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Should duoq return for 1600+?


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Theres no reason to keep SoloQ considering wintrading and match-manipulation is as rampant as it currently is. There is no competition left on the ladder and most matches comes down to comp rather than player mmr anyway.


Considering people in the top 25s lose 20-30 mmr in a game, the mmr fluctuates way too much in order for people to keep a steady; 1800, or whatever. People are still getting put in games with people entire divisions below and above eachothers skill-level. Especially at off-hours. Meaning adding DuoQ would literally only speed up the process in which you get games.

I would however want to see matchmaking mirror builds >AND NOT CLASSES<. Meaning, a Core Hammer Guardian should not mean that the enemy team gets a Firebrand. Much like a Druid means the other team gets a Core Ranger. They do not cover the same roles and a team with Druid / Firebrand vs a team with Core Guard / Soulbeast are clearly advantagous.


It's easier to flex when in a DuoQ scenario aswell, because most of the time you know what your partner can play.

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No, it will just ruin the competition. It's annoying to deal with the monkeys you tend to get on your team, but at least it's the same for everyone. DuoQ is so much of advantage that it basically makes solo Q impossible if you care about your placement. There is no way top tier duoqers somehow result in a balanced match. Either they snowball it or they get paired with silver players to make up for the advantage.

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You people that desperately want solo q only for "competitive fairness" or something, you do realize that this policy has helped kill the game at higher levels right? What's the point of it all if the game is not even fun (due to balance and mechanics, separate topic) and I'm also forced to not play with friends? I go in between being able to queue duo and not all the time; when I'm solo only I start "practicing" side classes so I learn something new but at the same time hopefully tank just enough to duo again.


I don't care about rating and rank, it's all bullshit in this meaningless game. Notice how rank 1 MMR falls more and more every season, the people at the top are done because there's no fun to be had there due to win traders and everything else wrong with ranked. Solo queue only is the extra fun cherry on top.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > There is no option for "Make ranked a 5-man team only thing and all other PvP is unranked and focuses on fun and rewarding players' time."


> > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > This is not a discussion about 5 man queue so don’t make it one.




But it's an incomplete poll. Solo-queue, with any sort of "ranked" system, is garbage ... to make a legit poll, you need to have all the options possible. And since you don't have "remove solo-q ranked completely" ... I had to voice my choice :D

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > There is no option for "Make ranked a 5-man team only thing and all other PvP is unranked and focuses on fun and rewarding players' time."

> >

> > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > > This is not a discussion about 5 man queue so don’t make it one.

> >

> >


> But it's an incomplete poll. Solo-queue, with any sort of "ranked" system, is garbage ... to make a legit poll, you need to have all the options possible. And since you don't have "remove solo-q ranked completely" ... I had to voice my choice :D


This poll is not about reverting duo or solo completely. It’s only about the restriction for plat 2 or higher to only soloq that came with s9.

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It's not a perfect idea, but it's worth mentioning that you could split solo/duo mmr, then have separate leaderboards for each while keeping all the players in the same solo/duo queue for ranked. Alternatively solo queue players could receive slightly more mmr per win and lose slightly less mmr per loss compared to duo's, evening the playing field between soloq's and duoq's. Removing DuoQ entirely above 1600 just kills the game at higher tiers.

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only if the cheaters/manipulators are dealt with, and the mm is more accurate for higher level players (matching 2 good duos against one another etc.). to deal with manipulation perhaps mail/whisper could be disabled during a match, afk'ing (this includes auto running or some kind of macro setup) gets you kicked and replaced with someone else pronto. ofc the guy could just go aa on point and die constantly, nothing to do about that except have active dev response (if someone is plat or higher and they do this, they are definitely throwing the match).


might be a cool idea for, say.... plat 1 and higher to allow 5 mans. most of the ppl that complained about 5 mans being too op wouldn't likely make it that high in mmr anyways. would result in higher wait times ofc, but I'm thinking some people wont care. its better to have an option open that doesn't hurt the system directly then to limit possibilities which result in less participation over time imo.



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Yeah I think duo q is more healthy for the game. It's an MMORPG, it's not supposed to be played solo even more so conquest as a game mode is designed around coordinating. Sure if you solo q you can say duo's have an advantage but you're either going to get one on your team or on the enemy team or a combination of both, so it's still as RNG as solo q. Then you have the argument that it allows the highest tier players to stomp more easily but again you have that equal opportunity to team up and stomp with a buddy. Thinking that having solo q is going to make conquest more fair or competitive is just outlandish. Thinking it's going to stop top tier players getting number one is outlandish, misha and sind have both shown they can top the leaderboard solo q. In reality solo q drives competition away because the competition understands the game is about working together.

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It'd be "more fun" at the expense of other players. Those who don't have a buddy on discord will lose harder. I wouldn't mind if there was a separate queue for those teams/semi-teams. Just don't try to smush together solo players and teams. Or admit that the only reason it's "fun" is that you mow down panicking uncoordinated pugs while chatting on discord.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> I'm curious about how many people who vote to keep solo queue have ever been subject to the 1600+ rating restriction.


I am and it makes quite a difference for me. I queued ~90% solo even before the change and often after PT, the result being that when I faced a top duo with 4 zombies in my team I knew from the start it's a loss, while now the zombies are at least equally spread. It's hard to compare rankings due to a lack of enthusiasm for the ladder among many top PvPers (even before the solo/duo change) and wintrading towards the end of the season, but I'd say I probably gained about 100 ranks from the change (from rank 100-200 to rank 20-50).

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > I'm curious about how many people who vote to keep solo queue have ever been subject to the 1600+ rating restriction.


> I am and it makes quite a difference for me. I queued ~90% solo even before the change and often after PT, the result being that when I faced a top duo with 4 zombies in my team I knew from the start it's a loss, while now the zombies are at least equally spread. It's hard to compare rankings due to a lack of enthusiasm for the ladder among many top PvPers (even before the solo/duo change) and wintrading towards the end of the season, but I'd say I probably gained about 100 ranks from the change (from rank 100-200 to rank 20-50).


Pretty sure you gained rank because you either improved or more likely, people stopped playing.


The whole argument "I don't have friends to play with, and thus people with friends shouldn't be allowed to play with them either" is getting old.


Edit: Its clear @ArenaNet doesn't give a shit about what happens to the ladder considering every title but 2 on the EU side has been wintraded. People are flyhacking, speedhacking, still openly wintrading. Evidence has been provided and nothing happens. At least let us enjoy what little enjoyment this gamemode still has with our friends.

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