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How do you spend your gold?


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I used to spend it little by little until I had two full ascended sets, a Viper and a Berserker for my Mesmer after that i mostly hoarded it since i didn't come across something i cared for and also gambled a bit... unsuccesfully until i came up with the idea to make Eternity, all my income is currently going there.

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I have a fixed minimum amount of gold that I do not touch. It shall cover in case I decide to go for an extraordinary invest like paying for the precursor of a legendary weapon or affording a very expensive item at BLT or spending gold for a big amount of gems to get something I want from the shop. Aside of it, all what I earn at the top of that secured amount is used. I rebuild small amounts of gems, I invest into equipment for my chars, I buy dyes... It is a bit based on mood and needs. :)

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  • 6 months later...

My behavior changes, it seems.

First, I hoarded everything without ever getting any lucky drops or farming anything, slowly making my way towards 300g.

After some time, I had enough mats to craft Predator, which I then sold, leaving me with enough gold to get me the Griffon, buy lots of fluff and cool skins. Even converted quite a chunk to gems to get some mountfits.

Right now, I'm in hoarding mode again, saving up for those mats I'm gonna need whenever the next legendary GS hits (if it doesn't look like a surfboard with christmas deco, that is).

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I used to spend most of my gold on new characters, runes, sigil, etc.


While not as bad as in other MMOs in the past, it took a while to craft my first legendary 4.5 years ago (Twilight for my mesmer). That's when I noticed the true value of using gold to make gold, so I sold the first Twilight. Actually this might be more related to converting materials into gold like Gifts of Exploration and Obsidian Shards.


Ever since then I've been up and down but I try not to drop below 500 liquid gold (I don't use the TP since I can restrain myself) and will usually hover around 1-3k gold having spent most of my gold the last 2 years on legendary items (3 armors, some weapons, fractals back pack, Aurora, etc.).


I do occasionally invest into TP items but haven't been to active or investment heavy for a while. Buying complete cheap Black Lion Weapon Sets and then using the gained 7 Tickets to recuperate the gold from more expensive sets is the only thing I do regularly.

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I spend most of my gold for my characters. I've been playing for around 1 year by now, but I still need some ascended sets and a lot of ar-infusions. I'm kinda lazy, so every character gets multiple sets with 150 ar even though I could transfer gear to other characters. Of course then there are cosmetics. Had to get the full equinox-set lately, crafted two legendary weapons by now and seven armor-pieces and stuff like nightfury.


I'm constantly broke btw. xD

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I've been saving up gold for Dawn to finish my legendary for a looooong time now, but something else ALWAYS comes up before I've saved enough. "Oh, this build looks awesome, I have to gear up yet another alt and try it out!" "Oh, I MUST get that skin to complete my look!" "Oh, THIS item is finally on sale in the gem store, time to convert!"


Honestly, I'm just going to throw actual money at it when I can spare it, because gold never stays in my purse.

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I just finished leveling all crafting professions and am crafting ascended armor and weapons for my main characters. There's a lot of materials that go in that, so I do part gathering and part buying. The only other thing I still probably want to get is the griffon mount but I'm not in a hurry. Since the ascended gear is also based on time gated components, I have no choice but to pace myself...which is probably a good thing, though it is a pain that you can only get one charged quartz a day since I wanted one set of celestial gear which works quite well for my guardian in open world.


But by pacing it, I do a small bit of crafting a day which costs me a few gold in materials I miss after gathering for a while and I do a few things to gain some gold back. In the end now that my crafting professions are done I can sort of stay at the same amount of gold...which is significantly less than before I bought the chaos longbow skin and a couple of glyphs. But to be honest, once the crafting is done and I have the griffon I won't need so much gold cause I'd spend it on the occasional skin and none of the legendaries actually appeal to me, so I'm not bothered about that stuff.

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Hmm, I decided, for no reason whatsoever that I wanted to craft all the pres. I have now finished all of the tier 1 collections so am working on getting stuff for crafting the lowest experimental weapon. I am also getting stuff to craft my legendary armor (2 pieces left to craft). Finally I am buying up items for when I decide to advance my pres into actual legendaries.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> I spend it on unnecessary stuff that I regret buying a few minutes later... just like real life.


At least you get the warm, fuzzy feeling for buying the SHINY!

(Fits your user picture really well) =)


As for myself: Most of my gold comes from RL currency ==> gems ==> gold exchanges and I mostly spend them on (rare) crafting materials and some collectibles.

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The only planning for my gold that I actually do is to see whatever my new level 80 at the time needs in exotics. I don't bother trying to shoot for Legendaries. To me, they're not a priority as I can't seem to find a guild I'm happy with and can raid with. And to be fair, I don't like raiding anyway. So my gold stash is usually somewhere between 15G to 100G. Though I do want the gryphon mount, so I'll have to work on saving more for that.

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My gold goes on crafting. I like to be running Meta builds, but I also like to try out builds too. Don't think I will happy till I either craft every stat you will ever need or I find a way to finally upgrade my WvW set. I also love crafting weapons for the same reason.

More to the point I don't like having 'naked' characters.

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Most I've ever had at one time is between 1700-1800 gold. As far as I remember, I've never bought gold with gems.


I _do_ however do the reverse: I drop my hard-earned gold and convert it to gems if I see something I like crop up in the gem store. It's where I spend most of my gold. I'm currently down to 170g, thanks to a few mount skins, the new dragon throne, and a whole bunch of Black Lion keys.

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