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Remove unwanted followers from contacts tab

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So I do a lot of wvw and I notice that there are individuals from other servers that follow me basically to see where I'm at and when I'm online in an attempt to troll.

Can you please implement a way to remove these individuals from the followers tab of the contacts menu? And maybe can make it where they can't follow you in the future and a way to let them follow if needed.

I know I can block them but I don't want to block them I just don't want them in my followers. Perhaps a better way to for followers not to see if youre online or where youre at. Just your name that would be better. And if I were to add them to my friends then they can see all the info they can currently.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> You can go offline or use anon before you go into WvW. None of your 'followers' will know where you are much less online. To do this, click contacts. Next to your name at the top, click the scroll-down and choose 'invisible.'


> That should do what you ask until ANet addresses it further if needed.


I already know how to do this. And I don't want to list myself as offline all the time cuz cant see guild chat and friends cant whisper me.

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Yeah, the game should really prompt the user that another player wants to "friend" them. Blocking is one thing, block away, but if someone wants to "follow" me, they should need my permission to do so. That said, they would also have to change the block list to NOT show location or any other information about blocked players.

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The followers list only reveals who has friended you. You can hide people by blocking them. You'll never be able to actually remove someone from it, since that would require ArenaNet to change friends to be mutual relationships, but then they'd probably just add another "friends" list so you can tag people you've met. Note that people don't actually need to friend you to see your location, they can instead block you so you'll never know they're watching.

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i only do this to people who die to me then message me how bad i am. over the years i have only added a few dozen. i have never messaged these people back but i wonder why they think they are so great if they die to me. i actually check them out see how many ap's they have what guild they belong to. i do it cause im curious why they think they are so great but it has more to do i dont use meta builds(due to disabilities) and they die to me and have the gall to message me how bad i am. i know im not the best but i think how they must be worse and i use non meta builds to compensate. so my reply dont message a person you die to then they wouldnt add you and follow you

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If they are on another wvw server in your matchup all they will see is that you are in wvw, but not on which map, so if you're suspecting they want to stalk you in wvw they really can't do that. All they can see is whether you are in wvw or not, but no more details if you are. Whether they put you on the friend or block list doesn't make a difference to the amount of information they can gather on you in that aspect.


Personally I enjoy the contact panel the way it is. Sometimes I want to keep track on people I like to play with that want to organize their friend list differently and thus don't necessarily want to friend me. Sometimes I enjoy being able to access aquaintances through the follower panel that I haven't friended to keep the size of my friend list more managable for me.


Sometimes even the wvw restrictions are bothersome to me, as I have friends on many different servers, and you can't even right-click -> whisper friends (not even mutual friends) on opposing servers while in wvw (and I've been known to accidentally kick guildies from opposing servers out of our guild by carelessly using the context menu while in wvw ;) ).

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> @"Nokturnal Lunacy.3186" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > You can go offline or use anon before you go into WvW. None of your 'followers' will know where you are much less online. To do this, click contacts. Next to your name at the top, click the scroll-down and choose 'invisible.'

> >

> > That should do what you ask until ANet addresses it further if needed.


> I already know how to do this. And I don't want to list myself as offline all the time cuz cant see guild chat and friends cant whisper me.


Again, you do this only to stop the trolling in WvW. It's not "all the time", but only when you WvW. My apologies, having your cake and eating it too applies.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> If they are on another wvw server in your matchup all they will see is that you are in wvw, but not on which map, so if you're suspecting they want to stalk you in wvw they really can't do that. All they can see is whether you are in wvw or not, but no more details if you are. Whether they put you on the friend or block list doesn't make a difference to the amount of information they can gather on you in that aspect.


> Personally I enjoy the contact panel the way it is. Sometimes I want to keep track on people I like to play with that want to organize their friend list differently and thus don't necessarily want to friend me. Sometimes I enjoy being able to access aquaintances through the follower panel that I haven't friended to keep the size of my friend list more managable for me.


> Sometimes even the wvw restrictions are bothersome to me, as I have friends on many different servers, and you can't even right-click -> whisper friends (not even mutual friends) on opposing servers while in wvw (and I've been known to accidentally kick guildies from opposing servers out of our guild by carelessly using the context menu while in wvw ;) ).

If you are not in wvw you can see what map they are on. And there have been plenty of times I could see what maps others are on while in wvw and it changes when click on the name.

You can dbl click on the names to whisper them. If they have you blocked or listed as invisible you won't be able to whisper them. Even blocking somebody or being blocked by somebody you can see each others chat in party chat.


> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Nokturnal Lunacy.3186" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > You can go offline or use anon before you go into WvW. None of your 'followers' will know where you are much less online. To do this, click contacts. Next to your name at the top, click the scroll-down and choose 'invisible.'

> > >

> > > That should do what you ask until ANet addresses it further if needed.

> >

> > I already know how to do this. And I don't want to list myself as offline all the time cuz cant see guild chat and friends cant whisper me.


> Again, you do this only to stop the trolling in WvW. It's not "all the time", but only when you WvW. My apologies, having your cake and eating it too applies.


This isn't just for trolling. I used that as an example. Commanders get enemy players following them to see what map they are on. The only persons that wouldn't want to see this change are those that follow people just to see what map they are on, friends or not. I've talked to commanders on my own server and discussed the followers issue and guilds stalking other guilds. And commanders getting sniped etc. And the problem with "only in wvw" is that wvw is all i do. I go into pve and pvp on rare occasions.


> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Yeah, the game should really prompt the user that another player wants to "friend" them. Blocking is one thing, block away, but if someone wants to "follow" me, they should need my permission to do so. That said, they would also have to change the block list to NOT show location or any other information about blocked players.


This is a great idea.

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> @"Nokturnal Lunacy.3186" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > If they are on another wvw server in your matchup all they will see is that you are in wvw, but not on which map, so if you're suspecting they want to stalk you in wvw they really can't do that. All they can see is whether you are in wvw or not, but no more details if you are. Whether they put you on the friend or block list doesn't make a difference to the amount of information they can gather on you in that aspect.

> If you are not in wvw you can see what map they are on. And there have been plenty of times I could see what maps others are on while in wvw and it changes when click on the name.

If that happens then it's clearly a bug. Personally I haven't seen this behavior though. Some of my best in-game friends are on a server that we've been matched up against a few times recently, and every time, regardless of which game mode I'm in, all I see in both friends list and guild list is simply "world vs. world" whenever they are in wvw. Even the mouseover on the friend panel never tells me what wvw map they're on as long as we're up against each other.


We are however all on "main" servers. I've got a few contacts on linked servers though, so I'll test this out as soon as I get a hold on them. If as you say they do show up with their map revealed then it's time for bug reporting.


> @"Nokturnal Lunacy.3186" said:

> You can dbl click on the names to whisper them. If they have you blocked or listed as invisible you won't be able to whisper them. Even blocking somebody or being blocked by somebody you can see each others chat in party chat.

You can also just type their name into the chat box manually ;) . It's just that it's often easier for me to just right-click and whisper, and since I'm used to doing that. It has lead to a few unfortunate "accidents" over the years, where I've automatically selected the 2nd option in the context menu before realizing it doesn't say "whisper" ;) .

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said: Again, you do this only to stop the trolling in WvW. It's not "all the time", but only when you WvW. My apologies, having your cake and eating it too applies.


I pretty much only do WvW, in this game.


So, it would be "all the time" for me and plenty of others like me.


If you don't mostly do WvW, I'm not even sure why you would feel the need to comment on this subject(?), as this issue probably doesn't really apply to you.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> If they are on another wvw server in your matchup all they will see is that you are in wvw, but not on which map, so if you're suspecting they want to stalk you in wvw they really can't do that. All they can see is whether you are in wvw or not, but no more details if you are. Whether they put you on the friend or block list doesn't make a difference to the amount of information they can gather on you in that aspect.


> Personally I enjoy the contact panel the way it is. Sometimes I want to keep track on people I like to play with that want to organize their friend list differently and thus don't necessarily want to friend me. Sometimes I enjoy being able to access aquaintances through the follower panel that I haven't friended to keep the size of my friend list more managable for me.


> Sometimes even the wvw restrictions are bothersome to me, as I have friends on many different servers, and you can't even right-click -> whisper friends (not even mutual friends) on opposing servers while in wvw (and I've been known to accidentally kick guildies from opposing servers out of our guild by carelessly using the context menu while in wvw ;) ).


Firstly, some people run multiple accounts.


So, they can keep track of you on one account (on the side you're on), while playing one of the others.


Secondly, commanders/players often collaborate with commanders/players on the other side (set up fights etc.).


So, one comm/player (on your side) can follow you and then let the other comm/player(s), on the other side, know where you are.


Sad, but true.


> @"ricky markham.8173" said:

> i only do this to people who die to me then message me how bad i am. over the years i have only added a few dozen. i have never messaged these people back but i wonder why they think they are so great if they die to me. i actually check them out see how many ap's they have what guild they belong to. i do it cause im curious why they think they are so great but it has more to do i dont use meta builds(due to disabilities) and they die to me and have the gall to message me how bad i am. i know im not the best but i think how they must be worse and i use non meta builds to compensate. so my reply dont message a person you die to then they wouldnt add you and follow you


That may be your reason, but it obviously isn't the main reason people follow other people in WvW.

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> @"Tigaseye.2047" said:

> If you don't mostly do WvW, I'm not even sure why you would feel the need to comment on this subject(?), as this issue probably doesn't really apply to you.


It's not in your best interest to criticize anyone in the community trying to help anyone else with an issue. Your indirect suggestion to stick to topics that only benefit and affect those posters directly is also not in your or anyone else's best interest. Regardless, the suggested solutions are to either use invisibility, /block, or get thicker skin. My apologies the answers are not to your or the OP's liking, but all are still viable remedies to the problem.


Whether you like them or not is not germane to the discussion nor is it your place to criticize them without offering solutions yourself.

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@"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563"


Good luck with your suggestion. I hope you find a way to stop those players from trolling you in WvW whatever their reasoning. And my apologies that my attempts to help you were not to your liking.


Again, good luck with your endeavors, and I only wish you the best in your Guild Wars 2 experiences.

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