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Has anyone completed Serpent's Ire?

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I've completed it a couple of times. There was, and may still be, a commander running it on NA at a half hour before reset. We had 30+ people one night, and 50+ another night, many of whom were pugs, though there was a pretty solid core of same-guild folk there as well. The commander did do quite a bit of location marking and talking people through the event.

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I completed it once, in December, never revisited since then. EU. Present were 2 commanders, my squad was full, but I don't know how full the other was. Found the squad via lfg. Didn't recognize any guild. It turned out to be someone who did organize this event on a regular basis. The commander marked the locations and ordered the squad to spread evenly. I recognized a second commander somewhat later, but I don't know if he had a squad as well, and if he spread as well or if his squad went from location to location. Finished 2nd phase very comfortably.


It was my 10th or 20th try, and I don't know what was different in the successful run in comparison to all the fails before. For me, it looked all the same. The only visible difference was that the the progress bar suddenly stalled after about 50% in the successful run, thus we were able to kill the zealots before it ran out.

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The TTS guilds (NA servers) do Serpent's Ire several times a week, and I've never seen it come close to failing.


1. We usually have 1 squad mostly full (40+ players) plus random people that just join in the fun.

2. It's a group of guilds that all use the same tag and logo (TTS). We also post on LFG and welcome anyone else who wants in on the event.

3. The squad has a commander, who marks the crystals and divides the squad into subgroups to go after specific crystals.

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Completed it a couple of days ago.

Commander was organizing it all (kudos, sir, I don't remember who you were but you did a great job!). He called out for people to join about 30 minutes before it was due to start, repeatedly telling people what was going to be needed and having everyone start up in the squad at the waypoint. He had the four corners marked for the second part ahead of time, and the squad subdivided and sent to that mark once the first part (which is just a big ol' hide and seek and kill stuff) was done.

Had a full squad of 50 people, and probably some extras that weren't in squad. I believe a second person tagged up for extra people. Only once did one of the groups start struggling with CCing on the second phase, but our first group was finishing ours easily so we went and helped in order. Went down fairly easily.

Last phase was a pain because people were focusing on the wrong boss and it kept respawning, but it went over smoothly enough once we had it figured out.

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> @"Alakatos.9405" said:

> hi, I need to do the event for the funerary armor, anyone know when is the best time for looking for squat?... I never see a squat doing that event at the lfg :/




They’re the ones that seem to be routinely doing it and you have better odds of completing it with them than with a random organization attempt in the LFG.


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