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Thieves still a hated class?


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Been awhile since I seen a lot of QQ posts or comments about how thieves are so over powered, but I still lately see it here and there.

I would like to think it still people that don’t know how to deal with them, but wondering is it actually the general opinion here in the community.


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I’ve seen less “two thieves please swap or gg” lately.


Thief can contribute to killing some hard points (FB support and Scourge) so having a good thief will usually contribute something towards that part of the team fight.


Decap is less part of the game because other classes have decent mobility and I’m not sure having a pure decap and +1 build is the best route now. You need at least some team fighting traits/skills focused around boonhate to tip the team fights.

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Thief is, as it always has been, on Top of the _"To blame 'n' flame"_ list of 90% of PvP Community and _"Not wanted"_ at best in PvE community.

Regarding PvP, it is not Overpowered what so ever, only very few singular aspects of it are Overperforming, to which we should see a Nerf in following week or two.

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Thief has always been the most hated profession in the game.


First to be Blamed. First to be Flamed. First to be kicked. First to be kicked AGAIN. First to get nerfed. First to be called overpowered when we're not. First to lose territory in this game's mechanics to other professions. Last to get bug fixes (Shadow Trap anyone?). Over-limited (Deadeye's first release state). Mechanics getting muddled (cool down on backstab).


You can absolutely stomp an entire game alone, and you'll get nasty PMs from both your team and the opposing team.

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yes i do see a lot of that but i think most groups see me as a dagger dagger thief and think i am condi and then they find out i just am a power thief. will have to say the deadeye is nice for power dagger dagger were i can crit for 22k- 25k fairly often but cant keep up with the eles at all and that is a shame

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Thief life in a nutshell :


-other professions : " Thieves are OP nerf them the hell up "

- thief : " Oh ok, can I get in your team then ? "

- other professions : " What ? Hell no thieves are useless "

- thief : " wait what ? Yeah so can we get some improvements to be more useful to the team ? "

- other professions : " What ? No thieves are more than fine as they are. "

- thief : "Huuh... so why don't you accept me in your team ? "

- other professions : "thieves are useless "

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> @"Tabootrinket.2631" said:

> Thief life in a nutshell :


> -other professions : " Thieves are OP nerf them the hell up "

> - thief : " Oh ok, can I get in your team then ? "

> - other professions : " What ? Hell no thieves are useless "

> - thief : " wait what ? Yeah so can we get some improvements to be more useful to the team ? "

> - other professions : " What ? No thieves are more than fine as they are. "

> - thief : "Huuh... so why don't you accept me in your team ? "

> - other professions : "thieves are useless "


Funnily accurate ^^


In fractals, there are groups that either tolerate thieves or refuse them completely. Never does anyone welcome or ask for a thief. Not even for skipping stuff because mesmer can do that too, and better. When I'm not insta-kicked as thief, people are usually surprised after the run how well thief can do. They also think the class is easy to play because we don't have difficult rotations like weaver or holosmith. The basics are easy, but it takes a lot of practice to get really good, like with other classes. I have more than 2000 hours on my thief now, and there's still room for improvement.

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The fact is that Thief just does not excel at anything. In pve there are other classes that can output more damage in the first place. Thief can be useful for skipping parts or when there are adds involved duo to blind. But again there are other classes that can do that just as good if not better. Same for PvP and WvW. Decapping a capture point and outnumbering opponent is basically the role for thief here. But again other classes can do this just as fine. Not to mention they can sustain more too.


Shortly put thief is sadly just an filler spot within parties or squads and is easily replaceable by anything else. Does that make thief less fun to play? Maybe... that is something people will have to decide for themselves. I personally believe this is what thief class makes stronger instead. Like as an thief main/only player, you have to deal with these situations and accept that you're basically an outcast. And this basically reflects back ingame. Thief players are usually either rookies or skillful players that can make things work on their own. There is not a really an middle ground like other classes

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> The fact is that Thief just does not excel at anything.

thief does excel at one thing IMO, escaping unfavorable situations in WvW smallscale encounters. this makes it for one of if not the best solo roamer. but then again solo roaming is basically dead , only some salty try hards and thieves left. so you can basically say they do not excel at anything - maybe being an annoyance to your opponents in WvW... i had 50 man blobs trying to find me in keeps for 10-15 minutes , they could have flipped an entire map during that, depending on daytime. (on EU usually the national servers can easily be baited into a round of hide and seek)


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> @"MetalAssault.7906" said:

> People will hate you for playing Thief on pvp no matter what you do. Even if you play good.

Good thieves are the *worst* kind of thieves.


For example, we had 1 dd following 3 of us in WvW the other night. Classic d/p stun-steal build. Every "fight" was him teleporting in, stunning/blinding/interrupting and doing a hit or two, then teleporting away. Then just repeat. He did nothing else. He couldnt really down us, we couldnt really down him. And of course, he kept following. Every time he was about to die, he was off in the distance. We run the other way... and he just come back and start again. After the 10th or so time it was just to toss up your arms and tp to spawn to run somewhere else.


Missing accomplished for the thief and of course he was good at it, on a good build fit for that purpose (you easily tell when it comes to thieves)... but still... how can you *not* hate thieves? They arent exactly making it hard.


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All of you thief mains out there, just accept that the world hates us and roll a mesmer. Mesmer is, mechanically, the next closest thing to a thief. It fills the same role, but better, and unlike thief which is generally a class filled with people trying to make the best of a shitty class, mesmer actually is op pretty much every single patch.


I'll tell you one thing... people may whine about thief all day long, but after this patch when there aren't any good thief builds left, and every single thief switches to mesmer, they're going to wish they hadn't bitched so much about a fucking thief.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> The patch won’t make thief unviable. A shave in spike damage was inevitable with a reduction in sustain.


> You have to judge the patch holistically. There’s too many nerfs to other classes for us to complain.


Well the thing is they completely destroyed sd as a spec and dp, which isn't even meta right now, also took some solid targeted nerfs.


This is on a class where you queue for pvp, get in and first thing you see is "two thief? Switch or we lose"


When I can get into a game and not hear that, thief will deserve nerfs


Until then idgaf how much these forums cry, the class didn't need nerfs

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> All of you thief mains out there, just accept that the world hates us and roll a mesmer. Mesmer is, mechanically, the next closest thing to a thief. It fills the same role, but better, and unlike thief which is generally a class filled with people trying to make the best of a kitten class, mesmer actually is op pretty much every single patch.


> I'll tell you one thing... people may whine about thief all day long, but after this patch when there aren't any good thief builds left, and every single thief switches to mesmer, they're going to wish they hadn't kitten so much about a kitten thief.


I refuse to leave my Thief as my main. It is the reason I started playing this game, and it is the reason I will continue playing it. I have a mesmer, and I don't care for the class much. Thief is just more enjoyable, so even it gets nerfed to the ground I will still be playing the game as a Thief. Screw the other party members on what they want. If they don't like it, they can go suck a rock.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> That's what they want though, they want thief to be kitten and everyone to still play it


> Mesmer will 100% still be the op meta and thief won't even be able to queue anymore without a report for trolling


Then let them report away. :) Something like that is non punishable, so they can report all they want because only chats are taken in consideration. Playing something somebody doesn't like is not a bannable offense, so let the people reporting build a bad status with false reports all they want.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > The patch won’t make thief unviable. A shave in spike damage was inevitable with a reduction in sustain.

> >

> > You have to judge the patch holistically. There’s too many nerfs to other classes for us to complain.


> Well the thing is they completely destroyed sd as a spec and dp, which isn't even meta right now, also took some solid targeted nerfs.


> This is on a class where you queue for pvp, get in and first thing you see is "two thief? Switch or we lose"


> When I can get into a game and not hear that, thief will deserve nerfs


> Until then idgaf how much these forums cry, the class didn't need nerfs


What are you talking about lol. The patch is going to have very little effect on thief's potency in the meta right now. It's just not going to be as easy to spam 3 on S/D core and kill people or nuke things with the AA chain on MH dagger. The current meta S/D is generally easymode.


Long-term, it might have some adverse consequences when things change but as of now S/D is absolutely over-performing for how safe it is. D/P isn't very good because of FB, Scourge, and Holo just being outright overpowered.

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lol i find this funny becouse thief is hated yes and mes can do what we do but some bigg differances is thief is mutch better at stealth and party skipeing then the mes and mes might have a blink but we have more shadowsteaps that are like blink. i think the only reason players hate the thief is mainly do to our nature and that is think of number one then group second. if anything i would love to see the thief buffed in a way were our single target damage is increased so we can fight more on lines with ele witch is aoe and then we will be hated more but in the spot we need to be in.

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I got kicked out of a T3 group just for being a Thief last night (and before someone tries to be a smartass we hadn't even launched the first fractal yet and i said nothing in chat besides "hello".)


Pretty annoying but what can you do. Anet doesn't seem very concerned with our PvE viability.


Looking into gearing a Revenant (who ironically don't fair a lot better in PvP than Thieves do in PvE and i like both sides of the game but i guess i'm masochistic).


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