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Missing out on sales because of this 72 hour gem hold on my Ultimate edition PoF... GG Arenanet!

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way to make me want to give you money again in the future, i bought my 80$ pack on the day after the announcement of the sales, the 28th, im still without my gems even though i have access to PoF and im missing sales on things id like to be able to get!, this is the first game ive ever played that i didnt get what i paid for within 24 hours, let alone 10 minutes, im getting more and more pissed with the limited time they put on these sales yet theyve got me waiting 3 days!

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I'm sorry that you ran into trouble. Rather than expressing your frustration here, why not start a support ticket, and graciously request that ANet make good on the discount retroactively? They might be able to help.


I know that it sometimes feels good to rant publicly, but it won't get you what you really want: the specific items at the price you had hoped to pay.


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The disclaimer was quite clear about the wait time. So you bought with the knowledge of the wait. Nothing will come out of posting here other suggestions to contact support/put in a ticket, also knowing there may be some wait time for a response. Good Luck

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