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PvP/WvW Skill splits


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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > My wish came true!! Hehehe goodbye bunkers

> > >

> > > And yes a GS buff more dps is always welcome. Now I'll have to tools to go ham

> > You and the nerf druid crew that spam these forums with piles of bull kitten make me sick.

> > No loyalty to your own class.

> > Like other classes don't have cheesier bunkers than Druid? Are you blind? Or you just hate the way Druids counter your glass builds?

> >

> > Please play gs in Ranked. I look forward to it.

> >


> Stop being melodramatic see my comment reply against the dragonhunterz dude


> And if I remember correctly I already saw you with a GS with core ranger in wvw pregs buffs, isn't that why your friends list it was after that you wispered me and asked me for my build.


> Tell you both what if you want wisper me in game and we can have a druid off (probably will both die from boredom) that's why it's kitten




You're on my friends list because you played a Druid build, JC's druid build.

We talked builds then.

I don't wvw--don't have the net for it.


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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

> > Initial thoughts:

> >

> > 1)What skill split? Most of the changes they suggested are for both PVP and WVW?

> >

> > 2)The approach on nerfing druids is terrible - You created a pure support specialization and took away all is supportive capabilities. You created a transformation mechanic based on resource management(AF) , and locked it behind a huge CD(20 sec?) and you left Druidic Clarity/Celestial Shadow(the real issue with druids) untouched. That's some strange design approach. It's not even a balance thing it's a specialization identity issue. If that's what you are going with at-least re-work druid passives and buff unused traits and glyphs.

> >

> > 3)Killing all our might stacking options(giving it all to axe) is to extreme, where are the buffs to trailts like hunter's gaze/potent ally etc...

> >

> > 4)Healing spring is a much better 'bear stance' now, you should buff the healing when heal consumed on 'bear stance' and reduce it's CD.

> >

> > 5)buff on dagger is ridiculous, the dagger ATM got no tools for pvp.

> >

> > I can go on on, I love the concept of nerfing some strong things while buffing weak things but giving a passive stun break(Shared Anguis) a 90 sec CD is not the way to do it.

> > Just re-work the trait to something more engaging and interesting. Tha'ts an example for your false approach with most of the suggested ideas.

> >

> >


> Go to the page and comment suggestions!


this is gonna hurt to say


I agree with Eleazar..../whew :P

Please go post this on the comment suggestions

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> @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

> Every forum: we got nerfed so hard! We're all doomed! We're definitely the only ones who got gutted! Oh no!


> You'll be fine.


> Druid will be fine. Holo will be fine. SB will be fine. Mirage will be fine. Major nerfs to clearly massively OP mechanics are part of balance. Druid deserves a nerf. Holo deserves a nerf. SB deserves a nerf. Mirage deserves a nerf.



It took me waaay to long to realize that you mean Spellbreaker with SB >.>

Probably the wrong forum to use this acronym.

When we already are confused by shortbow and soulbeast.


However. I have to agree at your point that everybody is crying about a nerf they only have seen on paper. Until we got it and played it we have no clue how it will be.

Every strong competitive spec gets nerfs, maybe the balance wont change, maybe it just will give longer fights and more open windows to counter stuff but the strong classes keep their positions. We dont know, and we will see.



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> @"shadowpass.4236" I read your post and actually really like alot of your changes however the changes they propose will hurt the meta druid build. (However if they were to Nerf druidaic clairity and shadow ya that would work) Nature magic and ws with menders provides too much Regen if it didn't effect can Regen that's one thing but having it passivley Regen over 600, plus sig of renewal witch is another 160,


> That's 760, basically every 2 seconds your out regening autos. (Considering the high protection and good weakness proc) I think it's a step in the right direction with the reduced scaleing however I'd like to see rugged growth buffed to 300-400 base just so it gives a boost to all other builds not running NM.


Thank you! It's much appreciated mate :D


Well most power class generally have autos that hit for more than 750. My issue is not the regeneration.


I think that the healing from Celestial Avatar coupled with the 3 seconds of stealth from Celestial Shadow are the problems.


In my opinion, the strongest ability Druid has access to is the stealth from Celestial Shadow. Having 3 seconds of stealth when leaving CA after casting Troll Unguent/with base regen is basically around 5k worth of uninterrupted healing alone. This is just too much.


The best change to Celestial Shadow would be to remove the stealth but drop a Lesser Smoke Cloud. This gives us the ability to gain stealth should we need it, but also allows players a chance to interrupt it.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" I read your post and actually really like alot of your changes however the changes they propose will hurt the meta druid build. (However if they were to Nerf druidaic clairity and shadow ya that would work) Nature magic and ws with menders provides too much Regen if it didn't effect can Regen that's one thing but having it passivley Regen over 600, plus sig of renewal witch is another 160,

> >

> > That's 760, basically every 2 seconds your out regening autos. (Considering the high protection and good weakness proc) I think it's a step in the right direction with the reduced scaleing however I'd like to see rugged growth buffed to 300-400 base just so it gives a boost to all other builds not running NM.


> Thank you! It's much appreciated mate :D


> Well most power class generally have autos that hit for more than 750. My issue is not the regeneration.


> I think that the healing from Celestial Avatar coupled with the 3 seconds of stealth from Celestial Shadow are the problems.


> In my opinion, the strongest ability Druid has access to is the stealth from Celestial Shadow. Having 3 seconds of stealth when leaving CA after casting Troll Unguent/with base regen is basically around 5k worth of uninterrupted healing alone. This is just too much.


> The best change to Celestial Shadow would be to remove the stealth but drop a Lesser Smoke Cloud. This gives us the ability to gain stealth should we need it, but also allows players a chance to interrupt it.


Id be happy with more support options on druid. It is a healing class. But you want to take more healing away from it, take survivability away from it.

Well, that's not going to happen. And it's going to be worse after this patch if it goes through as currently suggested. And by worse, I mean, worse for you and players who feel like you do. We are for all intensive purposes going to be tankier with a little less healing.


And if it was just me and you deciding this, I'm not giving up stealth, speed and healing for --wait what are you offering? Nothing? Yeah get the fuck out with that. I'll trade it for unblockable glyphs with larger effect radius---more CC and stability. -or Guard Invulns and blocks. Or Necro style healing wells.


But now you want to add some janky and unreliable pet smoke field? Yeah that's trash and you know it.



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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" I read your post and actually really like alot of your changes however the changes they propose will hurt the meta druid build. (However if they were to Nerf druidaic clairity and shadow ya that would work) Nature magic and ws with menders provides too much Regen if it didn't effect can Regen that's one thing but having it passivley Regen over 600, plus sig of renewal witch is another 160,

> > >

> > > That's 760, basically every 2 seconds your out regening autos. (Considering the high protection and good weakness proc) I think it's a step in the right direction with the reduced scaleing however I'd like to see rugged growth buffed to 300-400 base just so it gives a boost to all other builds not running NM.

> >

> > Thank you! It's much appreciated mate :D

> >

> > Well most power class generally have autos that hit for more than 750. My issue is not the regeneration.

> >

> > I think that the healing from Celestial Avatar coupled with the 3 seconds of stealth from Celestial Shadow are the problems.

> >

> > In my opinion, the strongest ability Druid has access to is the stealth from Celestial Shadow. Having 3 seconds of stealth when leaving CA after casting Troll Unguent/with base regen is basically around 5k worth of uninterrupted healing alone. This is just too much.

> >

> > The best change to Celestial Shadow would be to remove the stealth but drop a Lesser Smoke Cloud. This gives us the ability to gain stealth should we need it, but also allows players a chance to interrupt it.


> Id be happy with more support options on druid. It is a healing class. But you want to take more healing away from it, take survivability away from it.

> Well, that's not going to happen. And it's going to be worse after this patch if it goes through as currently suggested. And by worse, I mean, worse for you and players who feel like you do. We are for all intensive purposes going to be tankier with a little less healing.


> And if it was just me and you deciding this, I'm not giving up stealth, speed and healing for --wait what are you offering? Nothing? Yeah get the kitten out with that. I'll trade it for unblockable glyphs with larger effect radius---more CC and stability. -or Guard Invulns and blocks. Or Necro style healing wells.


> But now you want to add some janky and unreliable pet smoke field? Yeah that's trash and you know it.




Yes I want to take away healing from Druid. I hope you realize that CA 1-4 all essentially do the same thing in different ways. You've probably never done the math, but a full CA heal combo with Meta Druid heals the player for 19154 health over 5 seconds... and that's WITHOUT using Troll Unguent.


There is no way to out dps that healing in a 1v1 unless you can strip 2 stacks of stability, dps through 2 blinds, and still land a massive burst that would normally 1 shot most classes.


Instead of healing for 19k health, my proposed changes would give Druid a blastable water field on a 3 second cooldown. This would help out a LOT in group scenarios, but also gives Druid a reasonable 6.3k self heal simply by casting CA 3 into the water field left by CA 2.



Now, I see you've read over my thread:



But you'll also see that I'm offering ranger a lot in return. I am a ranger main, and I don't want Druid _removed_ from the meta. My goal is to balance it.


Even if I play perfectly, I can't kill a Menders Druid in a 1v1 while I'm running a Berserker Soulbeast on point for 4 minutes. If a Druid plays properly, there's no way to out damage the regeneration from things like Troll Unguent, coupled with the _massive_ burst healing you get from CA.


I'm also giving Druid:

- A decent damage, hard-to-avoid (non-useless) auto attack in CA

- Increased group support through water fields to increase viability in WvW

- Increased movement through a short range teleport



There are actually a lot of ways to utilize a Smoke Field on ranger. Currently, we only have access to Smokescale's. Thus, most people end up leaping/blasting through it for stealth. However, we have a MASSIVE amount of combo finishers on our class.


Here are some of the ways an additional Smoke Field could be used on ranger:

- OH Axe 5 can be used to apply near permanent blind to anyone in the radius of the skill

- Rapid Fire/any projectile finisher can be shot through the Smoke Field to apply blind

- Any leaps/blast finishers can be used to stealth for longer than Celestial Shadow would have originally gave (albeit interruptable, which is what I wanted for counterplay)

- More creative and flexible applications for Smokescale's f2

- Additional group support through multiple Smoke Fields available

- etc. etc.

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@"shadowpass.4236" and @"EnderzShadow.2506" , doesn't matter what is/was or not your proposal, I almost can make a bet that after the patch who will do this "balance" Anet proposal, Druid will be unplayable. They will nerf it so bad , like necro was before.

Question ... it is Druid a better healer than Firebrand atm ? or a better support/healing class than Firebrand ? No, so if ppl asking to nerf his healing skills/traits, what do you want him to become ? Druid atm in a group (let's say 3-5 ppl) is no way better than a Firebrand or even an Elementalist. Yes he is very good when it comes about himself, about himslef sustain, but that's it.

Btw, I read your posts ... just saying I think we already lost our support/healer specialization for good., even are many other cancer class/specialization who rly need a nerf and I give you 3 examples:

1. Deadye with perma stealth + 1 shot in 1 sec who can kill any class no matter what gear the target have between 25-40 k !!!

2. Mesmer power build who can 1 shot you (even he use more than 1 skill, everything it happen in just 1 sec) in 1 sec , and then he can walk away even you are with another 2-3-4-5 friends just because he has huge evade, huge invulnerability and huge invisibility

3. Scourge in sPVP ...

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> @"shadowpass.4236" and @"EnderzShadow.2506" , doesn't matter what is/was or not your proposal, I almost can make a bet that after the patch who will do this "balance" Anet proposal, Druid will be unplayable. They will nerf it so bad , like necro was before.

> Question ... it is Druid a better healer than Firebrand atm ? or a better support/healing class than Firebrand ? No, so if ppl asking to nerf his healing skills/traits, what do you want him to become ? Druid atm in a group (let's say 3-5 ppl) is no way better than a Firebrand or even an Elementalist. Yes he is very good when it comes about himself, about himslef sustain, but that's it.

> Btw, I read your posts ... just saying I think we already lost our support/healer specialization for good., even are many other cancer class/specialization who rly need a nerf and I give you 3 examples:

> 1. Deadye with perma stealth + 1 shot in 1 sec who can kill any class no matter what gear the target have between 25-40 k !!!

> 2. Mesmer power build who can 1 shot you (even he use more than 1 skill, everything it happen in just 1 sec) in 1 sec , and then he can walk away even you are with another 2-3-4-5 friends just because he has huge evade, huge invulnerability and huge invisibility

> 3. Scourge in sPVP ...


Wasn't druid always a side bunker? That's what it ended up being, it was maybe advertised as healer...but seen as tempest was advertised as melee brawler lol...

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> Wasn't druid always a side bunker? That's what it ended up being, it was maybe advertised as healer...but seen as tempest was advertised as melee brawler lol...


Before the PoF Druid was a very good healer for group too, support with group invisibility, remove group condi etc . He was a healer and support for PVE Raids too. He was a very good bunker and a solo roamer too. He was good in any of these 3 type of game.

I played a lot like healer in my guild raid in WvW, and many time I surpass ele.

But now, with new changes they want to do, Druid will be useless ... I am pretty sure.


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You know, I find it rather funny that everyone complains about druid stealth. Why don't players follow their own advice? For as long as this game have existed, whenever anyone complained about thief stealth, the answer was always to use aoe. In the case of thief, stealth apparently was never any good. With druids, it seems it's equal to god mode.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> @"shadowpass.4236" and @"EnderzShadow.2506" , doesn't matter what is/was or not your proposal, I almost can make a bet that after the patch who will do this "balance" Anet proposal, Druid will be unplayable. They will nerf it so bad , like necro was before.

> Question ... it is Druid a better healer than Firebrand atm ? or a better support/healing class than Firebrand ? No, so if ppl asking to nerf his healing skills/traits, what do you want him to become ? Druid atm in a group (let's say 3-5 ppl) is no way better than a Firebrand or even an Elementalist. Yes he is very good when it comes about himself, about himslef sustain, but that's it.

> Btw, I read your posts ... just saying I think we already lost our support/healer specialization for good., even are many other cancer class/specialization who rly need a nerf and I give you 3 examples:

> 1. Deadye with perma stealth + 1 shot in 1 sec who can kill any class no matter what gear the target have between 25-40 k !!!

> 2. Mesmer power build who can 1 shot you (even he use more than 1 skill, everything it happen in just 1 sec) in 1 sec , and then he can walk away even you are with another 2-3-4-5 friends just because he has huge evade, huge invulnerability and huge invisibility

> 3. Scourge in sPVP ...


I find it rather funny that you acknowledge that necro gets the f stick so badly and you compare druid to it. Lets be honest druid will still be effective but you just wont survive as easy using menders now. Its going to force you to literally play pur defensive stats if you want to bunker that means you wont be able to hit hard and heal for tons at the same time as easy.

Thats not unplayable it not letting stats and passive healing/pet attacks paly for you. Which is the whole point of this change.

Deadeye wont ever 1 shot you so long as you know how to dodge all you have to do is literally wait for the sound and dodge or projectile reflect /block dead eye has counters my dude.


Mesmer is a whole different story the only reason you cant handle mesmer blow up is because you took offensive stats with healing power (more than likely) which means you are still squishy. This combo makes you hard to kill by most professions but not instant blow up ones. While i dont think mesmer should be able to do that in a way its a counter to what the common thing druids ran in pvp.


Scourge lol its been getting nerfed sense release why are you even trying to bring that up. YOU ARE A DRUID. You can literally long bow a scourge and kill it. You have a 1 button clear all condi if you get into trouble. How can you not handle a scourge. At this point I think any time people flop or see nerfs the automatic reaction argument is "BUT SCOURGE!"

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" and @"EnderzShadow.2506" , doesn't matter what is/was or not your proposal, I almost can make a bet that after the patch who will do this "balance" Anet proposal, Druid will be unplayable. They will nerf it so bad , like necro was before.

> > Question ... it is Druid a better healer than Firebrand atm ? or a better support/healing class than Firebrand ? No, so if ppl asking to nerf his healing skills/traits, what do you want him to become ? Druid atm in a group (let's say 3-5 ppl) is no way better than a Firebrand or even an Elementalist. Yes he is very good when it comes about himself, about himslef sustain, but that's it.

> > Btw, I read your posts ... just saying I think we already lost our support/healer specialization for good., even are many other cancer class/specialization who rly need a nerf and I give you 3 examples:

> > 1. Deadye with perma stealth + 1 shot in 1 sec who can kill any class no matter what gear the target have between 25-40 k !!!

> > 2. Mesmer power build who can 1 shot you (even he use more than 1 skill, everything it happen in just 1 sec) in 1 sec , and then he can walk away even you are with another 2-3-4-5 friends just because he has huge evade, huge invulnerability and huge invisibility

> > 3. Scourge in sPVP ...


> I find it rather funny that you acknowledge that necro gets the f stick so badly and you compare druid to it. Lets be honest druid will still be effective but you just wont survive as easy using menders now. Its going to force you to literally play pur defensive stats if you want to bunker that means you wont be able to hit hard and heal for tons at the same time as easy.

> Thats not unplayable it not letting stats and passive healing/pet attacks paly for you. Which is the whole point of this change.

> Deadeye wont ever 1 shot you so long as you know how to dodge all you have to do is literally wait for the sound and dodge or projectile reflect /block dead eye has counters my dude.


> Mesmer is a whole different story the only reason you cant handle mesmer blow up is because you took offensive stats with healing power (more than likely) which means you are still squishy. This combo makes you hard to kill by most professions but not instant blow up ones. While i dont think mesmer should be able to do that in a way its a counter to what the common thing druids ran in pvp.


> Scourge lol its been getting nerfed sense release why are you even trying to bring that up. YOU ARE A DRUID. You can literally long bow a scourge and kill it. You have a 1 button clear all condi if you get into trouble. How can you not handle a scourge. At this point I think any time people flop or see nerfs the automatic reaction argument is "BUT SCOURGE!"


First of all, seems you didn't read all what I wrote and from your comment I can say you are that kind of salty ppl.

I'll explain a little or I answer to your comment.

I don't play Druid since release of PoF, I am just concern about ppl who play right now and whou couldn't play it anymore after "balance" patch.

I don't understand why looks funny to you the fact I compared necro with druid regarding the level of nerf, because I didn't compare in any other way these two classes. Or I am not right that necro was very bad nerfed before and for a long time ?

About Deadeye, seems you rly don't know absolutely nothing about one shot deadeye build. But for your information, on EU servers it is at least 1 guy , his name is Wiki , who can one shot anyone doesn't matter of their class or gear. You can't dodge his shot because he shot too fast ... how ? I don't know and rly I don't care, my only concern is that kind of build exist and definitely must be nerfed. And because you don't know nothing about this type of build, I can tell you that you like only to talk without check or inform you before say something. That's why I am not your dude.

Regarding mesmer, like I already said I don't play Druid, I play only Soulbeast and I have a very good builds. I don't know what class do you play, I don't know what game type do you play (sPVP, WvW roaming or WvW zerg raid), but from my experience mesmer is the higher OP class atm due to his burst damage+ more evade than any class (I almost can compare with Daredevil) + invulnerability + invisibility + very huge teleport and high mobility.

Scourge ... well, in sPVP , because I mentioned that is about sPVP and not about WvW (where you can beat easily a Scourge with core ranger, druid or Soulbeast because you can move , you mustn't keep a point/circle ), almost all ppl I met are agree that Scourge is too powerful because of his big circle , higher than point circle , and because of his condi damage and his higher survivability. If you met 2 scrouge in enemy team, well the hell is just in your house. Like it is now , the fact they can share and stak their barrier is wrong. Once again I am not Druid so I don't play with Signet of Renewal and I can't use Celestial Avatar + Druidic Clarity.

I wait now for another salty answers from you.


PS: When I talked about Mesmer, was about WvW , not about PVP like I saw you mentioned ;) . Because in sPVP both Mesmer and One Shot Deadeye are not so dangerous, at least not for my Soulbeast.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" and @"EnderzShadow.2506" , doesn't matter what is/was or not your proposal, I almost can make a bet that after the patch who will do this "balance" Anet proposal, Druid will be unplayable. They will nerf it so bad , like necro was before.

> > > Question ... it is Druid a better healer than Firebrand atm ? or a better support/healing class than Firebrand ? No, so if ppl asking to nerf his healing skills/traits, what do you want him to become ? Druid atm in a group (let's say 3-5 ppl) is no way better than a Firebrand or even an Elementalist. Yes he is very good when it comes about himself, about himslef sustain, but that's it.

> > > Btw, I read your posts ... just saying I think we already lost our support/healer specialization for good., even are many other cancer class/specialization who rly need a nerf and I give you 3 examples:

> > > 1. Deadye with perma stealth + 1 shot in 1 sec who can kill any class no matter what gear the target have between 25-40 k !!!

> > > 2. Mesmer power build who can 1 shot you (even he use more than 1 skill, everything it happen in just 1 sec) in 1 sec , and then he can walk away even you are with another 2-3-4-5 friends just because he has huge evade, huge invulnerability and huge invisibility

> > > 3. Scourge in sPVP ...

> >

> > I find it rather funny that you acknowledge that necro gets the f stick so badly and you compare druid to it. Lets be honest druid will still be effective but you just wont survive as easy using menders now. Its going to force you to literally play pur defensive stats if you want to bunker that means you wont be able to hit hard and heal for tons at the same time as easy.

> > Thats not unplayable it not letting stats and passive healing/pet attacks paly for you. Which is the whole point of this change.

> > Deadeye wont ever 1 shot you so long as you know how to dodge all you have to do is literally wait for the sound and dodge or projectile reflect /block dead eye has counters my dude.

> >

> > Mesmer is a whole different story the only reason you cant handle mesmer blow up is because you took offensive stats with healing power (more than likely) which means you are still squishy. This combo makes you hard to kill by most professions but not instant blow up ones. While i dont think mesmer should be able to do that in a way its a counter to what the common thing druids ran in pvp.

> >

> > Scourge lol its been getting nerfed sense release why are you even trying to bring that up. YOU ARE A DRUID. You can literally long bow a scourge and kill it. You have a 1 button clear all condi if you get into trouble. How can you not handle a scourge. At this point I think any time people flop or see nerfs the automatic reaction argument is "BUT SCOURGE!"


> First of all, seems you didn't read all what I wrote and from your comment I can say you are that kind of salty ppl.

> I'll explain a little or I answer to your comment.

> I don't play Druid since release of PoF, I am just concern about ppl who play right now and whou couldn't play it anymore after "balance" patch.

> I don't understand why looks funny to you the fact I compared necro with druid regarding the level of nerf, because I didn't compare in any other way these two classes. Or I am not right that necro was very bad nerfed before and for a long time ?

> About Deadeye, seems you rly don't know absolutely nothing about one shot deadeye build. But for your information, on EU servers it is at least 1 guy , his name is Wiki , who can one shot anyone doesn't matter of their class or gear. You can't dodge his shot because he shot too fast ... how ? I don't know and rly I don't care, my only concern is that kind of build exist and definitely must be nerfed. And because you don't know nothing about this type of build, I can tell you that you like only to talk without check or inform you before say something. That's why I am not your dude.

> Regarding mesmer, like I already said I don't play Druid, I play only Soulbeast and I have a very good builds. I don't know what class do you play, I don't know what game type do you play (sPVP, WvW roaming or WvW zerg raid), but from my experience mesmer is the higher OP class atm due to his burst damage+ more evade than any class (I almost can compare with Daredevil) + invulnerability + invisibility + very huge teleport and high mobility.

> Scourge ... well, in sPVP , because I mentioned that is about sPVP and not about WvW (where you can beat easily a Scourge with core ranger, druid or Soulbeast because you can move , you mustn't keep a point/circle ), almost all ppl I met are agree that Scourge is too powerful because of his big circle , higher than point circle , and because of his condi damage and his higher survivability. If you met 2 scrouge in enemy team, well the hell is just in your house. Like it is now , the fact they can share and stak their barrier is wrong. Once again I am not Druid so I don't play with Signet of Renewal and I can't use Celestial Avatar + Druidic Clarity.

> I wait now for another salty answers from you.


> PS: When I talked about Mesmer, was about WvW , not about PVP like I saw you mentioned ;) . Because in sPVP both Mesmer and One Shot Deadeye are not so dangerous, at least not for my Soulbeast.


Starts legit conversation

other person starts off with insults....hmmmmnnn.....

Why would you even say im salty that thats pretty toxi...c.... you know what im just gonna answer and be done lol.


Umm no you wrote "nerf it so bad it will be like necro before". < this is a comparison a short and brief one.


LOL cant dodge his shot unless you literally burn you dodges early there should be no way you cant dodge the shot. I have yet to see a dead eye that made it impossible to to 1 shot some one without it being being able to dodge it. IF he knocked you down or immobilized you before hand then its no longer a 1 shot. IF you are LITERALLY JUST STANDING THERE and the thief tries to use deaths judgement even with quickness and you have some idea that a dead eye is targeting you CAN dodge it.

Now if you never saw the dead eye, yes you wont dodge it, but then that just means you were not expecting to have to dodge thus you wont dodge it because you dont know. But that has nothing to do with the skill being broken because in that instants you just lacked information and lacked the proper reaction time.


Mesmer just has too many easy outs for the dps that it can push out in a pvp stand point although this damage still seems to drop once a team fight is started due to clones not alway only focusing you. But in a 1v1 or 2v2 mesmers will always outshine any other profession except maybe a good thief or warrior.


Scourge has the least amount of survivability in the game at base value. No extra evades, no damage ignore, 1 good stability skill, no real projectile block.

Now a good scourge will abuse barrier over damage and thats when they start to out sustain other professions although right now even that is still killable with the right dps build and cc. The idea behind scourge is be in the team fight or burst your foe before they an kill you. People like you who hardly know how to deal with a scourge will for ever think its op. Literally scared for life from the 3 weeks that it was bugged. Not to mention soulbeast condi blow up is even more nasty thatn scourge on single target if you know how to play it properly :U. wonders if yours is condi or power.... regardless your claims are pretty bologna aside from the mesmer one.


PS: Good day Sir.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Starts legit conversation

> other person starts off with insults....hmmmmnnn.....

> Why would you even say im salty that thats pretty toxi...c.... you know what im just gonna answer and be done lol.


> Umm no you wrote "nerf it so bad it will be like necro before". < this is a comparison a short and brief one.


And wasn't necro very bad nerfed before ?


> LOL cant dodge his shot unless you literally burn you dodges early there should be no way you cant dodge the shot. I have yet to see a dead eye that made it impossible to to 1 shot some one without it being being able to dodge it. IF he knocked you down or immobilized you before hand then its no longer a 1 shot. IF you are LITERALLY JUST STANDING THERE and the thief tries to use deaths judgement even with quickness and you have some idea that a dead eye is targeting you CAN dodge it.

> Now if you never saw the dead eye, yes you wont dodge it, but then that just means you were not expecting to have to dodge thus you wont dodge it because you dont know. But that has nothing to do with the skill being broken because in that instants you just lacked information and lacked the proper reaction time.


Like I said, you only like to talk without know nothing. How can you dodge something when you don't know when and from where it comes ? That build made him perma invisible, after Death's Judgement he goes again in 1 sec in invisibility mode.

You make me laugh so badly ... what you say it's like you and that Deadeye are 2 gunslingers who just stay face to face and when he takes out his pistol you just dodge. Even so you don't have time for reaction. BUT! is not like you wait him , close your eyes, listen only the sound of the rifle ... it's not like a duel between 2 gunslingers ...

I don't know how good you are, maybe you are top 10 Legendary on your server, or maybe you are so good that no one can kill you.

On my server even one of the best warrior Grovavy can't do nothing against that Deadeye build, even he knows that Deadeye will shot him because he put a mark on him. He said just he knows about that build (almost how it is) but don't understand how fast that one can shot.

I am not best WvW roamer player on my server, but I am not bad neither, still with all kind of build I tried I didn't escape. And all ppl around me was get one shoted by that Deadeye and this is just bad. Do you remember one shot Warrior build ? Was ok ? No ... that's why they nerfed.


> Mesmer just has too many easy outs for the dps that it can push out in a pvp stand point although this damage still seems to drop once a team fight is started due to clones not alway only focusing you. But in a 1v1 or 2v2 mesmers will always outshine any other profession except maybe a good thief or warrior.


So you just felt to telling me that I am right , mesmer is too powerful, but in the same time you want to tell me theory crafting and explain me why he is like that.


> Scourge has the least amount of survivability in the game at base value. No extra evades, no damage ignore, 1 good stability skill, no real projectile block.

> Now a good scourge will abuse barrier over damage and thats when they start to out sustain other professions although right now even that is still killable with the right dps build and cc. The idea behind scourge is be in the team fight or burst your foe before they an kill you. People like you who hardly know how to deal with a scourge will for ever think its op. Literally scared for life from the 3 weeks that it was bugged. Not to mention soulbeast condi blow up is even more nasty thatn scourge on single target if you know how to play it properly :U. wonders if yours is condi or power.... regardless your claims are pretty bologna aside from the mesmer one.


I know why are saying this ... because your main is Necro, and I am sure that you don't want to be nerfed more than he is now.

I said in my comment that I can kill a Scourge pretty easy in WvW where it's no need for me to stay and defend a point , but just kite, or in sPVP but in change of loosing the point for a good period of time. Like I said you don't read nothing what I wrote, you just came here on Ranger forum to talk kitten words.

Atm condi build Soulbeast is just too weak that's why most ppl are playing power build. Even you have right ( still I doubt ) if a Soulbeast condi build can kill easily a Scourge, no one will comes in ranked with a build who it works only vs one class.

All I said till now is from my experience and from other players experience. I play every day in WvW, I know many very good players and all are agree with me.

You talk only from theory crafting.


PS: please go on necro forum and talk there like you did before. You can say there everything you want, about how weak is a Scourge, about how can you dodge every shot of a One Shot Deadeye build etc.


btw, on what region and server are you playing? maybe we can meet each others and prove me how good you are, or maybe I can arrange a duel vs that deadeye, or maybe you will came with your Soulbeast condi build and play in ranked, to prove us how easy he can kill a Scourge or even better won a match.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:


> Like I said, you only like to talk without know nothing. How can you dodge something when you don't know when and from where it comes ? That build made him perma invisible, after Death's Judgement he goes again in 1 sec in invisibility mode.

> You make me laugh so badly ... what you say it's like you and that Deadeye are 2 gunslingers who just stay face to face and when he takes out his pistol you just dodge. Even so you don't have time for reaction. BUT! is not like you wait him , close your eyes, listen only the sound of the rifle ... it's not like a duel between 2 gunslingers ...

> I don't know how good you are, maybe you are top 10 Legendary on your server, or maybe you are so good that no one can kill you.

> On my server even one of the best warrior Grovavy can't do nothing against that Deadeye build, even he knows that Deadeye will shot him because he put a mark on him. He said just he knows about that build (almost how it is) but don't understand how fast that one can shot.

> I am not best WvW roamer player on my server, but I am not bad neither, still with all kind of build I tried I didn't escape. And all ppl around me was get one shoted by that Deadeye and this is just bad. Do you remember one shot Warrior build ? Was ok ? No ... that's why they nerfed.


I dont play scourge tho i actually despise its playstyle and it thematically draws no interest to me I'll keep my reaper or even core over scourge thats just my personal taste. While i could explore scourge more im not gonna go crazy about doing it.


You mostly play in WvW where everyone thinks alot of things are too strong. You do know that WvW is not the place to go expecting fair things to happen right.


They should put up a warning for people says

"World vs World is a mass collection of players fighting for zone control. In this mode you may find large scale battles or small scale battles as small as 1 on 1. You may also find unusual player vs player experience in these battles that is not generally found in the Structural player vs player game mode."

WvW is a unbalanced game mode on purpose so to speak and the devs know this. For a thief to do the perma stealth build and take the correct traits / stats to 1 shot you. It means he is literally the most squishy thing out there. Otherwise he wont do the damage thats promised a 1 shot.



The issue with warrior rifle 1 shot build compared to thief 1 shot build is warriors could 1 shot you and still be tanky af especially back in those days.


I already said if you have no idea that the thief is there then you cant dodge DJ but if he marks you then you obviously know he is there >.> Even so their are still some counters to this if he plays the stealth game. You could try to some way or another gain stealth yourself and disengage or get to allies. You do have the tools to gain a small bit of stealth yourself as a range. Not to mention you have movement tools that are also evades. There is no theroy about the sound qeue that plays right before DJ that will happen every time unless you have your sound off. Not to mention if you get caught out by yourself thats kind of the risk of roaming.



Im sorry you have had your feelings hurt by some thief who knows how to play and 1 shot deadeye but its not all that big a deal. Its WvW things like that will happen. You dont go into WvW and expect fair s pvp play. Deadeye is a sniper spec. You complain when you get sniped by one....ok...


It sounds like you need a break from wvw though.

But no really calm down dude its a conversation you are going on and on with the insults. If you put this much time into perhaps crafting ideas on how to play against a strategy that kills you instead of just shouting insults at people you might actually have come up with something by now.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

You didn't answer to my question, and you didn't answer to my proposal.

I didn't insult you in any way, you started to insult me from the beginning of your comment by saying I don't know how to play, how to dodge etc.

I didn't complain because I am sniped, I complain about some specify builds who shouldn't exist. When Anet found about such kind of build who exploit some vulnerability they must change some things in next patch so no one can abuse about that exploit. It is simple.

You see, I had right when I said that you are playing necro, because I don't talk only from theory crafting, but first I try to inform about things I talk.

My main is Ranger, I play this class since beta and I played all 3 types of this game , so I know very well my class, his weakness and his advantages, still I don't go to another classes forum (even I play other classes too) and talk all kind of things even I don't know very well that class.

Another prove that I have right and that are builds/class OP who should get nerf, is your class specialization ... Scourge ... few patches ago they made it just too powerful and after Anet realize that , they nerf it, not big nerf but still a nerf, and now Scourge is almost ok, even in my opinion a little bit with too much defense. And when I say about defense I refer to barrier which is a little bit too powerful. Why and what should Anet must do ? Well in my opinion in first place they must do something so barrier of 2,3 Scourges can't be stackable. It's just too much to have 2 Scourge in a party and instead of 5 k barrier for each player, they have 5+5 k ... with 3 Scourges 3x5 k.

Even so, again I didn't go on Necro forum to say my opinion and ask to nerf or do Scourge like I think should be. If I have a problem with them, I'll make a post here on Ranger Forum, and I complain from POV of my main class.

I still expect your answer to prove everything you said, in real fight, in sPVP and WvW ... because only talking about theory crafting ... is nothing just childish things.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> The issue with warrior rifle 1 shot build compared to thief 1 shot build is warriors could 1 shot you and still be tanky af especially back in those days.



The issue with thief (deadeye) 1 shot build is the thief could 1 shot you and still go invisible in 1 sec ... and not just invisible for 3-4 sec, but after he shot someone he can go in perma invisibility , follow you all the map, without any possibility for you to know that he is near you, and when you are engaged in a fight ... again "paf" , one shot and you are dead ... and he ? he is invisible again and so on ... in my opinion after 1 shot kill it is much better to have the ability to disappear again for good, instead of being tanky ... why ? because even you are tanky in the end you will die vs 2-3 players, being invisible (perma invisible) you will not die ever, only if you are to greedy.>

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This is just one example .....

@"ZDragon.3046" pls explain in your theory crafting, how can someone who is engage in a fight with someone to dodge or do anything, but anything against this ?!

Even in 1 vs 1 , even you have mark on you, it's enough 1 sound to distract you (mob attacking you, or a spell from a friend etc) and you are dead ... in 1 sec ... even your passive defensive (like Stoneform) didn't trigger ... you don't have nothing in this game atm against this One Shot. Remember usual even in sPVP not only in WvW you are engage in other fight when a Deadeye one shot you.

There are another classes who can do a fast kill ... even Soulbeast with full berserker+Skirmish+Beastmastery cand do 20-25 k with Rapid fire or Whirling Defense ... but not in 1 sec ... it's need it like 3-4 sec. In this time you can dodge or use SoS or use healing skill etc ... and ... here again a big AND ... after that you are almost dead, because enemies will target you and you don't have any escape/disengage skills to run away safely like thief goes invisible.

So please don't tell me that what a Deadeye can do now is normal ... A class who can 1 shot you in 1 second and have the ability to escape 100% it's just unacceptable, broke any balance of the game.

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I'm REALLY hoping that Dagger mainhand will be getting something else other than small damage buff to the 3 ability.. I like the idea of Dagger, but in execution it just does not work well in PvP/WvW. If it just had a little bit more utility I think it could be pretty good. Like maybe an Evade on the third ability, or a Cripple effect on one of the skills. Or perhaps just a range increase in general.

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