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UA vs Smoke Assault


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> @"Manpag.6421" said:

> Does the 150 extra range really make that much difference? Bearing in mind Smoke Assault deals less damage and has almost double the cooldown of UA.


Do you know how often UA bugs out because of range? Why are you like against anything positive for revenant on every thread I see you on lol


Also it's a 300 range difference. UA 450 Smoke Assault 750.


UA damage on wiki is 209(0.5702).

Smoke Assault damage is 554(1.296).


Sounds like it hits harder to me too.




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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Actually the big advantage of smoke assault is that it doesn't have the 3/4 sec interruptable windup which unrelenting assault has. It just goes instantly into the damage/evade frames so you can't t counter it with interrupts or moving out of range during the cast.


SA also drops target when it’s activated.

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> @"Manpag.6421" said:

> Does the 150 extra range really make that much difference? Bearing in mind Smoke Assault deals less damage and has almost double the cooldown of UA.


Smoke Assault(Soulbeast), has approx Same Damage 133(0.5) as UA 209(0.57) , 300 more Range, drops Target, is Instant cast, and it doesn’t cost energy on top of having a CD.


It is a strictly better skill all around.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Actually the big advantage of smoke assault is that it doesn't have the 3/4 sec interruptable windup which unrelenting assault has. It just goes instantly into the damage/evade frames so you can't t counter it with interrupts or moving out of range during the cast.


That too. Really any buffs and bug fixes would be great.

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Soulbeast Smoke Assault is actually bugged at the moment and does about ~20% less damage than it's tooltip would imply.


Anyhow, our Smoke Assault is weaker than your Unrelenting Assault strictly in terms of damage. Ours has greater utility in its range and instant cast. In the following two gifs, I use Smoke Assault and Unrelenting Assault on a light armor golem. Both of my characters are using Paladins ammy with Fire runes, and none have any active damage modifying traits.







Just so you know, the tooltip for Smoke Assault was 445, and the tooltip for Unrelenting Assault was 463, but there was quite a damage difference between them. And that is because, again, Smoke Assault is either bugged and does less damage, or it's tooltip is mistakenly too high. The Soulbeast even had a ferocity advantage over the Revenant because of beastmode.

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a rev has like 5-6 traits that increase ur dmg. 100% crit chance on fury, increased dmg when using sword attacks stacks up to 5, more dmg with boons, more dmg with vuln on enemy, 150 ferocity etc. etc. and its a weapons skill not some pet mode skill. comparing rev with ranger dmg is like comparing tomatoes with apples.


in fact smoke assault cant be interrupted which is so good vs warriors or thieves. either of those will ALWAYS interrupt ur UA if they pay attention. easy head shot or dagger 3. also while casting in like a midfight u take all the aoes for almost a second when ur in the need of evades. doesnt happen w smoke assault.


also the range makes such a big difference as being said, u can just walk out of range or dodge back when u see the rev casting UA and it wont work. skill goes on cd. energy gone.


oh and yeah we actually use energy... not like we can use any skill anytime thats of cd.


making UA like smoke assault would be great. wont happen cuz anet doesnt like revenants lul

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> @"Soilder.3607" said:

> Just so you know, the tooltip for Smoke Assault was 445, and the tooltip for Unrelenting Assault was 463, but there was quite a damage difference between them. And that is because, again, Smoke Assault is either bugged and does less damage, or it's tooltip is mistakenly too high. The Soulbeast even had a ferocity advantage over the Revenant because of beastmode.


That's probably because Dagger has a lower max Weapon Strength than Sword (924-981 vs 905–1,000). Assuming those beast skills even use your MH Weapon's stats... It may use your beast's base attack stat, which would be even lower?


Also your Revenant is gaining Vicious Laceration stacks with every hit in the chain...

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Soilder.3607" said:

> > Just so you know, the tooltip for Smoke Assault was 445, and the tooltip for Unrelenting Assault was 463, but there was quite a damage difference between them. And that is because, again, Smoke Assault is either bugged and does less damage, or it's tooltip is mistakenly too high. The Soulbeast even had a ferocity advantage over the Revenant because of beastmode.


> That's probably because Dagger has a lower max Weapon Strength than Sword (924-981 vs 905–1,000). Assuming those beast skills even use your MH Weapon's stats... It may use your beast's base attack stat, which would be even lower?


> Also your Revenant is gaining Vicious Laceration stacks with every hit in the chain...


Ah I didn't even realize that Vicious Laceration was on.


Soulbeast skills do indeed scale off the strength of your weapons. But I don't believe using a dagger alone is enough to create such a big discrepancy between the two skills.

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> @"Soilder.3607" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"Soilder.3607" said:

> > > Just so you know, the tooltip for Smoke Assault was 445, and the tooltip for Unrelenting Assault was 463, but there was quite a damage difference between them. And that is because, again, Smoke Assault is either bugged and does less damage, or it's tooltip is mistakenly too high. The Soulbeast even had a ferocity advantage over the Revenant because of beastmode.

> >

> > That's probably because Dagger has a lower max Weapon Strength than Sword (924-981 vs 905–1,000). Assuming those beast skills even use your MH Weapon's stats... It may use your beast's base attack stat, which would be even lower?

> >

> > Also your Revenant is gaining Vicious Laceration stacks with every hit in the chain...


> Ah I didn't even realize that Vicious Laceration was on.


> Soulbeast skills do indeed scale off the strength of your weapons. But I don't believe using a dagger alone is enough to create such a big discrepancy between the two skills.


Smoke Assault is slightly lower coefficient than UA, SA is .5 coefficient and UA is .5702 on top of the Weapon Damage, and if you had Vicious Lacerations then any crit would add Vulnerability and Revs deal 7% more Damage to enemies with Vulnerability. I cant view the gifs on my phone for some reason so cant see what’s going on to provider anymore insight into that.

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Here are two better examples to compare these skills in as much as a vacuum as possible. And I was actually wrong, soulbeast skills do not scale off of weapon strength in PvP, only the amount of power you have. The tooltip numbers will change if you unequip your weapons, but the damage from soulbeast skills will stay the same. In PvE and WvW, however, they do indeed scale off of weapon strength.






So in these gifs I run only defensive traitlines as to not gain any damage modifiers. I only use the Harrier's Amulet, with no runes or sigils. UA tooltip is at 446, SA is at 426. Revenant has 2,200 power, Ranger has 2,400.


Still a big damage difference between the two skills. UA does about 25% more damage than SA even though its' tooltip is only about 5% greater.



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