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If there was something you could change about revenant class what would it be?


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One extra utility per legend would solve a lot of issues without the need of trying to make existing ones work everywhere.


Ideally, just more weapons added to core revenant (so the customization lost with legends is compensated with more weapon customization), even with some niche/tech skills. It's revenant, so we can break the convention - what about a weapon with stunbreak on it, for example?

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Cleansing channel buffed from "removes 1 condition" to "converts 1-3 conditions to boons depending on the number of conditions on you."

0-2 : 1 condition

3-5 : 2 conditions

6+ : 3 conditions



There are a lot of changes that would help Revenant and Renegade especially needs built in sustain to ever be viable. But if you want one very simple change that could instantly upgrade the metabattle power shiro build to at least platinum and possibly meta, it's this. Having a real condi cleanse coupled with restoring the boons lost from all the ripping in this meta would fix the primary problem with rev right now.



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Ok i'm going to answer to only the messages with a like or helpful


OK lobolin says default utility skills and legends work underwater.


What are legends? and besides working underwater what utilities specifically would you change?


Leap of faith:What kind of power weapon would work for you? what kind of skills would you have? would it have more defensive? more defensive or just pure power?


Hannelore:What kind of legends skills would you add for legends? and how would you balance it for pve and pvp and WVW?


Rym:What kind of niche support abilities would you add? with what coefficients? What support abilities does revenant need the most?


Also:How does the current skills hold up in fractals and raids? and if bad, how would you help them in raids and fractals?

How would you make changes to make revenant better in pvp?



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I'd like to see condi revenant weapons have some kind of defensive capabilities, like evade frames on mace #3 leap, or movement impairing effects removed on successful axe #4. Shortbow also needs some kind of evade/ projectile block embedded. Condi revenants really can't do much to avoid damage these days :( and before you tell me "learn to dodge roll" let me remind you we are discouraged to dodge roll as there is that trait that increases our crit at full endurance.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:


> Rym:What kind of niche support abilities would you add? with what coefficients? What support abilities does revenant need the most?




If you are talking about Ventari, the prime skill to swap out would probably be project tranquility (anti-projectile bubble) as it is very situational. Generally speaking, any good self or group-defense skill *with a stunbreak* could fill the spot.


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Ok guys...how about a rifle on revenant. Power based ranged weapon.

Its there on 3 classes ( warrior, engi, thief) as a ranged power type weapon (more or less)

1 skill: auto attack

2 skill: immob, cripple, give boon (something special)

3skill: something to create pressure on foe

4skill: evasive thing that removes condis

5th: a cc (maybe a strong one)


Above skills seems like a pattern from other classes (more or less, not exact).

This is just a shot in the dark :p (pun intended)

What do you guys think about rifle? Lore-wise/skill-wise/the flavour of it..from the mist..some famous powerful legend that use to wield rifle?

Share your views. :)

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> @"Leap Of Faith.8263" said:

> Ok guys...how about a rifle on revenant. Power based ranged weapon.

> Its there on 3 classes ( warrior, engi, thief) as a ranged power type weapon (more or less)

> 1 skill: auto attack

> 2 skill: immob, cripple, give boon (something special)

> 3skill: something to create pressure on foe

> 4skill: evasive thing that removes condis

> 5th: a cc (maybe a strong one)


> Above skills seems like a pattern from other classes (more or less, not exact).

> This is just a shot in the dark :p (pun intended)

> What do you guys think about rifle? Lore-wise/skill-wise/the flavour of it..from the mist..some famous powerful legend that use to wield rifle?

> Share your views. :)


So sort of like thief's remove condis on evade moveset?


If you are talking about Ventari, the prime skill to swap out would probably be project tranquility (anti-projectile bubble) as it is very situational. Generally speaking, any good self or group-defense skill with a stunbreak could fill the spot.


Whats the cd on that ability by the way? just curious now



More than anything, I would like some sort of way of managing one's energy while in a legend without swapping. As in, of regaining energy at a faster rate than the passive rate. I like the implementation of Charged Mists, but that still is dependent on legend swapping.


How does that work out? Do you not gain energy for legends like necro for shroud? explain to me please? So you only gain energy outside of legends then??


What's the ratio currently? do melee weapons help regain this energy for legends shroud form?





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F2-4 skills that function as slotable utililitys. These fSkills would be things like evades , leaps and stun breaks that pertain to revs ability to manipulate the mists but do not necessarily relate to a legend. Facet of nature and renegade fSkills would be added to the selection of fSkills you can choose from when the elite spec is slotted in.


If we cant get something like that then we should at least get passive effects while a legend is invoked. I have ideas for these below.

Shiro - you get a third evade bar, or if this is outrageous you get increased endurance regeneration and the current IO additional attack effect and IO gets reverted to give quickness.

Glint - Your energy regenerates 1.2 times faster, or we could have facets give unique effects rather then just boons

mallyx - remove a boon(s?) from nearby enemies when you are afflicted with a condition, icd of 2 or 3

dwarf - incoming damage reduced by 10 percent, gain retaliation when struck, icd of some sort

ventauri - heal yourself for a percentage of outgoing healing, or perhaps remove a condition when you heal a certain amount

kalla - already has kallas fervor, but you probably want to totally redesign the concept of this elite spec.


Also give us equilibrium back and make versed in stone condi reduction standard to rite of the great dwarf.

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> @"Doctor.1384" said:

> F2-4 skills that function as slotable utililitys. These fSkills would be things like evades , leaps and stun breaks that pertain to revs ability to manipulate the mists but do not necessarily relate to a legend. Facet of nature and renegade fSkills would be added to the selection of fSkills you can choose from when the elite spec is slotted in.


> If we cant get something like that then we should at least get passive effects while a legend is invoked. I have ideas for these below.

> Shiro - you get a third evade bar, or if this is outrageous you get increased endurance regeneration and the current IO additional attack effect and IO gets reverted to give quickness.

> Glint - Your energy regenerates 1.2 times faster, or we could have facets give unique effects rather then just boons

> mallyx - remove a boon(s?) from nearby enemies when you are afflicted with a condition, icd of 2 or 3

> dwarf - incoming damage reduced by 10 percent, gain retaliation when struck, icd of some sort

> ventauri - heal yourself for a percentage of outgoing healing, or perhaps remove a condition when you heal a certain amount

> kalla - already has kallas fervor, but you probably want to totally redesign the concept of this elite spec.


> Also give us equilibrium back and make versed in stone condi reduction standard to rite of the great dwarf.


How efficient are the evades you guys have? is it somewhat like evades from mesmers and thieves?

How long a cd is hte stun break?


What is damage like for revs? what dps do you guys reach? is it viable at all for raids? what role is viable?






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When you select Mallyx as a legend or Retribution as a traitline the damage from hammer should change to hybrid (as the mace), and Coalescence of Ruin should have a chace to proc burn stacks. That should give the condi Revenant the condi ranged weapon that short bow isn't. Also, I'm against giving Rev access to stealth, but if their next spec will be as trashy and useless as the Renegade I do expect that skills willbe traps, so we can nuke thieves and mesmers with CoR out of nowhere (instead of face to face). Yes would be cheesy, but also hopelessly fun.

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This isn't precisely gameplay related, but I'd give Rev two elite specs next expansion: A tanky style centered around Koss, and an elemental/divine magic style for Cynn and Mhenlo.


Rev seems like it was initially designed to evoke nostalgia, the class uses an energy system, upkeep skills, and evokes legends from the past; but very few of them are legends that we know much about (Centaur carry seed, leave tablet) and even fewer are... important. I mean, Mallyx is just a sidequest. If you're going to invoke legends, invoke legends! Heroes! Characters with deep lore that matter to the players instead of characters introduced in the tie-in novels or background dialogue.

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ability to choose skills from both legends' skillset - for example i got shiro and jalis. When in shiro i decide to swap out impossible odds for vengeful hammers, leaving jalis with odds. Or at least one skill from inactive legend that i can activate while in current one (like how in power build i would choose mallyx for resistance only, and i really don't want a full legend swap just to get that resistance).

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These are my top changes as of right now:

1. I would definitely remove weapon swap from the profession.

2. Also I would remove the teleport from off-hand sword #5 and replace the second strike it does with the rift that explotes from the third and final strike of the autoattack main-hand sword chain.

3. I would resize the animation from off-hand sword #4 like it was before, because it looks like the chains come out from your head or above it instead of your swords.

4. I don't like at all the spirits mechanic that renegade got as utility skills (neither the look of them, even though they gave them better animations at launch), so I would change it. Maybe I would put the first two "F" skills as utility (I don't like F3, that purple color doesn't fit the revenant/renegade) and make other ones to complete the set.


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