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When using WASD or ESDF, which finger do you put on W or E?

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whoa calm down there space marine. I think you got spit out by the warp at the wrong place. Though, it is neat to learn some people used other fingers besides the middle finger. Also, I wonder if any still uses the ball like scroll wheel for everyday use?


Edit: forgot to add a word and removed/replaced another word.

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When I use WASD I use my middle finger on W.


But most of the time I use my right hand on the number pad for skills and my thumb on the arrow keys to move. I find it much more comfortable. I could never work out how even right-handed people can reach most of the keys when using WASD. For example how do you press A to strafe and press 5 at the same time? It's possible but it seems like it would be uncomfortable and not easy to do in a hurry. Even worse if you want to press W and any key on the bottom row - your own hand would be in your way.

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> @"Dewsitine.3645" said:

> whoa calm down there space marine. I think you got spit out by the warp at the wrong place. Though, it is neat to learn some people used other fingers besides the middle finger. Also, I wonder if any still uses the ball like scroll wheel for everyday use?


> Edit: forgot to add a word and removed/replaced another word.


I do, I love it. Thus, I don't use WASD or such.

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In theory middle finger on e or d would be best for keybinds - but WASD is default for most games and is therefore the easiest.


That being said, I use the mouse to turn the camera and/or my character (right/left click drag), and my QE are left/right strafe. So it'd be clearer to say I actually use QWE for movement. I will use action camera for things like Jumping Puzzles.

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One of the most bizarre things I have seen in life is that I am the **ONLY** person who ever uses the homerow method. In all my typing classes they made us put our index fingers on F and J, and so I learned to type using that method. Apparently everyone else on Earth just threw that out the window and started using their own bizarre hand placements to do things.


I'm a strict homerow user. My ring finger sits on W.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> One of the most bizarre things I have seen in life is that I am the **ONLY** person who ever uses the homerow method. In all my typing classes they made us put our index fingers on F and J, and so I learned to type using that method. Apparently everyone else on Earth just threw that out the window and started using their own bizarre hand placements to do things.


> I'm a strict homerow user. My ring finger sits on W.


I suspect relatively few people ever had typing classes. The only people I know who did are my sister-in-law and a woman I work with, who both did it as part of secretary training.


Even my IT lessons in school which were so painfully basic they included things like "this is the MOUSE. It moves the CURSOR which is the little arrow on the SCREEN" and progressed to things like how to type in Word and how to insert images (which therefore lead to every student submitting documents with as much WordArt as you could get away with) didn't teach us how to type.


I did have a "game" which was supposed to teach touch typing, but I could never get the hang of it. So I gave up and didn't worry about it for a few years, then when we got the internet and I started talking to people online I taught myself without really thinking about it. Which means I can touch type in the sense that I don't need to look at the keyboard and I can type quickly with relatively few mistakes, but there's no real pattern to it. I mainly use my index fingers but it's a matter of hitting the keys with whichever finger is most convenient.

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Voted other because I think ring finger is the one in the left hand. I use my right hand "ring finger" on esdf, because that leaves my index finger free to use the 1-q-a-z row where I map all the most important skills.


Now that I've read some of the answers here it might be beneficial to move the key combination to the right a bit, like OKLÖ, so that I don't need to move my keyboard on the table that much. Where to find the energy though...


I find it weird that with all the progression to gaming devices like advanced 150€ keyboards or 90$ mice it's still tough to be a leftie.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> One of the most bizarre things I have seen in life is that I am the **ONLY** person who ever uses the homerow method. In all my typing classes they made us put our index fingers on F and J, and so I learned to type using that method. Apparently everyone else on Earth just threw that out the window and started using their own bizarre hand placements to do things.


> I'm a strict homerow user. My ring finger sits on W.


Most people I know had those classes, yet pretty much none of them uses the ten finger system. It's unnecassarily hard to learn and actually not really that much faster than using different ways of typing. And on top of that I find it fairly uncomfortable to move my fingers like that.

My teachers in typing class even told us that typing class is more a way to get to know the basic keyboard layout, not specifically to learn the 10 finger system.


Edit: apparently the 10 finger system is called Touch typing in english, didn’t know that.

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