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do you want mounts added to wvw?

Stand The Wall.6987

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Since expac launch I've been spending the vast majority of my time playing in pve land rather than on wvw which has changed my view on whether or not they should be allowed in wvw:


Personally, I think yes, mounts should be added to wvw but that's a very weak yes and with a lot of conditions:

* Absolutely NO mount abilities.

* Mount movement speed bonus capped at out of combat + swiftness (max movement speed available to players in pvp settings)

* Mounts useable only in allied territories.

* User wvw-specific mounts (would require a lot of developer time and effort) that have scaled-down sizes to not clutter up the screen.


There's a lot of reasons to not include mounts in wvw, and honestly the reasons to include them are near-balanced out by the fact that it would take a lot of developer time to implement something like this.

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> @Lionwait.4815 said:

> The day when mounts are added in to WvW is the day I stop playing this game. I don't normally say stuff like that but on this one I am because its just taking away from the game if adding mounts to WvW when it comes to tactics/builds


It wouldn't take anything away from the game, except maybe removing the reliance on Travellers runes and speed traits for some builds, which will add more variety to the builds people use.


As for tactics, if it's just a movement speed buff then I don't see how getting somewhere faster (outside of combat) would ruin any tactical advantage. Getting into combat faster would be much more fun, too.



People said similar things as you when they first added gliding and once the bugs were ironed out, the majority of players started loving it (Based on what I've seen in game and online, no concrete numbers of course.). Not everyone will like a new addition, but not trying new things will make the game mode grow stale again. We can't complain for years about getting no new additions and then complain when something new could be added to freshen things up.


There's no harm in at least trying these things.


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> @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> If character movement speed would be adjusted would you guys still be so adamant on trying to get mounts into wvw?


Base speed should be +25% anyway, but I'd still want them added and there's almost no avoiding mounts being added at this point. It's just a matter of time.


We just need to make sure they add them in a way that doesn't negatively impact WvW.

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I could not care less if mounts are added to WvW or not. The devs should focus on real issues in WvW instead: world populations rebalancing, splitting profession balance from PvE and removing server lag.


Having mounts just for movement speed boost and visuals seems pointless to me. I'd rather have a concept of cavalry introduced: fast, expensive, weak against melee formations, strong against stragglers and loose formations, useless against objectives, weak to projectiles and other attacks when slowed down. But that 's way beyond what we can expect from WvW devs - it took the whole team over 6 months to implement gliding alone.

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> @psizone.8437 said:

> > @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> > If character movement speed would be adjusted would you guys still be so adamant on trying to get mounts into wvw?


> Base speed should be +25% anyway, but I'd still want them added and there's almost no avoiding mounts being added at this point. It's just a matter of time.


> We just need to make sure they add them in a way that doesn't negatively impact WvW.


Then would be WorthLess.

25% would br nothing cause swiftness gives +33% and sigils 25%


Let the mounts a pve thing.


Also there are classes, like thieves, which in this condi wvw can't partecipate to raids and have only the high mobility as feature ( stealth too, but join a fight, which is wvw, is something more like forbidden to some ).


The real thing i would like to understand is


Currently wvw has lag issues.

Why would you risk to improve wvw lag?

And also let us consider the fact that mounts could ruin wvw.


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No, UNLESS there's a New mount made for wvw, that moves as fast as swiftness when its maxed. Could go something like 10-15-25-33% as you level it up and the 5th and final could add a skill that has like 15s CD and pulses 5s swiftness to 5 allies in 600 radius. (Numbers subject to change). This would barely add anything to wvw, but i think its a good way to not break it.


It should also only be usable on your territory, when ooc, be susceptible to movement impairing conditions and effects and have no more than 5k hp so it dies fast.

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> @Ziooo.8932 said:

> No, UNLESS there's a New mount made for wvw, that moves as fast as swiftness when its maxed. Could go something like 10-15-25-33% as you level it up and the 5th and final could add a skill that has like 15s CD and pulses 5s swiftness to 5 allies in 600 radius. (Numbers subject to change). This would barely add anything to wvw, but i think its a good way to not break it.


> It should also only be usable on your territory, when ooc, be susceptible to movement impairing conditions and effects and have no more than 5k hp so it dies fast.


I know it could seem unfair, but... what about a mount for Commanders?

I know it could be abused, but the fact that a commander has a mount to lead the group ( swiftness aoe pulses is a nice idea ) would be great.


Maybe the mounts could be "usable" with 40 players in raid or more, to prevent spammers.


edit: and there will be very few mounts, so maybe lag won't be affected at all.

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no, just like stupid gliders it only promote people to run away faster.


just die fighting or try get away normal way. wvw maps beside red crap border are small and easy enough to get from A to B within atleast a minute.

top of that (dunno about gliding) i find it bit retarded if only people with PoF could ride stupid mounts same goes for gliding dunno if normal gw2 accounts can put points to gliding.

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No, the current maps are too small. The time to get across the map to attack and defend feels 'about right' as it is. If there was some, new, much larger map (maybe to accommodate some big, central open spaces for fights) then maybe. But I can't see that happening.


Most of the ideas to try to make it work, whilst I understand them, I don't like. I _really_ hate the idea of dismounting in enemy territory. It works OK for gliding, but for mounts I think it would just be hugely frustrating. Dismount on any CC would just be a troller's wet dream.

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> @Zeghart.9841 said:

> And thieves would feel less forced to take certain traits and skills, opening up some build diversity.


I understand why in PvE people are happy to not have to spec for mobility anymore. But, in WvW, I think it's a positive that roamers and scouts need to sacrifice some damage to move around at speed.




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> @Jong.5937 said:

> > @Zeghart.9841 said:

> > And thieves would feel less forced to take certain traits and skills, opening up some build diversity.


> I understand why in PvE people are happy to not have to spec for mobility anymore. But, in WvW, I think it's a positive that roamers and scouts need to sacrifice some damage to move around at speed.





I agree with this, there is a reason why classes have such things or they would just be spec'ing for full damage without any consequence.

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Yes, but on a new map. There's still one too many alpine boring map. Give a basic raptor to everyone, not just PoF players though.


That being said, reading this thread made me realise why the devs abandoned WvW. Every time the slightest change is made, half of the community panics and complains. The problem is that if you want new additions and improvements (which are a requirement in any live game to keep a game mode alive), you got to let ANet try things that you may not like at all, because right now, every time they add a new map or gimmick, there's drama about it for months, if not years. I mean, look at yourselves guys, some are still bitching about gliding, when it's the most harmless thing in the game right now... You want changes? Fine, stop complaining about everything and let the devs **change** things.

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Might be kinda annoying with people who disengage out-of-combat to summon mount so they can pop back in with it's skill like skimmer revive and aoe shield, not to mention how game-breaking their travel skills would be when people can skip stuff and be able to respawn and return to battle so quickly. They could always make new maps and/or types of Siege mounts for WvW, like turtles :P

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I think mounts could be a good addition to the format, if done right. What I wouldn't want to see is a character running away to get out of combat just to hope into a mount and be forever gone. What could work though is that mounts could be an addition to certain objectives, and restricted on the zone assigned to said objective.

For example, if you control Bay's keep, you could get a pen or stable where Skimmers are, you can hop onto a skimmer and use it, but if you hop off, you lose it, this will allow for the owners of the keep to move faster on that particular territory.

If done right, mounts can add extra strategical advantages to having certain objectives and this is good for the game, but mounts shouldn't be what they are on open world PvE, where they have a different purpose.

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