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Expanding map "completion"


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> @"Bolshie.6137" said:

> At start up, we're shown central tyria map completion. That makes sense for those who haven't bought the expansions. For everyone else, why not have an option (even if it's something you have to tick in settings) to see how much you've done for central tyria + all expansions?


Well. Map-completing progress for central Tyria is an important number, as finishing it grants a specific reward. So it must not be replaced by a number showing arbitrary and ambiguous progress. Loot it that way - you take a glimpse at the number now, and you know you're (say) half-way through. But if it covered expansions too? Well - did I finish HoT on this character? If so, then I'm actually behind this number, and the more HoT progress I have, the further behind I'm in central Tyria. What about PoF? What about if we had another expansion? I'd have to pretty much remember my progress for every character.


So that's basically why. Adding another progress could be a solution, but you'd get into naming troubles, as current term is already "World Completion". You'd have to replace is and possibly reuse it (which will confuse players), or use two new terms for current world and total completion. And in the end... I just don't think there is enough demand to justify doing that.

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I'm sure adding rewards for completing more of the world would be popular. I'm not that bothered with world completion myself, but just had to do it at least once.

After completing it, I haven't felt the need to complete the rest on the same character though. A little nudge (maybe a nice skin) would certainly push me over that edge.


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> @"Goettel.4389" said

> I'm sure adding rewards for completing more of the world would be popular. I'm not that bothered with world completion myself, but just had to do it at least once.

> After completing it, I haven't felt the need to complete the rest on the same character though. A little nudge (maybe a nice skin) would certainly push me over that edge.


For map completion of Heart of Thorns, you get the Gift of Maguuma. For map completion of Path of Fire, you get the Funerary Glove box.


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  • 2 months later...

Sorta-necroing this thread because I was a good forum user and actually searched before posting =)


Why not have a small-ish sleek top-left percentage counter like when you open up the map? For example, when you click on the character, it would show


[small, red icon]Tyria map completion x%

[small, green icon]Heart of Maguuma completion x%

[small, purple icon]Elona completion: x%


The only questionable thing would be where to put LW maps. I would argue that they should be under "Tyria" (LWS2), "Heart of Maguuma" (LWS3) and "Elona" (LWS4) since that's where they belong chronologically and content-wise, but then there's maps like Lake Doric which is technically in Tyria, yet it's a LWS3 map. I would still argue for the content grouping because it makes more sense to group maps in terms of what expansion they pertain to.

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It’s more screen clutter.




Having a “world completion” indicator for Expansion maps is uneccessary as the gift isn’t based on whether you completed all maps 100% on a single character but instead on having the item obtained from completing each of the maps. The number of maps is so few, and they’re all close together, that it’s not difficult to check each map individually.


Having a “world completion” indicator for living story maps is uneccessary as there zero purpose to complete all of them. The only thing obtained from completing them is what you get on a per map basis and this can already be tracked from the main map.

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I seem to agree with these things. The current display of "world completion" is a misnomer. Should we just call it "Central Tyria Completion" instead? I also would like indica of "core Heart of Maguuma" and "core Elona" progress, not just for me but the true completionists. Because I know some of you out there just want to "Explore ALL the things!"...

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Something among these lines. I don't think that's too cluttery, and I made it in Paint really quickly without much regard to size/design. Below "Elona" is a drop-down menu for LWS4, with the same for Maguuma (forgot to add triangle for Tyria/S2 but you get the idea).


You could even add a "Map completion on character select [ ]" to the General options menu if you didn't like it.


![](http://shrani.si/f/3A/Gx/3tczomsC/mapcomp.png "")



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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> Sorta-necroing this thread because I was a good forum user and actually searched before posting =)


> Why not have a small-ish sleek top-left percentage counter like when you open up the map? For example, when you click on the character, it would show


> [small, red icon]Tyria map completion x%

> [small, green icon]Heart of Maguuma completion x%

> [small, purple icon]Elona completion: x%


> The only questionable thing would be where to put LW maps. I would argue that they should be under "Tyria" (LWS2), "Heart of Maguuma" (LWS3) and "Elona" (LWS4) since that's where they belong chronologically and content-wise, but then there's maps like Lake Doric which is technically in Tyria, yet it's a LWS3 map. I would still argue for the content grouping because it makes more sense to group maps in terms of what expansion they pertain to.



Good idea, but the thing that’s already on the map blocks a big chunk of it as it is. What if we get and expansion into the Maguuma wastes/janthir? Right now there’s a big world completion box up there. Basically that needs to be changed into a small sleek thing going down the side because Anet seems to like leaving a small unexplored border on the map

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In the login screen they should list:

Central Tyria % (Actual world completion)

HoT %

PoF %

Total Map Completion


This would give options for a few more achievements, and would be another reminder to the P4F people about what they are missing.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> Sorta-necroing this thread because I was a good forum user and actually searched before posting =)


> Why not have a small-ish sleek top-left percentage counter like when you open up the map? For example, when you click on the character, it would show


> [small, red icon]Tyria map completion x%

> [small, green icon]Heart of Maguuma completion x%

> [small, purple icon]Elona completion: x%


> The only questionable thing would be where to put LW maps. I would argue that they should be under "Tyria" (LWS2), "Heart of Maguuma" (LWS3) and "Elona" (LWS4) since that's where they belong chronologically and content-wise, but then there's maps like Lake Doric which is technically in Tyria, yet it's a LWS3 map. I would still argue for the content grouping because it makes more sense to group maps in terms of what expansion they pertain to.


Partly because of LS maps, and mostly because the reward structure for Expansion maps is substantially different from Core. Core Tyria's reward comes at the end, and also offers rewards for each map. HoT and PoF tied map parts of map completion to Collections. Nothing requires you to complete ALL of them on a single character, as collection items are account bound, and each gift fragment is awarded per map. From a rewards perspective, this is actually much less hostile for casual players, since it allows them to tackle a Legendary crafting job at their own pace. Certain classes also struggle with certain types of maps; so limiting the Espec collection to 1 addresses that.


This also raises a similar question about mastery points with the LS seasons, because theres a LOT of "blocked progress" gated behind those content blocks.... and Anet hasn't been motivated to clean this up. When it was just LS2 and an isolated set of rewards, this wasn't as big a deal. But with Mastery points now comprising the core of the game's progression system per expansion, thats too big of a loose end to let slide much longer. I'm already foreseeing Anet attempting to use Completed Mastery lines as part of their future collections, because its logical next step to increase the completionist check list for achievement driven players to grind away at.



As for the UI, we need a bit of a new thought process for Map completion tracking. GW1 didn't have this problem, since each campaign was separated by the boats, so tracking each via the current context wasn't that hard to establish. For GW2, the map system would have to first be aware of what Content block each map is in, and find a way to group them together. Or have the UI roll based on where the cursor is, and change world completion to whichever content block associated with it. But that still doesn't address how LS maps should be handled..... are they part of the Expansion work, or standalone? Considering we can't get access to them without their parent expansion, it seems a bad idea to present them as purely standalone elements.

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