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PvP/WvW Skill Split Release

Gaile Gray.6029

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Does the PvP/WvW skill split mean that you will be on the safe side to actually buff underperforming/unpopular classes in PvE without fear? Because certain classes have been hit so hard in PvE, simply because they excel spectacularly in WvW and/or PvP. It would also be a great idea if, in the patch notes, you split the changes for each class into PvP/WvW/PvE categories, to prevent confusion and allow players to find the changes for the game mode they are mostly interested in without having to read ALL the wall of text. This will also eliminate the need to type "in PvP only", "in WvW only" and "in PvE only" next to almost every change; it just feels redundant this way.

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First of all, forgive me if this has all been said before but I'm not about to read 400 posts.


Secondly, these changes look good for the most part. You could do a little more for Rev. Reduce casting time and energy cost of Rite of the Great Dwarf. And frankly, it would be great if the traited version gave group Stability as well, and not just for PvP/WvW. As a guardian main, I am willing to share my group Stab as rev might do some nice things with it. MH sword needs damage buffs. Staff needs more utility, the 4 skill could cleanse more with less casting time. (Staff 2 needs a rework but that's not within the scope of this patch)


Druid and Firebrand changes look good from a PvP perspective. This coming from a guy that plays both. But honestly, removing Magi Amulet in addition to these changes is overkill. I don't use it on either class but I would still like to have it as an option. That trade-off from damage to sustain is healthy for this game. I don't want PvP to become just another DPS race. I'm also not fond of removing Surging Runes, just change what the t6 bonus does if that's considered the passive part of this rune. Make it an AoE daze or something.

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Thief damage overall should get nerfed more, you are nerfing quite a few defensive aspects among most professions, the thief damage is in no relationship to its mobility.


The ele buffs are unneeded, Ele already is in a good spot with much flexibility.


If you want a less "passive" kinda gameplay nerfing traits is just one aspect, the bigger aspect are boons. They are spilled and shared like candy, limiting the amount of skillfull application (because you pretty much have all the important boons all the time) and also the effect of each individual boon - if you can have a boon up 100% of the time you cant tune them "strong", if you reduce overall boonduration/stacks etc. by 75% and increase the effects of each individual boon accordingly, boon application skills and timing of these skills along cooldowns do matter. You can also tune down boon corrupt accordingly, giving these skills also more play because you cant spam them to remove anything, you can use them at specific times to counter specific boons. These frees up some skill / trait slots across all professions which can be filled with other aspects and ideas, further increasing build variety.


That being said, many skills hit 5 targets but deal far above average damage / healing. I think you should focus on a bigger balance patch of rebalancing such skills - a skill hitting up to 5 targets should NEVER deal even half of the damage a similar skill with just 2 target would. Cleaving should be a choice - not something you get added on top when focusing a target. Main offender here is ele of course - to some parts also guardian albeit guardian skills typical have a higher skill cooldown compared to ele justifying the power to a certain degree. For the healing aspects i feel druid is ok (with the recent changes)



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> @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> Does the PvP/WvW skill split mean that you will be on the safe side to actually buff underperforming/unpopular classes in PvE without fear? Because certain classes have been hit so hard in PvE, simply because they excel spectacularly in WvW and/or PvP.


Like Guardian staff 1 skill range, or Daredevil staff auto attack chain damage nerf :(


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In general I welcome these changes, there is currently way too many of everthing so a global damage nerfs and cooldowns increases sure should be healty for the game.


I also got a suggestion for revenant's hammer in pvp. Could the nr4 -Field of the Mists skill be instant? The 3/4 sec feels really long and you can't really react with it to enemy spike dmg. The casting time is so long that a p/p thief takes half of your hp before you can cast it, ranger land almost full rapid fire before it casts, guardian hits you with true shot before you cast it. Like now the skill is almost useless, hammer is already in unpopular possition and this makes it even harder to use. The skill should be here to counter enemy spike dmg and not to randomly use it in hope the enemy won't notice and use their burst against the shield.


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> @"Hiraldo.7954" said:

> At first glance most of these changes look good, however I'm very puzzled as to why Celestial Avatar CD is being increased, heals are being reduced, and GoTL is being nerfed. Druid is barely viable as a healer in WvW right now and this will likely kill it entirely.


> Also, nerfing warrior damage is silly, they aren't overpreforming at all in that regard. Full counter and break enchantments coefs should stay as they are on live. Dagger changes make sense though.


> Edit: I mean warrior damage in groups, not roaming. Dagger changes and featherfoot grace nerf should hit roaming spellbreaker hard enough to leave break enchantments and full counter as is in order to keep spellbreaker viable as melee dps in groups


Druide is fkn broken in Roaming / 1 vs 1 . They have stealth / mobility / a pet that does very good dmg/ even with offensive gear way to much healing/ invuln / good dmg/

can start a fight from miles away (longbow) and more.





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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> Desert Shroud: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW


> Basically destroys power scourge in WvW (Sure it's not played much but it's really fun and different)


> If your goal is to nerf condi or anything else look at another way instead of killing the diversity of scourge.


Scourge is the best class in WvW by far. Killing it is the best way to make WvW fun again.

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The current meta for WvW is Guardian/Necro/Spellbreaker and Druid was in a position where if you buffed celestial avatar to provide stab/resist/etc with celestial avatar skills (like guard does), it could actually be in the meta. But what do you do? Nerf it. This is total BS. I understand from a PVP perspective why this happened, but in WvW those changes just kicked Druid players in the nuts lmao. You want more diversity? Nerf Firebrand whilst simultaneously choosing a few healer classes like Druid/Tempest to buff.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


> - Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


Yet mesmer is untouched in regards to this? wat


When Playing out in WvW, and a mesmer jumps me, I don't even have enough time to respond before I'm already in downstate.

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Ranger - Protective Ward cd nearly doubled to 30s.


This is a Grandmaster Trait that shares a tier with no other usable skills. Invigorating bond's radius isnt big enough for any form of PVP, and Spirits die to a skill single hit, making Protective Ward the only choice. I reiterate that it is a Grandmaster Trait. Would you consider halving the length of the Weakness it applies instead? Or even reduce it to a single second? I understand you are trying to downplay passives here, but the whole point of a weak talent like Protective Ward at Grandmaster level is that it has a small enough cd to come in handy more than once a fight.


Engi - Protection Injection cd is doubled.


The synergy of this skill with AntiCorrosion Plating was helping to stop up the gap in condi clear after Compounding Chemicals was nerfed. Core and Scrapper dont have access to Holo's reliable passive cleanse Prismatic Convertor. Core engi since the nerf has struggled to deal with even lower tier condi classes. Would you consider buffing AntiCorrosion Plating in PVP+WVW to 2 condis removed per protection application? It still would not be good enough to take the place of Compounding Chemicals, but it would be something. Or maybe you could consider lowering the cd on Toss Elixir S in PVP? Or halving the effect and the CD of Elixir S? Or further reducing the CD of Shield skills in PVP for better access to the clease provided with the application of protection from Over Shield?

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> @"Deemo.6094" said:

> One major need was missed out in this post, The need for resistance to NOT be converted into immob.


Actually.... i like the immob

And we corrupt so few boons, that resistance never gets corrupted, while playing 1v1 or smallscale.

I can see the issue in big zergfights doe. But i still think, if you get corrupted all your boons, you deserv to die, because you stood in enemy bomb.

Or they just get new resistance and walk out.


How long was the immob? Maybe they should change the duration.


That conversion rlly is the smallest problem.

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While I have given up hope, maybe a dedicated discussion to skill splits between game modes is the right place to bring this to attention:


People **were** happy with how PvE Confusion functioned before the recent changes. People **are** happy with how PvP/WvW Confusion functions now. Can these two things please coexist? As you mentioned, Confusion has a very low condition tick to indicate its presence and a high damage spike on skill use. You mention that suggestions should focus on number balance changes only, not skill changes. Why not make PvE Confusion tick for a good amount, e.g. about 75%-90% of the intended damage, with a small damage boost on skill use (I do not care about its competitiveness, balance it every way you want, but at least make it usable again). The functionality compared to the other game modes would not change, but the damage balance would be such that people actually have a reason to use it in PvE.


I am still very disappointed that Confusion got ruined on my Axe Mirage, and remain baffled at the need to make the current decision. You also have to realize that the change to Mirage Axe skills does not cover the full scope of what has been ruined by the Confusion change. If this is not something that is being considered, if there absolutely was a need to change it to its current form, please just tell us _why_.

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> @"ruwani.8624" said:

> ...

> The current meta for WvW is Guardian/Necro/Spellbreaker and Druid was in a position where if you buffed celestial avatar to provide stab/resist/etc with celestial avatar skills (like guard does), it could actually be in the meta. But what do you do? Nerf it. This is total BS. I understand from a PVP perspective why this happened, but in WvW those changes just kicked Druid players in the nuts lmao. You want more diversity? Nerf Firebrand whilst simultaneously choosing a few healer classes like Druid/Tempest to buff.


The current meta is Guard/Scourge/Scourge/Scourge/Scourge/many more Scourge/Weaver/Hammer Rev/Spellbreaker/Chrono


Druide is not good for zerg pvp because it has no weapon thats usefull there.

At the same time Druide is broken op in roaming / 1 on 1 .

It had to be nerfed there.


The only way Druide would be good in zerg play is to give it a good range aoe weapon. Like Guard / Scourge / Ele / Rev have or crazy strong utility like Warrior / Chrono.


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Do not agree with the Druid changes. It's not viable already in wvw outside from a few niche builds. These changes will only make more people skip on druid entirely in favor of Soul Beast.

Seed of life change : keep the 3s CD but add another condition removed so total of 2.

Solar beam change: It was bad already, poorly scaled with power, this makes it even worse for no good reason, this change brings nothing positive.

Celestial avatar 20s cd change: in PvP sure, in Wvw it's punishing already a weak an unviable spec, this change brings nothing positive to wvw and encourages less people to use druid in wvw.

Shared Anguish change: The trait doesn't offer much already, a simple daze from a mesmer or anything will proc it leaving the ranger exposed to other cc's. Suggestion to keep 90s of CD, but add 3s of stability (1stack) after the trait proc.

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Ranger wise... Oh boy. I understand sustain is being nerfed here and druids have been a big problem in sPvP, but druids aren't really even a threat in WvW so these changes don't make much sense. Rangers are not even accepted in zerg squads, so perhaps split these changes between WvW and sPvP as well? MH axe buff is meaningless, that weapon is going to stay in the garbage tier as puny buffs like that won't change anything. Also nerfing staff autoattack is mindboggling to say the least? There aren't many devs playing ranger so I truly hope you guys are aware that the big numbers you see on your screen is not the actual numbers staff aa is doing per hit, it's accumulating like longbow rapid fire does?



Could you take a look at the ever growing soulbeast bug list? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5067/soulbeast-list-of-bugged-non-functional-abilities-and-traits/p1

Gaile mentioned this is a difficult bug to fix, but I thought I would remind you that the pet quickness bug is still there https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/569/pets-not-affected-by-quickness

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> @"dzeRnumbrd.6129" said:

> Necro feedback


> Personally I think the Scourge is close to being balanced, it doesn't require this heavy handed approach after the most recent nerfs haven't even had time to settle down.


> The changes you're going to make are really going to kill scourge and I will probably switch to a mesmer or a heavy class for WvW if you go ahead with these changes.


> The logic that nerfing scourge makes reaper and necro viable is simply not true. It simply makes people switch to a different archetype that does what they want.


> It's a real shame but this could be the end of necromancer being a meta profession in WvW - it has been a meta profession in WvW forever and this change is looking like it will kill it.


> I'm really disappointed with the changes proposed and I think the Areannet staff who decided this list must not play scourge extensively in WvW.


> Individual comments:


> > Garish Pillar: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW


> I've never heard one complaint in WvW about this skill - if the problem is PvP then make it PvP only


> > Desert Shroud: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW


> This is a 50% nerf guys - that's way too much. We're already feeling the huge impact of your recent nerfs.


> You haven't given the recent nerfs enough time to form a new judgment about where scourge sits.


> The problem you have here is you say scourge is a support class and yet you are nerfing barrier uptime by 50%!


> Too much sustain and too much support was a NEVER a complaint about scourge - the only complaints are damage - in particular boon corrupts.


> Due to the fact you combined sustain/support/damage into 1 skill (Desert Shroud), you have to nerfing our sustain

> by 50% (unnecessary) and our support by 50% (unnecessary) in order to nerf our damage (actual goal).


> I think 50% uptime nerf is way way over the top regardless (even if it was a damage only skill).


> I suggest you move the barrier granted on Desert Shroud onto Sand Cascade instead.


> That splits our support/sustain and damage skills apart and allows you to address those areas independently when balancing.


> So you can buff our sustain/support when you nerf our damage.


> So I suggest 7k of barrier on Sand Cascade and Desert Shroud grants no barrier - damage only.


> > Ghastly Breach: Increased the cooldown from 75 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP and WvW


> This nerf has no point. Every fight is over (or at least decided) by the 75 second mark.


> If some scourge manages to pull a Breach out at 75s instead 90s and it turns a fight on its head then anyone who gets annoyed at that is not very smart.


> >Plague Signet: Increased the cooldown from 30 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP and WvW


> I'm going to hazard a guess that this is a PvP nerf - I have no idea why it was put into WvW.


> > Trail of Anguish: Increased the cooldown from 25 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW


> If anything I think this skill is massively UNDER powered, it needs more stacks of stability (3+) and far longer duration on swiftness (or it needs superspeed to replace swiftness).

> The only redeeming feature is the cooldown which you've now ruined.

> Whichever bad said this needed a nerf has no idea. In PvP you just don't stand on the red circles.

> It's pretty kitten easy to not get hit and the counterplay to this skill is ez mode.


> > Signet of Undeath: Reduced the cooldown from 150 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP and WvW


> Passive is too weak - I might use for 5 targets and fast cast time.


> > Life Siphon: Reduced the cooldown from 12 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP and WvW

> > Dark Pact: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW


> Dagger buffs are minimal and in the end they won't make any difference at all.


> >Signet of Vampirism: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased the base heal from 3960 to 4950 (+25%) in PvP and WvW

> >Well of Blood: Increased the base heal from 5240 to 6026 (+15%) in PvP and WvW. Increased the heal per pulse from 280 to 490 (+75%) in PvP and WvW


> Neither skill deals with conditions which is very important in WvW.

> Add a pulsing condition clear to Well of Blood and add some group utility for Signet of Vampirism.


> > Spectral Grasp: Reduced the cooldown from 50 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW


> Good change - I'll use this in certain circumstances but because it is a projectile I need trail of anguish before using it so I don't get pulled by projectile reflects.


> > Blood is Power: Adjusted the Might granted from 10 stacks for 10 seconds to 15 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP and WvW


> Still won't use it.


> >Well of Suffering: Reduced the cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only. Increased the amount of Vulnerability applied per pulse from 2 stacks to 4 stacks in PvP only.


> Meh, it's OK i guess.


> > Signet of the Locust: Increased the power coefficient from 0.65 to 1.0 (+54%) in PvP and WvW. Increased the base heal per hit from 970 to 1455 (+50%) in PvP and WvW


> Meh, boring skill what about a stunbreaker and superspeed on activation. It's basically worthless and when I see necros running it in WvW I think "Trash necro".


> >Traits

> >Reaper's Protection: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

> >Last Gasp: Increased the cooldown from 50 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only


> Boring.


> Overall this patch is: "Nerf scourge into the ground. Make useless buffs for Reaper and Necro that accomplish nothing".



Nice. We basically said almost the same things, even doe i spoke more of a wvw perspective.

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> @"mixxed.5862" said:

> I like the changes overall. They certainly hit in all the right places.

> But they don't address the most important problem in WvW.


> I doubt that these changes will make a difference in WvW. They won't change the meta and we're in desperate need of a change. Here's why:

> One of your main goals in this update is build diversity. Build diversity in WvW doesn't only depend on the balance of builds itself but also on the current meta game. For example the ranged focus of zergs we see currently pushes all melee focused builds out of the game (except for spellbreaker somewhat). Even more importantly: The pirate ship isn't very fun for anyone.


> So it is important to also look into ways to reduce the effectiveness of the profession that dictates the play style in large scale right now: SCOURGE

> In an optimal zerg setup you currently bring 2+ Scourges per party, because stacking them is so powerful. Scourge offers everything you need in WvW:

> * Good damage in condi, power or hybrid setups with bursts of conditions which easily hit for 3k dps per scourge, reapplied every few seconds.

> * Easily enough boon corrupts to deal with its one counter: Resistance. Especially so when stacking enough scourges.

> * Very sturdy build (especially in dire / trailblazer) and outstanding support (in celestial). Even more so when stacked.

> * A huge amount of soft CC: Cripple, cripple, cripple and immobilize from corrupting resistance !!!

> * Range of 900. A radius of 300 !!!

> * This is the most insane of all: In close range shade skills hit up to !!! 10 targets !!!

> In fact I'd say the main reason why you currently push in zerg fights is to profit from the increased target limit of your Scourges.


> In my opinion the target limit of 10 is what simply is too much. It destroys all hope of boarding the pirateship. You'll just get blown up when you come too close.


> **tldr:** Scourge is the biggest balancing problem in WvW. It is still incredibly overpowered and will continue to be so even with these changes. You will need to take a look at what makes it this dominant and meta defining in WvW large scale fights specifically.


> **My suggestion:** **Remove the number of targets increase on Sand Savant.** At 3 per shade it will still hit up to 6 targets in close range. It'd be a fair change.


Well i could also say, ball meta wasnt fun. It really was damn annoying. Then i like pirate ship much more.


And i dont think, that its only scourge dictating the meta.

Hammer rev and staff ele are way too strong as well.

They hit me with one skill (got 3.3k armor) for 7-8k dmg.

Thats unreal and nowhere understandable.


And necro isnt allowed to do: a corrupted boon, 1 stack burning, one stack torment and cripple?


Thats way less dmg an can get healed way easier.


Pls stop always hating necro. Dont only make necro players every patch change their playstyle. Other classes could change their playstyle as well.


But i guess thats not going to happen. So necro players have to use the brains of the dead and the undead, to adapt and evolve our playstyle so other classes dont have to

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"MADPIEMAN.8023" said:

> > Buff sword on weaver (dmg on actually used skills and making some skills easier to land) and buff tempest to compete other support specs like firebrand and chrono


> We feel that while the current state of sword weaver and tempest might be under performing a bit, they aren't too far from viability. Considering the changes we're planning for other classes, we feel that they may be in a pretty good spot after the release. We didn't want to buff them with this release just to have to nerf them later. We may be wrong, so we'll be keeping an eye on them after the release to see how they fared.


I agree mostly on this except the range on sword skills and dual skills could be a bit longer cause now you almost have to stand on the enemy to hit the skill.


What bugs me tho is that ele passive traits receive similar cooldown changes than other classes even when the passives on ele are quite lame compared to other classes passives.


This is an example of few skills:


**Defy Pain on warrior with 2s invuln to damage + stunbreak, 90s cd,

Stoneform on ranger with 2.5s invuln to damage + stunbreak, 90s cd,

Self-Regulating Defences on engi with 3s invuln + stunbreak, 90s cd,

Last Stand on warrior with crit immunity and pulsing 2 stability and pulsing swiftness for 2s + vigor from stances + stunbreak, stances get increased duration, 90s cd.**




**Final Shielding on ele with 3 blocks for 5s + stunbreak, 90s cd,

Earth's Embrace on ele with 6s of 10 stability and 6s protection + stunbreak, 90s cd,

Gale Song on ele with aoe 5s superspeed + stunbreak, 90s cd.**


I understand the idea behind making the game less passive but the passive skills have a huge difference in pvp and there should be somekind of baseline on what a passive invuln trait should do and how it should be treated when looking at reducing cd and making adjustments. Ele doesn't have passive invuln traits and the only trait comparable gives 3 blocks for 5s. It feels pretty dumb to have a trait that only gives you 3 blocks every 90s while other classes are immune to damage and warrior gets nice buffs also.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > I like the changes overall. They certainly hit in all the right places.

> > But they don't address the most important problem in WvW.

> >

> > I doubt that these changes will make a difference in WvW. They won't change the meta and we're in desperate need of a change. Here's why:

> > One of your main goals in this update is build diversity. Build diversity in WvW doesn't only depend on the balance of builds itself but also on the current meta game. For example the ranged focus of zergs we see currently pushes all melee focused builds out of the game (except for spellbreaker somewhat). Even more importantly: The pirate ship isn't very fun for anyone.

> >

> > So it is important to also look into ways to reduce the effectiveness of the profession that dictates the play style in large scale right now: SCOURGE

> > In an optimal zerg setup you currently bring 2+ Scourges per party, because stacking them is so powerful. Scourge offers everything you need in WvW:

> > * Good damage in condi, power or hybrid setups with bursts of conditions which easily hit for 3k dps per scourge, reapplied every few seconds.

> > * Easily enough boon corrupts to deal with its one counter: Resistance. Especially so when stacking enough scourges.

> > * Very sturdy build (especially in dire / trailblazer) and outstanding support (in celestial). Even more so when stacked.

> > * A huge amount of soft CC: Cripple, cripple, cripple and immobilize from corrupting resistance !!!

> > * Range of 900. A radius of 300 !!!

> > * This is the most insane of all: In close range shade skills hit up to !!! 10 targets !!!

> > In fact I'd say the main reason why you currently push in zerg fights is to profit from the increased target limit of your Scourges.

> >

> > In my opinion the target limit of 10 is what simply is too much. It destroys all hope of boarding the pirateship. You'll just get blown up when you come too close.

> >

> > **tldr:** Scourge is the biggest balancing problem in WvW. It is still incredibly overpowered and will continue to be so even with these changes. You will need to take a look at what makes it this dominant and meta defining in WvW large scale fights specifically.

> >

> > **My suggestion:** **Remove the number of targets increase on Sand Savant.** At 3 per shade it will still hit up to 6 targets in close range. It'd be a fair change.


> Well i could also say, ball meta wasnt fun. It really was kitten annoying. Then i like pirate ship much more.


> And i dont think, that its only scourge dictating the meta.

> Hammer rev and staff ele are way too strong as well.

> They hit me with one skill (got 3.3k armor) for 7-8k dmg.

> Thats unreal and nowhere understandable.


> And necro isnt allowed to do: a corrupted boon, 1 stack burning, one stack torment and cripple?


> Thats way less dmg an can get healed way easier.


> Pls stop always hating necro. Dont only make necro players every patch change their playstyle. Other classes could change their playstyle as well.


> But i guess thats not going to happen. So necro players have to use the brains of the dead and the undead, to adapt and evolve our playstyle so other classes dont have to


What are you talking about? Scourge right now is meta in PvP because it is an amazing dmg-support hybrid spec. In WvW it is even ridiculously overpowered.

I'm sorry but I think nerfs are needed and you will need to adapt.


It's my opinion that playing pirate ship is lame. But the current Scourge meta is objectively bad for build diversity because it hinders ALL melee builds from being played seriously (except Spellbreaker, as a boon strip bot mostly).

But yes, hammer rev and weaver are too strong as well, I agree. It's a good thing CoR will be nerfed. On the other hand they are squishy builds. You just can't really push them in the current meta - again because of Scourges melee hate.




Another thing hindering many builds from shining is the amount of projectile hate. Just as an example **Valiant Bulwark** on the Tome of Courage **reflects projectiles for 5 sec on a 6 sec cooldown**. The Firebrands just need to cycle their tomes accordingly and all ranged builds relying on projectiles are completely negated (except for the duration of their unblockable effect, obviously, if they have access to it).

Projectile based builds were never that great in zerg play in the first place so I don't perceive this issue as equally bad as the one with Scourges, but I think the balance is still pretty off in that regard.

Nonetheless **Scourge is the main problem** in my opinion, and the one thing that desperately needs to be changed.

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* When it comes to the passives, they should honestly just be removed rather than the cooldown increased. Now it just incentivizes that you burst them down quickly before the cooldown comes up again.


* Buffing conditions is also a bad idea if nothing is done to make condition cleansing more predictable, as has been seen in the past. The only way to deal with a condi-heavy meta is just to add lots of small and spammy condition removals rather than being smart about when to use them. Perhaps conditions should be grouped according to the following categories; Debilitating Conditions (Immob, Blind, Cripple, Chill, Vulnerability, Fear, Taunt, Slow, Weakness) and Damaging Conditions (Bleed, Burn, Poison, Confusion, Torment). Allow skills and traits to remove conditions only from a certain category. This way condition removal at least becomes a little less random.

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> @"Dovkan.3519" said:

> As a WvW player, I agree with the majority of these changes. However, this doesn't address one of the biggest issues facing WvW right now, resistance converting to immobilize. It makes resistance a liability for groups due to the amount of corrupts. Resistance shouldn't convert into immob, it should convert into literally anything else.


I would like to see a new condition lifting the effect of all boons during its duration on the target. Resistance can convert to that. :lol:

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