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So i've been pvping on my teef and need help


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I was told that i should go Sword/pistol, is that because of all the firebrand guardians? I encountered some really obnoxious builds some which can really be tough, one was a guardian which throws chains and i had to run away and the guy seemed to have infinite speed because he was keeping up the whole time.So is condi a thing because of guardian? or something else in general?


Is then D/P simply worse now because of these enemies?

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Hey, Thief has a slightly higher skill floor than other professions. So it's going to be a little harder on you from the get-go until you learn a bit of the ins and outs. The build someone was suggesting to you actually uses Sword/*Dagger*, as it has unblockables on the third weapon skill, bypassing all of the firebrand guardian's blocks. You can check it out here: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Thief_-_Marauder_S/D


Practice is the real key to success here. But the forums can provide some tips and tricks. I'm leaving work now so I can't input my own tips until Tuesday :3

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i would say for taining try the combos on the golems in pvp then when you think you got the hang of it try the npcs you see by the golems. if you think you are used to the rotations and want to inprove more befor real pvp go to arena and try your skill agenst real peps and you should see some inprovments and then the last part is the hard one. you will have to know the maps you fight on and do the sneacky rouge stuff.

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Not necessarily. As Turk has stated, Thieves requires a higher skill floor than other specializations in PvP.


The Sword Pistol would likely be recommended because it offers a pretty strong flury with evasion frames. An interrupt, and blind.

But against a Guardian, I'd take a Sword Dagger. The sword its self offers decent damage, the third skill is the most useful. It offers an on demand evasion. And if the back stab lands, it gives you a boon strip which applies the boons to yourself. This QUICKLY turns the tables on Guardians and Necromancers.


But if you are having problems running away from Guardians. Something tells me that you're missing some foundational knowledge for thieves. I'm not trying to be offensive, I am just giving you a little more help.


The reason why everyone takes shortbow on thief as their second weapon is due to the Shadow Infiltrator skill on 5. But there's probably something you, and a lot of thieves don't actually know about this. Shadow infiltrator will work as long as there is a VALID WALKABLE PATH. If a player is forced to jump to that location. It will fail immediately. But if a player can walk there (it doesn't matter if it takes 10 minutes), then you can shadow step onto it.


That being said, the thief has a MASSIVE escape option, as you're able to shadow step onto balconies walls, or catwalks from the ground. No other profession really can do this, except mesmer(?), and Scourge (requires them to burn an ult).


Continuing on... both Daredevil's Staff Vault , and Deadeye's Rifle Death's Retreat offers very similar advantages. Daredevil's staff alows them to jump across gaps that can not be pathed. And Death's Retreat is Shadow Infiltrator in reverse (you need to aim backwards).

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Leo i'm just more used to playing d/p i'm not used to the other builds, but i never claimed to be the best.I haven't pvped in a while, and with new builds to learn to counter, its no wonder i died.


Every time you change something add a new elite spec or something, it means you have to relearn how to play.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Leo i'm just more used to playing d/p i'm not used to the other builds, but i never claimed to be the best.I haven't pvped in a while, and with new builds to learn to counter, its no wonder i died.


> Every time you change something add a new elite spec or something, it means you have to relearn how to play.


I don't think I said you were the best or the worst pvper. I only said "giving you a little more help". There's things and tricks that people either never knew about, or forgot about in the moment. You mentioned that you were having a hard time running away from Guardians, and I told you how to quickly get away from them in a way where they can not chase.

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lol it sounds like the build you made is a nish build but i still say train in useing your rotation and then try haveing a friend that is good in pvp with multi classes and fight him and then when he gets the uperhand try to find out how to run. this could help you get better but the realy way for anyone to get better is when you die or you mess something up write down your mistake and get better this is the bigest and best way to learn and get better

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I had an idea actually.After seeing that the mesmers images have to run towards you, i could try running away while shooting them.I think i could blow htem up before they blow up on top of me



A well timed evade is your best friend in this scenario. The clones stand still for a split second before blowing up, so time your evade there. The S/D kit has plenty of that.

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Generally Dancing Dagger is a great way to screw up mesmers (using condi anyways).


That and a well timed immobilize helps a lot to allow your team to focus them down.


Mesmer is slippery when well played so stun/immobilize/cripple in an AoE is a sure way to shut them down. That and knowing how to anticipate their burst.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What exactly is the reason why dp isn't meta?


I heard from a pvp thief:


have fun killing any meta build with dp thief then, theres a reason why nobody plays it atm

"ive used dp for a long time" sounds like you played it like some years ago with a entirely different meta, doesnt suprise me


So i was curious why.


Also i made a mistake:Its S/D that i was told to go for not S/P.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> What exactly is the reason why dp isn't meta?


> I heard from a pvp thief:


> have fun killing any meta build with dp thief then, theres a reason why nobody plays it atm

> "ive used dp for a long time" sounds like you played it like some years ago with a entirely different meta, doesnt suprise me


> So i was curious why.


> Also i made a mistake:Its S/D that i was told to go for not S/P.



D/P definitely _is_ Meta, only thief surprisingly has a choice to play two different Meta playstyles.

The reason S/D came to Meta is that stuff like Spellbreaker and Firebrand became almost un+1nable, but it has no stealth nor as strong Initial burst, so both sets profit from different equally important scenarios.

It can get a bit more complicated but very simply put:

S/D - for sustain dmg, boon rip/unblockable (allows for FB or SpB +1), allows 1v1 scenarios

D/P - better mobility, easier decaps (stealth), higher burst, very hard to 1v1 current Meta builds unless they are brain dead, so you shouldn't 1v1 at all.


Just chose your playstyle.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > What exactly is the reason why dp isn't meta?

> >

> > I heard from a pvp thief:

> >

> > have fun killing any meta build with dp thief then, theres a reason why nobody plays it atm

> > "ive used dp for a long time" sounds like you played it like some years ago with a entirely different meta, doesnt suprise me

> >

> > So i was curious why.

> >

> > Also i made a mistake:Its S/D that i was told to go for not S/P.

> >


> D/P definitely _is_ Meta, only thief surprisingly has a choice to play two different Meta playstyles.

> The reason S/D came to Meta is that stuff like Spellbreaker and Firebrand became almost un+1nable, but it has no stealth nor as strong Initial burst, so both sets profit from different equally important scenarios.

> It can get a bit more complicated but very simply put:

> S/D - for sustain dmg, boon rip/unblockable (allows for FB or SpB +1), allows 1v1 scenarios

> D/P - better mobility, easier decaps (stealth), higher burst, very hard to 1v1 current Meta builds unless they are brain dead, so you shouldn't 1v1 at all.


> Just chose your playstyle.


i dont think you know what meta means, dp thief is good, but it isnt meta, mostly because dp thief is very bad against the other meta builds, its only good against other thiefs, but thats it, in nearly every situation sdcore is better atm, which is why its meta and not dp

> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I seriously hope i don't have to keep changing builds to survive.Personally I think you shouldn't have to change your entire build to do good..

welcome to thief, its not scourge where you stay mid and spam things and cd with 1 build only


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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > What exactly is the reason why dp isn't meta?

> > >

> > > I heard from a pvp thief:

> > >

> > > have fun killing any meta build with dp thief then, theres a reason why nobody plays it atm

> > > "ive used dp for a long time" sounds like you played it like some years ago with a entirely different meta, doesnt suprise me

> > >

> > > So i was curious why.

> > >

> > > Also i made a mistake:Its S/D that i was told to go for not S/P.

> > >

> >

> > D/P definitely _is_ Meta, only thief surprisingly has a choice to play two different Meta playstyles.

> > The reason S/D came to Meta is that stuff like Spellbreaker and Firebrand became almost un+1nable, but it has no stealth nor as strong Initial burst, so both sets profit from different equally important scenarios.

> > It can get a bit more complicated but very simply put:

> > S/D - for sustain dmg, boon rip/unblockable (allows for FB or SpB +1), allows 1v1 scenarios

> > D/P - better mobility, easier decaps (stealth), higher burst, very hard to 1v1 current Meta builds unless they are brain dead, so you shouldn't 1v1 at all.

> >

> > Just chose your playstyle.


> i dont think you know what meta means, dp thief is good, but it isnt meta, mostly because dp thief is very bad against the other meta builds, its only good against other thiefs, but thats it, in nearly every situation sdcore is better atm, which is why its meta and not dp

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > I seriously hope i don't have to keep changing builds to survive.Personally I think you shouldn't have to change your entire build to do good..

> welcome to thief, its not scourge where you stay mid and spam things and cd with 1 build only



Talking about builds:I used S/D today got wrecked by a engi hardcore.Don't know if i'm just absolutely terrible but wow i feel bad.I thought engineers were underpowered.

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Honestly, nothing against you, but you obviously dont have much experience in pvp in general (first talking about condi s/p thief and now talking about engineer being weak) , so why are you so much in the forum and talk about not nerfing scourge and other things like that?

even the people in Narus stream told you that engi isnt weak at all

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Wait were you on narus stream today?


I was looking up a thief S/D meta video to see strategies.


Also:I never claimed to be the most experienced, but i have fought some on D/P thief and wrecked engineers who were scappers in the past.Keep in mind some of this experience from before does count.


Thats like saying someone who's driven a car 10 years ago doesn't count and knows nothing now.Ok some of that experience is outdated and if he was not that great to begin with, which i said i wasn't, then obviously.I also said i was better with D/P because i was more used to the playstyle and i've seen sindrenerr on twitch.


Also:That was against scrappers who were bunker type build or something.


And another:I had experience on necro in spvp as well with reaper in both unranked and ranked, and that counts too.I haven't pvped as much as ele but i did a little, and about same on druid as ele, cept i got wrecked because i was a noob.I'm better on thief now than ele and druid, because i'm more familiar with build and how thief functions due to practicing longer.




I looked up sd couldn't find any videos of S/D


Sindreners video is down

So is Naru and now naru only plays scourge and Guardian he says.


As someone who's raided on ele and necro, i can take being told i could use more experience, but to claim that i know nothing is false.

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