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Fractal Random Mistlock Instabilities

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > > Yes. make t4 fractals even more boring and casual, what could go wrong

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's okay. For top notch players there are CMs and raids every week :)

> > > > > What is the point of having 100 levels divided into 4 tiers if even the highest tier is boring - and even cm is not raid tier difficulty. Fractals are for 5 people and raids are for 10 people. Fractals are daily content and raids weekly content. So telling people to do raids is not fair. - Despite that I am already doing raids a lot, got almost 1200 LI on my main acc.

> > > > > Fractals should have infinite levels - only capped by the amount of AR you can afford. Current system is bs since even t4 fractals get watered down all the time and power creep ruined it, it feels like they were balanced for vanilla GW2 builds, not for PoF and HoT.

> > > > > At the very least we should get tier 5 and 6 fractals. tier 5 being the raid tier difficulty and tier 6 raid challenge mode difficulty.

> > > >

> > > > The cms are deff harder than some raid encounters.

> > > Yes, some easy raid encounters were added so the crybabies can have some easy LIs every week after they bought the slightly difficult encounters once and get their legendary armor eventually (you can have 80 or so LI by now just by doing escort every week)

> > > I never was in favor of the boring easy raid encounters, at least they should not give LI or ascended loot. And W4 was a catastrophic failure as a whole. The w4 cms should have been the normal mode.

> > >

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > > Yes. make t4 fractals even more boring and casual, what could go wrong

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's okay. For top notch players there are CMs and raids every week :)

> > > > > What is the point of having 100 levels divided into 4 tiers if even the highest tier is boring - and even cm is not raid tier difficulty. Fractals are for 5 people and raids are for 10 people. Fractals are daily content and raids weekly content. So telling people to do raids is not fair. - Despite that I am already doing raids a lot, got almost 1200 LI on my main acc.

> > > > > Fractals should have infinite levels - only capped by the amount of AR you can afford. Current system is bs since even t4 fractals get watered down all the time and power creep ruined it, it feels like they were balanced for vanilla GW2 builds, not for PoF and HoT.

> > > > > At the very least we should get tier 5 and 6 fractals. tier 5 being the raid tier difficulty and tier 6 raid challenge mode difficulty.

> > > >

> > > > Your ideas are against the philosophy this game is based on and I'm pretty sure Anet will never go this way with fractals.

> > > The philosophy gets changed all the time, I dont even know what their current philosophy is.

> > >

> >

> > Considering their stance on nerfing vindicators, it's the same philosophy they had before.


> Considering they dont intr9duvmce easy mode for raids i rly dont know what that philosophy is.


Fractals and raids are different content with different philosophies. I thought you are aware of this.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> Social Awkwardness is actually my favorite instability since it forces people to actually pay attention to what their doing as opposed to just smashing their rotation until they're downed and start blaming the rest of the team for lack in dps (because a perma downed meta build apparently still does more damage than anyone without meta build).


> I'd be very upset if Social Awkwardness would be removed and I'd actually like to see more instabilities that punish people who don't pay much attention and don't play well in general.

That's the reason I partly like SA for, too. It's something that actually shakes up the "normal" gameplay.


Or at least it should do that, which is the reason why I hate SA at the same time. To me, it feels as if _at least_ 90% of the fractal population are too stupid to adapt to SA fractals. Certainly, that creates hilarious moments like the one at Old Tom, when four people from an organised group stacked tightly behind the druid pet and wondered why they went down despite the druid trying his best to keep them alive. I was the fifth, observing the spectacle from a metre away and not sure whether I should laugh or cry.


But in general, SA in most groups is just frustrating. Yes, in theory you can stop attacking, so you don't harm yourself anymore, but in practice the frequency of some brain marching right into you is so high that you simply can't react quickly enough and cancel your (auto)attacks. Having to move/dodge to avoid enemy attacks just compounds the situation. SA has now been around for a very long time and I don't have the impression that anything has changed since its introduction. Most people still play and move around is if nothing was there, therefore doing their best to kill me, which is highly annoying. Stuff like the flux bomb at least has a giant telegraph and happens at a much lower frequency, so avoiding it is usually possible.


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I feel like this is a pretty poor change. Please don't feel inclined to change fractals just for the sake of change. Lack of real content doesn't mean replace it with a system that isn't needed. Things like last laugh on the second boss of 100 CM will be unplayable, as well as toxic trails on MAMA. My suggestion is to not waste resources on this 'going-nowhere' change that is really just shaking the bag of content we already have.


Consider: Maybe, Updating the Jade Maw Fractal, or adding CM's of fractals that already exist, or, making a new fractal.


This change is nothing but a distraction and claiming it's something new, when in reality it's really not. I think the RNG portion is going to make for some unfair difficulty that isn't reliant on skill. My fractal static that clears T4's Cm's and Recs each day was really looking forward to a new fractal this patch, and I don't mind being disappointed, but please don't panic patch(This) and freak out if you have no real content to offer. It's not worth ruining what's already good in a desperate attempt to have something to offer. Just my 2 cents.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> Some people have wanted to see the whitelist, I see no problem with disclosing the current iteration since people will figure it out anyways and there's no point to hiding it.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/HKT4bl3.png "")


Unless the third "room" first part of Underground Facility (with the two pressure plates) gets changed, having Flux Bomb, Mist Convergence, and/or Fractal Vindicator will make the Fractal unbearable. Remember that not too long ago Scale 69 Underground had Flux Bomb _and_ Last Laugh, and that was an absolutely horrendous experience getting past that first part. What that showed was the situation where any one of the two player characters on the pressure plates got the Flux Bomb, and you failed to swap people in time, you failed; worse still was when the person hacking the panel got Flux Bomb and you had no answer but to halt _all_ progress and restart the hack.


While current T4 Underground already has Mist Convergence, it's not immediately apparent how bad that is right now because the Jade Tentacle is bugged and spawns beneath the grate. If it did spawn normally, it could deny people on the pressure plates and panel until it despawned because a) you would need two separate instances of Stability to prevent the horizontal swipe, and b) the vertical slap deals a whole load of damage. Besides the tentacle, the other Convergences also make that particular room extremely annoying. If the Bunny or Mossman went after the person hacking the panel, there was little you could do because they are immune to CC. If the Bunny assassinates somebody while there was Fractal Vindicator Instability, a snowball will occur. If Skyhammer appeared, the only way the hacking panel could counteract that without losing progress would be have somebody apply Aegis.


In other words, just that room alone would blacklist a large number of Instabilties because of a singular, non-repeating mechanic. Therefore, I would suggest redesigning that panel-hacking portion of the Fractal, and therefore allow a greater diversity of Instabilities to be used.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"Godot.3259" said:

> >

> > Hi!

> > Earth focus 5 is a 3s invuln, earth focus 4 is a i think 3s reflect, air focus 4 is a 6s projectile destruct air focus 5 is a single target knockdown and water focus 5 is a aoe daze.

> > conjure earth shield gives you a 3s invuln and there are a lot of other skills that can help you survive adding to at part the fact that you can actually blind them. There are also a multitude of kits that grant special skills that you can use on any class to help you clear that encounter.

> >

> > Hope that helps!

> I've tried all the invuls + projectile block ele has (mist form/earth shield/twist of fate/arcane shield/focus) + summon elemental running on berserk armor (because who carries useless toughness ascended armors in fractals other than rich people). It certainly is enough to keep you on a button assuming the gate opener doesn't get interrupted. However, as soon as there's 1 or 2 interruption, you run out of sustain, and you're dead because you have 0 damage to kill the dredges that are on you and all your defensive skills are high cd while the dredges basically 2 shot you, forcing an invul on nearly every hit.


> Unless I'm wrong but I thought dredges are immune to blind, else sandstorm would make it ezpz


Dredge are normally immune to blind, but the ones in this fractal were made susceptible to it with the patch that added the nightmare fractal.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > I'm sure Vindicators during Ensolyss bullet hell will create a wholesome non toxic gaming experience for everyone involved.


> Vindicators are getting nerfed. Stay tuned.


Good. If they're gonna be present on every T4 frac, they better. While you're at it can you also make it so we don't suddenly hear "Horrik, unleash the cannons!" when we HAVE to stand on the buttons in underground facility? It's just..sigh.

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I honestly think mistlock should be omitted. Or at least some to not have it in certain map.. My hub was screaming that day at dredge map lol where a cute little hopping rabbit spawn right not far from him when he was standing on control room's platform. With good pugs they react and work around it fast and provide assistance swiftly.. But half the pugs are sleeping ... I couldn't help as I was doing the control .. So he died by magic rabbit touch and I couldn't finish the control.. Don't ask me what the other pugs doing :p . we only need to repeat a few times with this team.. Not so great.. :o

Love my pet .. Its doing better job to stop the mob than players

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I seem to be the only one enjoying Social Awkwardness :smiley:

even though I'm melee like everyone else in the group. it is still fun to see how other people are unable to move in a way to avoid getting/spreading agony and die.

no more flux-bomb in uncategorized, I'm OK with this.

Vindicators have been a good way to check how good ppl really are. I've learned to deal with them and wouldn't have problems if they stay as they are. Or maybe let them this hard as they are now in CMs and only nerf them in normal mode.

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> @"Tiavor.4016" said:

> I seem to be the only one enjoying Social Awkwardness :smiley:

> even though I'm melee like everyone else in the group. it is still fun to see how other people are unable to move in a way to avoid getting/spreading agony and die.

> no more flux-bomb in uncategorized, I'm OK with this.


I don't mind social awkwardness .. Since I play support.. So its me that has to jump out and in the group.. So its OK not hard to manage.. Ofc will be aweeesome if its never exist :p

In some cases daze and cc help to give that extra time to breath. As long as you still have 1 HP. You are as strong as you with full HP :)

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Oh well, i personally really like it, since it incentivizes experimentation.


For example, there is a lot of play to be had with things like chaos armor blasting, or the Purity of memes on healenge.


Toxic trails mean everything hits you all the time, but it also means everything is GUARANTEED to hit you all the time.


You can play off this, with triggers, barrierspamm scourges if sa is really too hard to handle, or the occasional double support to get through really hard combos.


Its not like you have to play 3 weaver rotationbots and their warrior/chrono babysitters and run everything in less than 40 minutes all the time.


You could actually take a challenge, have fun, discuss builds and strats, or figure out the harder combos on a weekly basis.


It might even revitalize the theory and buildcrafting up to a certain point.


So all in all i can't really understand why most people are this negative about the change with the most positive potential for the gamemode which is literally built around progression and improvement.


Might be just me though, idk


Edited for Grammar.

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> @"Calibria.6489" said:

> Oh well, i personally really like it, since it incentivizes experimentation.

> For example, there is a lot of play to be had with things like chaos armor blasting, or the Purity of memes on healenge.

> Toxic trails mean everything hits you all the time, but it also means everything is GUARANTEED to hit you all the time.

> You can play off this, with triggers, barrierspamm scourges if sa is really too hard to handle, or the occasional double support to get through really hard combos.

> Its not like you have to play 3 weaver rotationbots and their warrior/chrono babysitters and run everything in less than 40 minutes all the time.

> You could actually take a challenge, have fun, discuss builds and strats, or figure out the harder combos on a weekly basis.

> It might even revitalize the theory and buildcrafting up to a certain point.

> So all in all i can't really understand why most people are this negative about the change with the most positive potential for the gamemode which is literally built around progression and improvement.

> Might be just me though, idk


This change is mostly "Old wine in new wineskins".

It won't alter the meta and it also won't incentivizes experimentation. People definitely are not in the mood to change their gear and lose runes every week by using the mystic forge to swap stats. Not going to happen, ever. It wouldn't revitalize theory and buildcrafting. That's hilarious if you believe so.

The potential of going down/wipe to instabilities is very low in most of the groups. Some of them will just make fights more tedious but not interesting, challenging or fun at all.

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I think the main problem PUGs have with Fractals is the fact that they don't always realise what singularities are active. For one, they only show up on your buff-bar. Second they all have the same icon. A new player just starting might not actually notice it or try to figure out what it is. Now, if the game told you which category the Fractal is you just entered and what instabilities are active right now in the middle of your screen, and these effects were to have distinctive icons, that would probably be a pretty good gameplay improvement when someone isn't going with an organised group.


Also, I think Fractal should be a lot more random than this. For example each scale could be a different category each week decided by random. Right now with the way how singularities are, I sometimes see a Fractal number and already know which category it is and what instabilities are active.


Also, I think that there could be a 101th Fractal. You would be able to pick the category and any number of instabilities for it. Then each of these categories and instabilities would have a difficulty score. Then at the end of the week you would get a reward depending on the score. Also you could get generic rewards that you get at the end of a regular Fractal. Not really a instability feedback, but I think it's still pretty cool.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> This change is mostly "Old wine in new wineskins".

> It won't alter the meta and it also won't incentivizes experimentation. People definitely are not in the mood to change their gear and lose runes every week by using the mystic forge to swap stats. Not going to happen, ever. It wouldn't revitalize theory and buildcrafting. That's hilarious if you believe so.

> The potential of going down/wipe to instabilities is very low in most of the groups. Some of them will just make fights more tedious but not interesting, challenging or fun at all.


Well there, who said anything about changing gear?


Have you ever thought about changing builds by just swapping some utilities?


Or just run a different kind of healer?


Or dare i say another dps besides fullglass weaver/holo?


Oh well, different mentalities i suppose.

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> @"Calibria.6489" said:

> Have you ever thought about changing builds by just swapping some utilities?


Already happens all the time in groups with a lit bit of brain anyways. Even trait swapping is a thing for a bunch of encounters. That doesn't change a build.


> Or just run a different kind of healer?


You really don't believe that yourself, do you? The impact of all the instabilities is too small to replace classes.


> Or dare i say another dps besides fullglass weaver/holo?


Also not going to happen, see above.


> Oh well, different mentalities i suppose.


Sounds more like of different skill levels.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> I personally think Vindicators should **not** spawn on 99/100 Challenge Modes at all. Only on these modes should other instabilities be used. It isn't fun when you basically have a snowball effect in a fractal.


Vindicators are the smallest problem in challenge modes. You can totally deny them by getting good at playing the mechanics. Even if a mate goes down you should be able to cleave Vindicators very fast and get up the downed.

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> @"Calibria.6489" said:

> Oh well, keep telling yourself that, lets see who is at fgod first ;)


I only need some more fractal relics for that, just sayin...


And if you refuse swapping utilities you're not the kind of player I want to meet regularly on my daily CM + T4 routine. Additionally, since the old instabilities haven't had any impact on the meta, the announced change won't have it as well because the actual instabilities aren't that dangerous so you have to bring another build/gear or class. The change will most likely only have an influence on inexperienced players, for example Last Laugh was a pain in the xxx for inexperienced pugs in Cliffside so it got removed. Every decent group had 0 issues with that level.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Grinding daily recc for pages=the better fractal player. No offense just found it funny.


That was a good one. +1 from me ^^

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Some more variation should be nice :+1:


Do you plan loot updates for doing fractal dailies? Compared to current farm methods those are stuck behind.. and dailies can only be done once a day.

Specially new fractals take more time than the others and should be more rewarding or shortend.


PS: Also new unique fractal items would be great :)

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