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Rank-Conquest has got to go!

Vieux P.1238

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@"Vieux P.1238" I couldn't agree more it was removed because it took a 5 man premade to face a 5 man premade. Since there is just one leaderboard and not what it should be with a Solo que and LB then a group play Que and LB. The only legit way to have a leaderboard is solo face solo and if you are 2+ then you get put vs all premades.


It's just a lazy way of doing things by throwing everyone into one pot.


Ok so i enjoy pvp and have a long freinds list but i enjoy solo play slightly more then premade grouping. Why should i be punished for wanting to solo que. Why as a solo pug and having 4 other solo pugs should i be put vs a 5 man premade or even 3 man premade. It has never made sense. Plus in reality duo then single que when up top is actually a good idea. It's just there are always those basement kiddos that have mommy making up pizza rolls for them as they match manipulate and ruin the game.


If it weren't for the very boring game mode of circlequest things would be better.

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5 mans rolled everything but without that sort of option _somewhere_ not many serious players are going to be drawn to this game. we could have 5 man in a separate q. all of the salt came from solo q'ers being loners and not joining up with a team.

well no lol anet already said theyre not looking to separate the q's. there should be some kinda option for them tho.

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I agree.

We need smaller match-ups and fights, and the game to be properly balanced around it.


> @"Aza.2105" said:

> Conquest was designed for esports, but gw2 esports died. Time to move on.


Funny that part of the reason it failed as an e-sport is because no one wanted to watch 5v5 conquest. It had to much visual noise for newcomers, and even to those invested it wasn't very appealing to watch. Toss that in with the plethora of other problems including but not limited to balance, and here we are.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> If it weren't for the very boring game mode of circlequest things would be better.

No, it wouldn't. All the things you hate about PVP would still be problems in deathmatch or capture the flag or whatever. We _have_ those as side activities, and they're disasters (despite being more balanced, due to fixed stats and skills).

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > If it weren't for the very boring game mode of circlequest things would be better.

> No, it wouldn't. All the things you hate about PVP would still be problems in deathmatch or capture the flag or whatever. We _have_ those as side activities, and they're disasters (despite being more balanced, due to fixed stats and skills).


I don't agree. Depending on the game type, you would encounter different problems from each other but not the same frustration as in conquest.

(Conquest) is problematic cuz you have no leeway for any mistakes or run a great chance to lose the match.

(Deathmatch) ranging from 1v1 to 3v3 would encounter more of the balancing problems or ppl just running meta all the time. But at least you could run multiple mistakes & still yet win the match. Running anything above a 3v3 death match would prolly result into a fiasco of a game mode.

(Grab the Flag) is kinda difficult to say. Between all the immunities & CC's i have no idea if it would work or be fun to play with. Speed run's could be a factor as well if it's not taken into consideration.

My best bet for rank is still deathmatch (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) More then that you might run into exploitation & unfun problem's vs what would already be there.

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The problem here isn't the game mode or it's mechanics, it's the playerbase.


Its going to be difficult to have a satisfying pvp experience in general because players are so willing to cheat and sabotage games when things are not going their way. The best fixes I see are to:


* incrementally increase Dishonored acquisition distribution when clear patterns of players being kittens have been observed, or when well documented reports have been made regarding players behaving improperly.

* though I disagree with it, is to _enable team modes in PVP ranked again._ That way, people have to form groups and face direct social retaliation/focused reports from players when they start exhibiting toxic behavior.


Problems, though:


* Teams can wintrade.

* Playing poorly out of spite cannot be reported.


This is really up to the playerbase to decide they want to fix. I can't really fathom any moderation that would largely affect people determined to be toxic.


Here's a thought. Maybe when a player is found to be match manipulating, toxic or the like and gets Dishonored because of it, a little map chat blurb with their character name goes out to public at reset, stating "X has been dishonored for Y" , and all parties involved in reporting him/her get a little message regarding the action taken?

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> **The problem here isn't the game mode or it's mechanics**, it's the playerbase.


The game mode is the mechanics...what are you talking about? & yes it affects player base & invites cheaters & trolls & all of the above. I'm not getting any new point from you. !!!??!!



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The problem is fighting invisible circles doesn't contribute to fighting in match. Now if said circles required 2 people to capture and not just 1 Shortbow #5 teef who just runs unskillfully around and can climb in rank with 1 skill. Sadly as i said would happen almost 0 dedeyes play legit pvp because sacrificing speed in a game mode where speed is required more then actual skill would be stupid. Deadeye = slow compared to core or daredevil.


So in reality since gw2 launch pvp has always been sub par and that's why ESL would never work here. Think back to the epic times of gw1 pvp and TDM where pvp was done right.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > **The problem here isn't the game mode or it's mechanics**, it's the playerbase.


> The game mode is the mechanics...what are you talking about? & yes it affects player base & invites cheaters & trolls & all of the above. I'm not getting any new point from you. !!!??!!


Sorry you misunderstood.

Game mode being Conquest. mechanics being premades disallowed.

The reason there's no new point is because there's none to make. The playerbase itself is its own worst enemy. The only thing that will stop people from being toxic and cheating/trolling is banning/quick and direct punishment for being toxic.


> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

>Conquest in RANK, has got to be replaced by an other game mode that does not punish the whole match for you or another that messed up. That AFK's. >That Wintrade's. That hacks. There is no but's about it. Rank deserve a new look at it's core game mode & replaced by a new one. Keep conquest in unrank.


There's no pvp game mode that does not punish you by design for playing with an AFKer, a hacker, a wintrader or what have you. That is something only moderation can fix.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > **The problem here isn't the game mode or it's mechanics**, it's the playerbase.

> >

> > The game mode is the mechanics...what are you talking about? & yes it affects player base & invites cheaters & trolls & all of the above. I'm not getting any new point from you. !!!??!!


> Sorry you misunderstood.

> Game mode being Conquest. mechanics being premades disallowed.

> The reason there's no new point is because there's none to make. The playerbase itself is its own worst enemy. The only thing that will stop people from being toxic and cheating/trolling is banning/quick and direct punishment for being toxic.


> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> >Conquest in RANK, has got to be replaced by an other game mode that does not punish the whole match for you or another that messed up. That AFK's. >That Wintrade's. That hacks. There is no but's about it. Rank deserve a new look at it's core game mode & replaced by a new one. Keep conquest in unrank.


> There's no pvp game mode that does not punish you by design for playing with an AFKer, a hacker, a wintrader or what have you. That is something only moderation can fix.




Ok i got it. & on the second part i still don't agree. As i mentioned a 1v1 to a 3v3 death match would feel less of a punishment vs coming from a circling around a map where you cap points with players that don't know what to do. Yes balance & meta issues would still be around. But would be way less frustrating playing with players not knowing there role in the team. So my first suggestion still holds. Solo Q 1v1 death match in rank. &.......Separated from Team Q's **(Quing up with friends)** in Rank 2v2 & 3v3 death match. Each have there own ranks to climb up. No fluff, no zergs & especially NO messy looking maps. EZ!

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Now if said circles required 2 people to capture and not just 1 Shortbow #5 teef who just runs unskillfully around and can climb in rank with 1 skill.


I once again fail to see your reason. Why don't you camp the point so no thief can come steal it?

It's called decision making.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > Now if said circles required 2 people to capture and not just 1 Shortbow #5 teef who just runs unskillfully around and can climb in rank with 1 skill.


> I once again fail to see your reason. Why don't you camp the point so no thief can come steal it?

> It's called decision making.


I'm just wondering why would we want to keep running around in circles since stealing caps or just capping is boring to death?

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > Now if said circles required 2 people to capture and not just 1 Shortbow #5 teef who just runs unskillfully around and can climb in rank with 1 skill.

> >

> > I once again fail to see your reason. Why don't you camp the point so no thief can come steal it?

> > It's called decision making.


> I'm just wondering why would we want to keep running around in circles since stealing caps or just capping is boring to death?


I always wondered why they started having fun maps with stronghold then stopped changing things up and just continued to make more boring circlequest maps. Oh hey look a new map!... where we fight invisible circles on the ground again.... yay.

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Would be awesome, just got another 15 losses and went back from t2gold to t2green, its pathetic. The gameplay of teammates is awefull and most of the time its just a plain slaughter-fest for the other team, no use to talk tactics. If you are lucky enough to be on the butchers side its half decent but also very boring since you are winning easy with at least a 200 point difference. But it's also very boring and sad since in both cases its not much fun to play. I'm really shocked how bad it is, I know people have been complaining about it but I'd never imagined it as bad as it really is.


Since my personal performance mostly comes out fairly good I would be glad if that was the thing that counts more than the actual winning or losing.

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