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P/P build for PvP and PvE?


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P/P in PvP is a gimmick. It does a ton of damage but it's not exactly a fantastic build when against skilled opponents.


It won't have a metabattle guide because it's not a dominant build across all levels of play. Fiddle with trait lines. Some people swear by DE on it but I think Tr/CS/DrD with bounding dodge is substantially better.


It works fine in open-world PvE but I have no idea about raids because I don't pay attention to peoples' optimizations or do raid content/PvE much in general.

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> @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> **I heard** that there is a good pistol/pistol build for pvp with a lot of burst but I can't find it on metabattle. Can someone give me a link to it?

> Also, there should be a good p/p build for PvE as well for solo content.

Well, you've been lied to. There are no good P/P builds for thief, just "good" ones. The damage is far too low to actually be efficient at its one role and there are too many game mechanics capable of shutting it down.


> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> It works fine in open-world PvE

To be fair, almost everything "works fine" in OW PVE.


> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> I have no idea about raids

Every other viable single target DPS build does on average at least 50% more damage, needles to say that AoE & support options are basically non existent.


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If you have to bring P/P to PvP, you'll probably have a better chance of success in WvW with it, mainly because some players there have a serious lack of situational awareness, giving you more time to unload your damage... But as the others already told you, P/P is a gimmick in PvP. There is a lot of things that will shut you down and make you a bystander in an encounter.


It can be fun to pick stragglers in zergs with, but I wouldn't go around picking fights against aware opponents with it.


In PvE, anything works really. Gear-wise, If you're already confident in your own survivability just strap on your zerker gear and go wild. If not, then go with Marauders.

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P/P is very much like d/d condition in that its success depends more on how familiar an enemy player is of the set and its strengths and weaknesses. Success plummets if they know how it works.


I find that for this reason it as important to ensure your alternate weaponset complements it. As such and while i do not PvP , I do not think it will fare too well there as the Thief in that mode really needs mobility and cross map movement speed . This means you generally need SB as the alternate and these two sets just do not mesh together too well.


As far as WvW goes in that mode P/P works very well with s/d or s/p as alternates but a lof of this depends on how much time you intend to stay in a given weapon. DE IMHO works much better with P/P in WvW if mated with something like s/d as example than does DrD. Here I disagree with DeceiverX when suggesting Bounding and DrD. Steal is still a big part of thief skillset when using p/p and p/p has poor disengage. As such I do not think it wise to close on an enemy via the steal port as you will put yourself in a weaker position on the map and be forced into using Blind with p #5 more often and this will hit INI. If I were in DrD I would much prefer UC over bounding both to keep those killer Immobs off you and to reopen gaps as needed.


The reason p/p can work against specific builds is the ability to fight at range and kite and bounding dodger and the old style steal where you port to on steal both compromise those strengths.







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P/P Daredevil with bound has plenty of disengage because it can stack stealth; if you get immob'd, you have a few choices on what to do:


- Run BDefense as your stunbreak/block to deny follow-through burst and just eat the immob/steal/interrupt out of persistent root effects (notably from druids with AS, which this utility is already good into opposing ranged encounters as well)

- Shadowstep out of range -> BP -> BD -> Return and proc bound damage via the leap finisher while entering into a melee encounter

- Run SoA (already a good pick) for cleansing and endurance refill

- Run S/x as an alternate (already good synergy) and cleanse/reposition with IS/IR, or run Shortbow since you can just IArrow during immob.

- Use Withdraw over CV as it's a better kiting tool, anyways.


All of these can even be done in the same kit and work fine together, and stealth is potent disengage. UC alone will not save you from Jaunt and most other mobility powercreep from other roaming builds.


P/P is largely a gimmick and either it'll get hard-countered or dominate a fight. Most of the time, it's the former in group settings or against other roaming/sPvP builds.


I would have recommended UC prior to the exhaustion change (as I did in my brief stint playing P/P DrD with great success), but it's pretty punishing these days if you're trying to use the set to kite; you're generally just better off running Bound and Withdraw.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> P/P Daredevil with bound has plenty of disengage because it can stack stealth; if you get immob'd, you have a few choices on what to do:


> - Run BDefense as your stunbreak/block to deny follow-through burst and just eat the immob/steal/interrupt out of persistent root effects (notably from druids with AS, which this utility is already good into opposing ranged encounters as well)

> - Shadowstep out of range -> BP -> BD -> Return and proc bound damage via the leap finisher while entering into a melee encounter

> - Run SoA (already a good pick) for cleansing and endurance refill

> - Run S/x as an alternate (already good synergy) and cleanse/reposition with IS/IR, or run Shortbow since you can just IArrow during immob.

> - Use Withdraw over CV as it's a better kiting tool, anyways.


> All of these can even be done in the same kit and work fine together, and stealth is potent disengage. UC alone will not save you from Jaunt and most other mobility powercreep from other roaming builds.


> P/P is largely a gimmick and either it'll get hard-countered or dominate a fight. Most of the time, it's the former in group settings or against other roaming/sPvP builds.


> I would have recommended UC prior to the exhaustion change (as I did in my brief stint playing P/P DrD with great success), but it's pretty punishing these days if you're trying to use the set to kite; you're generally just better off running Bound and Withdraw.


The problem with stealth via bounding is not only does it burn ini , but most stealth stacking is done at range so as to avoid a reveal when damage done and to get out of all of that AOE that other classes have access to. The Bounding dodger leap is like DB and vault, it easily read and countered. If I am on my warrior as example I throw up Full counter as you try and stack your stealth. If on a guardian I drop traps. None of those require a target. If you are stacking at range then you give up the bounding damage.


UC with exhaustion did in fact hurt those taking it which is why I prefer DE as a spec. Not only can I chain togther a lot of quickness with be quick or be killed along with its +200 precision and power (I get 17 seconds if I wish on opening in wvw) which DOUBLES the number of #1 attacks I can get off , but If I need stealth I can do via shadowmeld for no Ini. BV just does not do a lot for p/p.


All that said p/p does not work that well as standalone. In WvW we DO need range and it can wreck a number of builds using that range, but generally I like to use it to set up s/X. With BqobK i can get off an unload faster , more easily stacking stealth, switch over to the s/d and use infiltrators to close. If the target not something I wnt to close on Might stacked P#1 with quickness running addressess the issue of not enough damage off that skill with that added 200 precision 200 power add.


The real advantage to taking Daredevil is not bounding or stealth stacking . That not an advantage when i can do the same via Smeld. The real advantage is the weakness access via weakening strikes.

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P/P is good in PvE to down quick. I have been a P/P / Staff thief for a long time. I do not PvP but I raom and scout in WvW and the damge dealt is enough for those I cannot beat to back off and give me time to run. I started getting bored because with all the roaming necros and mesmers my kill ratio sucked and literally i got tired of running so........ I switched to deadeye a couple weeks ago. I was frustrated with mesmers and necros and there was just no solid way to take them down being power. If I took one down it was just because they are worse than me 1v1 :p


I don't care for condi thief at all so I started in PvE with a deadeye build (not meta) and worked on it and took it into WvW. My kill ratio went up on dem no good condis are now hitting Hades more often than not. Rangers too... sneaky little pets of doom they have. I can now focus on the toon rather running from the pet.


If you run deadeye in a group be prepared to run back-line and pick off the weak and put the downed outta their misery.


Since opinions vary, not all will agree with me and oh btw my worst nemesis atm is the condi thief. I refuse to jump on the bandwagon that there is too much condi or too much power creep. When you finally realize meta is not for everyone and focus your toon around your playstyle rather than being forced into something you do not enjoy...the game is a lot more fun. There are always ways around top damage. Just takes time to find it.


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I ran P/P Deadeye to 1400 last season. I understand why its not really used at the higher end (top 250+) but for low plat and under it works just fine as people at that level just aren't great with playing objectives or at multi-classing at all and P/P can really destroy a team without a healer for example and often the best way to cap a node at that rating is just causing the enemy team to wipe, as people don't know how to disengage from fights or rotate nodes, and that unwillingness to rotate from both teams also hurts D/P severely has it primarily creates its pressure from stealing unguarded nodes and at low rating you almost inevitably see a bunker druid or something along these line simply AFKing at their Home, which isn't something you can even bother to duel as D/P, so you're better off just helping wipe mid which isn't something D/P does well.

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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> pp is complete garbage in pvp and pve. Dont even think about it


It works in open world with the Boots Bad Builds Thunderstrike P/P build, so telling someone to totally ignore it is disingenuous. It can even be taken to T4 and raids if you are playing with a group of friends.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > If you play p/p and turn on action cam, it's like you're really playing and FPS game.


> Need to correct you. Like you are playing a Third Person Shooter and not a FPS. There is a difference in genres.


Oh yeah good point, I tend to lump them all into the "FPS" category as a genre but I know they are different.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Kirel Redhand.6149" said:

> Hi all. I'm new to the game and in spvp, p/p theif builds are destroying and dominating every group I'm with. Y'all are saying the build is crap but I have yet to see any other build so bursty and dominating. So I ask. If p/p thief if so crap, what is better?

Almost everything else, try mesmer for example. The reason they're "destroying" every game you're in is because you're still in low level matches. P/P has a low skill floor which is why they are so dominant vs. noobs and newbies but it also has a ridiculously low skill ceiling which is why so manny people who know how to play this game say they're crap.

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