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What do you like about the revenant?


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I'm not ignoring its flaws, but there are enough threads complaining or giving rework suggestions out there. Enough people main (or regularly play) rev, so I'd be interested in hearing people's reasons. What made you play rev/keeps you playing it?


For me, I'd say it's:


– Aesthetic/theme: I liked ritualist in GW1. While I'd probably prefer it to be a scholar profession, I still like it.


– GW1 nostalgia: That was what got me hyped to begin with; I liked the idea of using the skills of major characters from the first game.


– Offensive but tanky: I like my revs on the tanky side. I like how much lifesteal is built into the Devastation line without it being as emphasised as necro's Blood line. Vengeful Hammers may well be my favourite skill in the game.


– Spammable skills: I know it's restricted by energy, but I like how frequently we can stunbreak, if needed. I'd rather have an expensive stunbreak than one I can only use every 40 seconds like some profs. Similarly, effectively having two heal skills is nice in a pinch.


– Speaking of heals: Infuse Light. Crystal Hibernation. I miss those on other characters under pressure.


– Mobility: Not the most mobile, but herald's perma-swiftness is nice for WvW roaming, and Unyielding Anguish is the most spammable targetted leap skill for cheating on jumping puzzles.


That's not an exhaustive list, but I'd be keen to hear other peoples'!

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What i like about Rev:

(mostly open PvE and sPvP)


* Herald absolute OP in open world pve. Perma 25 might, fury, swiftness while having 3500-4000 armor (depends on build) is super devastating against any veteran and even champion.


* Infinite stunbreaks. I thank every demon of underworld for allowing me stunbreak everything, even if i don't want to. Special thanks to empty vessel and gaze of darkness.


* 10 utility skills instead of 5. Although they can't be customized, that's huge plus for me anyway. I very often switch legends in combat, so i can feel some advantage of this.


* Legends talk to me, so i don't feel myself alone.


Few words about renegade.


In pve with shortbow+citadel bombardment+runes of balthazar and some expertise, while having 25 might from Heroic Command was the most safe experience on killing mobs i had.

Although shortbow is super slow, instant ground targeting option make this weapon more smooth and pleasant. Just need get used to it.

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To be honest, revenant is my second most played profession behind my first character, a thief, my main.

Lately I wanted some change and try to go back to my rev.

But because I just return to the game and I want to do more content than before (legendary, spvp, maybe even raid) I though it was a bad idea, I will explain why.


First legendary : for me the most "amazing" legendary are GS legendary because of their skin. But Rev can't use GS


The second part is more stupid because it's all about what people say and I should probably just play what I like and enjoy :

Rev is (for what I read) not good at spvp and it's hard to find squad for raid. Specially if you don't perfectly master Rev.

And I heard the new Spec is not that great but I like Herald so whatever.


For the pros because there are pros :

the legend system has some nice visual effect and offer you some good option even if you can't mix legend skills.

Herald spec allows you to have some perms boons.

Good balance between damage and survivability and that a big pros for me but I think other class can do better.

Hammer skills are cool.

Rewarding when you play it well because everyone say that Rev is a bad class or an "average in everything" class.


So I guess I just started a warrior because he can do better in mix damage/survivability and can use GS if I want to craft legendary. Only con of making warrior : looks like an OP class (or at least easier to play well enough for all content) that everyone play to be accepted in every content. Maybe people will convince me to give a chance to Rev with their pros and cons.

(Sorry for my English I try to improve but I know I'm not good at writing in foreign language)

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RP wise: the only profession that does not fit "I am benevolent savior" theme. Seriously, a person with multiple voices within their head with one being Mallyx himself.

Gameplay wise: I liked the idea of thief+war melee caster. It's the closest thing to warlock this game ever had imo. And I usually main warlocks in other MMOs.

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I love the feeling of being a magical mist assassin with Shiro.

I love feeling like a spawn of satan when I play my evil asuran condi rev. Pounding the gates of hell with a Mace 3, bursting into flames with Diabolic Inferno and Embrace the Darkness.

I love the entire Ventari legend, playstyle and theme. It is my favorite spec in the game and I love seeing massive green numbers with all the healing modifiers that can be stacked.

I love the staff. My favorite kit in the entire game. Animations, skills...I love it.

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After the game release I mained a Warrior for a brief lapse (~4 months) before I changed to a Guardian; after near 3 years maining that one I saw in the Rev the solutions for some big holes that the Guard had at the time:


1) Uses the same heavy armor (my favourite easthetics), but has a medium base HP, so you can't be one shooted even in zerk stats.

2) Has good mobility, so traveller runes aren't a requirement in most of the builds you use.

3) Was arguably a better at duels and roaming; does (did) very high damage with cool looking animations and effects .

4) Your main role in a WvW guild is to provide dps; you weren'tt forced to be a meat wall or a support bot.

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This sounds like sort of a backhanded compliment to Revenants, but I really mean it... What I love most about my Rev is that it made me become such a better player because you sort of have to be when you're playing Rev--not even in WvW/PvP, but even just to do like open world stuff in HoT/PoF, you really have to dodge everything, because condi's are death.


I liked how in sPvP if I got killed, it really felt like it was my fault for not employing perfect iFrames or for picking a really stupid outnumbered fight... Which makes you strive to get better at learning classes' telegraphs and predicting their skill uses.


And, I super fell in love with my Rev when I realized how good they were at actually being able to flip the situation and catch and kill the thief-cheesers in WvW roaming.


Now that Rev's have a spot in Raid Meta comps again, it's more enjoyable than ever... Get to convert all those punishing hours of Revenant PvP and look super slick when you swap stances, launch an Unyielding Anguish and a SoTM from your super-secret-second-weaponslot staff to save a 4% wipe on Desmina cuz your group was going to fail cc. Having your set kit from your legends really lets you make wipe-saving plays like that though, because you'll always have emergency stunbreaks/heals/cc's that other classes probably didn't bring cuz they got to pick their utilities and went moaaar deeps.

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Reminds me of my ritualist and dervish from gw1. Loved those two classes.


I absolutely love that now a revenant has to play extremely smart in this condition meta (spvp+WvW). To learn the tells, and know when to cc them or dodge to avoid those death sentence condition bombs.


Or that most (spvp+wvw) when playing do not really see power revenants anymore. Its a nice little surprise for people who don't see it coming. The salty pms really feel like I'm doing something right when I almost one shot someone. (10k SotM into a 5k #2 sword). Love hunting thieves. Love bringing those apex roamers for years back into perspective. Getting into stalemates with Spellbreakers (or if I'm lucky and can bait them to use FC at wrong time. Granting me the kill).


The whole class is unique, and you have to actively prioritize your energy. Makes for a more fun and challenging play.



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I like how it's like a mix of like a guardian and a theif; heavily armored in your face magical warrior who fights evasivley and has multiple options for how it approaches a fight.


It's also the only profession who has a satisfying dual sword set up; warrior swords feel like garbage with their clunky weird skills. Pathetic auto damage, agonizing slow sword 3, the stupid sword 4 projectile that never lands and is worthless if it does... mesmer swords just feel like your casting spells with your swords rather than fighting with them, it doesn't even matter if you land sword 5 the main point is that is just summons a phantasm who does it's own thing. Rev swords are smooth and flow together nicely, and landing skills feels satisfying.


I just wish sword 4 got it's block back so you could be more of a scrappy fighter and less of a kill or die assassin. It would be cool if sword 4 just blocked for a half second during it's attack too.

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It's nice to see revenant get a little appreciation for once :P I've grown quite fond of this class recently. I especially like the condi set up with mace/axe and shortbow. Makes me feel like a mystical warrior that uses fire and darkness (torment) to take down my foes. It's an awesome class with awesome looking attacks. Hopefully Anet will give it the refining it deserves in the near future.

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I like the aesthetic most of all. By far my favorite between all classes.

I also like the flow of the class (I finally got used to the impossible odds change, except the superspeed seems bugged and drops off at times), rotating blocks and evades, while using them to re-position, so you can avoid damage rather than tank it.

Swapping legends is a fun mechanic, although the traitlines could use a lot of work to complement this idea.

I also like having teleports a lot.


Basically, it has good flow, looks great doing it, and can move across the battlefield with teleports, which again I find cool.


I'm back to maining it again... haha I can't pull away from the look of this class. Still wish A-Net would finish some of the problems that have been with this class since release, but its my favorite class for RP and general play. Not the strongest, and it lacks some serious flexibility, but it sure feels fun to teleport to an enemy, fly through them knocking them back with my staff, block their next strike, and then start teleporting around them in a flurry of strikes. Hard to beat... haha

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I enjoy the theme of roaming around as a powered avatar of Glint :P


Swooping down on an ethereal Griffon in crystal-like armour and driving back hoards with spectral wings and bursts of flame. I just have fun with the class.


Also very good at keeping itself alive and with decent swiftness mobility, which helps my solo roaming.

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For me it goes all the way back to the beta for revenant. A long time ago my goal was to solo Giganticus Lupicus on every class which I did so when revenant was semi released I figured I would get 9/9 before it even left beta. I really enjoyed trying to theory craft how to solo Arah on the class when there really was absolutely no meta on how to properly play it. I also really liked how the energy mechanic forced intelligent planning ahead, with other classes I basically go full dps rotation until I need a defensive cool-down then it is right back to full dps; with revenant if I went all in on damage then I was completely out of energy and unable to use my defenses, the energy management ultimately just felt much more deep then basic cool-downs, and having short cool-downs prevented it from feeling spammy like thief is.

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I'm very big on jack of all trades professions and builds. Being able to have one half of my skillset be one thing and other another (like condi weapon + ventari legend), along with a 2nd set of those and ability to swap each separately really talks to me.


Also way more fun then warrior (but then again every profession is) and not as monotonous as guardian mechanically (blocks, blocks, blocks, heals, more blocks, some burning). With rev if i want to be the healer i can. If i want to be the condi cancer i can. If i want to be the boon share monster i can. If i want to do sick power damage i can...scream on forums for a-net to step up rev's power game ;)


Also being fan of dark themed professions (death to all mesmers, eles and guardians!) i've only Rev to choose among soldier professions. Guardian's don't deliver on dark theme - warriors are just warriors, there's no darkness there, just arms master fantasy. It's rev with mallyx that brings some proper evil & terror to the table!

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There's a lot for me to love about revenant to be honest.

I love staff. It's a ridiculously fun weapon set and the whirl finisher on the auto attack is something I find really satisfying.

I love Mallyx and turning on Embrace the Darkness with an "elite skill does x" rune equipped, along with a selection of the "elite skills do y" traits. I don't care about it being unoptimal or whatever, it's just lots of fun.

I love being able to mix and match the various kits. Each trait line having an associated legend really makes it feel like you're a vessel for all these voices/powers to manifest through, you don't feel limited to just the two you happen to have chosen to channel, eg. Shiro granting you life steal through the devastation line even while you're mainly channeling Ventari and Glint, or Ventari's blinds and roots coming to your rescue even though you're currently channeling Mallyx, or whatever.

Plus the actual gameplay just tends to feel more satisfying than either of the other heavy armour professions for me.

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The incredible burst which despite nerf after nerf , still remains strong.


I miss the intricacies of frontline herald in WvW running either power or condi setup and carrying the melee train. It was such a feel good class. Hammer backline is OK but melee plays so much smoother and offers a nice balance between support and offense.


The general aesthetics of the class and animations.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Utility and elite skills that can be used when I want to. Sure, energy is an issue but also a great thing. I can decide to spam utilities instead of weapon skills. Because of that, I feel very versatile in what I can do.


Weapon animation are great, especially sword 2.

Legend is an original and interesting mechanic. I loved Shiro in gw1, and I am proud to use his abilities. Rage shout when using Jade Winds, so good !


I am a fan of life leech too, and I am well deserved here.

Projectile blocking with ventari is awesome. While tablet is hard to use, it is great and powerful.


Last, I love most of the skills. So much mobility, and fast action weapon skills.


Well, I could go on, but this is by far my favorite profession, no matter how bad it compares with others.


Its drawbacks are meaningless compared to its advantages and gameplay.

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what made me love Rev was Sword #3 , too bad those skills arent more prominent in this game , a multiteleport attack ? hell yeah!


and impossible odds alacrity on demand.


being able to play as power dps with 2 swords , and having a good "enough" ranged power dps with hammer , IO + hammer was awesome .


now that IO has been nerfed meh...

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> @"Warlyx.6732" said:

> what made me love Rev was Sword #3 , too bad those skills arent more prominent in this game , a multiteleport attack ? hell yeah!


I like sword 3 too. But casting time pretty much kills it in the first place. I mainly use it for evade and life leech and the former is difficult to time right because of casting time...

Animation is awewome through, I still use it from time time.


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* As annoying as it can be, I do like the complexity of energy management. I just think the numbers need some tweaks here and there.

* I like how invoking legends actually feels like you are shifting gears in a way and can change how you play during the course of the battle.

* I like how you get 2 heal skills, 6 utility skills, 2 elites, and the synergy that has with a lot of rune sets that have an effect proc on heal use or elite use.

* I like how it can basically feel like a cross between a thief and a warrior.

* I like the theming of the skills. Phase Smash, Drop the Hammer, Unrelenting Assault, Shackling Wave, Temporal Rift, and most Shortbow skills. They are all very cool looking to me.

* I like how they have a lot of offensive moves that also evade.


Good topic, I like the positivity for a change lol.



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