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ArenaNet attending E3 2018


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Some speculated it could be a new updated engine. GW3 is plausible if they've been working on it for awhile. I hope to hell its not a mobile game, nor do I understand why they'd make a special trip there to announce that type of thing.


I can't see it being an expansion, it seems too soon, and it's not a good sign when an old xpac maps have a bigger population than the new xpac. I'd say it's far more likely GW3 would be announced than an xpac. I'd also say a brand new game is more plausible than a GW3 announcement. An updated engine is plausible, people have been screaming about this for awhile. A mobile game I suppose is plausible, but a mobile game release, IMO, wouldn't be worthy of a trip there.


Perhaps, they might be finally deciding to split or break WvW off from the main game and give it it's own "new game" with full support. Perhaps this new structuring of WvW we are going to see in a few months is a prequel to that. One can dream though lol.

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I have 0 faith currently.


What i see happening is them getting up on stage next to or after rockstar/ubisoft/ea and continuing the non-sense trend of "Live Services" since this is the new industry buzz word of the year. If it doesn't happen i'll be shocked....but i sincerely doubt there's much Anet can say that will revitalize my faith in the game/game directors.

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Unless there is some hidden meaning to being on this list, attendance doesn't really imply anything significant just yet. Anet also attended in 2015 but just had a guest spot in the AMD PC show to demo HoT. It wouldn't be that surprising to hear of a new expansion. But E3 is mainly a retailer show and I think the main thing Anet will be looking for this year is to step up prerelease marketing and remedy the situation with PoF not having a boxed release.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> I have 0 faith currently.


> What i see happening is them getting up on stage next to or after rockstar/ubisoft/ea and continuing the non-sense trend of "Live Services" since this is the new industry buzz word of the year. If it doesn't happen i'll be shocked....but i sincerely doubt there's much Anet can say that will revitalize my faith in the game/game directors.


U know. Mmos are live services if its not then the mmo does something badly. But when it comes yo single player games etc then ye its bad. Hence why ea jumped ship on single players.

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It would be great to see an engine revamp (GW2.1). It honestly seems like the current engine is so old it is hard to work with and that kind of announcement would be worth an E3 booth. I suspect some features we've been waiting for are difficult to implement well as is (e.g. build templates) so I'd be super exited to see an engine rework including stuff like new netcode, possibility of new features, better (and more optimized) graphics, and an easier engine to work with so they can produce content faster.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > I have 0 faith currently.

> >

> > What i see happening is them getting up on stage next to or after rockstar/ubisoft/ea and continuing the non-sense trend of "Live Services" since this is the new industry buzz word of the year. If it doesn't happen i'll be shocked....but i sincerely doubt there's much Anet can say that will revitalize my faith in the game/game directors.


> U know. Mmos are live services if its not then the mmo does something badly. But when it comes yo single player games etc then ye its bad. Hence why ea jumped ship on single players.


It's also a Game. It should be sold as a Game first and foremost.

This is the entire problem with the industry right now. They're so engrossed in profits that they've forgotten how to make an exciting and engaging game, thus they feel compelled to follow all the abysmal practices to make more profit for less effort.

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If they announce anything new, I expect it to be a mobile spin-off game. Maybe some kind of tactics or card game where you build a guild and fight in the actual Guild Wars.


(I mean, seriously! The entire franchise is named after that event, but they've never actually used it!)


Maybe link it to your GW2 account to unlock some things.

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New Game mode ... making Tomb of the primeval kings a competitive venue entrance to the hall of heroes. (nostalgia)

On a side note, most likely just an expac announce,. I guess they could do a mobile app, I was at PAX when world of warcraft announced there mobile app, was probably one of the crappiest and boring waste of time I went to., but I imagine some would love to spend time on their phones playing the games. I bet super adventure box would translate well to a mobile app.

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new moba game at best . do not think they will come out with any thing more at all for this game . but yet no one knows till they speak

and i highly doubt they will come out with GW3 or any at all type of hardware updates or any thing like that.


but also now thinking about this too it could be a new card game as well too as i recall from reading post in other places .

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Or a GW2 movie! (Yeah!/Oh no...)


> Looking at their latest youtube creations... please don't make GW2 movie. Game won't stand another shot to the head.




But... but... they can make Zack Snyder direct it. Or Michael Bay!!

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