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Power necro boost idea


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#The core idea


Necro is a master of condition manipulation. As such his condi control game does not stop being a thing when he goes pure power.


* Dagger's Life Siphon's interaction (stronger heal and/or damage) with self and enemy's bleeding.

* Corrupter's fervor trait that is build-agnostic (equally useful for power and condi builds)

* Axe's #2 interaction with vulnerability on enemy

* Dread - albeit that one needs more love


Are but few examples confirming the trend - necro's condition manipulation is to be rewarded for power necros as well, with boosts that cater to their damage type and playstyle.


# New trait idea


** Transferred Agony** - receive a significant ferocity % boost upon successfully transferring a condition into enemy. (5s duration, +50% ferocity)


# How it works


The point is to make a power only trait that rewards condition transfering. As things are now there is a major hole in the wall here.

Transferring condies is a high risk/reward game for condi necros. Unlike regular cleanse, transfer can miss, and then you're left on ice. But if you're a condi necro then landing one can mean a nice dps increase.


However for power necro risks are the very same, while rewards little to none. He won't get much damage outta any condies he inflicts.

And here comes the Transferred Agony. Why the ferocity % boost?

To avoid double rewarding condi builds.


Condi necros don't have ferocity (unless grieving, but that kills their expertise), and i want to keep it that way. Giving a flat numeric value to ferocity (like let's say 300) would give out rewards to any build including Viper's that already benefits from strong condi damage and good base power.


Giving % ferocity cuts off that leeway as it is based on **ferocity you already have**. If you have none, you get none, keeping this trait a power build specific one. If you're running assassin, berseker, marauder, valkyrie, crusader or cavalier, this is the trait for you.


# Wouldn't it be OP?


I don't think so, as once again - it's based on your ferocity. Not critical damage but ferocity. In pure power builds ferocity can give around 100% extra crit damage, moving it from 150% baseline to around 250%.

Subject to 50% boost is that 100% you get from ferocity stat, so around 750 ferocity at lvl 80 when trait triggers (given you got around 1500 ferocity yourself).

That would move critical damage from 250% to 300% in most extreme cases. So in reality around 20% damage boosts if you managed to transfer a condi, on a trait that won't have 100% uptime due to limited amount of condi transfers necro has, and quirks associated with them (like staff on power build?).


So what's your opinion on it, fellow power necros?




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Not a bad idea. Where would it go? Would it stack, and if so, how high? How do you work this in with the fact Power Necro doesn't use much condition transferring due to being on weapons (offhand dagger, staff) and traits (Plague Sending) that are usually eschewed by the build? Having a trait that only really works with Plague Signet (and Suffer if Reaper) seems a little weak.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Not a bad idea. Where would it go? Would it stack, and if so, how high? How do you work this in with the fact Power Necro doesn't use much condition transferring due to being on weapons (offhand dagger, staff) and traits (Plague Sending) that are usually eschewed by the build? Having a trait that only really works with Plague Signet (and Suffer if Reaper) seems a little weak.


Those are some good points. Ok then let's address them one by one:


#Where would it go?


**Death Magic.** Spite is already overloaded with power dps boosts, and it is good to spread certain aspect of gameplay among various lines, though not evenly. If you don't, you end up being the warrior that has only two free traitlines + mandatory defense..


Out of all the candidates i pick Death Magic - it already has a bit of power play going on there with Deadly Strength, and is the underperformer line that needs love.

Fitting new trait into it is also very easy - just merge Unholy Sanctuary with Shrouded removal into one trait and there you go, you got a free slot for new trait.

As for it's placement within the lines - i think these should be rearrange a bit


* minion traitline is fine - no changes needed there

* second traitline lacks a bit of identity - i would move putrid defense to it's adept line, making it the condi-based defense line (putrid defense, reaper's protection, corrupter's fervor)

* last traitline would be power + healing based. Deadly Strength as adept, Transferred Agony (my trait) as Master, Unholy Sanctuary (merged with Shrouded Removal) as Grandmaster.


# Would it stack and if so, how high?


Definitely not in intensity - that could break it, especially if in the future necro would get pulsing condi transfer. In duration however - that could be a thing for discussion.


# Power Necro doesn't use much condition transferring.


Because at the current moment it's a bad deal for power necro. This trait will change that. That'll also make at least offhand dagger a considerable choice for power builds as well. Now let's go over few condi transfer options:


* offhand dagger - still a bit poor choice, but generally all necro offhands aren't amazing as power tools, and offer way more utility then raw damage. Focus is obviously the top dog here, but in raid scenario where stalking vulni is not an issue and chills + boon removal doesn't matter, offhand dagger with 20% power dps boost can be a valid choice.

* Staff - oh yeah, you know you're in the pits if you're talking power staff. However this weapon is so bad, it's actually good, since it's the "whip it out and go shroud" weapon. It can be useful to reapers for quick condi shake + setting up dps boost then into shroud you go to deal real damage.

* Plague signet - this one is a natural fit - signets are by design very power build friendly - vampirism is the damage dealing heal, sig of spite gives sick power boost when traited, and now plague signet will not only dub as stunbreak + condi transfer, but a also a power spike tool. Not to mention the natural and desired by power builds synergy with blood is power)

* Plague sending - curses may not be the first choice for a power build, but they are still very viable one. Furious demise + deadly precision can give a looot of free crit chance, especially vs raid bosses. Now plague sending would not only offer a good condi cleanse, but also a dps spike right next to those crit chance boosts if you're running power. Not to mention that power or no power, the huge ulility of corruption skills (consume conditions, blood is power, cpc) can rarely be overlooked, and neither can master of corruption trait for them.

* necromantic corruption - it's pretty powerful and not sure this trait should work with it as it's not a direct transfer and is done passively, wheras the point of the trait is to reward good active plays with condi transfers.

* Suffer! -great synergy if you ask me! You get cold shouder bonus for chilling them, and now Transferred agony bonus for transferring conditions! Before it was useful for condi (deathly chill) now it would also be useful for power builds.

* Rune of the Krait - i don't see that having any use, this is a pure condi rune, unless with some unorthodox Grieving build...


Overall not everything would be rosy, but there are few good use cases (Plague Signet, Suffer!, offhand dagger, plague sending).

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Don't waste your time they will never implement this. Didn't you see they increased cd on reaper skill and plague signet. I wish everyone who plays necro delete their chars 1 day collectively to send a message to the devs.


Or everyone should just stop playing necro

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Don't waste your time they will never implement this. Didn't you see they increased cd on reaper skill and plague signet. I wish everyone who plays necro delete their chars 1 day collectively to send a message to the devs.


> Or everyone should just stop playing necro


Already on it. Jumping ship to revenant, as we speak. I'm just dissatisfied with state of core and reaper. Scourge is viable, but pigeonholed to be aoe condi aids spammer rarther then having multiple builds and roles like core and reaper can.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Don't waste your time they will never implement this. Didn't you see they increased cd on reaper skill and plague signet. I wish everyone who plays necro delete their chars 1 day collectively to send a message to the devs.


> Or everyone should just stop playing necro


Yeah something on that line but the concept of necromancer is unique so every new player tries it on first and if they the stick for a month or so with it then they start to regret it just like me. I have it bad because i played gw2 2-3 months now only and im the kind of person that does not change choices even in life so apparently necro is 1 and only class for me in gw2. I'm thinking about quitting gw2 after some more months after giving devs more shots at this class because i dont want to play a game where some classes are so much ignored that they dont even see what the actual players that main that class are saying. They only see the other classes that hate necromancer class in general because it is the only class that boon rips so much and all other classes have boon spam mechanics so it is obvious they will want nerfs in every aspect. I just said in some other thread and im saying it again, fire the people responsible for necro related decisions and get the ones who handle mesmers, warriors etc.

This class is LIGHT WEIGHT ARMOR which equals more mobility and speed in real life and in games. Why? Because it is the universal tradeoff for balance. While being creative you went against the most basic principle and this is the only cause for unbalance.


To top it off you didnt give it cc skills which by concept should be a thing for necro as it does not have mobility. If you are going to just stand around then you better have cc to keep standing around and not become a sandbag.


HP DOES NOT MATTER. It is like you are a high quality sandbag that dies in a little more seconds.

Every necromancer skill is so hit and miss there is no sense of protection, if you miss your skill then you have to pay with your life in pvp and in wvw. I think the devs play in wvw trains (i call them trains) where 20-30 people run together so obviously aoe will be op BUT all the kills are not because of necro it is because of other classes that utilize conditions on enemies to deal damage.


Meanwhile they introduce guns in a tab target game where it literally takes no skill to aim from range and gave it ridiculous damage + stealth + the inherent cc and traits skills in classes. Sometimes i think how can they go to sleep after a balance patch and think they have made a game balanced.


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You touched up on something i noticed too XECOR. Generally in wvw it's extremely punishing to be a melee profession, even in 1v1 skirmishes. My condi rev (mace/shield) was just hitting air, while enemy chrono was having a field day with his gs where all the effort of hitting me is tab + auto, unlike my mace where the #2 & #3 are skillshots and all in melee.


Ofc i'm a beginner at rev, but still it feeld damn inbalanced when i got short range and have to land a skillshot, while other side gets unreflectable death beam of doom that only needs pressing 1 after choosing a target..

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > ... Didn't you see they increased cd on reaper skill .....

> FYI the trait [Reaper's Protection] has absolutely nothing to do with the Reaper elite spec.




yes but i couldn't remember full name of it so i just wote it like that.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> it wouldn't be op because power necro doesn't have condi transfer unless you specifically trait/slot it. Also, some mobs don't give conditions on you and in team play condis are immediately removes by allies. So, pretty useless idea. Sorry, next


Simple solution would be to make self-inflicted condies unremovable by allies, only self.

It would both make self-condies an actual playstyle in group setting, and corruption skills' side effects an actual thing, rather then a joke.


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I kind of wanted blood magic to do something similar to this at this point. IT was what i wanted vampiric aura to do was leech based on a % critical strike damage so the more one invested in cirit and ferocity the more burst it could leech and heal for putting a very low cap to what condi builds could get from it.


Your idea is not bad but the placement of the trait is concerning to me. I dont think death magic is an ideal spot but at the same time no other line has an idea spot for it either. Something would have to change.


No one will run death magic for 1 good trait not even one as strong as the one you suggested when the rest of the line is garbbo.


Minion traits need love

The middle line aside form myabe shrouded removal needs love

The bottom line underperforms with its soft take on defense and sustain which is just by far way too weak.


Overall death magic is about selfish sustain and hard defense but it does not do the same things that say Defense in the warrior line does or acrobatics does for thief.

Equipping those lines on those professions makes a sustain increase noticeably

Equipping death magic on a necro just makes you do less damage and reduced the overall damage you take by maybe a solid 10% at most. Assuming you snatched the toughness traits. There are no breakstuns no stability no increased life force gain or mobility in pvp which is where it matters most if you choose to run this line. Minions will die to any chip damage during a fight burst from any profession.


Its just the idea of snapping on the line selecting the one good trait you suggested then having to cringe as you pick other traits that you know wont be very useful. That said your idea is not bad just got no where to put it.


Nothing in spite is wort trading for it

Nothing in curses is worth trading for it

It does not fit in blood magic.

Soul reaping nothing is worth trading for it.

Death magic its not worth it considering how lackluster all the other traits in this line would be.

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