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Sharing Your Best And Wonderful Experiences With the SPvP Community ?


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Last season (since I haven't played sPvP this season)

I said, "Hi, I Jekkies. Jekkies is not a decap mobility Thief, but pew pew sniper!"

And one replied, "Thats ok Jekkies you do you." -and the others agreed with mixed forms of "Just have Fun."


Which was a breath of fresh air when the replies are generally "Then don't play Thief" etc...

I am generally mid-plat after placements and stay in that area. So there must be a reason for that...

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Yeah I could write about the many terrible games filled with clueless flamers but I'd rather not.

I Had a game that was the most perfect game I've ever played, it was on Forest of Niflhel and it was this season. We had a thief, warrior, a mesmer, me on engi and a necromancer. Everyone on the team played their roles well that game.


The only things in chat were "inc x" warnings by teammates and **complements**(so rare these days). When someone needed a +1 the thief was there, when someone was in a 2 v 1 at sides, the team had the rest of the map. We did have a moment in the middle of the game where the enemy started to catch up because of deaths but the regroup was so seamless with no communication required. Obviously we won that game. I added everyone on that team to my friend's list so I remember who they are in future games and how well their season goes - we all seem to be bouncing around between plat3/2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feels like this thread has been created because the OP has too much free time. It's quite unfathomable how in a "community" where salt and toxicity are the Daily of PVP anyone can have a wonderful experience full of joy and love and happiness and........ are we high?!

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Being called noob, idiot etc by teammate, just to have him on opposite side next matches, then utterly destroying him and his whole team solo.


I had this experience in reverse a couple of times. Flamed someone and they don't take it well. Proceed to have them on enemy team next game and utterly stomping them.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> I played a game without a scourge on either side. Most enjoyable moment since PoF release


Those are the best games, suddenly all the fun builds like D/D elementalist become viable to play again.


Otherwise for OP:

Being killed on far point and the enemy running away after the kill instead of recapping their own home.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Vb8w93y.jpg "")


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About a year ago, during off season, I played some ranked arena matches at late hours. Afterwards we all got stuck on Forest map by that bug. Out of curiosity, I asked the other players what rating they were. Some of them were low Plat, I was high Silver/low Gold at that time. So because we were stuck and it was late, we hung out on the map and dueled and chatted. I was abaout to learn Druid at that time, and the high rated players fought me and each other on different classes and gave me tips on how to improve. We spend more than one hour there until everyone got too tired and logged out. There are supportive and positive players in PvP who make up for the salt.

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