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So I started playing this game in 2012 and since at that time I didn't know much how everything functions I quit.

Now I'm back to it and continued playing my 26 lvl charr necrom, I was checking out gifts and accidently boosted myself to level 50.

I'm just one day into this game and I don't have any idea how anything functions, I was playing WoW for 6 years but this is still too different to me.

What should I do now when I'm so much levels ahead and can't figure out my class, world mechanics etc.

I feel lost

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Consider levelling to 80 an extended tutorial (that's what it basically is). Have fun, explore, try anything. Pay no mind to equipment, train and try out some skills and traits (passives).

Also, there are game tips in every level-up window. Even if you've boosted your character, you can still read them while clicking through menus.

If you ever need more in-depth game information, refer to GW2 wiki.

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open your hero panel (default key is H), on the left there are several buttons the top 3 are:


equipment: to access your equiped weapons, armor etc...


build: to finetune how your skills work, as a new player this is probably a bit overwhelming, select something you like you can change it at any time, probably soul reaping and death magic (if you want minions) would be nice. there are plenty of builds you can find if you google it "gw2 necro build"


skills: spend your hero points to unlock additional skills (again if you want minions you may want to prioritize those skills), you get more hero points when you level up or you can get extra hero points if you complete a hero challenge (these are visible on your map)


if you are a new player I would:


- do the personal story, what to do next should be written in bold green letters somewhere near the mini map, the green star is where you need to go

- explore maps lower or slightly higer than your level (exploring means: doing vista's, hero challenges, visiting points of interest, unlocking waypoints, doing heart events)


about weapons and armor, upgrade as you get rewards and loot, no reason to keep anything "for later" unless it is exotic level 80 (orange color) or red (ascended) quality. Everything else you don't need just salvage with basic salvage kit, gold (rare) items with level 60 or more you should salvage with master salvage kit (or mystic salvage kit), exotics for levels less than 80 salvage with black lion salvage kit (you should get some from daily log in rewards at some point).


don't forget you can deposit crafting material from you bags directly into the material storage from anywhere in the world at any time (just use the Deposit Material command from the little gear symbol in your bags - upper right corner). You can sell extra material on the trading post or keep it to level up your crafting speciality.



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Also, don't worry about EXP too much, you get plenty on every map. Yes, there are maps with 70-75 and say 20-30on it. But if you are lvl50, you can still level up in the "20-30" area. Just an fyi.

Also, there are no "set" paths to take as in wow. You pretty much get exp for almost anything you do in this game. You decide ehat ti do. So focus more on exploring just to take the most fun out of it and learn the game while doing so is the best advise others gave also.

If you DO focus on exp more, doimg story (green quests on your right top screen corner) give plenty. Usually 1-2 lvls.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> You don't have to worry about your level. When you go starter zones, you are down-scaled to level 10-15, and can have as much fun as 'natural' lowbie would have. So, just continue :D


100% this. All you've done is removed some of the need to XP up between story steps... follow the green dot on your map to get to the next instance, or follow a commander tag on your map for a big group event. Talk to people, people are great. If you say that you're new in map chat you'll be surprised at how nice 90% of the people in this game are.

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> @"lovroram.9734" said:

> Hi,

> So I started playing this game in 2012 and since at that time I didn't know much how everything functions I quit.

> Now I'm back to it and continued playing my 26 lvl charr necrom, I was checking out gifts and accidently boosted myself to level 50.

> I'm just one day into this game and I don't have any idea how anything functions, I was playing WoW for 6 years but this is still too different to me.

> What should I do now when I'm so much levels ahead and can't figure out my class, world mechanics etc.

> I feel lost


Hi, and welcome back :D,

This is my advice to you:

First I would make a new character and level him up from scratch with no level up boosters. (Bonus points for making 1 of each race to give you 5 different story perspectives.)

Secondly I would enjoy the scenery and do some map exploring , heart quests and dynamic events until you reach the level required to do the story.

Thirdly is complete the core story.

After completing the core story you would have a decent grip on the game.


You can also do unranked SPvP on the side for fun. Good rewards and also helps hone your fighting skills.


Hope these advice will help you out a little bit :)


(P.S. if you are in the EU servers and want to join a helpful guild send me a mail on the forums or to my IGN: Orguyo)

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1) Forget everything you know from WoW. As you've found this game is very different and what you learned there won't help.


2) It might be helpful to make a new character. Keep the one you've got but make a new one so you can play through from level 1. As someone else said leveling in this game is like an extended tutorial. There may not be many parts where it directly tells you want to do but it's designed to introduce mechanics and new areas gradually so you can get used to it.


3) When you feel ready to go back to your existing character you can do, and you can still do everything you were doing before. Even though you're above the recommended level you won't have missed any of their personal story and can still play it and if you go to low level maps you will be down-scaled to the recommended level so it will be almost like you're playing it at that level. (I say almost because you'll still have more skills and traits available, which makes things a bit easier - but it's not like WoW where if you went to a low level area you'd one-shot everything and get no XP.)


4) **Don't worry**. I don't think there's any way to permanently mess up a character or your account in this game. You will get more than enough Hero Points to unlock all your skills and traits, the majority of content is repeatable and the stuff that isn't can't be done wrong. The absolute worst you could do is something like pick an Order to join as part of your story and then find you don't really like them, but that has almost no impact beyond the NPCs you'll work with during the story.


Also people in this game are generally pretty friendly so if you have any questions or anything you're not sure about feel free to ask, either in-game or here. The Wiki is also a great resource - it's written by players and has info on pretty much everything in the game. (If anything is missing or unclear let us know and someone can fix it.)

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> First I would make a new character and level him up from scratch with no level up boosters. (Bonus points for making 1 of each race to give you 5 different story perspectives.)


I agree with you on other points but not this. IMO there is definitely no reason to make a new character. Heck, even if you boosted your character to 80, you'll probably come back to lower level zones many times anyways, so why just not continue playing? And anyways, if you like the game, you will be making new characters later.


I interpreted the post based on the sentence: "I was playing WoW for 6 years" - I personally don't know WoW, but I assume that OP is afraid that s/he lost some opportunities to learn the game, or other possibly opportunities only available when you do content "on-level". In those games, your boosted character is way too OP to low level zones and don't get anything even remotely useful from those zones, and on the other hand many times too undergeared for on-level zones.


But this game does not work like that. You can go back to lower level zones at every point, and you will have some fun. True, that later you don't find them so fascinating anymore, just because you are up to your personal goals, but you really don't ruin your new player experience by leveling up.

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I like to start a new character when I'm coming back to a game after a break, even if it's a single-player game so nothing's changed and I still have all my save files. Typically (especially with RPGs) things are simpler and slower-paced at the lower levels, and that's affected as much by your character as the content you're doing.


If I was jumping into GW2 after years away I wouldn't know what do to with a level 50 character. I doubt the build and training menus would make any sense to me, I might figure out how to unlock skills and traits but I wouldn't know which ones or what to focus on - do I want more skills since they're higher up the list? Or should I do traits first? All the traits? What about weapon skills, they're not listed but they're all greyed out and I vaguely remember having to train them, how do I do that with this new system? etc.


Starting from level 1 and leveling naturally means all of that is introduced gradually and you only have to worry about 1 thing at a time. Likewise you don't need to worry about which map/s you should be on or whether to catch up your story first or do map completion first.


I don't agree that you need to do it without using XP boosters though. I certainly wouldn't buy them, but I don't think there's any harm in using any you've got. I also wouldn't recommend making 1 character of each race and doing the story on all of them right away. That's great as a long-term goal if you enjoy it (I went a step further and did every version of the story) but it's not something that will help a new or returning player get to grips with the game.

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If you bought the game in 2012 you only have the core game The first thing you should do before anything is invest in Heart of Thorns and Path of fire You can get the heroic additions, the deluxe edition , or the Ultimate Edition. The ultimate edition cost a bit more, but it also comes with 4000 gems. If your not interested in the gems the heroic edition will be good. GW2 has changed so much since 2012 if you don't get them you will be missing out on a lot of the game. Play your level 50 through the game as if your level 1 explore do the personal story, and after you get the expansions use the level 80 boost in silverwastes for a while on different professions see what one you like best. Once you choose and become level 80 you can start on the main story for either HoT (harder content, gliding. different masteries, 3 levels of map exploration, more difficult to get around until masteries are finished). Or PoF ( still harder content, mounts, fewer masteries all connected with mounts, maps easy to navigate with mounts).


That would be my advice to start back up .

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