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Losing target randomly in PvE and elsewhere

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I see the targeting-changes/problems also. On different characters. I do not remember when they started but something with the targeting did change. The target is lost or the wrong target is taken, which did not happen before that change.


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I don't know if it's related, but since the LW 4.2 update, my minions aren't attacking properly. I target an enemy and they don't always attack. Sometimes it takes me hitting the target 3 or 4 times before the minions will actually engage. This was working fine until LW 4.2 dropped on 06-MAR-2018.

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You are using autotargeting? I'd suggest turning that off.


Targeting is being chosen by whatever is closest to a spot that is just above the middle of the screen, depending if another target is of higher priority. It will choose veterans, elites, and champions over 'normal' targets, at least via Tab. I'm not sure how autotargeting is working based on the differing priorities, or just takes it's queue from the middle point. Anet has changed how the targeting works slightly, which annoys some more than others.


As for minions, so they brought over the ai from gw1 and the ai at release back? I remember being on thief and killing a mm that was afk, watching his minions turn and watch me do it. I felt kinda bad at that point. he ended up bleeding out entirely.

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> @"Lunacy Solacio.6514" said:

> You are using autotargeting? I'd suggest turning that off.


> As for minions, so they brought over the ai from gw1 and the ai at release back? I remember being on thief and killing a mm that was afk, watching his minions turn and watch me do it. I felt kinda bad at that point. he ended up bleeding out entirely.


This is not PvP/WvW, this is just doing the defense event at Makali. If I'm on the ground they seem work fine, but if I'm standing on the wall and gate is open, sometimes it takes 4 or 5 attacks before the minions decide to move. Doesn't matter whether I'm using range or AOE (Necro staff). This started happening with the LW4.2 release. Minions never retaliated if the master was attacked, only if they were attacked directly. As I said, not sure if it's related, but it seems there is a general targeting issue. I'll try turning autotargeting off though, just as a test.


EDIT: After doing the Makali event a couple times, I can confirm autotargeting does not affect the minions. They sometimes will attack when I attack, sometimes they won't.

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