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Anet why are you so fixed on making power reaper a thing in Raids?


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Both this recent patch and the November patch both brought changes that where clearly intended to improve power reaper in PvE formats, with the side effect of destroying Reaper's sustain in PvP.

> I do PvP/WvW exclusively on Power Reaper since Hot Release and I can say that when you look at the big picture the spec became more viable.


> The last patch changed nothing for Power Reaper except the corrupt table but was still a huge buff because a lot of counter-specs were nerfed - esp. Scourge and Mirage. Warrior and Power/Shiro is a doable matchup now because you can switch your utilites from anti-condi to anti-power while still being capable of killing a Scourge. I would even say that at the moment there do not exist any hardcounters to Power Reaper. So much about 1v1...


> When we consider team scenarios Power Reaper performs great as long as you don't team up with low-fight-presence specs like Thief, LB-Ranger or Mesmer. You need someone right next to you for support - it does not matter if it is a Warrior, Revenant, Guardian, Engineer... as long as it's no Teef.


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Both this recent patch and the November patch both brought changes that where clearly intended to improve power reaper in PvE formats, with the side effect of destroying Reaper's sustain in PvP.

> I do PvP/WvW exclusively on Power Reaper since Hot Release and I can say that when you look at the big picture the spec became more viable.


> The last patch changed nothing for Power Reaper except the corrupt table but was still a huge buff because a lot of counter-specs were nerfed - esp. Scourge and Mirage. Warrior and Power/Shiro is a doable matchup now because you can switch your utilites from anti-condi to anti-power while still being capable of killing a Scourge. I would even say that at the moment there do not exist any hardcounters to Power Reaper. So much about 1v1...


> When we consider team scenarios Power Reaper performs great as long as you don't team up with low-fight-presence specs like Thief, LB-Ranger or Mesmer. You need someone right next to you for support - it does not matter if it is a Warrior, Revenant, Guardian, Engineer... as long as it's no Teef.


You are kidding right?

Every thief, engi, firebrand, ranger can easily win 1v1 vs reaper.

Yes i have to say some matchups got better with the last balance patch.

But still you are no matchup on reaprr for most oponents

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What still baffle me is how the hell you end up thinking that the "power reaper" changes were done for PvE... That's nonsense...


If we had been pre HoT in the zerk PvE meta it would have had some sense but ultimately since HoT the will to step out of the "condi cancer" always came from PvP and, especially, WvW.


WvW is not a PvE mode. It has never been and will never be.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> What still baffle me is how the hell you end up thinking that the "power reaper" changes were done for PvE... That's nonsense...


> If we had been pre HoT in the zerk PvE meta it would have had some sense but ultimately since HoT the will to step out of the "condi cancer" always came from PvP and, especially, WvW.


> WvW is not a PvE mode. It has never been and will never be.


Did you ever read a description of wvw?


"World versus World (also known as WvW) is a combination Player versus Player/Player versus Environment game mode where players from three different servers (worlds), or more, battle in the Mists."


So i guess you are wrong xD

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Well it wouldnt be inherently bad if reaper could be taken as a power dps in raids and T4 fractals.

The one true thing thats holding necro back as a power high end dps is epidemic.

It has just huge utility and scales with condi dmg. And its the reason why necros got into raids in the first place.

Maybe a hybrid reaper? Wouldnt optimal dps but maybe.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:> I am not asking ArenaNet to abandon anything, I'm asking ArenaNet to stop throwing 2/3rds of the gamemodes under the bus just to suit a tiny minority of players that insist on being able to do top tier DPS in raids by rebinding all their keys to gravedigger.>


First off PvE is the majority of players and all the damage that has been done to power reaper was to try and fix it for the minority and we can all see how that's worked out. Most power reapers are not looking for top DPS what they want is respectable DPS in all game modes. As far as Reaper being a power build that was the intention all along and it's been slowly converted to condition because they have not properly balanced power on all classes for the most part and over powered condition damage.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:


> I am not talking about the Q2 2016 condi reaper nerfs. Also Condi Reaper fell out of the solo queue PvP meta in Q1 2017 and fell out of the tournament meta in Q3 2017. Power Reaper was part of the solo queue PvP meta for all of 2017 prior to PoF, and even with PoF was viable up until the November 2017 patch.


> To be clear this thread is exclusively about the November 2017 changes to reaper shroud, and the February 2018 rework of vampiric presence. Both changes where seemingly designed to improve power reaper's raid DPS at the expense of survivability, and that survivability loss ended up completely destroying Reaper's last grip on viability in PvP given that Reaper was already struggling in a Scourge dominated meta.


Thats fine i was simply implying that anet hits both pvp and pve at the same time in most cases without doing a skill split which leads to a loss on both ends


> I do not understand where you got the idea that I want Gravedigger nerfed. I want Reaper's survivability returned to a level that will allow us to hold our own again. Currently a Reaper running a Paladin's Amulet and Soldier Runes is significantly squishier than the marauder builds of other classes.


I agree with your amulet example 100% that is a thing that should not be happening. But boon gain is insane right now on almost every other profession allowing them to get away with things like that.


No, no, no,.... Im not implying that you want Gravedigger nerfed. You mentioned getting reworked to use more than too buttons. I feel like they could do this but they all too often implement changes for what they assume is "the better" leads to a complexity or a risk for reward trade. For example giving reaper more damage for less shroud up time or boosting Vamp Presence but putting a potential limiting icd on it which it really didnt need. Usually any trade that comes for making one part of necro better often has some limit factor thrown in just because.... Once you count those factors things feels like a nerf more than a buff. Sorry for the confusion on that part.


> You cannot make a low mobility melee class function as a glass cannon in PvP formats, yet ArenaNet has spent the past few patches trying to turn Reaper into exactly that.

Im starting thing necro is at a loss for getting a proper fix like lily wrote in her post perhaps its just not a high priority thing based on cost it would take.

My idea would just be to give reaper more mobility and higher sustain possibly through boon stealing / blighters boon combo (but we dont have anything that does that with reaper)



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Necromancer is a debuffing profession so balance is impossible across the game modes.


Debuffing has been purposely weakened in PvE to keep bosses from being completely dominated by Necromancer staples like blind, chill, and weakness. Defiance is a direct counter to Necromancer and all other profession skills with control effects or "soft CC" like blind and weakness versus dps conditions.


The break bar was introduced to return some of that lost value but Necromancer was short-changed. Perhaps Reaper's original chill durations was an attempt to provide accelerated break bar ablation but it was too strong in PvP. The break bar damage table likely needs adjustment.


However, it would be much easier to split Necro in game modes more than it already is.



One last thought is that, while other professions have received increased condition dps and condition management over the years, Necro has not received enough in the way of boons, group utility, mobility, blocks, evades, immunity, etc. Conditions and boons are still a huge problem given how prevalent they are.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > As for your complaint, OP, you literally act like "my game mode is more important, I want power reaper special only in pvp". thats not how balance or even constructive feedback works.

> >

> > My complaint is not that my mode is more important. My complaint is that we went from being meta in 2 of 3 modes and viable in third to being trash in all 3 modes. Reaper has lost all viability in all modes all because this subforum and reddit had to go whine campaign back in August about "muh true power spec" as if preferred damage type means anything beyond informing gear choices.

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > I want to play power reaper, and I want to do respectable DPS. I don't care about pvp or wvw, but I'm not gonna ask ANet to completely abandon power reaper in these game modes. That would be inappropriate. You're not the only one who plays this game.

> >

> > I am not asking ArenaNet to abandon anything, I'm asking ArenaNet to stop throwing 2/3rds of the gamemodes under the bus just to suit a tiny minority of players that insist on being able to do top tier DPS in raids by rebinding all their keys to gravedigger.

> >


> 1) Power reaper was never good in all 3 game modes. Hardly. Definitely not in PvE, ever. It was doing 24k dps. Even less at HoT launch.

Condi Reaper was meta in WvW up until Scourge. Power Reaper was in the regular queue meta in sPvP for all of 2017 prior to November. Condi Reaper was in the tournament meta from Q1 2016 to Q3 2017.

Condi Reaper was also competitive DPS wise for most of 2017 in PvE.


But see you're arbitrarily requiring it "power reaper" to be meta. You don't want to talk about the perfectly viable condi build that was available. People like you are why I made this thread.


> 2) Oh so PvE is suddenly a tiny minority of players but PvP isn't? You know, besides raids there are also fractals, raids and open world events. You're being exclusive and only care about your "tiny" enclave within the game. The proper way to address reaper issues would be to suggest sensible balance changes, not "hurr durr trash power in pve let them play condi reaper i want my power reaper in pvp". I don't think you realize how immature that is.


I want ANY Reaper build to viable in PvP I don't care if it's condi or power, right now all variants of Reaper are dogshit in all PvP modes. Meanwhile you lot weren't satisfied with condi reaper's 32k DPS so you got the entire class destroyed just to add 7k to power reaper's golem benchmark.



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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Condi Reaper was meta in WvW up until Scourge. Power Reaper was in the regular queue meta in sPvP for all of 2017 prior to November. Condi Reaper was in the tournament meta from Q1 2016 to Q3 2017.

> Condi Reaper was also competitive DPS wise for most of 2017 in PvE.


Condi reaper was never competitive dps wise in pve. Even when you could spam jagged horrors, there were better dps options (deathly chill didn't stack 3 bleeds back then). People were still running condi rangers and tempests.


> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> But see you're arbitrarily requiring it "power reaper" to be meta. You don't want to talk about the perfectly viable condi build that was available. People like you are why I made this thread.

Yes I am specifically saying what I want to play, same like you. Since you made a thread about power reaper why would I want to talk about condi builds here?


> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> I want ANY Reaper build to viable in PvP I don't care if it's condi or power, right now all variants of Reaper are kitten in all PvP modes. Meanwhile you lot weren't satisfied with condi reaper's 32k DPS so you got the entire class destroyed just to add 7k to power reaper's golem benchmark.


Lmao, I think you're forgetting GotL was removed from the game, and so has everyone's dps dropped. So it's not like Condi Reaper used to be a great 32k dps. Every class had higher dps before the GotL nerf.

Also, power reaper was 24k dps pre-GotL nerf. During GotL nerf power reaper received buffs which made it stay unaffected at 24k DPS. Later the shroud deplete rate patch added ~3k dps (27.5k). Recently, alacrity was nerfed but vampiric presence got more damage, which left power reaper at 27.1k-27.4k DPS. I hope you get your power reaper dps history correct now.


I think it's ridiculous how you're distancing yourself from "the pve players who ruined your class in your beloved pvp". Share some constructive ideas that would benefit every player in every mode instead of rambling about how I should be playing condi reaper and leave your power build alone for pvp lol.

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I get the impression that you believe that it's the players wanting things that's the problem, instead of anet delivering half baked concepts of an idea of a plan. At that point you may as well complain that the ocean is wet. People will keep wanting things, but it is ultimately up to anet to decide which demands they cave to and how they implement it. Keep in mind that the forum is only the vocal minority of the population and are unlikely to affect their bottom line. The majority of the population aren't exposed to us and that's where all the "whales" and "dolphins" lie.


To address your point, the request was to bring power reaper up to par with condi reaper not to kill condi reaper. Now granted that some of the ideas that were tossed around revolved around changing deathly chill into a power dps boosting trait, but none of that came into fruition did it. No, instead anet went to push their rhetoric of "necro can't have good dps coz it has 2 hp bars", which some people bought and allowed for the nerfs to reaper shroud. (The whole premise of which is utter bs imo; a block, an in invul, an invis, or an extra dodge will grant more survivability than having a 2nd hp bar that deteriorates, but that's just me.) The loudest voice that called for nerfs to condi reaper came from the wvw crowd where a group of reapers could stack bleed stacks rivaling pre-nerf firebrand's burn stacking. Pve players ever asked for a nerf to lich form's mark of horror, granted a few people were making memes about it, but that didn't last long because it was "unintended game play", and the change to plaguelands came from left field. Granted most people had problems with transformation skills for several reasons, but none of us expected what anet did.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> To address your point, the request was to bring power reaper up to par with condi reaper not to kill condi reaper. Now granted that some of the ideas that were tossed around revolved around changing deathly chill into a power dps boosting trait, but none of that came into fruition did it. No, instead anet went to push their rhetoric of "necro can't have good dps coz it has 2 hp bars", which some people bought and allowed for the nerfs to reaper shroud. (The whole premise of which is utter bs imo; a block, an in invul, an invis, or an extra dodge will grant more survivability than having a 2nd hp bar that deteriorates, but that's just me.) The loudest voice that called for nerfs to condi reaper came from the wvw crowd where a group of reapers could stack bleed stacks rivaling pre-nerf firebrand's burn stacking. Pve players ever asked for a nerf to lich form's mark of horror, granted a few people were making memes about it, but that didn't last long because it was "unintended game play", and the change to plaguelands came from left field. Granted most people had problems with transformation skills for several reasons, but none of us expected what anet did.


My problem is that in literally every thread about Reaper's Raid performance there are invariably several posters saying that they would be totally ok with trading survivability for DPS, which is literally just affirming the dev's misguided notions about necro's defensive capabilities.


If the raid community would just say "give us moar DPS" I wouldn't have a issue, but instead the raiders are like "we'll trade X for more DPS" where X is always something that's really important for other gamemodes. And this behavior is limited only to necro community, none of the other class communities constantly ask Anet to take stuff away from them.


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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Condi Reaper was meta in WvW up until Scourge. Power Reaper was in the regular queue meta in sPvP for all of 2017 prior to November. Condi Reaper was in the tournament meta from Q1 2016 to Q3 2017.

> > Condi Reaper was also competitive DPS wise for most of 2017 in PvE.


> Condi reaper was never competitive dps wise in pve. Even when you could spam jagged horrors, there were better dps options (deathly chill didn't stack 3 bleeds back then). People were still running condi rangers and tempests.

You'll notice I said condi reaper **in 2017** which is the 3 bleed deathly chill incarnation of condi reaper. The entire Jagged Horrors fiasco was back in 2016.


>random strawmans

You keep saying "your power build." I do not care whether I play power or condi in PvP. I play power reaper right now because condi reaper is even more trash because condi reaper cannot use blighter's boon and reaper without blighter's boon is literally unplayable in pvp formats.



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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > To address your point, the request was to bring power reaper up to par with condi reaper not to kill condi reaper. Now granted that some of the ideas that were tossed around revolved around changing deathly chill into a power dps boosting trait, but none of that came into fruition did it. No, instead anet went to push their rhetoric of "necro can't have good dps coz it has 2 hp bars", which some people bought and allowed for the nerfs to reaper shroud. (The whole premise of which is utter bs imo; a block, an in invul, an invis, or an extra dodge will grant more survivability than having a 2nd hp bar that deteriorates, but that's just me.) The loudest voice that called for nerfs to condi reaper came from the wvw crowd where a group of reapers could stack bleed stacks rivaling pre-nerf firebrand's burn stacking. Pve players ever asked for a nerf to lich form's mark of horror, granted a few people were making memes about it, but that didn't last long because it was "unintended game play", and the change to plaguelands came from left field. Granted most people had problems with transformation skills for several reasons, but none of us expected what anet did.


> My problem is that in literally every thread about Reaper's Raid performance there are invariably several posters saying that they would be totally ok with trading survivability for DPS, which is literally just affirming the dev's misguided notions about necro's defensive capabilities.


> If the raid community would just say "give us moar DPS" I wouldn't have a issue, but instead the raiders are like "we'll trade X for more DPS" where X is always something that's really important for other gamemodes. And this behavior is limited only to necro community, none of the other class communities constantly ask Anet to take stuff away from them.



I agree that the community holds some of the fault for believing in the dev's misguided notion. (The best example of which in my opinion is awaken the pain, a trait that is basically the warrior's pinnacle of strength, but ours costs us the condition bonus of might, but most defend as okay because pinnacle of strength is a minor and awaken is a major.) But anet also has to carry some of the blame, most of it I believe. They were the ones that decided to balance necro this way and refused to budge from their stance, they were the ones that put this notion into the head of most players. Additionally, they are the ones that dictate how much of a split is present in pvp/wvw/pve, but refuse to do so because of "reasons". As I've come to accept with the recent balance patch; we need a bigger split between the balances of the game mode. Have traits and skills work differently between game modes as it is now evident to me that this is what is needed to get necro, and all of its especs, in a better stat in all game modes, that or a complete rework of the class surpassing the rework of mesmer.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> But anet also has to carry some of the blame, most of it I believe. They were the ones that decided to balance necro this way and refused to budge from their stance, they were the ones that put this notion into the head of most players.


And it's our job as the necro community to disabuse them of this misguided notion, rather than trying to bargain.

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The method of how is still up to be discussed, the method you are using right now has the effect of making pve players feel somewhere between attacked and being guilt-shamed into making pvp worse. Also, while an open discussion will be useful to players, a method that is loud enough to get their attention also has to be devised. History has shown that discussions, no matter how many good ideas there are, will be ignored by anet.


Side note I have a bit if a bias/agenda here: as of the recent patch, I have come to believe that the game modes needs to be split completely, or that necro must have a complete rework. Also I lean more towards the pve side of things. I just want to make that abundantly clear and leave no doubts about it.

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I would love to see the changes to power reaper reverted but going with past experience that is never going to happen. The increased damage is basically useless unless your fighting a static golem or mindless mobs but anyone who is competent enough to move their character it is a nerf in PvP & WvW.


I think at this point it is safe to assume we will never be "meta" in PvE and we have always found a home in WvW from small havoc groups to larger zergs. sPvP is a bit of a hit and miss in that some months we are good, others we are not but again it was more than viable. For me it would be great if it got reverted as I hate playing Scourge and at this moment in time my Necro is parked as I hate the direction Reaper has taken.....which is a shame as its been my main class to play from beta till now.


But for me the class is no longer fun anymore as I can do similar on other classes and not be a hindrance to the group.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> agreed


> edit

> The method of how is still up to be discussed, the method you are using right now has the effect of making pve players feel somewhere between attacked and being guilt-shamed into making pvp worse. Also, while an open discussion will be useful to players, a method that is loud enough to get their attention also has to be devised. History has shown that discussions, no matter how many good ideas there are, will be ignored by anet.

Obviously bring loud enough isn't as much as a obstacle as one would think. ArenaNet clearly cowed to the giant 600 post reddit thread that popped up after the August balance, and it's that uproar that I personally blame for the November patch.

Also yes I am aware that the stance in this thread is highly confrontational. However if I had written a polite considerate wall of text this thread would have gotten maybe 5 posts before it dropped off. Sometimes shock value is necessary for generating discussion.



> Side note I have a bit if a bias/agenda here: as of the recent patch, I have come to believe that the game modes needs to be split completely, or that necro must have a complete rework. Also I lean more towards the pve side of things. I just want to make that abundantly clear and leave no doubts about it.

Honestly the only split the class really needs is for LF pool size and LF degeneration due to the massive difference in enemy damage output between PvE and PvP.



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I would like to get a coin for every time someone takes the effort to write a solid complaint about necro/reaper/scourge and its state.


Anet will ALWAYS buff X whilst nerfing Y, a trade-off every frickin´time which is in my opinion a bad way to balance out a class but, what we say, what you say, what everyone who loves and wants to see necro improved is saying: doesn´t even matter due Anet not balancing together with the community.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > To address your point, the request was to bring power reaper up to par with condi reaper not to kill condi reaper. Now granted that some of the ideas that were tossed around revolved around changing deathly chill into a power dps boosting trait, but none of that came into fruition did it. No, instead anet went to push their rhetoric of "necro can't have good dps coz it has 2 hp bars", which some people bought and allowed for the nerfs to reaper shroud. (The whole premise of which is utter bs imo; a block, an in invul, an invis, or an extra dodge will grant more survivability than having a 2nd hp bar that deteriorates, but that's just me.) The loudest voice that called for nerfs to condi reaper came from the wvw crowd where a group of reapers could stack bleed stacks rivaling pre-nerf firebrand's burn stacking. Pve players ever asked for a nerf to lich form's mark of horror, granted a few people were making memes about it, but that didn't last long because it was "unintended game play", and the change to plaguelands came from left field. Granted most people had problems with transformation skills for several reasons, but none of us expected what anet did.


> My problem is that in literally every thread about Reaper's Raid performance there are invariably several posters saying that they would be totally ok with trading survivability for DPS, which is literally just affirming the dev's misguided notions about necro's defensive capabilities.


> If the raid community would just say "give us moar DPS" I wouldn't have a issue, but instead the raiders are like "we'll trade X for more DPS" where X is always something that's really important for other gamemodes. And this behavior is limited only to necro community, none of the other class communities constantly ask Anet to take stuff away from them.



It's funny that you say this, and I'm not sure if it's really true about the other classes bargaining, or not, but it's definitely visible within the Necro community, indeed. Although I don't think it's the community to blame though, I think it's the pure NEGLECT from ANet since 2012 for the Necro in PvE. At some stage you're just going to try to lower yourself to their level and hope that they will then finally listen to you. Even if you know that you only deserve huge buffs, you some kind of know that they won't listen anyway, so maybe they will, if you present yourself vulnerable. It's human nature!

I don't think there is any other class out there which has been systematically ignored or even outright overall nerfed since the very beginning of the game as the Necro is in PvE! The Necro has (save those couple of weeks after a launch, and because of so called 'bugs') NEVER been in the meta in PvE endgame: be it raids, T4 fractals or even dungeons back in the day! So I can more than imagine that the Necro community is at some stage going to be desperate (or at least the PvE part of it, which imo is still the biggest part)! And you do funny things when you're desperate. I think _I_ even suggested a change to ask for defensive nerfs (making shroud and/or life force punishing but giving us (far) more dps in return), just in order to actually get them (=ANet) listen to us, but no, still they don't: leaving us atm in the worst spot ever (hmm, not sure about the _ever_ part: there's so many 'worst spot moments' to choose from ...)!

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> @"Warcry.1596" said:

> I play power in raid content, among other content like T4s and CMs. Am I not supposed to? :(


compare your dps with that of others. I will agree that most pugs in fractals are horrible, very rarely was I not top dps in t4s pre **this** nerf to scourge. But if you aren't bottom of the dps in raids, then all I can say is that you're either the best of the best, pulling off golem levels of dps, or that you're playing with horrible people, most likely pugs. Or possibly both.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > I play power in raid content, among other content like T4s and CMs. Am I not supposed to? :(


> compare your dps with that of others. I will agree that most pugs in fractals are horrible, very rarely was I not top dps in t4s pre **this** nerf to scourge. But if you aren't bottom of the dps in raids, then all I can say is that you're either the best of the best, pulling off golem levels of dps, or that you're playing with horrible people, most likely pugs. Or possibly both.


I don't know how to compare my DPS to others. I don't even know how much I'm dealing, i just make sure I am always dealing damage whatever way I can. I don't pug anymore due to volatility of groups and how soon people give up.


I just play what I enjoy as long as content is beatable. Like in PvP for example I personally can't win with power, so i use Condi.

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> @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > > I play power in raid content, among other content like T4s and CMs. Am I not supposed to? :(

> >

> > compare your dps with that of others. I will agree that most pugs in fractals are horrible, very rarely was I not top dps in t4s pre **this** nerf to scourge. But if you aren't bottom of the dps in raids, then all I can say is that you're either the best of the best, pulling off golem levels of dps, or that you're playing with horrible people, most likely pugs. Or possibly both.


> I don't know how to compare my DPS to others. I don't even know how much I'm dealing, i just make sure I am always dealing damage whatever way I can. I don't pug anymore due to volatility of groups and how soon people give up.


> I just play what I enjoy as long as content is beatable. Like in PvP for example I personally can't win with power, so i use Condi.


Give this guy an award for doing it right.^^

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"vicious.5683" said:

> > Sad part is Power Reaper is still trash tier in PVE.


> I'd happily take a power reaper that was trash in pvp and wvw but top tier in pve.


Why not both. Many classes have three sometimes four builds in the different areas of the game. When I play my guard I have a power build for roaming that's great, I have a condition build that's great, I have two zerg builds that are great, I have two great pve builds, at least two pvp builds, etc. On Necro I have to be condi scourge.


To be honest I always preferred playing GS power reaper and I hate the shade mechanic.

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