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When will Personal Story be your own Personal Story

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:


> > Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end


> Your very first sentence is a contradictory sentence. If your guild leader died 40 times then hes definitely not above average. I completed the entire living world episode in a few hours and I'm not the greatest player ever. Your "above average guild leader" is either lying to you, or hes completely incapable of understanding mechanics... in which case he's not an above average player.


wow i was not being nasty and you don't need to be nasty either.... my point is i want to do my own story without any help as it should be but they seam to making this for the Handicap players who need everyone to carry them its wrong. if its in my story Journal then its part of what i need to do to get ahead in story for my personal benefit and i should have not have to make my Journal into a event where i cant get through story without help of others that's why we have maps to do events and it should not need others for story


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> I stopped doing the Living Stories ages ago simply because they arnt fun.

> Sure you can spend ages slowly burning the bosses down by running around and dodging and jumping and dieing over and over, and you finaly will get it out

> but to what end.

> I never found one where I felt better when it was finished.

> I felt like Im finally got thru that event and it sucked and I never want to do anything like that again.

> Games are supposed to be entertaining, not slug fests.


Yes I agree I did enjoy the Balthazar fight in The Departing but I keep getting dc at the end of story with no credit and i have to do it all over again and i am tired of having to repeat the story over and over i have only worked on my 4th charter today in PoF and they still have not fixed the issues of being dced in story line and everytime i go into a new story i have to do it 2-3 times before i finally get credit and its a pain in the hind end when you have 9 charters to do it on . It's not fun and i am tried of even trying

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:



if its in my story Journal then its part of what i need to do to get ahead in story for my personal benefit and i should have not have to make my Journal into a event where i cant get through story without help of others that's why we have maps to do events and it should not need others for story



You don't. Many people have been able to do this solo without so much as a second thought. The fact that you think it's REQUIRED to take extra people to complete already indicates you're not doing it correctly. So why is it that you immediately jump on arena net, blaming them, saying its their fault and that there's something wrong with the game, when clearly its you that has the issue and not the game.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Personal Story and Living Story are two different things. Ignoring that, all achievements except for a couple (e.g. migraine) can be done solo. Achievements have no bearing on the story.


> Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end i see there is a issue and from my own personal experience in story I have seen issues that require you to have more the just yourself in story. So yes I feel this is a problem


I did the story fine myself. I don't think I even died once aside from when I was doing the one achievement getting the Skritt out of the poison area. The one time I was downed during the boss encounter in the Charr village, I was resurrected by the NPC.


I wouldn't consider myself an elite player by any respect, but I don't see why an above average player should die 40 times unless something was going seriously wrong. I'm not going to say your guild leader was exaggerating or is a bad player, but maybe there's some other reason, like latency issues, etc. (P.S. I have played the story with Guardian, and half way with thief, for context).

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I love the challenge in the new content. It means that it will take longer to beat and players who run through content does not complain that the game is to short. What I do not like on the other hand is HP sponges and there are some, when you finally learned the mechanic, it shouldn't take one hour to kill a boss. There are some of these. Anyway, I haven't had time to play the episode that much. I defeated the first boss and completed all visible achievements accept for 2 on my first run, that in my opinion is a good difficulty. I shouldn't be able to collect all achievements on my first run and also achievements are achievements and not mandatory to the story, either you get better and earn your achievements as that is what they are, "achievements" or you get help at getting them.


As I said, at the moment I played with my alt (necro) and got the the big purple golem boss and whent down 3 times before I got the hang of the mechanic and then that boss was a pushover. Most of the content of this game is built like that, yes some classes are harder to complete some parts with. Doing the story with my Ele is very hard for me.

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I'm a bit confused with the use of personal story in this thread. Anyway, the story is in general tailored for a single player, but it's true that it might be quite tough the first time you do it.

>! (I died many times the first time that I did the last fight of the personal story - Zhaitan - with a thief in green gear, but luckily there was an anvil at the bottom of the ship; also the fight against Balthazar was very annoying, but he was supposed to "play" with us, so I really felt useless and powerless, as intended). Mordremoth is annoying only because is a very long fight to do in solo, but when I did it in group with other people, I often completed the last 25% alone, so it's doable in solo (although it's the only story that I didn't complete 100% for the achiev - Migraine is pretty hard). Living World might be tough for the achievements, but after some attempt you should be able to understand the gimmick and avoid most of the damage.

I don't want very hard contents, but a final battle with a dragon should be a bit epic. The current difficulty is probably "in-line" with an average player. Anyway, it's an MMO after all, it's not a shame to group with someone. I did it many times.

ANet gave us this very nice feature that let us play, watch the dialogues and keep the progress even if we're not the story owner: make use of it! You could group up with your guild leader for example.

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I'm probably a below average player, but I've managed to solo every Story episode with at least one character. I can't comment on the very latest episode as I haven't attempted it yet, but I'll be surprised if I can't complete it. I do expect a few deaths along the way while I learn the mechanics, but that's OK.

My preferred way of doing the Living World story is in conjunction with my guild mates (a small number of RL friends). Whenever we've wiped on occasion it's mostly been a source of amusement. We dust ourselves down and go again.

Bear in mind there is a distinction between Personal Story and Living World. Living World season 1 required a whole map to work together to achieve things. In a way I'm disappointed later seasons backed off from that philosophy, although I totally understand the reasons.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> So In some instances in Story is made to where you apparently need to have more then on person to complete it to get achievements, Personally I think this wrong. If this is your Personal story then you should be able to complete it without any added help after all its your personal story and not everyone else duty to help carry you through to get a achievement, I don't think the story should be so hard to add others, And if you insist on us die continuously in story then repair anvils should be part of all instances because I don't carry 3 sets of spare amor


This is a still a **Massive Multiplayer** Online RPG. In fact I'd argue that only some elements of it require multiplayer is a key failing considering its genre.

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It is an mmo after all, BUT you can still solo ALL LWS episodes. Some fights may take a LOT longer than others, but not one of them requires a group to finish. In fact, the only fight I've needed help with to this point is Mordremoth, and that was because I was still fairly new to the game when I faced him for the 1st time, and still didn't understand the combat fully......I just soloed him a few weeks ago on my DH, and never got below 90% health.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> So In some instances in Story is made to where you apparently need to have more then on person to complete it to get achievements, Personally I think this wrong. If this is your Personal story then you should be able to complete it without any added help after all its your personal story and not everyone else duty to help carry you through to get a achievement, I don't think the story should be so hard to add others, And if you insist on us die continuously in story then repair anvils should be part of all instances because I don't carry 3 sets of spare amor


None of the story instances or achievements need more than one person for any except for the Migraine achievement in the last HoT story instance (thankfully they have apparently decided that was a bad idea and haven't added that kind of achievement in PoF).


If someone is having difficulty with a story instance or achievement then they have the option of inviting others but it's not needed.


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This is the simple case of people not paying attention to things and they just want to smash them through, which leads to harder paths. I haven't encountered a single step in my story journal that required someone else's help unless I'm going for a specific achievement in which you don't have in order to complete your story.

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