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[SC] All classes benchmarks (02/06/18 patch)


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Reddit post is over here:




Data gathered on the smallest hitbox golem is roughly this:


* **Profession Build Top Number Average DPS**

* Weaver Arcane Staff LH 37,301 35.000

* Firebrand Condition UC 36.000 34.800

* Mirage Condition 35.999 35.000

* Spellbreaker Power 35.875 35.000

* Berserker Condition DPS 34.845 33.000

* Firebrand Condition Master of Consecrations 34.380 33.500

* Chronomancer Power 33.990 33.300

* Holosmith Power Rifle Thermal Vision 33.923 33.600

* Holosmith Power Sword Thermal Vision 33.822 33.500

* Weaver Power Sword 33.412 32.700

* Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 33.328 33.000

* Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 32.814 32.000

* Daredevil Condition with allies 32.280 31.300

* Holosmith Power Rifle Pin Point 31.888 31.500

* Renegade Devastation 31.877 31.000

* Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.409 30.100

* Deadeye Power Solo 31.327 30.800

* Berserker Banner and Shattering Blow 31.173 30.000

* Engineer Condition 30.500 30.500

* Daredevil Power Staff 30.295 30.000

* Reaper Condition 29.504 29.000

* Scourge Condition 29.224 29.000

* Renegade Support rotation 24.499

* Chronomancer Dueling - Illusions 19.071

* Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.500

* Druid Condition Nature Magic 16.093

* Druid Power Marksmanship 15.794

* Druid Power Nature Magic 14.074

* Chronomancer Illusions - Inspiration 13.167

* Chronomancer Domination - Inspiration 11.240


Additional notes and better formatting on the original post (sorry on mobile)

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > Well, shall we bow down to our Mesmer Overlords now that they can do everything?


> LoL

> The firebrand is better than mirage in term of DPS and usability in every game mode in Raids/WvW/sPVP.

> The benchmark showed clearly that FIREBRAND is second place after ELE .


firebrand has more variance and a lower average dps than mirage

like firebrand will do anywhere between 36k and like 33k dps, while mirage always does around 35k


ele has a big variance too. I'd say mirage is #1 on small hitbox now

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > Well, shall we bow down to our Mesmer Overlords now that they can do everything?


> LoL

> The firebrand is better than mirage in term of DPS and usability in every game mode in Raids/WvW/sPVP.

> The benchmark showed clearly that FIREBRAND is second place after ELE .


Between having a high dps Spec and also one of the main Support and Tank Specs Mesmer is still better overall for Endgame Group content since that’s what this post is all about.



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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > > Well, shall we bow down to our Mesmer Overlords now that they can do everything?

> >

> > LoL

> > The firebrand is better than mirage in term of DPS and usability in every game mode in Raids/WvW/sPVP.

> > The benchmark showed clearly that FIREBRAND is second place after ELE .


> firebrand has more variance and a lower average dps than mirage

> like firebrand will do anywhere between 36k and like 33k dps, while mirage always does around 35k


> ele has a big variance too. I'd say mirage is #1 on small hitbox now


As somebody who can't break 31k DPS after several hours of trying on mirage, I call shenanigans on this.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > > > Well, shall we bow down to our Mesmer Overlords now that they can do everything?

> > >

> > > LoL

> > > The firebrand is better than mirage in term of DPS and usability in every game mode in Raids/WvW/sPVP.

> > > The benchmark showed clearly that FIREBRAND is second place after ELE .

> >

> > firebrand has more variance and a lower average dps than mirage

> > like firebrand will do anywhere between 36k and like 33k dps, while mirage always does around 35k

> >

> > ele has a big variance too. I'd say mirage is #1 on small hitbox now


> As somebody who can't break 31k DPS after several hours of trying on mirage, I call shenanigans on this.


You're most likely using a non-optimized build because theirs (SC's) breaks the 35k barrier easily. May also be a rotation issue though mirage overall has a very easy to learn rotation.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > firebrand has more variance and a lower average dps than mirage

> > like firebrand will do anywhere between 36k and like 33k dps, while mirage always does around 35k

> >

> > ele has a big variance too. I'd say mirage is #1 on small hitbox now


> As somebody who can't break 31k DPS after several hours of trying on mirage, I call shenanigans on this.


I mean assuming a literally perfect rotation

The variance is not due to rotation variance. It's due to random elements. like meteor shower's damage varies depending on how many of the meteors hit the boss. firebrand's damage varies depending on how many of the extra hits on the scepter symbol hit the boss

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > > > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

> > > > > Well, shall we bow down to our Mesmer Overlords now that they can do everything?

> > > >

> > > > LoL

> > > > The firebrand is better than mirage in term of DPS and usability in every game mode in Raids/WvW/sPVP.

> > > > The benchmark showed clearly that FIREBRAND is second place after ELE .

> > >

> > > firebrand has more variance and a lower average dps than mirage

> > > like firebrand will do anywhere between 36k and like 33k dps, while mirage always does around 35k

> > >

> > > ele has a big variance too. I'd say mirage is #1 on small hitbox now

> >

> > As somebody who can't break 31k DPS after several hours of trying on mirage, I call shenanigans on this.


> You're most likely using a non-optimized build because theirs (SC's) breaks the 35k barrier easily. May also be a rotation issue though mirage overall has a very easy to learn rotation.


I suspect that there's some small detail that isn't discussed openly but is nonetheless practiced by most testers. The only difference between my build and snowcrow's build is that I use runes of the berserker instead of runes of the renegade. 7% condition damage vs. 5% condi + 5% power should in no way create a 20% DPS deficit.


Unless the runes are bugged somehow. Maybe that's the issue I'm encountering.

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The true best number for power rifle deadeye atm is 32230


That still had some mistakes (starting with too early DJs, and wasting some shots by using Mark off CD as well as a couple missing DJs by using venom instead of Infiltrator's Signet) so Kitty thinks the real top is 32500. The average is around 31,5-31,7k region. (speaking as someone who pulled 31508 without infusions with 150ms ping).

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> The true best number for power rifle deadeye atm is 32230


> That still had some mistakes (starting with too early DJs, and wasting some shots by using Mark off CD as well as a couple missing DJs by using venom instead of Infiltrator's Signet) so Kitty thinks the real top is 32500. The average is around 31,5-31,7k region. (speaking as someone who pulled 31508 without infusions with 150ms ping).


Still more than condi engineer.



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I do wonder what the standard for "realistic" is. I spent another few hours on the power mesmer rotation, and even with food you'd be lucky to break 30k average on the 4 mil golem. The reasons for this are numerous:


(1): A lot of skills will pre-empt each other, forcing themselves on cooldown without having actually finished casting. In general, any two skills of a different nature (I.E. wells and phantasms, utility phantasm and weapon phantasm, signet and phantasm) will interrupt the other's casting. If the button presses aren't precisely on, you'll blow a phantasms cast and have to wait 5 seconds for it to go off cooldown before trying again. this is a big problem, since on other professions you just queue up the next attack, but you can't with the chronomancer. Note, this includes weapon swap, which has interrupted phantasmal defender on a few occasions, and frequently will stall the swordsman for unknown reasons.


(2): A lot of the skills have almost no aftercast. This means that your toon will go into auto-attack animation (and thus, add the subsequent lag that comes with it) between skill casts. In order to avoid this, you have to use a skill the _exact_ moment that the animation of the previous one ends.


These two combine to create a lot of frustration, because all actions have to be executed at exact times. If you're one millisecond early, the skill doesn't go off. If you're one millisecond late, the toon will swing an auto attack, and throw an additional half second onto every single action.


(3): All of the burst comes from an interaction that, quite frankly, I think is a bug. In order to do max deeps, you have to use continuum split at an exact moment. This is the time between when the signet recharges phantasms, and when the signet itself goes into cooldown. Doing this essentially gets you a free cast of the signet, which allows you to triple and quadruple cast several of the phantasms. The interaction here, questionable intended-ness aside, requires split second timing. The hard part about this is that this timing changes, depending on whether or not an auto attack snuck in between phantasmal defender and the signet. Because the signet interrupts the phantasms cast, you can't queue it, so the quarter-second window has a half second of variance baked into its proper activation time.


You mess up any of these big bursts, and the DPS drops to 26k and stays there for the rest of the fight. I have no idea how these guys manage a 42k burst. The best I could do was 33k, after hours of resetting the beginning of the fight over and over and over again. I suspect that there's a macro involved, especially at the point where they cast warden, weapon swap, and cast swordsman without an auto attack going through; a feat I my hands were not capable of replicating once. Let alone maintaining this level of perfection through for several minutes of playing. Let alone in an actual battle, and not on a static golem where you don't have to worry about boss mechanics.



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  • 3 months later...

> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> Reddit post is over here:


> *


> Data gathered on the smallest hitbox golem is roughly this:


> * **Profession Build Top Number Average DPS**

> * Weaver Arcane Staff LH 37,301 35.000

> * Firebrand Condition UC 36.000 34.800

> * Mirage Condition 35.999 35.000

> * Spellbreaker Power 35.875 35.000

> * Berserker Condition DPS 34.845 33.000

> * Firebrand Condition Master of Consecrations 34.380 33.500

> * Chronomancer Power 33.990 33.300

> * Holosmith Power Rifle Thermal Vision 33.923 33.600

> * Holosmith Power Sword Thermal Vision 33.822 33.500

> * Weaver Power Sword 33.412 32.700

> * Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 33.328 33.000

> * Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 32.814 32.000

> * Daredevil Condition with allies 32.280 31.300

> * Holosmith Power Rifle Pin Point 31.888 31.500

> * Renegade Devastation 31.877 31.000

> * Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.409 30.100

> * Deadeye Power Solo 31.327 30.800

> * Berserker Banner and Shattering Blow 31.173 30.000

> * Engineer Condition 30.500 30.500

> * Daredevil Power Staff 30.295 30.000

> * Reaper Condition 29.504 29.000

> * Scourge Condition 29.224 29.000

> * Renegade Support rotation 24.499

> * Chronomancer Dueling - Illusions 19.071

> * Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.500

> * Druid Condition Nature Magic 16.093

> * Druid Power Marksmanship 15.794

> * Druid Power Nature Magic 14.074

> * Chronomancer Illusions - Inspiration 13.167

> * Chronomancer Domination - Inspiration 11.240


> Additional notes and better formatting on the original post (sorry on mobile)


Wow! I am shocked at how Snow Crows came up with these numbers. When I saw this list on the first page, I was immediately suspecious. Some of the dps on certain classes looks far higher than it should be while others looked far lower than it should. So I decided to investigate and checked how SC came up with the numbers for the Deadeye thief.


Here's the link from the OP.






For a full list, see SC Benchmark


Big Hitbox/Huge

Profession Build Top Number Average DPS

Weaver Arcane Staff LH 46,732 45.000

Berserker Condition DPS 41.143 40.000

Renegade Invocation with allies 36.369 35.500

Renegade Devastation with allies 33.494 33.000

Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 33.078 32.000


Small Hitbox

Profession Build Top Number Average DPS

Weaver Arcane Staff LH 37,301 35.000

Firebrand Condition UC 36.000 34.800

Mirage Condition 35.999 35.000

Spellbreaker Power 35.875 35.000

Berserker Condition DPS 34.845 33.000

Firebrand Condition Master of Consecrations 34.380 33.500

Chronomancer Power 33.990 33.300

Holosmith Power Rifle Thermal Vision 33.923 33.600

Holosmith Power Sword Thermal Vision 33.822 33.500

Weaver Power Sword 33.412 32.700

Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 33.328 33.000

Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 32.814 32.000

Daredevil Condition with allies 32.280 31.300

Holosmith Power Rifle Pin Point 31.888 31.500

Renegade Devastation 31.877 31.000

Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.409 30.100

Deadeye Power Solo 31.327 30.800

Berserker Banner and Shattering Blow 31.173 30.000

Engineer Condition 30.500 30.500

Daredevil Power Staff 30.295 30.000

Reaper Condition 29.504 29.000

Scourge Condition 29.224 29.000

Renegade Support rotation 24.499

Chronomancer Dueling - Illusions 19.071

Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.500

Druid Condition Nature Magic 16.093

Druid Power Marksmanship 15.794

Druid Power Nature Magic 14.074

Chronomancer Illusions - Inspiration 13.167

Chronomancer Domination - Inspiration 11.240




We are always working on updating our class guides and at the moment especially the mesmer one. You can find all benchmarks here: here..





So I checked Reddit's resource they posted and here is the link to Snow Crows' Benchmarks page.



Now if you look at the two videos Snow Crows came up with the numbers for a Deadeye, you'll see in the videos "Deadeye w/ Allies" and "Deadeye w/o Allies," the Deadeye was using two daggers. This is not a Deadeye's dps. A Deadeye uses a rifle as his main weapon.


If you're not able to click on the videos on SC', here it is in their link.


Deadeye w/ Allies


Deadeye w/o Allies


I'm not even gonna bother checking how they came up with the numbers on the other classes. Already disgusted watching the videos.

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> @"Revelation.6293" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > Reddit post is over here:

> >

> > *

> >

> > Data gathered on the smallest hitbox golem is roughly this:

> >

> > * **Profession Build Top Number Average DPS**

> > * Weaver Arcane Staff LH 37,301 35.000

> > * Firebrand Condition UC 36.000 34.800

> > * Mirage Condition 35.999 35.000

> > * Spellbreaker Power 35.875 35.000

> > * Berserker Condition DPS 34.845 33.000

> > * Firebrand Condition Master of Consecrations 34.380 33.500

> > * Chronomancer Power 33.990 33.300

> > * Holosmith Power Rifle Thermal Vision 33.923 33.600

> > * Holosmith Power Sword Thermal Vision 33.822 33.500

> > * Weaver Power Sword 33.412 32.700

> > * Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 33.328 33.000

> > * Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 32.814 32.000

> > * Daredevil Condition with allies 32.280 31.300

> > * Holosmith Power Rifle Pin Point 31.888 31.500

> > * Renegade Devastation 31.877 31.000

> > * Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.409 30.100

> > * Deadeye Power Solo 31.327 30.800

> > * Berserker Banner and Shattering Blow 31.173 30.000

> > * Engineer Condition 30.500 30.500

> > * Daredevil Power Staff 30.295 30.000

> > * Reaper Condition 29.504 29.000

> > * Scourge Condition 29.224 29.000

> > * Renegade Support rotation 24.499

> > * Chronomancer Dueling - Illusions 19.071

> > * Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.500

> > * Druid Condition Nature Magic 16.093

> > * Druid Power Marksmanship 15.794

> > * Druid Power Nature Magic 14.074

> > * Chronomancer Illusions - Inspiration 13.167

> > * Chronomancer Domination - Inspiration 11.240

> >

> > Additional notes and better formatting on the original post (sorry on mobile)


> Wow! I am shocked at how Snow Crows came up with these numbers. When I saw this list on the first page, I was immediately suspecious. Some of the dps on certain classes looks far higher than it should be while others looked far lower than it should. So I decided to investigate and checked how SC came up with the numbers for the Deadeye thief.


> Here's the link from the OP.


> .

> .

> .

> .

> Benchmarks

> For a full list, see SC Benchmark


> Big Hitbox/Huge

> Profession Build Top Number Average DPS

> Weaver Arcane Staff LH 46,732 45.000

> Berserker Condition DPS 41.143 40.000

> Renegade Invocation with allies 36.369 35.500

> Renegade Devastation with allies 33.494 33.000

> Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 33.078 32.000


> Small Hitbox

> Profession Build Top Number Average DPS

> Weaver Arcane Staff LH 37,301 35.000

> Firebrand Condition UC 36.000 34.800

> Mirage Condition 35.999 35.000

> Spellbreaker Power 35.875 35.000

> Berserker Condition DPS 34.845 33.000

> Firebrand Condition Master of Consecrations 34.380 33.500

> Chronomancer Power 33.990 33.300

> Holosmith Power Rifle Thermal Vision 33.923 33.600

> Holosmith Power Sword Thermal Vision 33.822 33.500

> Weaver Power Sword 33.412 32.700

> Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 33.328 33.000

> Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 32.814 32.000

> Daredevil Condition with allies 32.280 31.300

> Holosmith Power Rifle Pin Point 31.888 31.500

> Renegade Devastation 31.877 31.000

> Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.409 30.100

> Deadeye Power Solo 31.327 30.800

> Berserker Banner and Shattering Blow 31.173 30.000

> Engineer Condition 30.500 30.500

> Daredevil Power Staff 30.295 30.000

> Reaper Condition 29.504 29.000

> Scourge Condition 29.224 29.000

> Renegade Support rotation 24.499

> Chronomancer Dueling - Illusions 19.071

> Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.500

> Druid Condition Nature Magic 16.093

> Druid Power Marksmanship 15.794

> Druid Power Nature Magic 14.074

> Chronomancer Illusions - Inspiration 13.167

> Chronomancer Domination - Inspiration 11.240


> SnowCrows.com


> We are always working on updating our class guides and at the moment especially the mesmer one. You can find all benchmarks here: here..

> .

> .

> .

> .

> So I checked Reddit's resource they posted and here is the link to Snow Crows' Benchmarks page.

> https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> Now if you look at the two videos Snow Crows came up with the numbers for a Deadeye, you'll see in the videos "Deadeye w/ Allies" and "Deadeye w/o Allies," the Deadeye was using two daggers. This is not a Deadeye's dps. A Deadeye uses a rifle as his main weapon.


> If you're not able to click on the videos on SC', here it is in their link.


> Deadeye w/ Allies



> Deadeye w/o Allies



> I'm not even gonna bother checking how they came up with the numbers on the other classes. Already disgusted watching the videos.


You do realize that elite specs can be played without elite specific weapons, right? Your weapon doesnt determine what you play, it's your specializations.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> You do realize that elite specs can be played without elite specific weapons, right? Your weapon doesnt determine what you play, it's your specializations.


No. You measure a Deadeye's dps using a rifle, not two daggers. The rifle does superior damage compared to daggers. What the vidoe did was like measuring a Holosmith's dps using a flamethrower the entire fight, which wouldn't surprised me if SC actually could have done so looking at how low they ranked Holosmith dps. Look also at the rotation the guy in the video was doing. He just kept pressing #5. Doesn't look like he was really trying to max dps on the Deadeye.



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> @"Revelation.6293" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > You do realize that elite specs can be played without elite specific weapons, right? Your weapon doesnt determine what you play, it's your specializations.


> No. You measure a Deadeye's dps using a rifle, not two daggers. The rifle does superior damage compared to daggers. What the vidoe did was like measuring a Holosmith's dps using a flamethrower the entire fight, which wouldn't surprised me if SC actually could have done so looking at how low they ranked Holosmith dps. Look also at the rotation the guy in the video was doing. He just kept pressing #5. Doesn't look like he was really trying to max dps on the Deadeye.




You got this all wrong. They arent testing elite specializations specifically (traits, weapons whatever). They are making benchmarks of **the most damaging builds** (whether it uses elite spec or not, its weapon or core class weapons) and sort them by DPS under theoretically realistic conditions. Since daggers on deadeye perform better than rifle, and rifle is below certain DPS mark, they just didnt have the need of posting a worse build in there. They focus on class' best performance and deadeye just doesnt have that with rifle.


If you can find a better rotation that doesnt include just one button spam you're free to make a video and post it on forums/reddit or such.

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> @"Revelation.6293" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > You do realize that elite specs can be played without elite specific weapons, right? Your weapon doesnt determine what you play, it's your specializations.


> No. You measure a Deadeye's dps using a rifle, not two daggers. The rifle does superior damage compared to daggers. What the vidoe did was like measuring a Holosmith's dps using a flamethrower the entire fight, which wouldn't surprised me if SC actually could have done so looking at how low they ranked Holosmith dps. Look also at the rotation the guy in the video was doing. He just kept pressing #5. Doesn't look like he was really trying to max dps on the Deadeye.




You're so incredibly wrong it's not even funny. You could try making a benchmark yourself so you can see in reality everything you said is not remotely close to truth, if you want.

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