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named armor set vs berserker etc

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The heavy plate set also counts towards the achievement for the rev special collection armor I believe so that one is even more expensive, along with the berserker stats. As far as the others I’m not sure. Always wondered why the named ones are so cheap.

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I suspect it's a combination of both.


People selling crafted items are likely to have at least a vague idea of the value of the materials that went into it, and they'll want to try and get that money back (or even better make a profit), even if they were making it to level up the craft. Whereas people selling dropped items don't need to worry about the price because they got it for free so anything they get is profit. (Sure they could, and probably should, estimate what they might get if they salvaged it and aim to sell for at least that much, but that's hard to do, especially when you're just trying to clear your inventory.)


And some of the people searching for equipment to use won't think to use the filters or check what names their desired stat set might be under, they'll just put in 'beserker's' and pick from what comes up.

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