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An Alt-O-Holic's Plea


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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> I can't conceive of how someone can have that many characters. How do you even decide which one to log into?


Can't speak for the OP, but in my case it's whatever characters I'm levelling, and then down to what I'd trying to do. I have go-to mains I enjoy playing; I have a few of varying professions I regularly play as utility characters when I'm on with RL friends, that come out according to need; I have crafting toons; I have some that, in all honesty, are mostly just there because they're a combination I was lacking (I almost never bring out my rangers from choice, for example). And whilst all of my L80s are equipped for at least PoF content to a basic level, some are better-equipped than others. So dailies tend to get done on whoever's most useful in context (often a mesmer if there's a JP involved); new content tends to start on my "cheat mode" necro's; joint sessions according to what we're planning to do, and what other classes will be there. Other content (when I do it - I spend most of my time in solo PvE) according to need. And the rest of the time - it's probably my latest character, until until I've filled out both of their elite specs.


(I have a spreadsheet of who's done what. It's not always perfectly correct, but it's reasonably comprehensive in terms of who's done what stories and been where. I can say fairly confidently that I've likely done all of the different PS episodes once or twice, for instance - when I have to make a choice, I go look at which ones I've done least so far. And when I fancy a change, I often go look at that sheet and fill in a few of the boxes. I could spend months extending my map and story completions if I wanted to, for example.)

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I doubt I’ll ever have even the current max allowed, but more power to you if you want that many. Having alts does have the advantage of allowing different builds, one build on each character, which is one reason I do have more than one of a profession.


I'm guessing that this is why we'll never see build templates. ANet stands to make more money with players purchasing so many slots.


Unless they make build templates something players would have to purchase?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I doubt I’ll ever have even the current max allowed, but more power to you if you want that many. Having alts does have the advantage of allowing different builds, one build on each character, which is one reason I do have more than one of a profession.


> I'm guessing that this is why we'll never see build templates. ANet stands to make more money with players purchasing so many slots.


> Unless they make build templates something players would have to purchase?


Yeah, but trying to monetize so much is usually a backfiring strategy. It's best to pick a few quality things to monetize rather than trying to nickel and dime players.


I have the opposite of the OP's problem. I really want to just have one main character rather than having to try to manage alts. I'd love if we could level multiple classes/builds on the same toon in some way like it works with FFXIV (I'd even make purchases to allow for it). I honestly think that works better in MMOs, because jumping between alts all the time kind of breaks immersion. I know some people prefer it, but I don't. Give us both options.

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I have 30 lvl 80s, one more halfway there. So for me it'll be a while before this is an issue. A thought though - I wouldn't need so many slots if I could make appearance templates that let me outfit a toon with the right gear/dye combination at a click. Then I'd accept that I could use makeover kits to change the basic look if necessary. But because it's such a hassle re-configuring elements of style (to say nothing of specializations/weapon selections) I just make a new toon for each arrangement.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I'm guessing that this is why we'll never see build templates. ANet stands to make more money with players purchasing so many slots.


I could be the exception, but I honestly doubt that most true altoholics do it for any reason related to having different builds available (other than, perhaps, because they can - in my early GW2 days, for example, I made a point of having at minimum a DPS and a Condi build for each profession, even if they were - frankly - rubbish on occasion). But in WoW, when I could swap builds easily, I was still an altoholic. If I was actually doing all the things that would need all those different builds, I probably wouldn't be investing so much time in new characters.

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> @"Doghouse.1562" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I'm guessing that this is why we'll never see build templates. ANet stands to make more money with players purchasing so many slots.

> >

> I could be the exception, but I honestly doubt that most true altoholics do it for any reason related to having different builds readily available for play (more because they can - in my early GW2 days, for example, I made a point of having at minimum a DPS and a Condi build for each profession, even if they were - frankly - rubbish on occasion). But in WoW, when I could swap builds easily, I was still an altoholic. If I was actually doing all the things that would need all those different builds, I probably wouldn't be investing so much time in new characters.



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Wow, dude. You do you. That is a lot of commitment. I can't even imagine 70 characters and you're looking at 90. That's impressive. I don't know what it would take to allow it. Since it seems like it should be as simple as changing a variable to a different number, it's probably something ridiculous and stupid, because the hard things always seem to be easy and the easy things are hard. If it's something simple I don't see any reason not to do it. It won't gain them a lot, but it shouldn't have cost them anything either. If it's hard, though, I see no reason to do it because the gain will be minimal for the cost. And that really is all it comes down to.

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