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Portal as an elite skill - yes or no?


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This makes Mirage choose between Jaunt and Portal. Balances Mirage mobility and improve core Mesmer at the same time (it frees up an important utility slot). Mesmer has had a locked utility in PvP since the start of the game and as we know, core Mesmer elites are fairly ineffective at the current time anyway. Mainly from a PvP perspective.

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Yes I think it would be interesting to have Portal as an elite skill. Not sure which would be used in pvp - I guess Jaunt more if solo and portal if organised team.


Mass Invis could be changed to Glamour - that would solve the trait issue with Master of Manipulation - and moved to a utility skill. Portal could be changed to manipulation - would synergise nicely with the reflect from master of manipulation - and moved to elite?

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What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.

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> @"Takashiro.8701" said:

> What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

> Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.


Huh I could actually get behind this. Time warp was nice in PvP prequickness nerf but now I don’t run it at all.

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> @"Takashiro.8701" said:

> What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

> Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.


I like the idea but Time Warp is different from the Well tick mechanics so would be a bit incongruent.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Takashiro.8701" said:

> > What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

> > Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.


> I like the idea but Time Warp is different from the Well tick mechanics so would be a bit incongruent.


They'd have to make some adjustments to both skills, sure.

For Gwell they'd have to remove the clock animation and rename it to something like "Event Horizon".

For Time Warp they'd have to add some animation of a clock running wild and rename it to "X Well/Well of X"

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Takashiro.8701" said:

> > What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

> > Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.


> I like the idea but Time Warp is different from the Well tick mechanics so would be a bit incongruent.


Well, the difference is that Time Warp has no final pulse bonus, as there are other wells that provide an effect with every pulse. Adding a final pulse would be easy enough.


I think the real issue is that Time Warp is extremely similar to Well of Action.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"Takashiro.8701" said:

> > > What about switching Gravity Well with Time Warp? Time Warp fits thematically with chrono and it's only really effective when used as chrono (boon duration aswell as only 90sec CD).

> > > Gravity Well on the other hand is always useful and the 90sec CD offers some more variety to elite skills for core mes/mirage/future specs.

> >

> > I like the idea but Time Warp is different from the Well tick mechanics so would be a bit incongruent.


> Well, the difference is that Time Warp has no final pulse bonus, as there are other wells that provide an effect with every pulse. Adding a final pulse would be easy enough.


> I think the real issue is that Time Warp is extremely similar to Well of Action.


Its worse than WoA for small groups actually. WoA has far higher uptime on quickness than TW does, even after accounting for only using TW inside of CS (and cutting the CD in half doing so).


**Edit** Some maths - WoA with 100% boon duration gives you 8 seconds of quickness on a 25s CD, for an uptime of pretty much 33% on quickness, just from this skill alone. TW, with 100% boon duration, gives 20 seconds of quickness, on a 180 sec CD. This is 11.1% uptime, barely over 10% honestly. Solely using TW inside CS lowers its CD to 90seconds (no illusions line), for an uptime of 22.2%, less than 1/4. With both chronomancer and illusions, and only using TW in CS in PvE, the CD is 76.5seconds, and your uptime is 26% on quickness. TW is nowhere near close to WoA. The only thin its better at is reaching more people.

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I dunno about making it an elite, but it definitely needs a sPvP-only range reduction... With it's current range, it's basically a guaranteed win on 1/2 the ranked maps if you use it intelligently. From a completely objective standpoint, it's wayyyy too strong, and 6,000 is wayyyy too far.

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Well in a way it'd be cool because it gives me a *useful* elite skill. OTOH, I feel it it *were* to become an elite, it should be much more powerful for PvE purposes especially. So mind you, this would probably need to be split, and this is the PvE version:


**Portal** (elite, 20 seconds cooldown)

_Duration_: 30 seconds

_Maximum range_: 2000 units

_Charges_: infinite

_Cooldown_: 2 seconds before being allowed to use portal again


If using Portal again while an existant connection is still ongoing, you'll place a new exit and the previous exit becomes the entrance. Plus the duration is refreshed. Portal hopping!

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Is there an option for “Heeeell No!”

> Edit: Mass Invis needs a CD reduction to be a viable pick in current meta, and Time Warp just needs a straight up buff. Don’t touch Moa, it’s one of those borderline troll skills that need the high CD to not make them OP AF.


Mass Invis doesn't need any changes, it's one of the only skills to be able to affect 10 people and the stealth is 5s baseline which is pretty high for a single skill. However where it truly excels is when you take chaos to get it down to a 72s CD and extend the stealth to 7.5s where it's a guaranteed escape should you get it off which doesn't require everyone stand in one spot and hope they don't die.


I don't agree that timewarp needs a buff, I think it's too big a skill personally. It's basically a huge 10s AoE which sure makes that area a no go for fighting but it's only useful in a point capture mode. In WvW the enemy just runs out, in PvE it's actual use is much less because of it's pulsing nature and how it needs to be used in CS but then overwrites quickness from stacking. I think they should halve the duration and halve the cool down maybe even go so far as to make it 60s CD and only last 4s, this would let it be a useful skill outside of chrono as well as making temporal enchanter a more viable trait to run on support outside of PvE.


Signet of Humility needs it's CD reducing in line with how much they took off it's duration so it's useful outside of CS, I barely see anyone decent get killed by a single moa anymore, sure double moa does but that's more CS than moa.

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I think TW needs more than that. A 4 second field on a 60 seconds is a glorified, but worse, version of WoA. It doesn't matter that WoA is on an elite spec, no elite skill should be outclassed by a utility skill, something is wrong there.


I would rather see it reworked. Something like:


90s CD, 5sec duration, but the effect is the original quickness, doubling your attack speed instead of 50% buff. This makes it significantly stronger than WoA is, but the much higher CD means you have to be much smarter with how you use TW to make it effective (theoretically at least)

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Not completely ontopic but I always get upset when thinking about how great Moa as Manipulation would have been... :'(


That being said, I wouldn't mind Portal becoming an Elite. However, I'd rather have something changed about the bad interaction between MI and the respective trait at the same time. Something like:


* Portal = Elite Manipulation (could reflect upon entering/exiting :3 )

* MI = Elite Glamour (would actually be nice paired with Temporal Enchanter)

* Time Warp = Utility Glamour (decrase target cap, but lower CD - pretty similar too Well of Action, though)

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