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Please revamp the reward system, it will revive WvW


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Currently WvW rewards are trash. The rewards tracks are okay, but if you simply compare your gold rewards from WvW to a ranked sPvP game, you'll see that WvW makes next to nothing. Even if you sit at the enemy spawn and mass camp them for tons of rewards, while capping towers, you still make very little.


All WvW has going for it right now is some exclusive content and for it being a pretty fun gamemode. Eventually most of players having fun will want to make money, so that either drives them to leave WvW to something else, or stop playing completely. It shouldn't be a decision of wanting to play a fun gamemode over a profitable gamemode, all gamemodes should similar gold and still be fun. You should pick your gamemode of choice based on fun and preference, not how much gold they make. Personally, I would live in WvW if it made as much as Ranked PvP did.


With the system changes coming up, if they also overhauled rewards at the same time then I can see it being WvW 2.0 and driving a lot of players back. Please Anet, you'll have a lot of new players trying WvW again after the upcoming system changes, don't drive them away by making it not worth their time in gold.


Idealily I think you should be making at least 1 liquid gold per 10 minutes or so, on top of whatever kills/captures you get from the match. Making WvW fun is the hard part, luckily it's already pretty fun so all that really needs to be fixed are the rewards. Anet is sitting on a golden nugget that they haven't fully realized yet.

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Yes please. WvW is fun and all, but I need to go to PvE to farm up gold, and I shouldn't have to.


The argument that 'WvW isn't about rewards' almost sounds like Stockholm Syndrom... You can have both if they give it to us. Just because the rewards have always been shit doesnt mean they deserve to be or have to stay that way.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Yes please. WvW is fun and all, but I need to go to PvE to farm up gold, and I shouldn't have to.


> The argument that 'WvW isn't about rewards' almost sounds like Stockholm Syndrom... You can have both if they give it to us. Just because the rewards have always been kitten doesnt mean they deserve to be or have to stay that way.


Exactly, I see it as a win-win. You get to keep playing the gamemode you enjoy, while making good money, and Anet gets a player who will play longer now! PvE feels like the first class citizen when really it's just an alternate gamemode. We shouldn't be punished because we don't want to play PvE. I feel the rewards in Ranked PvP are a good example of profitable rewards, just hoping they'd bring up the profitability of Unranked as well...

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i would simply like high end buffood to be added for badges , maybe a few more badges then the trash food you can buy currently. then make the food sellable. this way we get more gold in WvW and pve players profit from lower bufffood price aswell.


we would need something useful to do with cooking materials then tho..

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> Please revamp the reward system, it will revive WvW

History shows otherwise. It will introduce some new players to the game mode ("come to chase the rewards! stay for the excitement!"), it will get a few retired veterans to return. But in the past, rewards aren't enough to convince people to play day-in, day-out, which is what competitive game modes need to remain robust. People need to feel that what they do matters or that they are challenged or that there's something new and interesting every session (or at least most of the time).


The Greater Alliance Restructuring of 2018 will do more to revitalize WvW than buffing the rewards, it will have a longer-lasting impact, and it won't result in the usual tension between full time WvWarriors and PvE loot chasers that inevitably happens if the rewards are too phat.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Please revamp the reward system, it will revive WvW

> History shows otherwise. It will introduce some new players to the game mode ("come to chase the rewards! stay for the excitement!"), it will get a few retired veterans to return. But in the past, rewards aren't enough to convince people to play day-in, day-out, which is what competitive game modes need to remain robust. People need to feel that what they do matters or that they are challenged or that there's something new and interesting every session (or at least most of the time).


> The Greater Alliance Restructuring of 2018 will do more to revitalize WvW than buffing the rewards, it will have a longer-lasting impact, and it won't result in the usual tension between full time WvWarriors and PvE loot chasers that inevitably happens if the rewards are too phat.


I'd argue that point. The rewards they were chasing were based on shinies and not standard rewards (like gold, etc) that people are asking for.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Please revamp the reward system, it will revive WvW

> History shows otherwise. It will introduce some new players to the game mode ("come to chase the rewards! stay for the excitement!"), it will get a few retired veterans to return. But in the past, rewards aren't enough to convince people to play day-in, day-out, which is what competitive game modes need to remain robust. People need to feel that what they do matters or that they are challenged or that there's something new and interesting every session (or at least most of the time).


> The Greater Alliance Restructuring of 2018 will do more to revitalize WvW than buffing the rewards, it will have a longer-lasting impact, and it won't result in the usual tension between full time WvWarriors and PvE loot chasers that inevitably happens if the rewards are too phat.


History shows what? WvW has always had bad rewards. People mostly play Ranked for the rewards, so no people usually go to what is the best rewards.

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I played about 1500hrs open world, story, no fractals, no dungeons, no raids. Have 10 level 80's, plenty of exotic gear, about 150g

I started playing WvW recently, almost rank 50 now, in WvW I got 2x ascended armor box, 2x ascended weapon box, 2x ascended rings.... go figure

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> @"Gendo.4615" said:

> I played about 1500hrs open world, story, no fractals, no dungeons, no raids. Have 10 level 80's, plenty of exotic gear, about 150g

> I started playing WvW recently, almost rank 50 now, in WvW I got 2x ascended armor box, 2x ascended weapon box, 2x ascended rings.... go figure


1500 hours and only 150g? But how much gold have you gained all together? You've probably spent it getting gems to get skins and toys.

WvW players still cant really do that as gold goes to making more siege and tactics.

And before that, it went to upgrading towers and repairs.

And yes Anet removed those costs, but reduces ALL gold from rewards by HALF!!!!!


The current reward system does give us more loot from the amount we got at launch, but it is still no where near the level of loot you get from PvE.

In PvE you can be walking along doing nothing and you'll still be falling over chests!

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> 1500 hours and only 150g? But how much gold have you gained all together? You've probably spent it getting gems to get skins and toys.


I probably spend gold buying material to max my crafting levels, and I know the griffon made a big dent too :)


I am not saying WvW should not get better gold rewards, just pointing out that at least in my experience, coming from a mainly pve open world player, WvW has good loot.



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> @"Gendo.4615" said:

> I played about 1500hrs open world, story, no fractals, no dungeons, no raids. Have 10 level 80's, plenty of exotic gear, about 150g

> I started playing WvW recently, almost rank 50 now, in WvW I got 2x ascended armor box, 2x ascended weapon box, 2x ascended rings.... go figure


If you didn't play dungeons (back when they were more rewarding) and fractals in your 1.5k hours you did it all wrong but hey it's your choice.

Anyways, except if you just stay in LA & roleplay with /me all those 1.5k hours I guess you did buy your character-slots&lot more on Gemstore with what you did earn in PvE, bosses or map-farms (I tried for some month but disgusted). I, for myself, am forced to do fractals & some PvE to get my gear (asc and some leg, sure) for my toons.

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True that. Make every mode have the same reward rate. There is no negative points in that. People WILL choose their favourite mode. For example someone that likes PvE will never choose other modes over it. Same as WvW or sPvP players.


That way WvW players won't be forced to play PvE to get their gold. People that feels like playing WvW from time to time without losing reward can do so.



You just have a lot of luck. You get an average of 1 ascended armor per year. Even with luck, that still cannot compete with PvE. To compare: A single day(or two if you are slower) in PvE can already grab you at least one ascended armor. Before you reach rank 50, I will have a whole set of ascended already.


@"Illconceived Was Na.9781"

People were after the WvW skins, which includes the armor set and the legendary backpack. They realize it will take too long, so they dropped it. Because goldrate still sucks, they will only make huge minus compred to PvE in the meantime.

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I crafted 6 pieces of legendary wvw armor, 1 legendary backpack and 5 ascended trinket pieces by just playing WvW only without RNG. It takes long (maybe 3-4 months more compared to pve) but calling WvW needs more rewards is not fair. tbh I love to see some way to implement free for all in EOTM like Pubg. it will bring more players compared to bandaids that devs are working on it now.

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