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Consume All Tomes + Consume All Level-Up Rewards Function

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Okay.. here goes..


As the title says, and whilst I'm sure this has possibly been posted before at some point (I got through about 20 pages until giving up) but I think adding a function to consume all tomes in a stack, especially when leveling a new alt from 2 to 80, would be highly beneficial. I'm sure I'm not the only one that finds it's insanely tedious to have to sit there, double-clicking a tome, then clicking again to confirm it's usage, only to have to repeat the process another 78 times. Now, I get that some people may have the odd mind-lapse where they maybe forget to split a stack or something, which happens to us all at some point or another and sure some people may do what I do and line up the tomes in your bag so that the confirmation message pops up in front of it and you just go to town on that left clicking but I really feel as if this would be a very useful function to add in.


Think about it; you've just made your new Sylvari Elementalist, they're sitting at level 2, (as all alts do following the tutorial), looks amazing and has a cool name to boot, right? You summon the banker NPC or run to the Grove to access the bank there, split your stack of tomes and dump them in your bag. You right click, hit that "Consume all" option, a message pops up saying "This action will consume 78 Tomes of Knowledge, are you sure?" you hit "Accept" and bam, in about 10 seconds you're level 80 and can jump straight back into your content. How easy would that be?


Here's the next part, when you use a tome, you get a level up reward. Now.. that's all well and good when leveling normally and with a boost you don't have to worry about that, which is great! But what if you're wanting to use some of those tomes you've had gathering up in your bank? Cool, so you split the stack, consume them all and you're 80.. then you have another however long to click through 78 level rewards, it's even more tedious than manually clicking through 78 tomes in a row as you can't drag the item to the center of the screen to make it easier. I'm very confident that no-one actually makes use of the armour and weapons you get, the materials can be useful but the rest is pretty much junk, junk that you can't salvage nor sell to a vendor, might I add.


Now, a while back they made adjustments where you can right click hearts, event chests, and some reward chests from completing certain achievements - which is an awesome feature. If we could get something like that with the level rewards, you just right click and it consumes them all, sure you'd still have to manually delete every piece of armour and weaponry one by one, even that itself could be adjusted, even if it's just to sell it to a vendor.


Anyhow, that's just my thoughts, something I'd been thinking of since going through the ordeal of clicking through 78 tomes then clicking through 78 level rewards. I know some of you may be like "Oh buy you can buy a boost" or whatever but I figured I'd make a post about it and see what you guys think about it.

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I seem to remember being able to consume more than one tome. If not, all those level up things can pile up down in the corner and you just open them whenever. You probably do not want all of them to dump to your inventory because you will get a lot of things that are junk to an 80 so I typically do 20 levels, clean out the rewards (some of which ask questions), then repeat.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I seem to remember being able to consume more than one tome. If not, all those level up things can pile up down in the corner and you just open them whenever. You probably do not want all of them to dump to your inventory because you will get a lot of things that are junk to an 80 so I typically do 20 levels, clean out the rewards (some of which ask questions), then repeat.


I can't remember ever being able to consume more than one tome at once, unless there's a method I'm unaware of! For sure, that's one easier route to doing so, though that you would've still had to click through 78 level-up rewards in the end.

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> @"TheExiled.2357" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > I seem to remember being able to consume more than one tome. If not, all those level up things can pile up down in the corner and you just open them whenever. You probably do not want all of them to dump to your inventory because you will get a lot of things that are junk to an 80 so I typically do 20 levels, clean out the rewards (some of which ask questions), then repeat.


> I can't remember ever being able to consume more than one tome at once, unless there's a method I'm unaware of! For sure, that's one easier route to doing so, though that you would've still had to click through 78 level-up rewards in the end.


It has been awhile. The main bottneck is some of the level-ups require you to make a selection (between things you will throw out anyway) so it is not like there is a fixed list of what you will get from leveling up to 80.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> Or, a solution using things already implemented in the game: Let us convert 10 tomes to 1 level 10 scroll. 20 tomes to 1 level 20 scroll, etc.


This is a better idea. This way you avoid both accidentally consuming more than you intended, and hitting a wall when your bag fills with levelling bonus items. Just as you can exchange the pages for the tome, you should be able to exchange the tomes for a larger level-up item.

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I'd just put in the [Mystic Forge Attendant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miyani#Tomes_of_Knowledge "Mystic Forge Attendant") Tomes of Knowledge tab all [Exp Scrolls](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience_Scroll "Exp Scrolls"), but with an additional cost. So you'd pay with gold to save you the time of clicking all those tomes.


Something like: 1 tome per level + 200 times the [base waypoint cost](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint#Base_fee "minimum waypoint cost") at that level. So for a level 80 scroll, you'd pay 80 tomes + 2,78 gold.


Don't have the tomes or the gold? Get a [level 80 ticket](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Instant_Level_80_Ticket "level 80 ticket") in the gemstore, or play to get more tomes.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I'd just put in the [Mystic Forge Attendant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miyani#Tomes_of_Knowledge "Mystic Forge Attendant") Tomes of Knowledge tab all [Exp Scrolls](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience_Scroll "Exp Scrolls"), but with an additional cost. So you'd pay with gold to save you the time of clicking all those tomes.


> Something like: 1 tome per level + 200 times the [base waypoint cost](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint#Base_fee "minimum waypoint cost") at that level. So for a level 80 scroll, you'd pay 80 tomes + 2,78 gold.


> Don't have the tomes or the gold? Get a [level 80 ticket](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Instant_Level_80_Ticket "level 80 ticket") in the gemstore, or play to get more tomes.


clicking the tomes isnt a problem.. just align your mouse over the OKAY and click away.. the drag of the issue is the amount of times you have to use the diamond on the right and collect all the loot from the level spam scrolling up the side. Make it a one time click.. consume all... or something.. Also.. the loot that you get from leveling should all be sellable or salvageable even if it is only for 1copper. would help things a lot when making new toons.

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > I'd just put in the [Mystic Forge Attendant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miyani#Tomes_of_Knowledge "Mystic Forge Attendant") Tomes of Knowledge tab all [Exp Scrolls](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience_Scroll "Exp Scrolls"), but with an additional cost. So you'd pay with gold to save you the time of clicking all those tomes.

> >

> > Something like: 1 tome per level + 200 times the [base waypoint cost](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint#Base_fee "minimum waypoint cost") at that level. So for a level 80 scroll, you'd pay 80 tomes + 2,78 gold.

> >

> > Don't have the tomes or the gold? Get a [level 80 ticket](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Instant_Level_80_Ticket "level 80 ticket") in the gemstore, or play to get more tomes.


> clicking the tomes isnt a problem.. just align your mouse over the OKAY and click away.. the drag of the issue is the amount of times you have to use the diamond on the right and collect all the loot from the level spam scrolling up the side. Make it a one time click.. consume all... or something.. Also.. the loot that you get from leveling should all be sellable or salvageable even if it is only for 1copper. would help things a lot when making new toons.


Those just need the right click tratment we got for chests. Only stopping when we need to pick a piece of gear.

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> @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> I would prefer an option that lets us pick a specific number (so people don't accidentally waste around 170 tomes) from a right click menu AND a way to sift through the level up rewards a little faster. Any time I make a new toon I find it hilarious that I dread getting the 'rewards' lol.


Why cant you just split the stack and type in how many you want in the stack your consuming? hold alt and left click drag the stack to inventory from bank and select how many you want.



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lel after you click those tomes to oblivion you get those level up rewards... have to select a reward almost everytime and gota click those other pop ups as well... after you get the reward eg armor piece and you get one after some level i believe, when you get all of em time to salvage em all! but ooopss theyre not salvagable... (as far as i remember) so now gota destroy em one by one :open_mouth: if you cant sell em

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> > I would prefer an option that lets us pick a specific number (so people don't accidentally waste around 170 tomes) from a right click menu AND a way to sift through the level up rewards a little faster. Any time I make a new toon I find it hilarious that I dread getting the 'rewards' lol.


> Why cant you just split the stack and type in how many you want in the stack your consuming? hold alt and left click drag the stack to inventory from bank and select how many you want.




You could, but in the interests of making the system error-proof, it would be nice if instead of defaulting to 1 tome OR opening all, it simply asked how many you want to open. It might be a pain for someone looking to just use one, but it would make it nigh impossible for anyone to accidentally use more/less than they need. I still think the best idea is Neural's - it's in keeping with existing processes.

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