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When will Personal Story be your own Personal Story

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So In some instances in Story is made to where you apparently need to have more then on person to complete it to get achievements, Personally I think this wrong. If this is your Personal story then you should be able to complete it without any added help after all its your personal story and not everyone else duty to help carry you through to get a achievement, I don't think the story should be so hard to add others, And if you insist on us die continuously in story then repair anvils should be part of all instances because I don't carry 3 sets of spare amor

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Personal Story and Living Story are two different things. Ignoring that, all achievements except for a couple (e.g. migraine) can be done solo. Achievements have no bearing on the story.


Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end i see there is a issue and from my own personal experience in story I have seen issues that require you to have more the just yourself in story. So yes I feel this is a problem

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1. there is no scaling. More people you have with, the easier it goes in hack/slash missions.

2. we have never been told what they "scale" the instance for. I personally always assumed they scaled the challenge for half of a full party. That is just how it feels to me.

3. First time through anything new is going to be difficult, let alone trying to learn what new mechanic/gimic they have going on. Subsequent runs are easier. Ah the joys of meta knowledge.

4. someone profits.

5. forumites have long complained of content to easy (I'm sure as hell not one of them.) and ANET in its wisdom has decided to listen to them. Forumites, however, are a VERY loud minority of active players. So it has always made me wonder just how ANET determines how hard is to hard. Maybe in the coming ask devs stuff, an answer could be gained.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Personal Story and Living Story are two different things. Ignoring that, all achievements except for a couple (e.g. migraine) can be done solo. Achievements have no bearing on the story.


> Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end i see there is a issue and from my own personal experience in story I have seen issues that require you to have more the just yourself in story. So yes I feel this is a problem


“Above average” is all relative and highly subjective. There’s also almost always a learning curve when doing something new. How many of the ultra competitive dungeon runners struggled at first with raids?


If someone is dying that much then it could be because of many things such as they’re not as good as they think they are, they don’t analyze what they could be doing wrong and improve the situation, or they tried a few times and then gave up so they’re now just trying to brute force their way through. Or there could be other reasons.


Having more players certainly makes things easier but it by no means required except in edge cases.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> I did story and i am avrage player dis die 3 times


I have not made it to the new content yet, I'm still stuck with having to do story two time on each charter due to being dced right at the end of the story Of PoF I'm not happy about having to redo story on every charter 2-3 times so in all honesty I don't like PoF in general due to having to the dc issues :( Ill give the new content a try tonight. and I don't think ill like it I hear its none stop that you die a lot

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I died in chapter 3 of this story a few times as I did not understand the final case of the boss fight. It has nothing to do with player level, but with how refreshing and how catered he fight is. If it is too much chewed out it gets boring and if it is too obscured it is too hard. Everyone is different. Somethings that are instantly clear for me, can be a struggle for others and vice versa. That also poses the problem with scaling. Besides health pools and damage output, you also have the fact that 5 people are smarter then one. Cooperation makes us stronger as well and no scaling can cope with that.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I'm not a very good player (have no build whatsoever), and I've only died a couple of times. Have you considered carrying Instant Repair Canisters? (I have dozens, if not hundreds [which I rarely remember to use]).

> >

> > Good luck.


> I shouldn't need to buy those for a personal story :S



Just to be nitpicking.


The Personal story is the Zhaitan storyline that came with launch. It’s called Personal story because it branches and has different story lines you can choose to make it as individual as this game allows. You’re talking about the Living Story which is one story line for all.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Just in case the OP is not clear on this...**the Personal Story ENDED with the death of Zhaitan**.


Ok I want my personal story back I'm not into helping others and it's The Story Journal I think its kind of _____ to have the need for others to complete it. who wants to just repeat it over and over for others not cool not fun


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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Personal Story and Living Story are two different things. Ignoring that, all achievements except for a couple (e.g. migraine) can be done solo. Achievements have no bearing on the story.


> Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end i see there is a issue and from my own personal experience in story I have seen issues that require you to have more the just yourself in story. So yes I feel this is a problem


If your guild leader has died 40 times, he is not above average.

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All story, personal and living that is avaiable is doable solo. It might not be easy solo, it might be a pain at times, but it is very much soloable. I have soloed every single story step and I made it through. Some were really hard and I think thats fine.

It might not be possible to get all achievements solo, but that is a different issue to just being able to do the story.

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> I recommend asking for help if you find the experience frustrating. I always conscript a guild member to carry me in living story content so that the flow of the mission isn't interrupted with my deaths.


I'm afraid that is the whole point of this, I should not need to ask anyone for help, I'm not sure if they are properly testing anything before they put it out there to us. but from what i do know its a continues fight none stop well we all have cool downs on skills which gives us a disadvantage to the next part of the story... if it is on going our skills should be on going too not unless we run away try to find some safe spot to wait for cool downs. So not everyone is at the same part in story. Cool whatever right well i do story when i have time for it It's in my journal which i consider it to be my personal story, I should in no way need to ask for help to do story. but if i got to play with a bunch of people just to do story, that I don't know. well i just don't think its right

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > I recommend asking for help if you find the experience frustrating. I always conscript a guild member to carry me in living story content so that the flow of the mission isn't interrupted with my deaths.


> I'm afraid that is the whole point of this, I should not need to ask anyone for help, I'm not sure if they are properly testing anything before they put it out there to us. but from what i do know its a continues fight none stop well we all have cool downs on skills which gives us a disadvantage to the next part of the story... if it is on going our skills should be on going too not unless we run away try to find some safe spot to wait for cool downs. So not everyone is at the same part in story. Cool whatever right well i do story when i have time for it It's in my journal which i consider it to be my personal story, I should in no way need to ask for help to do story. but if i got to play with a bunch of people just to do story, that I don't know. well i just don't think its right


I mean...you don't need to ask for help. But then the consequence is dying as many times as it takes to learn the encounter.

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I played a full zerker thief, only died on the very last mission maybe three or four times. And again, I doubt I was using anything close to the meta trait wise or weapon setup wise. Was playing a d/d deadeye with crit strikes and deadly. Content needs to be challenging, otherwise its quite literally, no fun and no sense of reward. This game would be boring if that was the case. Also, this game really focuses heavy on the social aspect I've noticed, and I don't see a problem with that.

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I usually don't have trouble with the story, but different people have different builds and different strategies. I have an Elementalist and when I do a big boss I usually use my protection skills like mist form and arcane shield so I can dodge damage and hold out for longer. Works just fine for me.

If I get knocked out over and over and I don't have repair canisters, I just keep throwing myself at the boss and whittling them down little by little. It's time-consuming but it works out. And it feels great when you finally beat a tough boss like that.

But in general, I don't feel like you HAVE to have help on story. With any profession. Just keep trying.

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I stopped doing the Living Stories ages ago simply because they arnt fun.

Sure you can spend ages slowly burning the bosses down by running around and dodging and jumping and dieing over and over, and you finaly will get it out

but to what end.

I never found one where I felt better when it was finished.

I felt like Im finally got thru that event and it sucked and I never want to do anything like that again.

Games are supposed to be entertaining, not slug fests.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:


> Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end


Your very first sentence is a contradictory sentence. If your guild leader died 40 times then hes definitely not above average. I completed the entire living world episode in a few hours and I'm not the greatest player ever. Your "above average guild leader" is either lying to you, or hes completely incapable of understanding mechanics... in which case he's not an above average player.

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