> I think having one profession getting a big change like mesmers did per patch would be fantastic for the game.

> There are many traits, lines and skills currently across all classes that..while might sound cool.. realistically are naf and are in major need for reworks and tweeks.


Well they could alternate between 2 balance updates and 1 rework update.

So it would take a while until everything is done but it would give the game a more progressive feeling in regards to combat mechanics (despite the fact that the combat is one best out there for mmos, but i think you know what i mean)

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> trust me you should be glad you didn´t receive mirage´s treatment, and I´m not even talking about pvp


I do not talk about thinks like dps. I rather talk about how it feels to play. And the new phantasm system is way more active and fun to play than the old one.

Numbers can be tweaked, mechanics need to be overhauled. My part here are the mechanics.


Side note: Still get 40 stacks of confusion on enemies and shred them to pieces. Solo champ farm works fine too.


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Sorry, like what?

I am playing more ranger now with druid and soulbeast due to their versatility and balance across game modes.

Ravenant.. yeah i can see. but like how?

Mesmer right now feel they just took the scepter passive and put on the whole class.

(ps: still struggling to keep quickness ).


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> @"RSLongK.8961" said:

> Sorry, like what?

> I am playing more ranger now with druid and soulbeast due to their versatility and balance across game modes.

> Ravenant.. yeah i can see. but like how?

> Mesmer right now feel they just took the scepter passive and put on the whole class.

> (ps: still struggling to keep quickness ).

> /hugs


Didnt get an whom this is aimed for but i explain my part if needed^^

Ranger is a good class and very versatile but is restricted to expansion pets to really shine. Soulbeast improved some of it but has its own issues because of rigidity in the beastmode system (but thats kinda off topic). My point here are the pets though. Some vanilla pets have targeting issues, pets can not be costumized regarding in its stats or nature and the abbilities are sometimes just weak or useless because if a huge CD. I.e. Blackbear enfeebling roar on a 40s CD.


Revenant needs better underwater legend access (jalis and glint should work) and thus a trident as a undereater weapon could work too (they could even keep the double AA idea on bith weapons)

But more importently rev needs more skills and more utility in its current ones. And in addition some way to replenish energy and more options trait wise (good changes in the past though, although not that many PvP oriented).


These are the main culprits that need an update, dont have an idea atm which class needs one too regarding mechanics.


PS: /hugs

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Guardians and DH's would apreciate some atention.

> > Guardian kinda lost it's ideal of gameplay, easy to overlwhelm it.


> These are most balanced specs for a long time already.


wich is a problem, being balanced :) when classes dev's play are easy to play and are more efective.


guardian shouts are weak to the current game, consecrtions feel a niche of the gameplay, the new trait is awfull, SW never worked.

DH is a thing that expect to win with a power crep momentum on traps with a bow for cc and support it, another bad design.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Guardians and DH's would apreciate some atention.

> > > Guardian kinda lost it's ideal of gameplay, easy to overlwhelm it.

> >

> > These are most balanced specs for a long time already.


> wich is a problem, being balanced :) when classes dev's play are easy to play and are more efective.


DH is ont only faceroll easy, it's also one of optimal dps specs. I have no idea what you're talking about. I see guardian, especially DH as the only profession/spec that doesn't really need changes at this point.

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@Kheldorn.5123, that might be true, maybe the issue migth be core, i tend to play with mace shield weapon on guardian shouts/medi wich that might be also part of my problem... a compelte outdated build and gameplay due how strong every one is with PoF stuff.



- Spirit weapons they simple dont work some due being weak, some are still bugged.

- Shouts are underperforming compared with other classes options (i play traited shouts with trooper runes)

- Consecrations... 1minute CD on sanctuary **when traited** for 6 sec dome deploy, and no elite in game, no one gets efected by that nowadayss.

- The new trait is super useless

- 1 elite working and mandatory 99% of time (RF)

- Staff, i actually like the light aura on staff 2...Weapon is still for empower and swap again.

- Meditation are the only thing viable and formost mandatory.


Perfectly balanced for PoF spambrands....i get it.




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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @Kheldorn.5123, that might be true, maybe the issue migth be core, i tend to play with mace shield weapon on guardian shouts/medi wich that might be also part of my problem... a compelte outdated build and gameplay due how strong every one is with PoF stuff.



> - Spirit weapons they simple dont work some due being weak, some are still bugged.

> - Shouts are underperforming compared with other classes options (i play traited shouts with trooper runes)

> - Consecrations... 1minute CD on sanctuary **when traited** for 6 sec dome deploy, and no elite in game, no one gets efected by that nowadayss.

> - The new trait is super useless

> - 1 elite working and mandatory 99% of time (RF)

> - Staff, i actually like the light aura on staff 2...Weapon is still for empower and swap again.

> - Meditation are the only thing viable and formost mandatory.


> Perfectly balanced for PoF spambrands....i get it.





This topic is mainly about improving outdated mechanics. I can agree on SW are bad but the mechanic is not outdated, its actually one if the newest and works (even if it needs tweaks and inprovements). Core mechanic if guardian is good too, 3 different signet typish skills that have passive and active use.

Guardian is mechanically fine, we can argue about the rest but thats not the point of this topic.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Huge changes needed:

> Revenant >>>>>>>>>>>> Engie >>>> All the rest.


Engi could use a weaponswap IMO but rev and ranger pets need more of an mechanical overhaul. Ranger itself is fine. The pets are garbage except the expac ones and some specific others which arent garbage but not really great.

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I think the changes are awesome! Taking one class every once and a while and revamping is great!

Mesmer was also a pretty dangerous choice as it was/is the most expensive to setup to the max. (AKA Legendary gear is actually kind of viable for function on Mesmer if you don't want to have 6 gear sets ;) )

Mesmer main, druid alt, necro lover.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> They just killed the most iconic condition of the Mesmer, Confusion.


> It is literally unusable in PvE now to the point where they had to emergency-patch weapon skills to deal Torment instead.


> Trust me, you do _not_ want the "Mesmer treatment" for your class.


Confusion is not mesmer only. And everything else mesmer got regarding mechanics is fantastic. It ironed out many problems comming up over the past years. Its way more active now and has better snyergy.

They changed confusion because it was to strong in PvP. They took this decision and they stated they keep it. Getting torment instead isnt that bad and getting a renewed mechanic us fantastic. As i said i dont talk dmg here. I talk mechanics.


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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> I think the changes are awesome! Taking one class every once and a while and revamping is great!

> Mesmer was also a pretty dangerous choice as it was/is the most expensive to setup to the max. (AKA Legendary gear is actually kind of viable for function on Mesmer if you don't want to have 6 gear sets ;) )

> Mesmer main, druid alt, necro lover.


Some costumization for pets would be great too.

Like choosing family skill and the archetype so you can costumize it after your liking. They could even change the base stats of pets depending on archetypes so we could have 5 different stat sets for pets. Tweaking skills and dmg to bring them to HoT/PoF level is of course also important. And last but nit least they should standardize the stat calculations. Every pet calculates stats differently, especially noticable on precision.

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I agree..... Mesmer got a huge overhaul and Revenant could definitelly use one too. I think most of us can agree that revenant has its uses (most of which tend to be awfully boring roles), but overall it's a class people avoid playing, because it's stuck in a loop of inferiority.


What do I mean with loop of inferiority? It has class mechanics that make it OP in pvp if you make it "okay" in PvE. For instance, rev while power rev was good in PvE it's ability to spam certain skills (such as the assassin's teleport) made it OP. Good damage on weapons coupled with impossible odds, AGAIN made rev OP in pvp.... By nerfing rev in pvp they nerfed in pve aswell and so far every change to rev they made, made it necessary to change the other mode to make it competitive.


This points above mostly applied to herald, but renegade is in a similar position, where there's only 1 viable build and it's only viable in pve and on top of that, spirits die fast in some places, so it's not even viable everywhere in PvE....


Revenant's roles in pve (which, since recently, can be done better by other classes):

-Specialized roles in certain raid bosses, which usually boil down to doing some REALLLY boring tanking/kiting .

-Condi Rev....which is nice for a few bosses, but generally gets outperformed by other classes both in raids and open world.


Rev's role in PvP: Power Damage class, with decent CC with herald being a must to simply survive. Thank god for that 1 trait change that rips stability, which makes rev a viable dedicate CCer.


Don't get me wrong, rev shines in some places, but it's inferior to other classes in pretty much everything except for CC and I would love it if Rev got a similar overhaul mesmer did (even-though, it completely destroyed mesmer's dps potential on anything with small-medium hitboxes).





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