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Account banned from buying gems, zero communication from customer support. Please help..

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I come here to warn you guys before purchasing gems that you might be banned for doing nothing. Few weeks ago my friends trying to buy gems got 'Unfortunately and error has occurred' like most of you who posts it on the forums and about 4-5 hours after that, their accounts got suspended.


Then two of my friends got unlocked by the gms, they told us we didn't do anything wrong but its a problem on their end. but leaving one of our friend suspended so he posted on Reddit asking GM Dornsinger for help.


And yeah GM Dornsinger help my friends by banning all of them right away after 10 minutes after he read the post. After what he said "There is a LOT going on" "will take some time to compare" even gms has unlocked 2 of my friend accounts already but he doesn't care, he just banned them. We got no explanations from him and he has disappeared for 3 days on Reddit without any response. Our tickets have 0 activity. Even my friend has shown every proofs, his tickets has been ignored and he can't even post here.


If Anet staff reading this, I want to know why you're ignored my friends ticket, are they're so low for you to helping them? We're here because we love the game. They haven't done anything wrong but only trying to purchase gem and support your company and this is what we got. At least tell them what proofs you need before you're banning them.


so everyone, if its shown error occurred when you're trying to buy gem just stop purchase it right away. your credit card is fine and everything from your ended is perfectly fine, just don't try anything because the support doesn't care much even if its their own bugged. they'll just suspended and you might get banned for nothing.


And this is the evidence I've search that the gem shop is bugged and your account can get flagged as high risk https://snag.gy/WlE8qB.jpg(edited)

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Usually, if a GM looks into a ticket and says something like "There is a LOT going on here" and that it will take some time to go through it all, then it means that something in the story is less than truthful. Obviously, sometimes mistakes can happen, though. Instead of posting here, I'd suggest that you and your friends try to be patient and wait for support to get back to you. Tickets can take up to 72 hours (and sometimes longer, especially if it's a complicated case).

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DigitalRiver, the payment processor GW2 uses, is the one that will reject payments that they consider a risk. It's not your account that is flagged as high risk, it's your actual billing information. If you ever force a refund for example, you're blacklisted for fraud. Being flagged can be as simple as the country you're in, the currency you're using or your IP. They were rejecting anything from Greece a while back for example. It's rare, but DigitalRiver may actually accept your payment, only to later reject it, which ArenaNet sees as a chargeback and automatically bans the account.


If there's no record of the transaction actually going through and being refunded, it's unlikely that they were banned over the payment, unless they were actually caught using a stolen card. If there's no record, chances are they were caught in something else, which could be as simple as sharing an IP. The other accounts would have been banned temporarily because that's what they do - all associated accounts will be banned during an investigation.


Tickets are generally responded to within 3 days and receive an automated response to confirm it was received. If the GM from reddit intercepted the ticket, it's probably no longer in their queue, so no one else is going to see it if they forgot about it. If they said a lot was going on however, it could take over a week.

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yeah he said its less than truth, but we also have a screenshot of another gm telling me that its problem on their end. we were suspended because of " fraudulent transactions were a result of an account compromise that occurred on an associated account" and then we all got unsuspended. until GM Dornsinger banned all of our accounts after my friend post the thread.


So we don't know what to believe. We're waiting for him to answer back but its nothing, this whole ordeal has been going on for weeks. try google 'Guild Wars 2 Gems purchase' and 'Suspended' you'll see what happened. There are plenty of people with the same stories like us, gms even said they having gem shop issues in this forum.


And if he claims it will take a lot of time why did he ban me and my friend right away after telling me this, It's like he did not even look... If we did something wrong, why we got unsuspended before. It doesn't make sense.


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Because they have decided that they would rather have possible fraudulent accounts be banned while figuring things than out than risk a ton of charges being put through that they later they find out were fraudulent.


It costs ANet money for the transactions even though they don't get to keep the money from them.

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Anet support is usually quick and very helpful. Sometimes it may take them a few days up to a week to resolve a problem. Especially if it is something related to money or accounts that are flagged for whatever reason. I can tell that at least from my own experiences.

So maybe jsut gives them a week. If they still did not do anything nor replied you should consider nicely asking them via the ticket you submitted what you should do now and what is going on on their side.

There is a reason they banned your accounts as **Seera** pointed out already.

I hope your problem gets resolved soon and that you can continue playing GW2!

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Thanks all of you guys for your opinions. If so, then it is the most stupid reason on the planet. Because all my friends has bought gems for many years and it's going perfectly fine. We're back into the game, got suspended from trying to purchase it. and now we got banned later just because we asks for help on Reddit. At least we tried our best to get our account back. I didn't know that it will ended up that all of them getting banned for this. It's so unfair but I guess we have to move on to other games. but thanks you guys again for all of your replies.

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> @"babykitten.2531" said:

>It's so unfair but I guess we have to move on to other games. but thanks you guys again for all of your replies.


Edit: Just saw the GM's update on your reddit post. Looks like there was definitely more to the story than was originally given by you. I'm sorry you didn't get the result you wanted, but I have to agree with the conclusion that it all looks pretty fishy and deserved some kind of action against the account(s).

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Firstly, its always the policy of companies to ban accounts during these events because, one, it prevents any further trouble, and two, if things keep changing while they are investigating the account it makes things very difficult to figure out (personal experience as a dev).


Secondly, they keep deep, intricate logs of all of this stuff. If they say something is wrong, something is wrong. Its more than likely that the money being used to buy gems is coming from a bad source, and unfortunately when things like this happen the entire trail has to be burned otherwise you could commit economic crimes in video games (yes, its a real life crime, even if its just a game) by just playing hop, skip, jump.


Your friend(s) will probably need to make a new account, and to be more careful in the future. Most importantly, do not share your account with anyone, not even people you trust..even close friends or partners, you never know what people do when you aren't looking.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"babykitten.2531" said:

> >It's so unfair but I guess we have to move on to other games. but thanks you guys again for all of your replies.


> Edit: Just saw the GM's update on your reddit post. Looks like there was definitely more to the story than was originally given by you. I'm sorry you didn't get the result you wanted, but I have to agree with the conclusion that it all looks pretty fishy and deserved some kind of action against the account(s).


ooh this sounds interesting.. do post the link to the reddit saga so we can see what has actually transpired. If it is something fishy around buying gems then it is good to know.. where and what the fault occurred/how it occurred.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> ooh this sounds interesting.. do post the link to the reddit saga so we can see what has actually transpired. If it is something fishy around buying gems then it is good to know.. where and what the fault occurred/how it occurred.


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> @"Healix.5819" said:


> > ooh this sounds interesting.. do post the link to the reddit saga so we can see what has actually transpired. If it is something fishy around buying gems then it is good to know.. where and what the fault occurred/how it occurred.



[Here's the post by Dornsinger in question, for easy access.](

"Here's the post by Dornsinger in question, for easy access.")


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Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.

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So you got the > @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.


So you got the base game for free without restrictions since you charge back the expansions and your unhappy?

More over the chargeback was made 36 hours a full day and a half before the 72 hour window is up and you even got a reply from a gm within the time limit bud.

I would be happy as hell I got a freebie if I were you.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I have to wonder at the link to Gaile's post that was from 2 months ago. Surely, we aren't expected to believe that Gem purchases have been on hold that long. :confounded:


It stated Feb 1 the issue should have been resolved, and there haven't been mass complaints about the problem either. Their issue occurred a while after this, and based on the other GM there is an account sharing problem. The system is also not overly cautious either, as there's more than 1 account accessed from here, and my own account has been accessed from the East Coast, and 2 connections on the West Coast (I moved), and I haven't been blocked from buying gems on the suspicion of sharing my account or having it stolen. For an overly cautious system look at Nexon, I was blocked instantly from credit purchases unless I use Steam as a loophole, or SquareEnix where I was preemptively blocked too (happens to a lot of people), in addition to their silly wait timers on in between purchases.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I have to wonder at the link to Gaile's post that was from 2 months ago. Surely, we aren't expected to believe that Gem purchases have been on hold that long. :confounded:


> It stated Feb 1 the issue should have been resolved, and there haven't been mass complaints about the problem either. Their issue occurred a while after this, and based on the other GM there is an account sharing problem. The system is also not overly cautious either, as there's more than 1 account accessed from here, and my own account has been accessed from the East Coast, and 2 connections on the West Coast (I moved), and I haven't been blocked from buying gems on the suspicion of sharing my account or having it stolen. For an overly cautious system look at Nexon, I was blocked instantly from credit purchases unless I use Steam as a loophole, or SquareEnix where I was preemptively blocked too (happens to a lot of people), in addition to their silly wait timers on in between purchases.


I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say; I just don't think the link to Gaile's post has anything, at all, to do with the OP's issue.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > I have to wonder at the link to Gaile's post that was from 2 months ago. Surely, we aren't expected to believe that Gem purchases have been on hold that long. :confounded:

> >

> > It stated Feb 1 the issue should have been resolved, and there haven't been mass complaints about the problem either. Their issue occurred a while after this, and based on the other GM there is an account sharing problem. The system is also not overly cautious either, as there's more than 1 account accessed from here, and my own account has been accessed from the East Coast, and 2 connections on the West Coast (I moved), and I haven't been blocked from buying gems on the suspicion of sharing my account or having it stolen. For an overly cautious system look at Nexon, I was blocked instantly from credit purchases unless I use Steam as a loophole, or SquareEnix where I was preemptively blocked too (happens to a lot of people), in addition to their silly wait timers on in between purchases.


> I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say; I just don't think the link to Gaile's post has anything, at all, to do with the OP's issue.


That's what I was saying, post says issue was resolved Feb 1, their issue came after. I was explaining why you would be right, and went on to say their detection system isn't excessively cautious either, so false positives aren't as likely. In short, the involved party most likely are involved in something they shouldn't be.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> So you got the > @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> > Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.


> So you got the base game for free without restrictions since you charge back the expansions and your unhappy?

> More over the chargeback was made 36 hours a full day and a half before the 72 hour window is up and you even got a reply from a gm within the time limit bud.

> I would be happy as hell I got a freebie if I were you.


I get the Base game for free because it's free. As for the restrictions I fully expect those to be reinstated once the Chargeback is complete on their end. I also expect their system to flag my account again due to the chargeback, since the GM warned me of it, and I'll loose another near week of play time getting it straightened out again. As for the 72hour window, that's fine for something like my current issue where after the new update I get no sound in game, or a quest not paying out loot, or something like that, but if I shell out $80 and within 24hours you have terminated my access to the purchased software, then don't respond to multiple attempts at contact, you should damn well believe I'm taking my money back till you fix your ****. This was their mistake and not mine. I also had a friend trying to recover an account he hadn't played in years get a response in 3 hours just 2 days prior. In addition something/someone reviewed the account between morning and night because it was down graded from suspended to terminated, so as far as i'm concerned they made the same error twice. Still not sure about what freebie you're referring to. I got nothing. No remorse or explanation or a sorry this happened. I got essentially patted on the head and told to go play. As a new customer, only 3 days in when the error occurred, I'd call that a pretty unremarkable first impression. It's really too bad because i'm enjoying the game immensely, I just have no faith based on my early experience, in the governing body behind it.

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> @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > So you got the > @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> > > Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.

> >

> > So you got the base game for free without restrictions since you charge back the expansions and your unhappy?

> > More over the chargeback was made 36 hours a full day and a half before the 72 hour window is up and you even got a reply from a gm within the time limit bud.

> > I would be happy as hell I got a freebie if I were you.


> I get the Base game for free because it's free. As for the restrictions I fully expect those to be reinstated once the Chargeback is complete on their end. I also expect their system to flag my account again due to the chargeback, since the GM warned me of it, and I'll loose another near week of play time getting it straightened out again. As for the 72hour window, that's fine for something like my current issue where after the new update I get no sound in game, or a quest not paying out loot, or something like that, but if I shell out $80 and within 24hours you have terminated my access to the purchased software, then don't respond to multiple attempts at contact, you should kitten well believe I'm taking my money back till you fix your ****. This was their mistake and not mine. I also had a friend trying to recover an account he hadn't played in years get a response in 3 hours just 2 days prior. In addition something/someone reviewed the account between morning and night because it was down graded from suspended to terminated, so as far as i'm concerned they made the same error twice. Still not sure about what freebie you're referring to. I got nothing. No remorse or explanation or a sorry this happened. I got essentially patted on the head and told to go play. As a new customer, only 3 days in when the error occurred, I'd call that a pretty unremarkable first impression. It's really too bad because i'm enjoying the game immensely, I just have no faith based on my early experience, in the governing body behind it.


Multiple attempts at contact how many tickets did you send in bogging down the que mate?

Im not sure they can make a paid account into a free account, they cant take away a skin thats unlocked for example.

You dident wait the 72 hour window they have to respond to your ticket, you charged back account, according to the reddit thread you said was done and have been linked this was anything but just a simple gem purchase.

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> @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.


This sounds...unusual. There is no number to call; are you sure you communicated with a CS Team member? Sure you weren't being phished?

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I actually had zero to do with the reddit thread what so ever. I am a completely unrelated person who just chimed in that there was validity to their issue, as I am again an unrelated individual, experienced the same issue after purchasing gems. I also only submitted a single ticket, just updated the ticket I had already submitted, and reached out on Twitter. My issue here is that they had a what appears to be a know problem, their automated system was scooping up at least some people erroneously, and they were slow to rectify the issue. If you are suspending or terminating accounts by mistake than efforts should be made to bump those tickets to the top of the Q. I'm sure they have a search feature that would allow for them to find the tickets that have suspended or terminated in the title. They were obviously having issues identifying who was doing what because the request made to my first ticket was for me to submit another with my running my VPN. > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > So you got the > @"Guthlac.4523" said:

> > > > Actually something weird is going on, and now that i read this, It could be the Gem Purchases. This happened to me personally, not someone I know, this is first hand. I started playing on Sun 2/18, on Mon 2/19 I bought both Xpacks through a link on Dulfy.net. On the morning of wed 2/21 I attempted to buy $10 worth of Gems in game using the credit card I had on file on my account, it returned an error twice. I changed the card on file to another of my cards and it worked. I used the Gems to buy an outfit off the market, that was about 2am et. I logged back in at about 12:30p to find an error claiming my account was suspended for participating in gold selling. I sent in a ticket (by the time I got back home at midnight that night my account had been downgraded to terminated). Over the next 36 hours I updated the ticket twice and contacted them on twitter at both the arenanet and Guildwars2 accounts. I heard nothing. I charged back the cost of the Xpacks with my credit card at that point. On Sat 2/24 I finally heard back from a GM asking me to resubmit a ticket, but to turn off my Proxy/Vpn first and send from my proper IP. I resubmitted and at around midnight et on 2/25-26 my account was unlocked, though I was warned that the charge back might get me locked out again and to call if it did. Here I am, obviously not Terminated, so it was definitely an issue on their end. I never even got an apology in the email stating they were reactivating me, so not exactly happy with the service, and I absolutely will never spend another dime here.

> > >

> > > So you got the base game for free without restrictions since you charge back the expansions and your unhappy?

> > > More over the chargeback was made 36 hours a full day and a half before the 72 hour window is up and you even got a reply from a gm within the time limit bud.

> > > I would be happy as hell I got a freebie if I were you.

> >

> > I get the Base game for free because it's free. As for the restrictions I fully expect those to be reinstated once the Chargeback is complete on their end. I also expect their system to flag my account again due to the chargeback, since the GM warned me of it, and I'll loose another near week of play time getting it straightened out again. As for the 72hour window, that's fine for something like my current issue where after the new update I get no sound in game, or a quest not paying out loot, or something like that, but if I shell out $80 and within 24hours you have terminated my access to the purchased software, then don't respond to multiple attempts at contact, you should kitten well believe I'm taking my money back till you fix your ****. This was their mistake and not mine. I also had a friend trying to recover an account he hadn't played in years get a response in 3 hours just 2 days prior. In addition something/someone reviewed the account between morning and night because it was down graded from suspended to terminated, so as far as i'm concerned they made the same error twice. Still not sure about what freebie you're referring to. I got nothing. No remorse or explanation or a sorry this happened. I got essentially patted on the head and told to go play. As a new customer, only 3 days in when the error occurred, I'd call that a pretty unremarkable first impression. It's really too bad because i'm enjoying the game immensely, I just have no faith based on my early experience, in the governing body behind it.


> Multiple attempts at contact how many tickets did you send in bogging down the que mate?

> Im not sure they can make a paid account into a free account, they cant take away a skin thats unlocked for example.

> You dident wait the 72 hour window they have to respond to your ticket, you charged back account, according to the reddit thread you said was done and have been linked this was anything but just a simple gem purchase.


I actually had zero to do with the reddit thread what so ever. I am a completely unrelated person who just chimed in that there was validity to their issue, as I who is again an unrelated individual, experienced the same issue after purchasing gems. I also only submitted a single ticket, just updated the ticket I had already submitted, and reached out on Twitter. My issue here is that they had a what appears to be a know problem, their automated system was scooping up at least some people erroneously, and they were slow to rectify the issue. If you are suspending or terminating accounts by mistake, than efforts should be made to bump those tickets to the top of the Q. I'm sure they have a search feature that would allow for them to find the tickets that have suspended or terminated in the title. They were obviously having issues identifying who was doing what because the request made to my first ticket was for me to submit another without running my VPN. So did the system blanket ban everyone who purchased Gems through certain VPN IP's? You're right I didnt let them keep my money for 3 days, once they down graded my account to Terminated and said that it couldn't be disputed, they are lucky I didn't chargeback right then and there. I had no idea what they would do, I knew what they weren't doing, and that reviewing accounts they suspended and they weren't reviewing suspended accounts they were terminating. And in my case it was "in fact" a single 10 dollar Gem purchase. If the Gem purchase issue mentioned in the reddit was still an issue. What I know is a attempted twice to make a $10 Gem purchased with my account attached card and received and error, I change the save card info to a different card and the purchase went through, 10 hours later I was Suspended and then Terminated. You can believe what you want but i'm telling you there appears to be some combination of VPN usage, and in game Gem purchase that will get you unceremoniously banned.

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