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Drooburt's Ghost steals

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> @"Malerine.5762" said:

> According to the price of this achieve. I won't do it


Yep, ~100g cost for a couple silvers and 5 AP. Not worth it.

I mean if the reward was like 10-20 lucky envelopes, sure that would be a gamble, but it's a 100% guaranteed loss, since we only get junk items.

Again, Arena Net shows how out of touch people in charge of rewards and achievements are.


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It's repeatable, so it costs 420 gold and gets 25 AP. Some people would kill for 25 AP. I have someone in my guild who was in Teamspeak a few days ago, and when I started recommending the Teamspeak channel with elaborate words to sell the food instead of stuffing it into the quaggan, he interrupted and said: "380 gold, first day. No regrets."

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> It was like that during helloween and wintersday as well. It only counts until the next achievement-threashold, but wont add any further if you donated more than was needed for the threashold.

Good to know. Those were cheap so I did not donate in small increments there. I wrote a support ticket and see what happens. I can live without those 60g, but 60g are 60g.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > It was like that during helloween and wintersday as well. It only counts until the next achievement-threashold, but wont add any further if you donated more than was needed for the threashold.

> Good to know. Those were cheap so I did not donate in small increments there. I wrote a support ticket and see what happens. I can live without those 60g, but 60g are 60g.


But even if those 60g are 60g, those are 60g you can live without.

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> @"Wanze.8410" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > > It was like that during helloween and wintersday as well. It only counts until the next achievement-threashold, but wont add any further if you donated more than was needed for the threashold.

> > Good to know. Those were cheap so I did not donate in small increments there. I wrote a support ticket and see what happens. I can live without those 60g, but 60g are 60g.


> But even if those 60g are 60g, those are 60g you can live without.

It takes less time writing a ticket than earning new 60g, so it is worth the try

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Thanks for the reminder warning. At the current price of dumplings, it's an expensive assumption that Drooburt will keep track of how much you're giving him.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Watch out when giving Drooburt's ghost food. I was at 1 repetition + 60/100. Gave him another 100 food and the achievement only went to 2 repetitions and 0/100 food. So it basically stole me 60 food without giving credit for it. Make sure you give it in small increments depending on your achievement progress


I'm surprised that you hadn't noticed that before; he exhibited the same behavior for all his previous begging, too.


To be fair, it makes a certain kind of sense: each achievement is 100 donations, so if you've given him 99, then the next action is only going to complete the current chieve, regardless of how many dumplings you give the little gonif.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Thanks for the reminder warning. At the current price of dumplings, it's an expensive assumption that Drooburt will keep track of how much you're giving him.


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Watch out when giving Drooburt's ghost food. I was at 1 repetition + 60/100. Gave him another 100 food and the achievement only went to 2 repetitions and 0/100 food. So it basically stole me 60 food without giving credit for it. Make sure you give it in small increments depending on your achievement progress


> I'm surprised that you hadn't noticed that before; he exhibited the same behavior for all his previous begging, too.


> To be fair, it makes a certain kind of sense: each achievement is 100 donations, so if you've given him 99, then the next action is only going to complete the current chieve, regardless of how many dumplings you give the little gonif.


As I said I donated the stuff in maximum sized chunks before since it was cheap, but these dumplings take time even if you buy thousands of envelopes at a time.

If this is an intended mechanic I think it is unacceptable that there is no warning for it, but most likely it is just poor coding.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> If this is an intended mechanic I think it is unacceptable that there is no warning for it, but most likely it is just poor coding.


It works like every other achievement: you can only work on one achievement at a time. The game has never warned us if we're giving too much. So it's neither "intended" nor "poor coding;" it's simply something that never was important in the past, so there was no reason to think about doing things differently.


I'm not against ANet rethinking that behavior. We're only interested this time because of the high cost of the mistake.


PS did you contact support about a refund? it seems to me that this is the sort of thing that they might be able to help with.

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