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<spoilers> Is the LW 4 Ep 2 boss bugged or just poor design?

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> @"Silverwing.8750" said:

> Fighting the LW 4 Ep 2 Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem is just annoying and not fun. The golem totally ignores all my clones, targeting me constantly, this removes one of the mesmer's main defences in PVE, i.e. deception. Is this a bug or just bad design?


He can see through your lies!

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are you talking about the boss in the charr camp or the one at the end of the story i know the one in the charr camp you neeed to kill the adds he summons to then use the new skill to get the thing out to fight the real boss its easy as for the end of story one im gessing its the same way

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Have mesmer clones ever been a good defense in PvE? I remember most mobs just targeting the player, though it's been a while since I last did some noteworthy solo PvE stuff on my mesmer. Maybe I should try out that shiny mirage stuff. Anyway, having played the story with my guard, I don't remember any golem being particularly noteworthy. The fat one in the charr camp didn't do anything exciting and died rather quickly. Was there another one?

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Okay I go the golem down to where he went into overload and then couldn't damage him anymore. I pick up the ley energy and zap him, but nothing happens. Bug or is there a different technique at the end. This is the boss in the charr camp. I tried regular damage this didn't work. I tried killing all the generators and still couldn't damage him or shock him with the ley energy. The ley energy bar stays at four at this point. Got to be a bug.


Edit: Not a bug, just a lot of hit points.



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My hubby just got back into the game about a month ago, then went in with us, Got DC'd then went back in solo and tried to finish the story and basically rage quit and said f it to me that he can have more fun elsewhere. That they think its fun to try to make stupid mechanics that are confusing and stupid. IF they have to include an auto rez then they know its going to be a stupid fight. I got through it and now in new area so, I'm done with it too.

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It's a very, very easy fight to be fair. Just tedious and not fun.


A cool looking golem pops into the arena but you're not actually fighting him directly. Just slowly plinking his shield down with ley energy you get by killing little..inquest things , then doing a mini DPS race on his power core. Which hops away periodically like 'Aha! Can't get me!'


The entire thing feels like a time sink. You literally cannot lose either, since our new friends on the sideline will res you indefinitely. It's just another 'Hey, do this thing for x-minutes before you can get on with the story'.



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The fight mechanics are fine, the healthbar is way too big, especially after what was a long series of instances (albeit very good and enjoyable ones). Fairly certain this happens every LS release and Anet end up nerfing it, so I;m not sure why they don't just learn from it.

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I have to agree, didn't realise you have to use the adds against him and for the achievement? You can forget that, that's not happening if the boss has this kind of health bar and basically stun locks you every 0.00001 seconds. Enough of this please, it's frustrating especially if you've not had a break after the long intro quest. Needs a beating with the nerf stick, something is wrong with it. Either tone down the health of him, reduce the amount of adds that stun lock you or increase the amount of time given to get the achievement. Thanks.

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Must agree. From the little bit I've seen and played, it isn't fun. Very frustrating. And honestly? Other games are tempting me instead. Still, thanks for all the warnings. At this point, I'm going to wait and see other players' reactions as well as ANet's response.


But so far? I find responses like these very telling indeed.


Edit: Just finished the boss. Yeah . . . that was no walk in the park solo. Easily one of the most frustrating fights I've ever encountered.

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This is one of the most annoying fights in a long time. The pathways in the charr village are poorly laid out. The attacks you can not find your party half of the time due to the crappy mobs that are being thrown at you. Not to mention lack of what is going on in the story half the time. The golem you fight in the charr village is harder than heck to lock down and damage, every time you get ready to attack the little golems target you so yo have to time to damage the big golem. This is not one of Anets nest stories by far. Mob fighting is not fun. And bad mechanics are even worse. Sorry this one is a will play but not over and over and over like the the the previous on. Beginning battle is to confusing and way to linear.

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Got it done and I’ll say this to ANet.


I just want to get on the new maps and look around. For that reason I’d would like the first story instance to be short and sweet. No bosses with mechanics you have to work out that take ages to whittle down and kill. Just give me a quick and straight forward story section that gets me on the new map. The next story instance can have the bosses and mechanics to figure out in order to finish.

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It was a pretty annoying fight. It took me a little while to figure out the mechanics, but basically he has X stacks of a defensive shield (3? 4?). You kill the adds, pick up the thing they drop (you can stack them), shoot the boss, each time removing one of his stacks, and when they hit zero his heart comes out, beat that up for a bit, repeat. The things that annoyed me were

1. how tanky everything is, meaning even once you learn the mechanics it can take a lot of flailing,

2. how "all the floor is lava" everything is, making it pretty much impossible to stand still and making melee a huge pain to even attempt

3. those purple fireballs he lobs. I'm not sure how you're meant to avoid those. They have "telegraphs" to them, but those only appear when they are already doing damage, so even with a Daredevil whipping all over the place, it was just pure luck whether those attacks would hit me or not. Is there some trick to avoiding those things?

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Man, this one boss took me almost an hour. I thought I was going to have to quit and start it all over again. Not fun. Tedious.


After (finally) completing it, I had a looked at the achievements and saw the defeat the Golem in under 3 minute one - PMSL


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Got it killed first time with condi engi... but less than 3 minutes? i think i had it hovering around 55% at the 3 minute mark. Killing the 4 power bots for the energy takes too much time with how spread out they are whilst avoiding the purple attacks. Think it was around 8 mins or so to kill, seems overly tanky unless there is some special trick other than epidemic from a necro to killing the adds quickly enough.

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