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Still an issue and despite being discussed many times we should discuss this untill we see a change.

Currently running 3 dps trait lines dps rune/sigils skill weapons and marauder a power rev hits for 400 after it gets might to weakness (this class relies on 25 might to even do damage).


Basically you have to cleanse or wait out the weakness or ou can’t go in on any power class really.


Let’s make the comparison to what I think is the corresponding boon, protection. Negates incoming damage on you, while weakness negates outgoing damage from your opponent.


Vs a target with 75% crit (power build with fury) and 187% crit damage (marauder) assuming a normal hit is 500 their average hit is

0.75 * 1.87 * 500 + 0.25 * 500 = 825.


Let’s look at protection. Reduce by 33% means average is now 544.


Let’s look at weakness. A bit more complicated as now we have more cases (non glance crit/norm and glancing crit/norm).

That is:

(825*0.5 + 500*0.5*0.5 = 537.5.


So far this does not seem that bad right? So what makes weakness so much better than protection?

Well if you look at the equation you can see that the bulk of the damage is from scoring a non glancing crit which is 0.375 chance.

So this does not only half your damage but it halves your crit chance as well. That’s where the problem is. Because most of power builds rely on crits so much it becomes much of a gamble to hit your target you never know if you’ll actually do damage.

Let’s take the extreme and assume a 100% crit chance and 200% crit damage (revs btw). Non glancing will hit for a 1k crit. A glancing blow will hit for 250. That is a very big difference and is determined by a dice roll.


Also i figure it should be mentioned the distance between prot and weakness increases as the attacker has more critical damage and crit chance.


Let’s look at wider scenarios.

Protection and weakness as shown might be pretty close in 1v1s but what about a team fight? If one of your team has protection that does not mean the rest of the team is bulkier. However, putting weakness on a single enemy damage dealer renders them useless and a non-threat and provides essentially team-wide protection, assuming your enemy won’t have everyone as dps. This makes weakness more valuable than protection at a teamfight unless you can give your whole team prot.



So finally I suggest you can rework this condition to either match might and give -stats, duration or intensity stacking can both work, or you make it match protection as to keep it’s effectiveness in line with protection (possibly slightly weaker due to nature in sider scenarios) as i’ve shown but also keeping it less frustrating and random.


Tl;dr: weakness is not bad by the numbers, but is extremely random and polarized. Normalize weakness random aspect to be predictable. Should be weaker than protection because is more applicable in teamfights.


P.S weakness also reduces endurace regen which i believe should be removed or reallocated into a condition of its own vs vigor maybe.

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Though I agree with your point about [Weakness](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness) being too strong, I think that **the last thing this game needs is another condition**. That would only make condition-based builds stronger, as they'd have more "trash" condis with which to cover the damage.


That being said, I also think [Chilled](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chilled) is too strong and it's current behavior could be altered to serve both your suggestion and that of veteran players (remove movement speed from chilled).


Hence, I think Chilled should behave the following way:

> Skill cooldown is increased by 66% and [Endurance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endurance) regeneration is decreased by 50%.


This way both Chilled and Weakness are more consistent with themselves and it allows for more versatility from both without either being a near death sentence to those afflicted.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Acandis.3250" said:

> > Hence, I think Chilled should behave the following way:

> > > Skill cooldown is increased by 66% and [Endurance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endurance) regeneration is decreased by 50%.


> Because Reaper obviously needs to have it's range dictation nerfed more.



“Whenever you apply chill tou apply cripple”. Solved? But this is about weakness... there is a thread about chill.

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Weakness was not meant to be as common as it is now. All you have to do is look at the abilities that caused weakness before the scourge corrupt became so common. Weakness was realtively rare and it was rare for a reason. It is very powerful. They should make the weakness from the corrupt last 2-3 seconds at most or they should switch Weakness to a much more uncommon buff then might.

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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> Weakness was not meant to be as common as it is now. All you have to do is look at the abilities that caused weakness before the scourge corrupt became so common. Weakness was realtively rare and it was rare for a reason. It is very powerful.


Weakness was not rare before scourge.....Necromancers have been causing similar levels of weakness for years. Like mid 2015 early 2016. It not exactly new.

Weakness is also most common on this class since its the class with the least real active defence in the game. Literally every necromancer player would trade weakness up-time for evades/blocks/invulns. Every single one.

Also FAR more abilities in the game now generate might. Might itself has become far more common.


>They should make the weakness from the corrupt last 2-3 seconds at most or they should switch Weakness to a much more uncommon buff then might.

Its been lowered to 5s in the latest patch



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Weakness is no more frequent than it was in the last years, but might is. The might spam is the reason of the weakness spam. Mecause more might you spam more weakness spam by corruption you get.


Weakness is in this game since ever and is used by few classes and even lesser builds. So, there's only few builds that use weakness, and only the necromancer use it in a way that can grant you problems. If you're not fighting a necromancer probably you will not have weakness on you for more than few seconds in the entire fight.


The actual Meta is Power (8 classes over 9 use Power) and that's a proof that necromancers that spam weakness don't make Power obsolete at all.


Weakness is strong, but not the strongest condition in this game and probably don't need a nerf. The only class that can "spam" it have few sources of weakness in his skills and all his spam come from corrupting your spam. It's pretty balanced, don't you think? A necro fighting someone that don't spam might will find hard times to inflict any decent amount of it, for shure not enough to keep him alive.


Necromancers defence is totally focused on corrupting your boons into conditions and is the only class designed as a boon corrupter. That mean that it's strength is make you weak spamming corruptions and transforming you might into weakness.

The corrupted weakness duration was reduced to 5 seconds, then in long fight is not so strong if you kite a little and don't spam might all the time granting him an easy way to keep you down.

At the same time, Weakness is the only thing that make a necro able to survive to your damage. Resistance or a good clean skill will grant you a window to burst down the necro and resolve all your problems about the "weakness spam".


Weakness is good as it is.

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People first complain about damage being too high, now someone is talking about damage reduction being too much. dear gawd. @"BeLZedaR.4790" did you at all consider the fact that the only class that can make a realistic build that can really pressure with weakness is necro? Necro as it is has bad defenses and you want weakness to be nerfed when they cant even protect themselves from multiple targets properly.


This is the sort of thing that Anet would do tbh after the Vigor fiasco. Shafted the boon because thieves were infinitely dodging forgetting that they built the class to only be able to survive with extreme defenses.


If anything Weakness effect should be buffed on classes like necro, specifically Reaper.

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There is so much misinformation in this thread that I don't really know where to begin. I guess I'll start here:


> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> Weakness is also most common on this class since its the class with the least real active defence in the game. Literally every necromancer player would trade weakness up-time for evades/blocks/invulns. Every single one.


First of all, weakness isn't most common on necromancers. It is by no means a condition they own nor is it even the class that has the most reliable access to it.


1. Thief can maintain weakness on a target by spamming their sword auto-attack.

2. Warrior can maintain weakness on a target by just spamming their auto-attack with the mace. They can also regularly apply weakness (but not maintain it) on a target with their hammer by using Fierce Blow.

3. Engineer can maintain weakness on a target by just using their elixir gun auto-attack, Tranquilizer Dart.

4. Elementalist can maintain weakness with their earth staff auto-attack, Stoning.

5. Revenant can regularly apply weakness (but not maintain it) on a target by using their staff skill, Punishing Sweep.

6. Ranger with their axe can regularly apply weakness with Winter's Bite (indirectly from their pet).


I just listed 6 of the 9 professions in this game using their core weapons that have permanent or near-permanent access to weakness. Necromancer is not on that list, and these are core weapon skills that have (minus revenant) literally been in the game since 2012. These kinds of weapons have been around for years, and no one ever saw a need to have weakness changed or nerfed.


Second of all, necromancer doesn't trade in getting access to evades, blocks, or invulns because they can corrupt boons. Necromancer trades in being a terrible DPS class because they can corrupt boons. They've pretty much never been a meta class in PvE precisely because of their condition/boon manipulation ability. And any time they are, it is precisely _because of_ their condition manipulation abilities.


To return to your statement, they trade in getting sufficient access to evades, blocks, and invulns **because they have 9.2K base HP and access to a second health pool.** Whether or not you think this is a fair trade off is kind of ridiculous given the fact that necromancer has been a meta profession in PvP for pretty much the past four years; they seem to do just fine under the given circumstances. Asking for necro to get blocks, evades, and invulns is a lot like asking guardians to get access to stealth.


Oh, wait.


Anyway, I don't think that second point really needs further elaboration, but I do think we need to revisit the first. Weakness has been in this game literally since launch. Since then we've seen hammer warriors, e-gun engineers, staff elementalists, staff revs, axe rangers, and sword thieves populate PvP at one point or another. I don't think at any point weakness came up as the key issue with any of these builds or professions. Why? Because they just don't really do that much damage.


If I choose to take the elixir gun as an engineer, I am forgoing using other weapons that do substantially more damage. I might mitigate a lot of your sustain and damage output by spamming Tranquilizer Dart on you, but that's because Tranquilizer Dart also hits for next to nothing. Its base damage is **142** with a 40% coefficient. If you think weakness is the thing that's killing you, go ahead and try to spam Tranquilizer Dart against a holosmith and tell me how that goes for you. You'll get trashed, just like how a staff ele spamming Stoning would get trashed, just like how a hammer warrior would get trashed. Almost none of these weapons are particularly relevant right now in PvP, and yet you're complaining that weakness as a condition needs to be nerfed -- and these are all the weapons that have the greatest access to it!


No, this is a problem exclusive to the scourge and their boon corruption. This is also a problem exclusive to boon generation. Silv was absolutely on point when he/she wrote this:


> @"Silv.9207" said:

> The might spam is the reason of the weakness spam. Because more might you spam more weakness spam by corruption you get.


If you're tired of being permanently stuck with weakness, stop running builds that constantly generate might. If you can't play a build that doesn't constantly generate might (e.g., scrapper hammer auto attack) then that's just an indication of how poorly designed and balanced a lot of the elite specializations are.


If anything, this is just another great indicator of why Guild Wars 2 just isn't that fun to play anymore. There used to be some semblance of a trinity, where classes could either deal damage, provide boon support, or do crowd control. The choice to focus in one of these areas generally meant forgoing the others. I could play a decap rifle build on my engineer, but the rifle auto was always pretty weak and Jump Shot has always been easy to dodge. I could play a healing bomb build and run a boon support setup, but I also wouldn't really kill anyone with it.


Fast forward to stuff we have now, or have had since the launch of Heart of Thorns, where we've gotten ridiculous things like scrapper gyros that at one point provided support, dealt damage, and also dazed simultaneously -- or Shock Shield that both blocks and does damage simultaneously.


If weakness is all of a sudden some major problem, it's probably just an indicator that ArenaNet just needs to scale things back. Necromancer just isn't a class that should be able to constantly churn weakness on you except if they're running their scepter.

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> @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

> First of all, weakness isn't most common on necromancers.


It is in normal play.

Necro can apply weakness "for free", constantly. While making optimal plays, a necro will incidentally apply a lot of weakness. Thief has decent weakness access as well, with the deadly arts trait and the occasional auto chain completion (they're mostly going to want to be using skill 3 on sword). But other classes have to go out of their way to apply weakness, except firebrands taking the weakness mantra.

Warriors don't really use maces, and when they do they sure aren't camping that super slow autoattack. Engineers don't auto with elixir gun for that 1 second weakness that wears off the instant they stop autoing. And you damn sure won't find an ele autoing you with staff while camping earth. For most classes to inflict a lot of weakness, they have to either use less effective builds, or play in a way that they aren't doing much of anything except applying weakness, or both. Meanwhile necro's meta build applies perma weakness as a by product of doing everything else. Just take one trait and you're set. Bonus points if you also have boon corruption.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

> > First of all, weakness isn't most common on necromancers.


> It is in normal play.

> Necro can apply weakness "for free", constantly. While making optimal plays, a necro will incidentally apply a lot of weakness. Thief has decent weakness access as well, with the deadly arts trait and the occasional auto chain completion (they're mostly going to want to be using skill 3 on sword). But other classes have to go out of their way to apply weakness, except firebrands taking the weakness mantra.

> Warriors don't really use maces, and when they do they sure aren't camping that super slow autoattack. Engineers don't auto with elixir gun for that 1 second weakness that wears off the instant they stop autoing. And you kitten sure won't find an ele autoing you with staff while camping earth. For most classes to inflict a lot of weakness, they have to either use less effective builds, or play in a way that they aren't doing much of anything except applying weakness, or both. Meanwhile necro's meta build applies perma weakness as a by product of doing everything else. Just take one trait and you're set. Bonus points if you also have boon corruption.


TLDR: Necro is the only class to apply Weakness constantly without purposely playing badly.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"Acandis.3250" said:

> > > Hence, I think Chilled should behave the following way:

> > > > Skill cooldown is increased by 66% and [Endurance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endurance) regeneration is decreased by 50%.

> >

> > Because Reaper obviously needs to have it's range dictation nerfed more.

> >


> “Whenever you apply chill tou apply cripple”. Solved? But this is about weakness... there is a thread about chill.


Do you really want to go there? Reaper already has access to 2 traits that of the "when you apply chill apply X" variety, in addition to have two traits of the "when you apply X apply chill" variety. Adding more "when you apply X apply Y" traits could get really asinine really quick.


Both Chill and Weakness are both fine. Nobody ever had a issue with Weakness before Scourge came along much in the same way that nobody ever had a issue with chill before Reaper came along.


Nerfing weakness just slaps scourge on the wrist while also nerfing a fair number of other classes. If you have a issue with Scourge, then nerf scourge direct, rather than mucking with game mechanics that where perfectly fine before scourge.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> It is in normal play. Necro can apply weakness "for free", constantly.


Applying weakness by corrupting your might stacks is not the same thing as having the ability to literally maintain it on a target with zero prerequisites. The point of my post was that there are numerous classes that, at their core, have far greater and more sufficient access to weakness. And guess what? **Nobody complains about those weapons.** As you said yourself:


> @"reikken.4961" said:

> For most classes to inflict a lot of weakness, they have to either use less effective builds, or play in a way that they aren't doing much of anything except applying weakness, or both.


This was precisely my point. Weakness for years has remained balanced around the basis that the weapons that have reliable access to it generally don't dish out that much damage themselves. There is a significant trade-off in damage output to maintain weakness on targets for nearly every profession. The problem is that necromancers don't. As you stated:


> @"reikken.4961" said:

> While making optimal plays, a necro will incidentally apply a lot of weakness ... necro's meta build applies perma weakness as a by product of doing everything else. Just take one trait and you're set. Bonus points if you also have boon corruption.


The issue here isn't weakness as a condition. The issue here is the scourge elite specialization. If necromancers can really maintain that much weakness without much effort or trade-off, that is a complete oversight by ArenaNet and needs to be resolved. Again: the issue isn't the condition; the issue is the scourge elite specialization.


The other issue here is that people refuse to adapt their builds. If scourges are constantly generating weakness on you because you're constantly feeding yourself might, **then stop feeding yourself might.** It's actually probably a good thing that things like the scourge exist, because boons are already way too present in PvP. Any reason to get people to stop stacking them would be great.

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> @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:


> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > While making optimal plays, a necro will incidentally apply a lot of weakness ... necro's meta build applies perma weakness as a by product of doing everything else. Just take one trait and you're set. Bonus points if you also have boon corruption.


> The issue here isn't weakness as a condition. The issue here is the scourge elite specialization. If necromancers can really maintain that much weakness without much effort or trade-off, that is a complete oversight by ArenaNet and needs to be resolved. Again: the issue isn't the condition; the issue is the scourge elite specialization.


Just saying, but that's not a Scourge thing. Scourge as an elite specialization has one way to inflict weakness and that's the boon corrupt on shade placement (which is usually not taken because lower Punishment cooldown is better). No Scourge skills do it.


Scourge is no better at applying Weakness than Core Necro.

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> @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > Scourge is no better at applying Weakness than Core Necro.


> And yet Weakening Shroud in its current form has been in the game since the Heart of Thorns trait rework back in 2015.


> Why is it all of a sudden a problem now?


Simple: Might spam. While Core and Scourge are even on Weakness application and Reaper is actually a bit ahead of either, there is more and more Might flying around. Instead of corrupting Regeneration or Swiftness, Necros virtually always hit Might now.


I also would argue that it's _not_ "a problem now." People are just whining because they hate debuffs. And people are noticing it more because everyone *but* Necro has gone to power meta which does see more obvious effects from Weakness.

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If everyone unless necros play Power and is better than Condi still if there's all that weakness in the game...what's the problem?


The real problem is that people hate debuffs, nothing more.


Necromancers corrupt might into weakness since Years and the Might Spam is Older than necro debuff ability. The necro came up as a debuffer because ANet chose to make a class able to counter the boon spam.


Might corrupted into weakness is an old story and sometimes someone come up with "nerf weakness!". But after some times no one cares anymore because everyone can kill a necro even with weakness on them. Maybe now with the dps of the scourge is a little harder, but totally not impossible.


The actual necromancer have the same weakness spam/corruption ability than it has 4 years ago using his skills/traits and corrupting might.


Talking about Phineas Poe.3018Phineas Poe.3018 post, it's totally useless make a list of weapons that inflict weakness on they're AA, expecially if used in few suboptimal builds. First of all because if no one use that weapons there's not a reason to talk about. Second because that skills that apply weakness are mainly on the AA chain and you will Never find a ele spam the earth staff AA just to inflict you weakness, and you will never be able to spam a melee AA in sPvP, it's obviously impossible and totally useless. Why would I spend my time running around and hitting the enemy with my low damage AA if I can use better skills to support, debuff and damage? Your post don't make sense!

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> there is more and more Might flying around


Is there?


We've had builds like d/d ele, staff guardian, shout warrior, and even spirit ranger for years that constantly generated might not just on themselves but also on their allies. The counterbalance is that most of those builds were support setups, and they were also generally the primary targets for necromancers. The only classes that really could consistently generate might on themselves with their PvP builds and dish out tons of DPS simultaneously were builds like HGH engineer -- which have **always** gotten trashed by necromancers -- and necromancers themselves.


Necromancer has a legacy of being the profession that gives boon generating professions a seriously hard time. It's especially been the kryptonite to both engineer and elementalist since as long as I can remember. So even though you think...


> People are just whining because they hate debuffs.


...I do think the problem is a little more complicated than that. Either ArenaNet has unjustifiably punished other professions for their boon access in ways that were otherwise legitimate for elementalist and engineer all these years, or there's something specifically wrong with the scourge elite specialization and how it operates with preexisting core necromancer traits. Either way, the status quo is untenable.


I listed out how the other professions in the game and their personal access to weakness for a reason: they're all on objectively trash tier weapons when concerned with dealing damage. Earth is a defensive element. The warrior hammer is a CC weapon. The elixir gun is a support kit. Most of the weapons that have good access to weakness are all pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to damage output, or the opportunity cost is significant enough to make the decision to run them worth weighing. It sounds like, right now, that just isn't the case for necromancers. There is no real weight behind the decision to run Weakening Shroud, especially on an elite specialization that already gives necromancers even more access to boon corruption.


What I think is happening is an accidental oversight by ArenaNet by giving scourge the ability to regularly apply weakness while simultaneously dishing out too much damage and boon corruption. They're able to have their cake, eat it, and take the cakes of other players simultaneously. The trade-off/opportunity cost just isn't high enough.


Or maybe it has something to do with how Weakening Shroud operates with Desert Shroud specifically.


It also could have something to do with how Curses as a trait line synergizes with the Scourge trait line and abilities. They've already had to nerf Path of Corruption, after all.


Whatever the case, your target should not be on weakness specifically. The condition itself is not the problem. And people who are complaining about it or are asking for it to be removed just don't play on professions that have historically relied on it from time to time. Engineers have run the elixir gun for many years and for many reasons, but one of them is specifically because of Tranquilizer Dart and its effectiveness as a damage mitigator. Understand that when you're calling for the nerfing of weakness, you're hurting more than just scourges.

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Yes, that is the case. See, D/D Celemntalist and Engineer had to deliberately stack Might. They did it via combo finishers primarily. Because it was deliberate and methodical, when corruption came into play, they either A: covered the Might or, more often, B: switched to a different rotation that didn't build Might.


Nowdays, people don't deliberately Might stack. It just happens as a matter of playing the build. Since it's no longer deliberate, when corruption comes knocking, they don't know how to (or can't) limit it.


Additionally, you mention that other professions have to use sub-standard rotations to put out Weakness, but you neglect to mention that they instead get Protection or other defenses. Necro doesn't have good Protection access and has no negation methods for defense. Instead, they get Weakness.


Also, I find it hilarious that you imply Weakening Shroud is OP on Scourge, but not core Necro because of Desert Shroud. You do realize Desert Shroud has a much longer cooldown than Death Shroud or Reaper's Shroud, yes? And the ICD of the on-crit portion doesn't change?

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> @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > It is in normal play. Necro can apply weakness "for free", constantly.


> Applying weakness by corrupting your might stacks


No no, corruption is only the icing. Necro's main source of weakness is [Weakening Shroud](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakening_Shroud). 50% uptime on weakness literally for free, plus another 6 every time you enter shroud. This is approaching 100% weakness uptime without any boon corruption and regardless of what you do.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > It is in normal play. Necro can apply weakness "for free", constantly.

> >

> > Applying weakness by corrupting your might stacks


> No no, corruption is only the icing. Necro's main source of weakness is [Weakening Shroud](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakening_Shroud). 50% uptime on weakness literally for free, plus another 6 every time you enter shroud. This is approaching 100% weakness uptime without any boon corruption and regardless of what you do.


Scourge runs Parasitic Contagion not Weakening Shroud. Weakening Shroud is only used by Reaper. Also the trait is only 50% uptime in a 1v1, as the ICD is shared for all targets. The trait can just as easily apply weakness to a Mesmer clone as it could to a player.

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