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State of Necro


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scourge is very strong. it really shines in team play so if team play is where you want your role to be, scourge is a good choice.

reaper was just changed slightly some odd months ago, so it's more a brawler/1v1 orientated spec that rolls power. (forgot to mention scourge is support/condi, support coming through barrier)

necro i would say is in a good state right now. but yeah scourge is strong.

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> @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> Hey there,


> was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?


If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs

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> @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > Hey there,

> >

> > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?


> If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs


Why is it trash for raids?

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> @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > Hey there,

> >

> > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?


> If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs


Which would matter if the PvE in this game was Wildstar level where hardcore raid guilds struggled for weeks, even months to finish some of the raids, so running what was optimal mattered, but it isn't, this is a game where raids are normally beaten within hours of release, where most of the raid bosses have been 4-6 manned and where you can run nearly any comp (even 10 of one class) and complete the "hardest" PvE content in the game.

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> @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > > Hey there,

> > >

> > > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?

> >

> > If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs


> Why is it trash for raids?


It's not, just some people say it is. It's not top dps but the barrier and epi is certainly helpful in a lot of situations. You may not be welcomed in a pug group with it, but we use one in my static (healer or just Condi). There are plenty of groups willing to take one (just probably not the ones you're finding on lfg)

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> scourge is very strong. it really shines in team play so if team play is where you want your role to be, scourge is a good choice.

> reaper was just changed slightly some odd months ago, so it's more a brawler/1v1 orientated spec that rolls power. (forgot to mention scourge is support/condi, support coming through barrier)

> necro i would say is in a good state right now. but yeah scourge is strong.


Reaper (and the spite traitline) had some changes that made power builds better, without hurting the condi reaper builds, which are still just as viable. However, Scourge does crank out a lot of condi, so is favored over reaper for condi builds... but they will pry my bloodice reaper from my cold dead hands....


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> @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > > Hey there,

> > >

> > > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?

> >

> > If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs


> Why is it trash for raids?


That's people's way of saying you can't get a PUG with a Try-hard group.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > > @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > > > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > > > Hey there,

> > > >

> > > > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?

> > >

> > > If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs

> >

> > Why is it trash for raids?


> That's people's way of saying you can't get a PUG with a Try-hard group.


I've watched a lot of footage now. So far Scourge seems really awesome. I'll probably play it no matter what. Reaper sounds enticing..but the playstyle seems a bit odd. Maybe it's just me.

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Scourge is the improved version of necro. Base is the same, shroud is replaced with sand shades(totem like sentries that trigger your skills effects). They're very strong in WvW/Pvp enviroment mainly because they are efficient in converting condi to boons(with a low cd) and applying barrier&boons while corrupting nearby enemy boons aoe wide. When it comes to PvE, where DPS is considered, scourge is just not the best since there are other better condi dps atm. (Anet fixed it but scourge were broken before, had a "bug" with the sand shades applying burn with each pulse instead of just once, good times :smile: watching champions melt)


Edit :


From another post but here you go. Those red pulse are scourge/sand shades pulsing condi and barrier. Not to mention corrupting boons.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> Necro is one of the strongest classes in the game for solo pve content, which is what the majority of players do. People on the forums will give you mostly pvp and raiding advice since that's what most people that post on the forums do, so just a head's up.


If you just wanna play around alone. Necro is fine.

If you wanna do endcontent like raids or fraks. Better get another class going because 95% of the groups wont take you, even if you would be the best necro player of the world

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > Necro is one of the strongest classes in the game for solo pve content, which is what the majority of players do. People on the forums will give you mostly pvp and raiding advice since that's what most people that post on the forums do, so just a head's up.


> If you just wanna play around alone. Necro is fine.

> If you wanna do endcontent like raids or fraks. Better get another class going because 95% of the groups wont take you, even if you would be the best necro player of the world


From what I've seen Scourge is pretty good with all kinds of content. It's not top DPS, sure, but neither are many other classes/specs. Don't get the hate. Are people this obsessed over meta?

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> @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > > Necro is one of the strongest classes in the game for solo pve content, which is what the majority of players do. People on the forums will give you mostly pvp and raiding advice since that's what most people that post on the forums do, so just a head's up.

> >

> > If you just wanna play around alone. Necro is fine.

> > If you wanna do endcontent like raids or fraks. Better get another class going because 95% of the groups wont take you, even if you would be the best necro player of the world


> From what I've seen Scourge is pretty good with all kinds of content. It's not top DPS, sure, but neither are many other classes/specs. Don't get the hate. Are people this obsessed over meta?


Yes, they actually are. They think it's the ONLY way to play the game. Completely off-base considering there are large number of compositions and classes you can successfully do endgame PVE content with. Meta players using non-meta classes/builds love self-loathing.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> From what I've seen Scourge is pretty good with all kinds of content. It's not top DPS, sure, but neither are many other classes/specs. Don't get the hate. Are people this obsessed over meta?


Not really...it may be true for raids, but fractals are overflowing with necromancers.


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> @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

> > > @"Appletoast.7315" said:

> > > Hey there,

> > >

> > > was thinking about buying Path of Fire and getting back into the game. How's the Necro right now?

> >

> > If you are a pvp/wvw, go for it, scourge is amazing with his damage/boon corrupt. Isnt opressive as it was in the launch but still strong. For endgame PvE like raids, play other professions, necro is trash. What you can do is the open world content and some fracs


> Why is it trash for raids?


Sub par dps, limited group utility. Barrier is made redundant by the presence of healers and the .5 sec delay that was added to it for pvp/wvw, boon corrupt is worthless, might stacking is redundant due to druid and chrono boon share, transfuson heal spam is limited to how fast you can generate lf and made more difficult on bosses with no adds, epi spam is reliant on the presence of other condi classes, otherwise it's just your conditions you're spreading, and you don't put alot. Also the changes to epi along with the power creep and power builds in general makes epi near worthless in trash mob situations in fractals due to mob stacking and cleaves. Unless your party is full of deadeyes, at that point just ask them not to kill your epi target before epi's projectiles hit the other targets and hope there is still a mob left to epi when you're done setting up.

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> @"nedlee.5943" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > From what I've seen Scourge is pretty good with all kinds of content. It's not top DPS, sure, but neither are many other classes/specs. Don't get the hate. Are people this obsessed over meta?


> Not really...it may be true for raids, but fractals are overflowing with necromancers.



Well i only see in lfg:

Lf bs,chrono,druid,weaver, maybe dh or fb. But if you join a group that is looking for dps, you get kicked most of the times as a necro

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> scourge broken


Sure its broken, if you keep standing in shades.


For pve its lowest dps out there.

For 1v1 scenarios its trash.

For wvw its good, but other classes can be better there dmg wise.


As i see you have that thief icon. So i imagine you being a thief main. But as a thief main you should say that about necro: FREE KILL

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I alwaya wonder how a necro magically gets enough lf to spam its f skills in pvp. Are you just eating all of its slow moving projectile staff autos, or standing completely still, making it easy to drop marks ontop of you thus generating lf? 1 f5 and an f4 will eat up most if not all a necro's lf. Additionally, if you're still dying to scourges after the recent balance, thats because you lack skill, not because scourge is broken.


If we talk about wvw, zergs sure but a zerg of any class will produce the same result. 1v1 scenarios in wv, it really shows a person's lack of skill if they die to a scourge now or before. A solo roaming scourge is a free kill, even to a full zerk pve set up reaper.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > scourge broken


> Sure its broken, if you keep standing in shades.


> For pve its lowest dps out there.

> For 1v1 scenarios its trash.

> For wvw its good, but other classes can be better there dmg wise.


> As i see you have that thief icon. So i imagine you being a thief main. But as a thief main you should say that about necro: FREE KILL


XDXD scourge is broken

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> I alwaya wonder how a necro magically gets enough lf to spam its f skills in pvp. Are you just eating all of its slow moving projectile staff autos, or standing completely still, making it easy to drop marks ontop of you thus generating lf? 1 f5 and an f4 will eat up most if not all a necro's lf. Additionally, if you're still dying to scourges after the recent balance, thats because you lack skill, not because scourge is broken.


> If we talk about wvw, zergs sure but a zerg of any class will produce the same result. 1v1 scenarios in wv, it really shows a person's lack of skill if they die to a scourge now or before. A solo roaming scourge is a free kill, even to a full zerk pve set up reaper.


have you seen the radius of the AOE? , oh and the skills also come from the necro itself good luck trying to do something at melee, it's like having 4 small aoes or 1big and 1 small , the FACT that a single class eliminates a lot of build variety from the entire game means that something has to be done

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