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Underwater mounts, please!

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Now I don't know what the current season of the living world has in store for us but I think an underwater mount would add a lot to this game and it is the mastery I'd look most forward to


Also if you agree, what kind of mount would you like to see?

I'm thinking either sharks with frickin laser beams. I'd also take a leviathan from gw2 of course. Hell at this point I'd even ride a quaggan :)

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If ANet are going to encourage underwater combat then underwater combat needs some work. Revenant doesn't even have any underwater utility skills or a heal.


But yes, I'd love the skimmer to have a dive skill that allowed it to go underwater, similar to the griffon 1 skill.

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While I agree with BlueIce, I also think Orion Templar has a valid point! Personally I think the underwater combat works well enough, it is technically 3D space and that can take some getting used to in moving, targeting, and evading. I'm a bit worried that "Bubbles" was put off in part because ANet received so much negativity about underwater combat from PvP community when they release an underwater map. That being said it would be nice if Revenant had a bit more water-rework.

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  • 1 year later...

Underwater Mount has been high on my list of wants since PoF tbh.


My vote goes to Dolphin for two reasons.

1. They've been a feature of Guildwars since the original Guildwars game.

2. I've wanted a Dolphin pet or minipet/creature since the original Guildwars game xD


I am a fan of the underwater side of Gw2 and have for years wanted Anet to give it attention, the big underwater combat rework they did a while back was a great and long overdue upgrade but it was only a first step.

Gw2 always had one of the best underwater combat systems in any MMO but I firmly believe that with some further enhancements, more usable skills, more weapons and build options for underwater combat, some new underwater music and the addition of a underwater mount to get around faster.. Gw2's underwater gameplay could easily match the awesomeness of it's land based gameplay.


I still hold on to the hope as well that one day we might finally.. FINALLY!! get that big underwater Leviathan world boss that was teased in the Manifesto trailer all those years ago which was unfortuantely scrapped from the vanilla game.

Not to mention how badly I am hoping that the fight (or at least part of it) with the Sea Elder Dragon will be based Underwater.

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I was watching "Aquaman" the other day and I was thinking how cool it would be to have mounts like that in this game. Sadly Anet has moved away from underwater development, in part because its combat is not that popular among the playerbase. Spending resources on underwater traversal is pointless since there is barely any use for it currently.


I could see them doing it for a whole new area dedicated to fighting the Sea Dragon, including multiple maps with underwater biomes, much like HoT was with jungle. I don't see them doing anything like that outside an expansion though.

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> @"Redsnabba.9172" said:

> Now I don't know what the current season of the living world has in store for us but I think an underwater mount would add a lot to this game and it is the mastery I'd look most forward to


100% agree with you, i'm doing some achievements and have to do stuff underwater, it's just....toooo slow.


Love to have an Asura sub-marine.


> @"Redsnabba.9172" said:

> Hell at this point I'd even **ride a quaggan** :)


mmmmm.... u perv :D



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Lol, it's funny as my daughter has been pestering me to come on here for months and ask about underwater mounts. I'd happily go for the underwater skimmer suggestion and my revenant would really like the back half of his abilities bar to be usable underwater! :p

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> @"glass.3245" said:

> If ANet are going to encourage underwater combat then underwater combat needs some work. Revenant doesn't even have any underwater utility skills or a heal.


> But yes, I'd love the skimmer to have a dive skill that allowed it to go underwater, similar to the griffon 1 skill.


Agreed, revenant needs a legend specifically for underwater.

There are some well named Largos and gw1 Naga.

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