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Dead in 1.5 seconds - all crits. you call this fair?


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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> Enemy deadeye used:

> 1. Three Round Burst X3 (3X3)

> 2. one autoatack

> 3. spotter shot


> All of tyhis takes minimum 6 seconds or 4 seconds with quickness. Its is a lot of time to press any atack on enemy deadeye which probably used zerk amul. One hit on that kind of enemy and he is dead.


> In summary u had plenty of time to react yet u chose to sit in place and die


Or he used Basilisk Venom (1,5 sec stun) + the immobilize (1 sec) from Spotter shot , making him unable to Dodge + Move

and those 3x Three Round Burst With quickeness are done to 1.5 sec


(I am telling you , dont infract me in the next expanion , there a reason that i havent made friends for 6 years :P)

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I knew it was going to be Deadeye even without opening the link.

Let’s nerf Deadeye because a Bronzeus Plebus doesn’t know how to cleanse, stunbreak or dodge. In whopping **4 seconds.**

Let’s nerf Deadeye because the Bronzeus Plebus doesn’t use his eyes to see the big red mark over his head.

Let’s nerf Deadeye because the Bronzeus Plebus doesn’t hide behind an obstacle and then literally **sneezes** at the Deadeye to kill him.

Let’s nerf Deadeye while almost all the other specializations has better and more viable and more gimmicky builds.

Let’s nerf Deadeye folks, too OP.


TL;DR : Learn to play.

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I lol'd.

I sparred with a Plat Perma stealth rifle Deadeye in the pvp lobby yesterday. He became fed up trying to kill my Sword weaver for the past 3 minutes and buggered off saying "That's kitten annoying" As I was about to get my finishing blow in. (ran away off the practice area)


Yes one trick pony is useless when you know how to fight against them.


Get some practice in, focus on glass cannons. Don't be a deer in the headlights as that's how glass cannons prey on ppl. (CC'd > 1 shot)

Heck I've been watching Wooden Potatoes play Fresh Air Weaver Glass cannon. And I'm now more aware now how they can get away it.


Being prepped, and not going full tilt is the key to progressing through these situations.

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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > It seems that given how many attacks hit you there, it was probably more than 1.5 seconds.

> The image shows that he died while receiving only a single tick of regeneration. Technically the kill could've taken any amount of time just under 2 seconds.


If you knew the skills used then you’d know that that’s wrong.

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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > It seems that given how many attacks hit you there, it was probably more than 1.5 seconds.

> The image shows that he died while receiving only a single tick of regeneration. Technically the kill could've taken any amount of time just under 2 seconds.


That regen is irrelevant, also the ranger was most probably in downed state anyway.

> Each cast of _deadly aim_ or _spotter's shot_ is .75 seconds. _Three round burst_ is 1 second cast.

Check the wiki for cast times in the table if you're still in doubt.


Even with _quickness_ these skills take considerably more than 2 seconds to complete.


> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> There are so many hits, how the hell did you let them all land on you? And I thought it was another complaint about 20K+ death's judgement lol


OP wasn't clear enough when posting this but the image shows damage taken while in downed state I believe. Given that the total of the figures adds up to over 41k, higher than any possible healthpool for a ranger, we can deduce this is correct.



"Downed is the mode a character enters when their health drops below zero.... **However they get triple health**"


The point is, as others in this thread would agree, that DE is fairly balanced as a class to play - they deal good amounts of damage and if you do not know how to counter them, they will be able to take you down. Once a player realizes that the DE is defensively deficient and all it takes is a few blocks/evades/dodges to avoid the damage, it becomes much easier to counter. If DE is the most overpowered class - why isn't it played by everyone? The build isn't even considered meta.

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Your debate about cast-time and damage-receive-time doesn't make sense.

This is not the real-world (synchron), this is not a WLAN-party (controlled asynchron), we are in an MMO (uncontrollable asynchron), where 2 clients are connected ASYNCHRONOUS via the internet to a server.

cast-time and damage-receive-time will never be identical in this asynchron setting, and if you are unlucky (e.g. crossed heavy load somewhere in the connection) they can be VERY different, i.e. it can very easily be the case that casting an attack sequence took 10sec on one client and delivery of all the damage happen within 1 sec on the seccond client.


And there is absolutely no way to avoid that (neither you nor ANet is able to change that).


In fact it is amazing how well they did etablishing an ILLUSION of synchronity, such that such a debate happens. Nevertheless it is only an illusion.


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Plays ranger

Has signet of stone

Has also other tools to block projectiles/evade (maybe some of them are in his build)

Does not want to adapt to a player using a hyper squishy zero mobility build, does not want to get out of LoS

Calls for nerf to an almost underpowered build (if not for the damage it would be trash tier). Seriously how can a build that is nullified by almost every single form of defensive CD in the game be considered OP ?


OP is trolling

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > As a ranger you have enough options to defend yourself and/or run away.


> That's what people want to do signing up for pvp games, to run away from fights...


> Think its terrible design to give classes 1 shot combos in mmo pvp. It's not a fps yo.


Run away was an option.


I think it's terrible that people refuse to learn higher skill floors and demand that everything be nerfed to thier skill level rather than getting better... It's MMO, not FPS.

MMO have skills and combo's, not just point and click to kill.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I think it's terrible that people refuse to learn higher skill floors and demand that everything be nerfed to thier skill level rather than getting better... It's MMO, not FPS.

> MMO have skills and combo's, not just point and click to kill.


That is the thing, there really isn't any "higher skill floor" in gw2. For the most part all you need to do is run the build that does the most that has little to no weakness and thats it. A higher skill floor would suggest that its possible for a very good player using a unviable build like renegade to beat a newbie scourge. But this is not the case. Everyone should be advocating that the skill floor be raised.


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I think it's terrible that people refuse to learn higher skill floors and demand that everything be nerfed to thier skill level rather than getting better... It's MMO, not FPS.

> > MMO have skills and combo's, not just point and click to kill.


> That is the thing, there really isn't any "higher skill floor" in gw2. For the most part all you need to do is run the build that does the most that has little to no weakness and thats it. A higher skill floor would suggest that its possible for a very good player using a unviable build like renegade to beat a newbie scourge. But this is not the case. Everyone should be advocating that the skill floor be raised.



A good player using non meta builds can still beat the average meta build. I'm not even a good player and I do it all the time. Also I agree about lifting the skill floor, it's why I said what I said in my original comment.



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> @"Tomahawk.7361" said:

> Deadeye must be a thing in pvp because it is a nonexistent joke everywhere else. As a ranger, especially if someone uses druid, you shouldn't lose to a deadeye.


It's not a thing unless you're in bronze, then it kind of becomes effective because enemies are trying to manually click their dodges and turn their character with the keyboard while using zerker amulet on a random build.


But that can be said of any build, so...

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Although I agree that getting one shot by anything is not necessarily healthy for the game, I also agree that node is not life, and if you know the enemy Deadeye is there, don't try and tank its damage. Just disengage the fight and help elsewhere on the map. Because the next time he comes around, his stealth might not be ready, making him more susceptible to getting killed. And if he chooses to wait for his stealth to recharge, then that's more time the enemy is at a disadvantage, making the fight 4v5 for a while.

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No single build should be able to single-handedly take someone's full health in under 3 seconds. There has to be some stacking of effects like might, vulnerability or malice before a burst so one can see it coming. Yet there's builds that won't need any of that, just jump in and spam too many skills in too little time, and it works.


That has to go. There's just no way around it.


Step 1: Put some aftercast in instant activation skills so they can't be used at the same time within 1 second. And we'll take it from there.


Oh, and aftercasts need to appear in skill descriptions just like activation time and recharges. It's not the kind of mechanic that should be obscure.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> No single build should be able to single-handedly take someone's full health in under 3 seconds. There has to be some stacking of effects like might, vulnerability or malice before a burst so one can see it coming. Yet there's builds that won't need any of that, just jump in and spam too many skills in too little time, and it works.


> That has to go. There's just no way around it.


> Step 1: Put some aftercast in instant activation skills so they can't be used at the same time within 1 second. And we'll take it from there.


> Oh, and aftercasts need to appear in skill descriptions just like activation time and recharges. It's not the kind of mechanic that should be obscure.


Deadeye is one trick pony build. Unless you kill your enemy within 3 secs as DE, you are basically dead.

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