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Warrior Healing Signet "Passive Effect"


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> @"Blood.5607" said:

> Maining spellbreaker in WvW, as other(s) have said it does have better use vs. Condi outnumbered or not. And NO spellbreaker does not have perma resist unless you take like either full commanders gear or half + boon food (both arent that effective). Warriors passive healing (signet AND adrenal) are both strong, but they've already been nerfed twice... Also considering it doesnt have the disengages other meta roaming classes (druid/thief/mes) have, this makes it fair in terms of sustain/not dying.



>Since 2 classes out of 9 have overpowered disengaging abilities, that means this is fine.


And this ladies and gentlemen, is what we call power creep.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > iirc, healing signet has already been nerfed multiple times, and the active part of the skill is horrible.

> >

> > It gives quite a bit of resistance... Hardly horrible...


> that gets instantly corrupted, stolen or stripped.... absolutely useless.


yep. 3-4 different sources of resistance on my war, almost useless in todays game

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > iirc, healing signet has already been nerfed multiple times, and the active part of the skill is horrible.

> > >

> > > It gives quite a bit of resistance... Hardly horrible...

> >

> > that gets instantly corrupted, stolen or stripped.... absolutely useless.


> yep. 3-4 different sources of resistance on my war, almost useless in todays game


3-4? A lot of wars don't even use berserkers stance anymore. I don't know why people are complaining about resistance so much when power is pretty much meta now. Wow a Scourge actually has trouble beating a spell breaker now? Give it a rest.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > Maybe their other heal skills could use some rework to compete with the signet? I'm not sure if Healing signet is too strong or if others are too bad.


> Healing signet alone is terrible and can be denied with simple autoattacks, it works good and in synergy with adrenaline health and that's all.


> The other heals are meh, the new spellbreaker one is pretty neat in my opinion, but same as the other it gets too easily interrupted because they all have too long cast times and you can't manage to have always stability to safe heal even if someone combo full counter stability and immediately after meditation heal (the new spellbreaker heal), but that's not reliable.


> People still didn't understand that warrior health regen comes all from "burst skills" landed. If they don't land the gs and dagger(or axe or hammer or whatever) burst skills to have constant 3adrenhealth they die pretty easily.


> A druid with 15% hp kite 5 seconds and he is full hp again. That is some broken kitten.



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> @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Warrior and ranger have always been the inclusive classes. Can't help it.



> Umm What? I think you forget when Berserker Warrior was useless in the beginning months of HoT and end months of HoT. I also think you're forgetting about mesmeric and guardians lol. Funny post though


Being useless has little to do about being extremely easy and forgiving to play.

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> @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > iirc, healing signet has already been nerfed multiple times, and the active part of the skill is horrible.

> > > >

> > > > It gives quite a bit of resistance... Hardly horrible...

> > >

> > > that gets instantly corrupted, stolen or stripped.... absolutely useless.

> >

> > yep. 3-4 different sources of resistance on my war, almost useless in todays game


> 3-4? A lot of wars don't even use berserkers stance anymore. I don't know why people are complaining about resistance so much when power is pretty much meta now. Wow a Scourge actually has trouble beating a spell breaker now? Give it a rest.


I think you misread the conversation and no where did anyone mention Scourge.

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> @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > iirc, healing signet has already been nerfed multiple times, and the active part of the skill is horrible.

> > > >

> > > > It gives quite a bit of resistance... Hardly horrible...

> > >

> > > that gets instantly corrupted, stolen or stripped.... absolutely useless.

> >

> > yep. 3-4 different sources of resistance on my war, almost useless in todays game


> 3-4? A lot of wars don't even use berserkers stance anymore. I don't know why people are complaining about resistance so much when power is pretty much meta now. Wow a Scourge actually has trouble beating a spell breaker now? Give it a rest.


hmm without berserker, I think I have featherfoot, full counter, and healing sig....that is 3 sources of resistance....


fighting a scourge? where did that come from?

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Being useless has little to do about being extremely easy and forgiving to play.


Everything is relatively easy to play in this game and nearly everything has aspects that are forgiving (things that aren't, basically are not played in this game), literally the only thing that pushes up the skill cap in this game is teams playing conquest, and even then only a handful of them were ever really competent at it.


It is a casual MMORPG, where a significant amount of the playerbase is more interested in playing Barbie than anything else, where "e-sports" is long dead, where what little "competitive" playerbase there was has largely left and where the pattern since HoT has been to make things even more forgiving, you are in denial if you think this is a high skilled game.


If you want skilled and unforgiving gameplay you are playing the wrong game and the wrong genre, go see Quake, Starcraft, Streetfighter, Counter Strike, DOTA 2, Super Smash Bros, etc for games that are difficult to play well and are unforgiving.


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> @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Warrior and ranger have always been the inclusive classes. Can't help it.



> Umm What? I think you forget when Berserker Warrior was useless in the beginning months of HoT and end months of HoT. I also think you're forgetting about mesmeric and guardians lol. Funny post though

Zerker warrior wasn't useless, the bandwagon followers just didn't know how to play it.


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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Being useless has little to do about being extremely easy and forgiving to play.


> Everything is relatively easy to play in this game and nearly everything has aspects that are forgiving (things that aren't, basically are not played in this game), literally the only thing that pushes up the skill cap in this game is teams playing conquest, and even then only a handful of them were ever really competent at it.


> It is a casual MMORPG, where a significant amount of the playerbase it more interested in playing Barbie than anything else, where "e-sports" is long dead, where what little "competitive" playerbase there was has largely left and where the pattern since HoT has been to make things even more forgiving, you are in denial if you think this is a high skilled game.


> If you want skilled and unforgiving gameplay you are playing the wrong game and the wrong genre, go see Quake, Starcraft, Streetfighter, Counter Strike, DOTA 2, Super Smash Bros, etc for games that are difficult to play well and are unforgiving.



I do play fighting games but ty for the suggestion

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > > iirc, healing signet has already been nerfed multiple times, and the active part of the skill is horrible.

> > > > >

> > > > > It gives quite a bit of resistance... Hardly horrible...

> > > >

> > > > that gets instantly corrupted, stolen or stripped.... absolutely useless.

> > >

> > > yep. 3-4 different sources of resistance on my war, almost useless in todays game

> >

> > 3-4? A lot of wars don't even use berserkers stance anymore. I don't know why people are complaining about resistance so much when power is pretty much meta now. Wow a Scourge actually has trouble beating a spell breaker now? Give it a rest.


> hmm without berserker, I think I have featherfoot, full counter, and healing sig....that is 3 sources of resistance....


> fighting a scourge? where did that come from?


First off, Featherfoot gives 6 seconds of resistance, yes, useful. Full counter gives 2 seconds, If it lands. Healing sig gives 5 seconds, which generally you do not use most of the time. So that leaves feather foot and FC. Considering the boon rip potential of classes like Scourge and along with people running sigil of annulment, I don't think resistance is a big issue to complain about. I brought up scourge (only condi i see really) because it got nerfed recently, so it has trouble fighting more classes now, esp sepllbreaker because of the resistance. Also With my post, I took yours as sarcastic. Since meta is mostly power now.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > Warrior and ranger have always been the inclusive classes. Can't help it.

> >

> >

> > Umm What? I think you forget when Berserker Warrior was useless in the beginning months of HoT and end months of HoT. I also think you're forgetting about mesmeric and guardians lol. Funny post though


> Being useless has little to do about being extremely easy and forgiving to play.



Your post had nothing to do with being extremely easy to play.

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Mesmers not op ---> Complain about warrior?

Kite the warrior. No burst - > no A. Health stacks. We had calls for nerfs to this a while back and they didn't work out so well.


> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > Warrior and ranger have always been the inclusive classes. Can't help it.

> >

> >

> > Umm What? I think you forget when Berserker Warrior was useless in the beginning months of HoT and end months of HoT. I also think you're forgetting about mesmeric and guardians lol. Funny post though

> Zerker warrior wasn't useless, the bandwagon followers just didn't know how to play it.





It's -still- not useless.


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Healing Signet and Adrenal Health by themselves aren't OP, but when combined with the ability to use an amulet with both good armor and high damage (Demolishers instead of Marauders) due to Warriors innately high HP (which amplifies the effect of healing against physical damage) and having a high uptime on block/damage immunity (Spellbreaker specifically) it just makes the class impossible to kill as a physical spec if no condi/boon strip is available.

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> @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> Healing signet is the favourite because of warrior's kiting playstyle, doing roughly 7000 heal over 20 seconds. If you take poison into account then the healing from signet is going to be even less. Mending does 6500 heal on 20 second cooldown and removes 3 conditions. There really isn't much as far as healing power is concerned between the two skills so I don't understand the thought that healing signet needs to change. If you are going to nerf signet, then warrior will just take mending and use it while kiting or with stability so you can't interupt it.


> The counter play to fighting warrior is avoiding the burst so warrior doesn't receive adrenal health stacks. GS burst already has a pathetic range so all you really need to worry about is the dagger F1 and full counter, which full counter is quite easily avoidable I might add.


Healing signet's passive heals for more than mending does, yet mending requires a cast that can be interrupted, while the healing signet passive keeps ticking away regardless, and you honestly can't understand why healing signet is so much more powerful than mending is?

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Healing signet only heals between 382 and 410 depending on how much healing power you have.

380 HP if you have 0 healing power. Lets do the math for 0 healing power:


* (382 HP/ sec)*(25 sec) = 9550 HP in 25 sec


This amount of healing is below normal for a 25 sec cooldown skill. I don't understand why you are complaining about this passive healing skill.

The signet passively heals the warrior, but the amount of healing it receives per a full healing interval is the same or below other active heals.


This is like complaining to your boss because he is paying your coworker $15 dollars/hr for an 8 hr job while he pays you $120 dollars for the same work in the same amount of time. It just does not make any sense!



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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Healing signet only heals between 382 and 410 depending on how much healing power you have.

> 380 HP if you have 0 healing power. Lets do the math for 0 healing power:


> * (382 HP/ sec)*(25 sec) = 9550 HP in 25 sec


> This amount of healing is below normal for a 25 sec cooldown skill. I don't understand why you are complaining about this passive healing skill.

> The signet passively heals the warrior, but the amount of healing it receives per a full healing interval is the same or below other active heals.


> This is like complaining to your boss because he is paying your coworker $15 dollars/hr for an 8 hr job while he pays you $120 dollars for the same work in the same amount of time. It just does not make any sense!




Wow. Lets throw some numbers from actual healing skills in here to compare to that:


* ElixirH - 25s CD, 5,560 healed

* We heal as one - 25s CD (in PvP), 6,520 healed

* Hide in Shadows - 30s CD, 5,240 healed (though it does cure conditions and give you stealth)

* Withdraw - 18s Cd, 4,766 healed, which is equivalent to 6,619 healed if it were a 25s CD

* Arcane Brilliance - 25s CD, has a maximum heal of around 7k health, but that depends on having 5 enemies around you to be hit, along with getting crits ona ll of them

* Ether Feast - 20s CD, has a max heal of 7,480, but this depends on having 3 clones out (though admittedly that right now this is trivial to achieve). If we normalize that to a 25sec CD, it would be still max out at 9,350 healed

* False Oasis - 25s CD, heals for 8,100 over time

* Sand Flare - 25s CD, 3,230 healed with 4,900 barrier. So even if you assume the barrier is 100% used and pretend like it was all one huge heal, its still only about 8000 healed


Literally all of these, some of them even on longer CDs than healing signet, heal for less than the passive heal that you get from healing signet over a 25s period. And quite a few of these have extra conditions on them to achieve the full healing amount, which you don't have with healing signet. Its passive is ridiculously powerful in terms of health / second over the course of a fight when you compare it to what the active casts on other heals give players.


Though in the interest of fairness, lets compare the passive heal on healing signet to hte passive heal potential of every other class with signets.


* Signet of resolve cures a condition - no passive healing

* Signet of restoration - 202 healing when you cast a spell. Lets pretend that the elementalist plays purely to maximize skills/second in order to maximize this passive healing. This would be equivalent to only using the dagger auto attack in either water or fire attunement. This would give them 2 skills per second, or 404 healing per second. Congratulations, an ele who only uses dagger auto attacks, and literally nothing else, in only water or fire attunement, will obtain more passive healing than a warrior just sitting there, free to use any of his skills on any weapon set, over the same time period.

* Signet of the ether - 350 healing per illusion summoned, on a 1sec interval. So we have cap out at less than what healing signet starts at in terms of passive healing, but we also have a condition tied to our passive healing, it doesn't tick if we don't summon an illusion

* Signet of Malice - 135 healing per attack. With a fair amount of quick cast attacks, this can start to rival healing signet in terms of healing per second off the passive.


So, not only does the passive healing from healing signet surpass most actual healing skills in the game, even those with actual conditions tied to getting their max heal, or those with higher CD, or both, its passive healing also far surpasses the passive healing from signets of other classes, with the sole exception being a thief spamming attacks.


You don't seem to correctly grasp how much healing signet heals relative to actual heals. Just stop already. Do some research before posting something that is so clearly wrong.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Cougre.6543" said:

> > The active play for warrior is consistently landing burst skills for adrenal health, without which healing signet isn't nearly as good.


> Healing Signet is always taken regardless of whether the warrior is taking the defense traitline or not. Healing Signet's passive is one of the highest HPS heal skills in the game.


Lol hell no, even other warrior Healing skills have a higher HPS.

Its not the reason why warrior use this skill, its one of the lowest HPS for warrior, but its the only one that you dont need to care about.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Healing signet only heals between 382 and 410 depending on how much healing power you have.

> 380 HP if you have 0 healing power. Lets do the math for 0 healing power:


> * (382 HP/ sec)*(25 sec) = 9550 HP in 25 sec


> This amount of healing is below normal for a 25 sec cooldown skill. I don't understand why you are complaining about this passive healing skill.

> The signet passively heals the warrior, but the amount of healing it receives per a full healing interval is the same or below other active heals.


> This is like complaining to your boss because he is paying your coworker $15 dollars/hr for an 8 hr job while he pays you $120 dollars for the same work in the same amount of time. It just does not make any sense!




344 in PVP.. where it matters.

So its allot less there

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