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!!!! BEST PVP MOMENT 2018 ft. SINDRENER !!!!


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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> So sad that they will just look at this and roll their eyes and say "No one hacks our game!! This must be some how fake!" DENY DENY DENY!



And i was just listening to a news about fake news while reading ur comment lol..., "it is fake news..." no cheater can fly, cause gravity.


wonder if the guardian signet for KD would make him die with fall damage xD, at least on WvW i pulled a flying thief down to down with Dh f1 to down state since he was flying over the aoe fields, he just got a bit high than he should have...

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> @"PuppyMonkeyBabyJosephSayer.3601" said:

> its more common then you know if you've seen the video a player posted on the forum not too long ago......the same cheat crap that lets you fly over maps like that lets u zoom around under them at superspeed and pop up anywhere, as well as set your own runspeed so that even while in combat your speed never changes which is a bigger issue then you might think


That speed hack is pervasive in WvW and PvP matches and makes one heck of a difference in a close fight.

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> @"PuppyMonkeyBabyJosephSayer.3601" said:

> I also like how one person listed in that match actually named themselves wintrade, match buying / selling, a problem as common as hacking possibly even more so. You know all those people that just go afk weather you're winning or not or dc then come back later in match? Yeah, that.


> Saw that at least 10 times last monday, as well as 20 other people that i heard from about the same thing, more in one day then i've seen in the game......ever -- I guess match sellers had a sale?


You are talking about me it seems so let me clue you in mr. i base opinions and ideas upon someones char name because im smart and knows everything.The name referrs to the french infection of wintraders(cough french mafia cough) ,literally translated it means wintrade police officer now to explain the fact i was afk in the match ;you'd never guessed but its for a rather simple reason,i dont want a hacker to win ANY games even if it means that i have to afk.


So next time before you come here claiming all sorts of nonsense as if they were facts maybe try using your brains beforehand(assuming you have them in the 1st place ofc.)


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I wonder why such obvious hackers do not get automatically banned by the game. Should be easy enough to detect impossible movements and throw the ban hammer. Especially since there are no mounts or gliders in PvP that could confuse the system


Ehm not really dh spear pull or lb from ranger can sometimes glitch and push/pull u very far up in the air

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> @"bluri.2653" said:


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I wonder why such obvious hackers do not get automatically banned by the game. Should be easy enough to detect impossible movements and throw the ban hammer. Especially since there are no mounts or gliders in PvP that could confuse the system


> Ehm not really dh spear pull or lb from ranger can sometimes glitch and push/pull u very far up in the air


Reminds me of when engineers used magnet lol. That happened almost every time for me.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I wonder why such obvious hackers do not get automatically banned by the game. Should be easy enough to detect impossible movements and throw the ban hammer. Especially since there are no mounts or gliders in PvP that could confuse the system


> Ehm not really dh spear pull or lb from ranger can sometimes glitch and push/pull u very far up in the air

Maybe time to rework those skills if they frequently cause issues

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