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Balance is bad Because You Hate Positional Play and Like Card Games.


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All sorts of boon and corrupt vomit abilities.......I guess the game has been relegated to watching for buffs and corrupts and you sit there bait and wait....... for them to use big skills. Tick tock tick tock. Sometimes u cant even tell though, so you unleassh hell and an invulnerability pops. They restore to full health.. yawn......


If this sounds like a card game you'd be right. And like a card game the active positional play is not a factor.... well to a large degree. There was once a time where u blew through your dodges and you started to get scared..... death was imminent. Some classes don't even need to dodge.


So Now I present you with the biggest insult you will ever hear. The balance and design people responsible for the current spammy abilities....... Here it is..... worst insult..EVER. think about it hard why it is...........here it comes..........I BET YOU THEY STINK AT STREET FIGHTER...... If you understand what i am saying then you'll realize what a blow that is. Like searing hot fire poured down a nerds ego.,,,, oh sorry not just nerds.... I mean the math nerds..... the ones without the creative spark that play mages and talk about statistics....... breath the insult in..... shameeee..... shammeeee go play pokemon!!!! or Yugioh@! Yes feel it let it pierce your soul devs..... We know you played a healer in Everquest or WoW and you liked to sit there talking about statistics and stand in one spot and heal....... breath it in.... let it pierce your soul!


So what can you do to improve gameplay? Firstly CC needs to be totaly dilberate and reduced to fewer skillful skills. Aoe and cleave in some cases needs to be toned down. Sustain needs to be brought down in its various manifestations I.E. blocks invulns dodge spam out-healing counter play damage. COUNTER PLAY needs to be there and it needs to be punishing. Builds need to be important but active gameplay should win despite build choices. Power creep needs to be toned down... Autos need to be toned down and unspammable skills need to carry more damage in a lot of cases. utilities should be so passive or useless. They should provide a way to combo, to trap, and to outplay your opponent.


This is just the beginning.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

>Some nonsense about boons being too effective, Positional play and tactics not useful anymore, unintelligible ranting


What are you talking about? The only class now that has annoying sustain is druid, and they can be put down specifically by active play and use of corrupts, boon theft, interrupts and the like.


Can you be specific about what you mean when you say positional play is no longer important?

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Not that this attributes any real sense of credibility to anything...


But it’s interesting to point out in light of OP’s comment that they’ve openly stated they designed encounters by playing them out in DnD like scenario, which is for the most part a table top turn based game. xD

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Well, while the OP is clearly exaggerating, he has a point.

For example Scourge, it's problem was mostly due to poor positioning and lack of counter play for shades.

And instead of addressing the problem... They changed numbers and effects.

Shades will still push you out of points, the same problem still exists, but because people don't die they don't realize they're still being forced out of the point by the mere existence of the shade.

Each shade cast is a potential for 5 points to be won or lost by a team since it lasts 10 seconds and you gain 1 point each 2 seconds.


What they did was play with stats to solve a mechanical issue, instead of changing the mechanics. That, of course bled to other game modes and not only did they ruin PvE scourges but also they apparently had the funny effect of lagging people out of WvW because of the growing circle spams ^_^

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OP's presentation is crap but the point is honestly quite valid. Even the analogy to a card game is pretty accurate.


> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Not that this attributes any real sense of credibility to anything...


> But it’s interesting to point out in light of OP’s comment that they’ve openly stated they designed encounters by playing them out in DnD like scenario, which is for the most part a table top turn based game. xD


What's critically problematic here is that in DnD/tabletops, the entire game is played based on positioning and counterplay. Spellcasters only get a few powerful casts of pre-determined abilities of a very few that are pre-selected each day. Most effects you can only burn *once* in a whole dungeon. You can switch your actions up and give yourself huge advantages by paying attention to what's going on, even in-game, and respond to threats on a turn-by-turn basis which includes a ton of moving around and avoiding things if necessary. There are very few certainties and even fewer immunities, and most big scary attacks can just outright kill your character or come close to it if you take the hit and weren't thinking about your resources.


What we have here is really more akin to a card game like the OP says. You go to do something and either your opponent decides to let you or has an answer and there's nothing you can do about it. And even then, in a lot of cases, there's no real "allowance" anymore; you used to decide if you wanted to dodge now or in 2s when the foe would have a big burst skill off cooldown. You'd then decide if not dodging and DPS-racing is an option or what you should try to do. These days, you pretty much just rotate everything off cooldown and the counters are determined by builds rather than decision-making, akin to "Well, your deck just hard-counters mine and there's little I can do unless you just get unlucky/I get lucky and there's a huge skill disparity."


I think that's why I've really started getting hugely into combat sports lately; the need to make snap decisions about positioning, stance, when to strike/block/run are really refreshing.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> All sorts of boon and corrupt vomit abilities.......I guess the game has been relegated to watching for buffs and corrupts and you sit there bait and wait....... for them to use big skills. Tick tock tick tock. Sometimes u cant even tell though, so you unleassh hell and an invulnerability pops. They restore to full health.. yawn......


> If this sounds like a card game you'd be right. And like a card game the active positional play is not a factor.... well to a large degree. There was once a time where u blew through your dodges and you started to get scared..... death was imminent. Some classes don't even need to dodge.


> So Now I present you with the biggest insult you will ever hear. The balance and design people responsible for the current spammy abilities....... Here it is..... worst insult..EVER. think about it hard why it is...........here it comes..........I BET YOU THEY STINK AT STREET FIGHTER...... If you understand what i am saying then you'll realize what a blow that is. Like searing hot fire poured down a nerds ego.,,,, oh sorry not just nerds.... I mean the math nerds..... the ones without the creative spark that play mages and talk about statistics....... breath the insult in..... shameeee..... shammeeee go play pokemon!!!! or Yugioh@! Yes feel it let it pierce your soul devs..... We know you played a healer in Everquest or WoW and you liked to sit there talking about statistics and stand in one spot and heal....... breath it in.... let it pierce your soul!


> So what can you do to improve gameplay? Firstly CC needs to be totaly dilberate and reduced to fewer skillful skills. Aoe and cleave in some cases needs to be toned down. Sustain needs to be brought down in its various manifestations I.E. blocks invulns dodge spam out-healing counter play damage. COUNTER PLAY needs to be there and it needs to be punishing. Builds need to be important but active gameplay should win despite build choices. Power creep needs to be toned down... Autos need to be toned down and unspammable skills need to carry more damage in a lot of cases. utilities should be so passive or useless. They should provide a way to combo, to trap, and to outplay your opponent.


> This is just the beginning.


Sort of like:Condi corrupt was the counter to boonspam.


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Balance and Gameplay are not the same thing. The ideas behind conquest and the gameplay can be rock solid and individual classes or abilities can be over or under tuned. If I set an auto attack to do 1,000 damage what does that have to do with the gameplay ideas spvp is based on. To me this seems like just another attempt at balance is never the problem l2play argument iteration 1,000,001. I personally like conquest just fine thank you and positional game play but there will always be imbalances and A-net shouldn't just ignore them. I guess in your little word its a-ok that nobody plays several classes in competitive mode. Nothing wrong there at all!

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