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Upcoming Mesmer WvW/PvP skill split.


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Everyone has a class they hate playing against. Depending on build and profession you pick it will vary. It’s natural, it usually stems from aggro gained via too long time to kill, or a borring encounter or hard counter to your build. I don’t see that as bad design, more of a counter class and counter play. I find it healthy and I think in some ways achieves a certain level of balance and population diversity. Too mang scourges = increase of head shot spammers to combat them.

Too many power mesmers = perma stealth deadeyes lurking and waiting for their shot. I’m sure my examples are far from perfect but you get the idea.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Everyone has a class they hate playing against. Depending on build and profession you pick it will vary. It’s natural, it usually stems from aggro gained via too long time to kill, or a borring encounter or hard counter to your build. I don’t see that as bad design, more of a counter class and counter play. I find it healthy and I think in some ways achieves a certain level of balance and population diversity. Too mang scourges = increase of head shot spammers to combat them.

> Too many power mesmers = perma stealth deadeyes lurking and waiting for their shot. I’m sure my examples are far from perfect but you get the idea.


I for one can't stand playing against warriors. Their stability uptime and aegis uptime makes it really frustrating to play against any class. It feels like half the time I'm attacking them with wet noodles.


That being said, playing against mesmers is also super annoying, because of all the target breaking. It's really taxing on me to pick out the right mesmer and once I've done it, I have to do it again.


But I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how annoying it is playing against necros. First you have scourges just vomiting up aoes on the point. And normal necros have like 5 health bars it feels like.


However, that brings up engies, which just have such ridiculous uptime of every buff that killing them is nearly impossible.


And that reminds me of druids, which I think actually are impossible to kill. A druid being reduced to 0 hitpoints is a theoretical possibility at best, nobody has ever confirmed it in an experimental setting.


Oh yeah, and forget about killing any form of guardian. Aegis. Aegis. Aegis. On everything they do.


Eles might not be the worst, but they're super annoying to play against too, with all their burst and that golden shield move.


Thieves and revenants are alright though. Anet should make every class except mesmers like thieves and revenants.

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For me personally, when I used to play a condi heavy build I hated the super defensive condi cleanse SB builds pre stance nerf, and thieves with clear on dodge. Mostly cuz I was running IH so every dodge would trigger 4+ separate instances of attacks triggering at the same time. Now that I’ve moved on to a more bruiser type spec I deal with both of those with ease and struggle vs other builds more. So as I was saying, it’s purely subjective. Now I actually hope to see thieves and SBs.

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We'll I love and enjoy fighting enemy mesmers and thieves (even when they used to hard counter us back in the past) in particular - I prefer fighting against classes that have a lot of mobility/tricks but when you catch them with burst they take a lot of damage (and I'm not talking about power mesmer 100-0 which now I find equally boring as chipping away at pve bullet sponges aka necros. Strange, I used to love it). It makes for exhilarating fights with thieves and mesmers, especially as a mirage - constant porting around, evading, chasing/being chased and retargeting. I love fighting against it almost as much as I love playing it.


So it's not all about arbitrary hate - it's about gameplay.

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