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New hairstyles/ Faces update soon?


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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ns4EF8n.jpg)


> Anneeeeeet pleaseee, release these too! I mean, they're ready to go and they look so pretty! :love:


idk i mean theyre okay but definitely need a little touching up due to the weird hairlines - or maybe its the herp derp face model that makes them ugly - but the hairlines are too low on all of them like unrealistically low to the brow. but yea something that looks like our characters spent 3+ hours in the mirror with hairspray and rollers to get the desired look.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> [FF hair gel bombs]


Most of these are already in-game. All you need to do is create a Charr.


In general: I'd welcome less made-up, dollish faces for females. Scars. Minimal, tasteful make-up -- if at all. Less vapid facial expressions that look like they belong on a car show model. Add to this a variety of new colours and patterns for those who can use them. Also hair that doesn't involve pigtails, especially for Sylvari.

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> @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > [FF hair gel bombs]


> Most of these are already in-game. All you need to do is create a Charr.


which doesn't solve anything one bit, i need good hair styles for humans, not charr.

besides, i don't like charr, Anet doesn't have the straight up standing charr so i don't like them.



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > [FF hair gel bombs]

> >

> > Most of these are already in-game. All you need to do is create a Charr.


> which doesn't solve anything one bit, i need good hair styles for humans, not charr.

> besides, i don't like charr, Anet doesn't have the straight up standing charr so i don't like them.


Seeing that few dare to call aesthetics related to FF realistic and many Charr hairstyles are downright ridiculous, my comment was rather tongue-in-cheek. In any case, you do you.

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> @"MuscleBobBuffPants.1406" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/ns4EF8n.jpg)

> >

> > Anneeeeeet pleaseee, release these too! I mean, they're ready to go and they look so pretty! :love:


> Hey Alga! Those look cool! Where did those come from? That Shaman? Thanks!



These are npc hairstyles before HoT. the infinite makeover kits were bugged and you could wear these

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> "Several new charr horns and charr customizations have been added to the new character Select Appearance options, and they are also available in the Total Makeover Kit and Self-Style Hair Kit."


> Congrats to those asking for this!!



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  • 7 months later...
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Long hair for Norn males... like some conan stuff, or better beards? Longer beards!? BRAIDED BEARDS!!!! I hate that norn males kind of get the shaft, the only face I use is the one with the claw marks over one eye which makes him blind in that eye, because it makes me feel like he is truly a norn who has lived a bit. Id like a more muscular (Not like crazy huge like the one that makes your armor look funky) Norn male. Maybe better run animations? I wouldn't mind some faces that look gruff without being completely ugly, with a long set of dreadlocks and a nice beard that really looks like its grown out.


I know why they haven't done it... "Too much work." And I honestly at this point feel like they don't care about the male norn... due to them being waaaay more limited than any of the other race choices... this includes the female norn. The female has way more options that look .. well.. different I guess? The hair is better, they have some good faces and hell even their tats look a bit better. I would really like some more native american/Celtic/norse themed options on the race as they kind of fit that whole niche and much like the trolls in warcraft are my favorite race.. almost all my chars are norn.


Hey while we are at it... could we get the choice to have upright charr? They could stand upright in guild wars 1? Why not make it a choice so we could have a more imposing figure... Id play my char more if he could look like the shaman cast of the first game.. maybe some spikes down the neck? Or on the shoulders and elbows like in the first game too? That would be pretty sweet... I could get behind that with some differing faces with lupin, lion, tiger or even sabertooth tiger aesthetics to it? They could still drop down and run on all fours but then they get into make them stand up proud and strong.

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